Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1465: Flesh and flesh are weak, machines soar

However, after meeting the legendary legendary guardian, the Holy King discovered... He had never seen such a person before.

His divine cultivation level is very high, not comparable to that of a saint. He is basically in two dimensions, so he can naturally look directly at Lu Chen's lineup.

He was certain that this was not an ancient god, but a human being. No matter how ugly it was, it could only be regarded as a human being transformed from a corpse.

But the ominous aura exuding from Lu Chen's body and the evil spirit condensed into substance made people tremble with fear.

At one glance, His Majesty the Holy King knew that the man in front of him was no match for him and was beyond his understanding of strength.

He quickly stepped forward, walked down from the high place, and greeted him personally, "He is worthy of being a legendary guardian... indeed... his appearance is extraordinary, and his ancestors' great power is amazing."

Seeing that the Holy King personally greeted him and confirmed Lu Chen's identity with just one word, the Holy Girl felt relieved. It seemed that there was no need to fight and the Holy Mountain was saved from a disaster.

The Holy Guards who had been preparing for the attack also relaxed their muscles. If possible, they did not want to be enemies with someone who looked more terrifying than the old gods.

"Holy you have a princess?"

Lu Chen looked at the man in front of him. He didn't know his name yet, but he looked like an Oriental. That was the first question he asked.

It wasn't because of gossip, but because he really couldn't figure out why the princess was an option in the space.


The Holy King looked puzzled for a moment. He didn't know why this extremely scary-looking legendary guardian asked him such a thing as soon as he came up.

But he still nodded, with a sad look on his face, "Originally, there was, but he died of illness a few days ago."

When this matter was brought up, Lu Chen observed the expressions of the people in the temple. They all seemed a little strange. Lu Chen stopped asking. He understood.

As for how people in this high-level martial arts world died of "illness", Lu Chen was too lazy to dig deeper for the time being.

"I'm sorry, but the person standing in front of you is the legendary guardian from before the post-dawn era!"

Seeing the strange and tense atmosphere in the temple, the Holy King drank, causing the helpless Holy Guards and Bishops to react.

"Meet the legendary guardian!"

"Meet the legendary guardian!"


The holy guards knelt on one knee, and the archbishops bowed deeply, their voices scattered.

Lu Chen waved his hand, "No need for this. I just woke up, and there are still many confusing things. It spans the past and present, and I am always a little uncomfortable."

"Guardian, you are so polite. I don't know what to call him? This descendant is the Holy King of this generation, Michael St. Bruncht."

The Holy King introduced himself and felt a little relieved when he saw that Lu Chen did not have any hostile behavior.

At the same time, he was also shocked by the power of the legendary guardians, because according to some records in front of the lost ancient monument, their Dawn Holy Cult has always judged that in fact, before the post-Dawn era, in the ancient lost era, people were very weak.

The so-called guardian is actually just like that, not very powerful. Unexpectedly, someone really revived in the holy pool, and he was so powerful that he was invincible.

Fortunately, although the awakened guardian is fierce, he is relatively reasonable, otherwise the holy mountain would be in trouble today.

"Lu Chen."

After Lu Chen reported his name, he went straight to the topic, "I don't know where the lost ancient monument is. I want to check it out and clarify my ideas. It would be better if the historical documents in the Holy Land can be transferred to me."

The Holy King was a little suspicious, but still nodded, "I will get the lost ancient monument later. Irina, you take Holy Envoy Lu to stay."

Holy Envoy is an honorific title. He can't always call Lu Chen Guardian, because he is the current guardian. He calls himself junior. Calling Lu Chen Senior would lose the majesty of the Holy King, so he uses this title.

Lu Chen was a little disappointed with the strength of the Dawn Holy Cult. This kind of strength was definitely very strong for an ordinary eighth-level top explorer.

An eighth-level explorer wouldn't be able to hug the Holy King's thigh with such enthusiasm, but Lu Chen had no such interest.

Irina took him to his residence, and soon sent someone to deliver the lost ancient monument and many ancient books.

Lu Chen started to read through it. His spiritual consciousness was so powerful that he read everything in almost a moment.

"It's really a bit strange..."

Lu Chen muttered.

According to the records of the lost ancient monument, the world has gone through several eras. It is now the post-Dawn era, which has a history of more than 700,000 years. It has been ruled by the Dawn Holy Cult, which can be regarded as a very long-lasting dynasty.

Before the post-dawn era, there is the dawn era. According to the records of the lost ancient monument, the dawn era is the beginning of the dawn for all living beings.

At the beginning of the Dawn Age, the ancient gods disappeared, and the land abandoned by the gods returned to peace. People no longer believed in any gods, and focused on developing science and technology and industry to strengthen the country and the people.

There is no record of how many years the Dawn Age lasted in the lost ancient monument, but it must have been a long time.

Based on the inference from its ancient documents, today's Star Sea Kingdom is the "remnants" of the Dawn Era. They advocate technology and are technologically powerful. Even the Holy Kingdom of Dawn is not easy to deal with.

It is said that even ordinary ancient gods avoid the starships of the Star Sea Kingdom.

Through research on ancient books, Lu Chen discovered that although the Holy Kingdom of Dawn is a religious theocracy, they do not believe in any ancient gods. They firmly believe that with the advent of the post-Dawn era, people will become immortal and their bodies will become stronger, all because of "God" "The presence.

God is a conceptual fictional existence that does not belong to any old god or ancient god. The Holy Dawn Church has promulgated many decrees and spread doctrines, making everyone believe that the Holy Dawn Church is a good sect, instilling faith in people, and making people firmly believe that God brings them. A new dawn came, creating the present peaceful age.

At the same time, people from the Dawn Holy Cult use holy power, which in Lu Chen's opinion is spiritual power with divine power. According to the Holy Cult people, this is also given to them by God.

After seven hundred thousand years of development, people in the Holy Kingdom of Dawn now believe that God exists and is a kind and benevolent god.

People in the Star Sea Kingdom don't think so. As technology becomes more powerful, people's strength improves, and their exploration of the galaxy increases, they gradually lose their respect for the gods.

The ancient gods are terrifying and powerful. The old gods once deserted them and returned, and after their return they became unknown representatives. These were all revealed one by one during people's exploration of the galaxy.

And once any person or thing loses its mystery, people will no longer be so afraid and awe-inspiring.

The starry sky fleet of the Star Sea Kingdom even killed the ancient gods, how much respect can you expect him to have towards the gods?

To use the disrespectful words of some people over there, it is, "God? How many divisions does he have?"

Through the exploration of ancient books, Lu Chen found that space is still very particular about the selection of identity camps. At least Lu Chen felt that even if the Star Sea Kingdom and the Holy Kingdom of Dawn are not as good as the Old Gods, Ancient Gods, and Natural Disaster Forces, they are not left to their own devices. exist.

After all, the Holy King on the Holy Mountain is also a ninth-level powerhouse. Ninth-level powerhouses are not that bad. According to some cases of killing ancient gods recorded in ancient books, Lu Chen found that most of the ancient gods and old gods are still eighth-level. There is really no need for people to be too afraid of this level of strength.

The reason why Lu Chen judged that the Holy Kingdom of Dawn and the Kingdom of Star Sea must be inferior to those in the deep sky is that the upper limit of the level of this world is 84, which is definitely not something that can be summarized by the level of the Holy King.

According to Lu Chen's current understanding of the ninth-level span, in a perfect world, level 84 would at least be as strong as an Immortal King giant.

In this world right now, there is no opponent that can pose a threat to Lu Chen, and his difficulty is not how to kill those ancient gods. What is important is how to get the key and increase his reputation.

Judging from the current lack of respect for the old gods in the Land Abandoned by Gods, he could not gain much reputation simply by killing some ordinary ancient gods and old gods.

Lu Chen closed the book and murmured: "It seems I have to catch a big fish."


On the other side, Chu Zihang was in the Star Sea Kingdom, standing atop a majestic giant statue towering over the sky, looking at the boundless galaxy.

In terms of size, this giant statue is comparable to the size of an ordinary star in his hometown. That is to say, only in a vast land like the Land Abandoned by the Gods can there be resources and space to build it.

If it were to be built in space, it would require building a factory around a huge star system.

The Colossus war machine under his feet was named Wanda. He didn't know why it was called this name. It was named after the engineer who designed it.

Next to Chu Zihang, there was a curvaceous woman with an equally powerful aura, who was connecting to the colossus system below.

"Brother Chu, this form of technology is very extraordinary. The form of energy is similar to that of creation out of nothing in monasticism. It has the same purpose. It draws energy from nothingness. After the energy collides and is annihilated, it can be repeated again."

Kama said, He got the body of the great female Holy Spirit in Zhetian. After practicing for many years, he has reached the peak of the eighth level.

It can be said that he has fulfilled the ambition of the wise tribe and became a real artificial immortal god. At the same time, he has also fulfilled his father's last wish to walk freely in the starry sky and see the vast world.

Kama has no concept of gender. He is very satisfied with his current body, which is mainly strong and has strong toughness, ductility and plasticity.

Of course, even though he is practicing to strengthen this body, he has not left behind his old skills. He is still the top artificial function, and he can master technological products at a glance.

Chu Zihang's initial identity was a legendary mid-level figure in the Star Sea Kingdom, a lost ascendant. In the eyes of others, he was a mechanical ascendant who had lived for an unknown number of years. He was personally powerful and had excellent commanding acumen and research and development skills. .

Of course, it was impossible for Chu Zihang to give others a chance to take him apart and take a look, and he would not do that kind of thing like drinking engine oil. Kama was by his side, considered his assistant, and he was also a mechanical ascendant.

No one would doubt the identity of Chu Zihang and Kama. Both of them looked emotionless, with facial paralysis, and they no longer looked like flesh and blood.

"How long will it take to control it?"

Chu Zihang said that he had the same idea as Brother Lu, and had no intention of staying in the land abandoned by the gods for a long time or slowly exploring it.

Not to mention himself, Brother Lu is invincible in this world. They are here to push him. Why are they so long-winded?

Now, as the legendary ascendant of the Star Sea Kingdom, what he has to do is to lead the fleet, conquer the sea of ​​stars, and eliminate those ancient supernatural powers who dare to invade their star base in the Star Sea.

As for the natural disasters lurking in the star sea universe?

Oh, forget it, Brother Lu is the fourth natural disaster in this world.

"Already under control."

Karma replied lightly. A blue circuit stretched out from His feet and was connected to the Colossus. "The original artificial intelligence has been replaced by me. Through its central network, I have begun to erode the fleet. How many fleets do we need?"

Chu Zihang looked at the stars in the sky and said expressionlessly: "All of them."

He held the Death Note in one hand and a bright red quill in the other hand, turning it over at his fingertips, "How long will it take?"

Karma said equally calmly: "It's done."

Chu Zihang nodded. The two of them were so calm. The Star Sea Kingdom would not have thought that just in a moment of calm conversation between the two, their most powerful Star Sea Fleet would change hands.

It can only be said that because they are the only ones in the Kingdom of Star Sea to dominate technology, they have never worried that their combat system will be breached by other forces. In terms of artificial intelligence system defense, it is really vulnerable, which is far behind their weapon technology level.

As long as Kama was given a chance to interface, he quickly invaded all systems, and those ignorant artificial intelligences were pushed aside by Kama.

Kama did not destroy those artificial intelligences. He did not regard them as just a short program, but as his own kind. As a pioneer in the transformation of life by artificial intelligence, he wanted to lead the future generations forward.

That night, the Star Sea Kingdom was in chaos, because all the fleet leaders found that their fleets were not obeying orders.

When they returned to the Star Sea Kingdom, in the central hall of the country, they did not see the former ten conference tables, only an Iron Throne.

The legendary mechanical ascendant was sitting on the Iron Throne, looking expressionlessly at the fleet commanders who came to question him. Behind him stood Kama, looking at those people with the same eyes.

No one would have thought that this newly arrived legendary ascendant would act so resolutely. In just one night, power would change and the Star Sea Kingdom would change.

All the forces that resisted Chu Zihang were thrown into prison. He did not kill anyone because Kama was there and controlled the country's intelligent system. Weak humans could not resist.

And what he has to do is to create a legend belonging to their team under absolute centralization, and find clues to the key for Brother Lu in the boundless sea of ​​stars.

The people of the Star Sea Kingdom did not wait for the god they were clamoring for, who knew how many divisions there were. They only waited for Chu Zihang, who was weak and fleshly but mechanically ascended.


In another universe, on the vast divine land, a red-haired girl is walking on the bustling street.

Because of the difference in the flow of time in the multiverse, she has been in this world for a few days.

She strolled down the street with a stuffed white tiger hanging around her waist, leaving many strong men around her in awe.

Eriyi also didn't expect that as soon as she entered the mission world, she would use the "Elf Ball" given to her by Lu Chen. What she hung on her waist was a statue of a ninth-level powerhouse.

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