Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1472 Continuously falling reputation

Krasnir was now completely down. Looking at the indescribable creature in front of him, he never imagined that such an existence could exist in this universe.

If this is not the legendary final natural disaster, what else could it be?

He was a little trembling when he spoke, but because of Lu Chen's inquiry, he had to reply, "Are you... the final natural disaster?"

Lu Chen frowned, and the change in his breath made the old god tremble even more.

Not to mention Krasnir, even the Holy King and the Holy Guards who were far away felt that Lu Chen had completely turned into an indescribable creature at this time.

After opening the title of Ancient God, Lu Chen's charisma continued to decline, breaking through the minus 300 mark. He was truly a ninth level charisma powerhouse.

And Lu Chen also discovered that he seemed to have underestimated the strength of the charm attribute. Krasnir was obviously a ninth-level powerhouse, but he was also shocked by him.

"I am the legendary guardian. What is the final natural disaster you are talking about?"

Lu Chen used his soul to imprison Krasnir, making it impossible for the old god to escape.

Krasnir was surprised after hearing Lu Chen's words. Even though the Holy King had just said that a legendary guardian would come over, how could such a person be a guardian?

How could they, the old gods, be so virtuous and capable that they could create and guide such a guardian?

This is clearly the end of the universe and the most taboo existence. Their old gods and ancient gods are intimidating enough, but compared with the people in front of them, they are as cute as babies.

But the Old God is good at capturing people's emotions. He sensed that the "Legendary Guardian" in front of him seemed to be dissatisfied with what he had just said, so he did not dare to continue to call him the final natural disaster.

He said in a trembling voice: "Lord Legendary Guardian, I wonder... what are your orders?"

Lu Chen and Krasnir both talked in the ancient divine language, which was naturally incomprehensible to outsiders, and the translations of languages ​​are diverse. The ancient divine language is very obscure, but looking at Krasnil's fear From this look, Lu Chen knew that the other party was using honorifics.

The most puzzling people at this time were the Holy Guards and Holy Kings below. The crawling residents who had been enduring the whispers of the ancient gods also woke up.

Although they could still hear some unexplained sounds, and the owner of the sounds seemed extremely terrifying, it did not make them crazy, and their will was not eroded.

A child raised his head to look at the sky, but was stopped by a church cleric who was patrolling nearby. He quickly covered his eyes, "Child, you can't look directly at the existence above, or you will collapse."

He said with lingering fear that he was a relatively strong rising star in the cultivation of holy magic energy. He did not fall into confusion and madness when the ancient god's whisper echoed before, but then the mad whisper of the ancient god gradually stopped, and he looked up at the sky again. Almost fainted from trembling.

God, what is that?

Could it be that the final natural disaster is coming? What kind of ultimate fear cannot be faced directly?

If a mortal looked directly at it, his soul would probably be shattered, right?

He didn't know what kind of existence it was, but he was sure in his heart that it was definitely a world-destroying natural disaster. Everyone who didn't see the legendary old god stopped tremblingly at this time. Do you tremble in the face of evil spirits?

As for the Holy King and the Holy Guards, they were completely stupid at this time. They had guessed that the Legendary Guardian would be quite strong, but they did not expect it to be so strong. Moreover, in some areas, the Legendary Guardian had obviously restrained himself before.

If Lu Chen's actions hadn't really protected the residents of the Land Abandoned by God, I'm afraid the Holy King would be trembling now, raising his sword and leading the Holy Guard to stab him in the back.

Who is this? No matter what, the Holy King would not believe that the legendary guardian would be like this.

He had indeed seen the deeds of some legendary figures in ancient documents, but he felt that the legendary guardians were unreliable for two reasons. One was that before the Dawn Era, the people on the God-Forsaken Continent were not as strong as they are now.

Even today's mortals should be considered strong before the Dawn Calendar.

Therefore, the so-called legendary guardians before the Dawn Calendar should have average strength. Even if they are awakened, it may be difficult to get a position with the Holy Guard.

Secondly, the Holy King saw in ancient books that there were indeed biographies of several figures in the pre-dawn era, and it was mentioned in them that there seemed to be a chief judge in a once great religion who was so vicious that even unknown people could not see him. Everyone will feel sick.

The Holy King felt unreliable at that time and wondered if Lu Chen might be the presiding judge who had awakened. He wondered if the remains in the holy pool were not all glorious ancestors. The presiding judge was probably from a cult, right?

After seeing Lu Chen, His Majesty the Holy King, he could be said to have been thinking about nothing more than food and tea. Don't get me wrong, he was just really worried and went to see the red archbishop of the Lu family overnight.

As a result, I went through the genealogy all the way to the dawn of time, but there were gaps.

The red archbishop named Lu Ge did not hide his secrets. He told His Majesty the Holy King some past events, saying that their ancestors had a very good background. According to some unreliable legends within the clan, their tribe had a long history, maybe. It existed before the dawn of time.

As for whether it was related to Lu Chen, it was difficult for them to be sure, because they had never heard of any legendary guardians from their distant ancestors.

The Holy King was confused now. Could it be that the ancestor of the Lu family was the unknown presiding judge?

But this strength makes no sense. Even if he is nourished by the holy pool, the legendary guardian of the previous era should not be stronger than him, the holy king.

Today, the Holy King looked at the scene in the sky, and many confusions in his heart were gradually solved.

He understood why the Lost Ancient Monument did not continue to record it, because the end was coming. This was not a legendary guardian at all, it was definitely an end natural disaster!

At this time, Lu Chen received a system prompt that his reputation had dropped again. The reputation of the Holy Kingdom of Dawn in the Land Abandoned by Gods had become minus one thousand and became hostile.

He was speechless. If you didn't come forward, you would all be lying dead. How could you give me back my reputation?

This is the disadvantage of low charisma. If he had not left a legend in this world and could choose this identity at the beginning, I am afraid that Lu Chen would not be able to choose the legendary guardian with his current charisma.

However, Lu Chen also realized that it didn't matter whether his reputation was positive or negative. He just had to raise his reputation a little higher. He could use the legend left behind by his reputation to map it to the multiverse, and then find the key to lead to other universes.

He smiled kindly at Krasnir, "Don't be nervous, I just want to catch up with the old gods, and maybe there are old acquaintances."

Lu Chen's acting skills were really not that good. He actually just wanted Krasnir to lead the way and let him be a guest in the Old God's lair to upgrade his equipment.

But Krasnir was nervous and frightened at this time and did not pay attention. Seeing Lu Chen's use of ancient divine language so skillfully, he thought that Lu Chen was really a former god like them. Anyway, he did not believe that humans could change. Gotta be so strong.

"Lord Legendary Guardian...Which old god do you want to find? What I know is limited."

Krasnir said anxiously, this is not a lie, because after the old gods returned from the outside world, they are no longer the gods they used to be. The original relationship chains have also been broken, and they are mostly hostile to each other.

If they were normal gods, their relationship would not be good, but now they are even more deadly enemies.

"Tell me everything and take me to visit you."

Lu Chen said with a smile. He thought his tone sounded like a bad guy who wanted to meet an old friend.

Krasnir hesitated. Seeing this, Lu Chen added: "If it's done well, I might consider not killing you."

At this time, Krasnir did not dare to delay anymore, and the whole big spore shook, as if nodding, "The legendary guardian wants to visit his old friend, of course I must cooperate."

Lu Chen touched his chin and looked at Krasnir playfully, thinking to himself, is this the old god?

Too spineless, right?

If he were to kill someone in a foreign land in a perfect world, there would be a bunch of immortal kings coming to fight to the death even though they knew the mantis was a chariot.

This old god looks quite scary. Why did he start to kneel and lick him in just a few words?

What made Lu Chen feel the worst was that he felt that he was beginning to be affected by his own charm attributes. What the hell was that, he actually felt that Krasnir looked... quite friendly.

This feeling is probably similar to how the creatures in the void universe looked at him when he entered the supreme world through the transmission channel, as if he had found his own kind.

Just like back then, many people were afraid of the head of the Inquisition of Morning Support Church. When Lu Chen met him for the first time, he felt that he was quite good. The chief inquisitor seemed to be very satisfied with him and he considered him a confidant.

But our Lord President of the Tribunal, no matter how charming he is, is still a human being. It is understandable that Lu Chen feels close to him.

But now he actually liked the ancient god, which made Lu Chen fall into deep thought.

In Lu Chen's eyes, Krasnir was just a fat, round spore, with the cute little holes on it still breathing out, exuding a ruddy mist, shivering like a cute little rubber ball.

Lu Chen shook his head and quickly swept those thoughts out of his mind. Was he obviously an ugly person? Why did he think he was still ugly?

Is it because I am abnormal, or are people in this world too timid?

"lead the way."

Lu Chen said coldly, touching the ring on his finger. His God Eater ring and Dusk were already thirsty.

Krasnir glanced at the ring on Lu Chen's hand and his coat, and shuddered for some reason, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

But he didn't think much about it. The old gods were not completely unafraid of death. In other words, what they were afraid of was not death, but the eternal torture they would encounter when facing existences like Lu Chen that were suspected of being a final natural disaster.

It can only be said that it is Lu Chen who has restored the "humanity" of the polluted gods who have difficulty in emotional fluctuations.

Krasnir began to fly towards the starry sky, while Lu Chen looked back and glanced below, and said: "Settlement the people, I will take care of the affairs of these gods."

Holy King Mianxia finally came back to his senses at this time, nodded repeatedly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that there is no danger today. The legendary old god has retreated. As for the "handling" that Lu Chen mentioned, he doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, Lord Lu asked him... to go outside the territory alone. Isn't it dangerous?"

At this time, Her Royal Highness the Saint Irina, who had arrived belatedly, looked at the sky worriedly.

Of course she was not worried about Lu Chen's life or death, she just felt that as the legendary guardian, Lu Chen was now the supreme combat power of the Dawn Holy Cult, and if Lu Chen died outside the territory, the old gods would probably retaliate.

Today's incident can be said to be a severe slap in the face of the Dawn Holy Cult, making people recall the terror of the old gods. They have never been the rulers of this world, but the dominated party.

The culture of the holy religion over the years, coupled with the fact that there are records of killing ancient gods in history, has caused the people of this continent to blindly expand, and they are only now sober.

Of course, the top leaders of the Dawn Holy Cult have always been well-established. For example, the Holy King Mian Mian knew that he would not be the opponent of those legendary old gods. However, after so many years, both parties have always been at peace with each other.

"The legendary guardian is powerful, so he naturally has his considerations. We want to visit the Star Sea Kingdom."

The Holy King said after giving orders to the Holy Guards below.

He felt that the attack of the old gods this time might be because the incoming movements of the Star Sea Kingdom were too rampant in the starry sky.

It turns out that after all these years, the old gods and ancient gods outside the territory are basically on the same page as the Gods Abandoned Land. They seem to be more interested in the vast starry sky. You must know that although the population of a single source of life is definitely higher than that of the Gods Abandoned Land, But there are so many living planets in the entire universe.

And according to the research of the Star Sea Kingdom, the ancient gods seem to have a certain ruling mind. They will not kill all the colonies, but will keep them in a suppressed state for a long time in order to gather special power of faith and devour people's emotional power.

Therefore, some ancient gods will even take the initiative to improve the environment of some planets and send suitable life forms to the past to promote reproduction for future harvest.

This feeling is like treating the entire universe as a large pig farm, and each ancient god finally becomes a competition for the size of the territory.

The strength of the land abandoned by the gods is not stronger than that of the ancient gods and the old gods, but it is a forbidden land in the hearts of many ancient gods. Not only because several pioneer ancient gods fell on that continent, but also because there are people in that continent. Some places that even the ancient gods find...weird.

But the Holy King and the Holy Lady went to the Xinghai Kingdom to communicate with the new Xinghai President, Chu Zihang.

They believe that the behavior of the Star Sea Kingdom is too radical and has affected the security of the God-Forsaken Land, and must be curbed.

To be honest, His Majesty the Holy King does not have much confidence in this negotiation, because although the Holy Kingdom of Dawn has a vast territory and abundant resources, its military strength may be more than one step behind the Star Sea Kingdom.

It can be seen from the actions of the Old God coming this time. It first targeted the territory of the Holy Kingdom of Dawn, but it did not have any power to rush towards the Star Sea Kingdom.

Because the ten war colossi of the Star Sea Kingdom have all awakened and activated, their guns are aimed at the old god.

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