Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1486 I can’t afford the origin, Black Snake

In a vast universe, stars are shining brightly, and many places of origin of life have entered the era of interstellar voyages.

Some of the origins of life are spiritual cultivation, and some are the development of science and technology. There are collisions of civilizations in the universe, bursting out bursts of gorgeous fireworks.

When the years changed and the natural disasters of the universe came, many sources of life finally stopped fighting and stood on a united front to fight against the end of the universe.

"The gears are full. This is a battle for the survival of civilization. I will take the lead in the charge!"

Inside a space battleship, the supreme commander had a solemn look on his face and had just finished an impassioned mobilization speech.

"The legendary guardians of civilization are illusory, but we are real. Let us become new legends today!"

The Commander-in-Chief of the Psychic Cultivation Corps shouted, and a large number of cultivators rose into the air, facing the boundless body of the cosmic scavenger, and launched a death charge.

The cosmic scavenger is huge, with the size of countless galaxies, and its body is still expanding infinitely. It will eventually crowd the entire universe, turn the universe into death, and complete its mission of eradicating civilization.

Countless cultivators have fallen, like an egg striking a stone, and the bombardment of a large number of fleets cannot cause any harm to the cosmic scavenger.

When the artillery fire ceased, many cosmic civilizations faced only despair.

They have to admit that they have failed and lost to the will of the universe to restart. Their civilization has not brought any benefits to the operation of the universe. Instead, it has accelerated the increase in entropy. The universe needs to return to its origin, so there are scavengers.

"Guardian of civilization... Sure enough, it's just an illusory legend in the universe. It's ridiculous that I still liked this story so much when I was a child."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Cultivation Army sighed and shed two lines of tears as he watched the sons of the major sects die in battle. He had lived for tens of millions of years, but he could not withstand the end.

Just when many civilizations were despairing, the cosmic scavenger suddenly stopped advancing and expanding. It was not just who noticed it first. At the forefront of the battlefield, where countless corpses and starship wreckage were floating, there was a figure standing in the void, with his back To all living beings.

Just imagine this picture. In the dark universe, the monster is so huge that it can't be seen, covering up the brilliance of all the stars behind it. The wreckage of the starship on the battlefield is still spitting out fire, like a star-filled torch, reflecting the sky. The fallen body, and the mythical figure of a man in the center.

"Black clothes and black swords appear in the apocalypse to save the last civilization!"

I don’t know who exclaimed first, “That’s the guardian of civilization!”

The next moment, the man in black drew his sword, and the entire universe was cut open, like a crack of dawn in the darkness. The universe was reversed, the stars that had been extinguished were rekindled, and the dark universe revived, as if the world was created!

All living beings were stunned. When all living beings started shouting the name of the guardian of civilization, the figure in black had disappeared.


The same scene occurs in various universes, and some originally illusory legends have become reality.

There is an underworld universe dominated by Yin spirits. When it encounters a devastating crisis, the legendary Ghost King appears and kills the enemies from other worlds.

And those unlucky ghosts from the other world were cursing their mothers when they were killed, speaking words that the Yin spirits could not understand.

"I, Cao Nima's origin space, can't afford to send this kind of dog to play, right!?"

"I\u0026* @... # ... (*¥ @... (¥)..."

"It's only been a few months? Has it become ninth level? Or is it this strength originally? Isn't this the true body!?"

"Captain, run quickly, I'll cut off the rear, the monster is coming to kill you!"

"Brothers behind, don't come in, there are monsters here! The big daddy of the origin is here!"


It wasn't until the legendary ghost king eliminated the invaders from the other world and the underworld universe restored order that the ghost spirits reacted and kowtowed, grateful for the legendary ghost king's rescue.

These things may have happened for hundreds of years in some universes, but for Lu Chen himself in the Old Gods Pan-Universe, it was just a moment.

He was reflecting the phantoms of the heavens, making them materialize, and helping him conquer many universes, when he suddenly received a prompt from the origin space.

[The Pioneer has killed Tiandao Space Explorer No. 23164, and the fallen treasure chest has been recovered for you and can be viewed and opened in the storage space. 】

[The Pioneer has killed Tiandao Space Explorer No. 232196, and the fallen treasure chest has been recovered for you and can be viewed and opened in the storage space. 】

[The Pioneer has killed the Tiandao Space Judge No. 37, and the fallen treasure chest has been recovered for you and can be viewed and opened in the storage space. 】

There was a series of notification sounds after that, there were quite a few in total, and Lu Chen was stunned.

"What did I do?"

He muttered, he thought he didn't kill anyone, but why did a bunch of dead man's chests suddenly burst out of the storage space?

Then he traveled through the universe and found himself in a world dominated by Yin spirits. He was regarded as the legendary ghost king. Because there were strong men from other worlds invading, the legendary ghost king appeared and killed those foreign invaders.

Good guy, why did the adjudicator also put a gun on me?

Lu Chen felt a little guilty. In fact, generally speaking, he didn't like people in the Killing Space. Especially after all the ninth-level explorers disappeared this time, he felt that the relationship between the nine spaces was not necessarily an enemy, but a competitive relationship. The high-level combat power means that one person will die and one person will die, so he is not prepared to bully the explorers of other spaces after coming in.

Alas, they were all hacked to death, and Lu Chen could only accept the ten treasure chests of the dead with tears in his eyes.

Treasure box, such an unfamiliar word, Lu Chen sighed, one day he would be able to surround the treasure box, and kill every one with accuracy.

Entering the Supreme World this time, the space did not specifically remind you that the probability of dropping the treasure chest of the dead is doubled, which means that explorers are not encouraged to be hostile to each other. Under low probability conditions, Lu Chen can explode ten times in a row, which shows that the luck attribute is still there. useful.

Lu Chen wondered, maybe it was because the system determined that his body was still in the current universe, and his luck attribute had a high bonus, so it exploded?

"I shouldn't have... wiped out some adventure group in the Tiandao Space, right?"

Lu Chen muttered a little. When he entered the world before, he noticed that there were an unusually large number of people in the Tiandao Space. It was probably an adventure group that came in.

It is impossible for Qianxue to do such stupid things. She also has many people under her, but when entering a high-risk world, she never takes those "little girls" with her. She is just a protector and does not fulfill the responsibilities of other group leaders.

As a pioneer, Qianxue prefers to venture into the world alone. Weak people will drag her down, causing her to be helpless.

While Lu Chen was counting the king's treasure box in his storage space, the explorers of the heavenly space had already withdrawn from the underworld universe. This was because a strong person took action and secretly helped them.

At this time, outside the intersection of the universe, the leader of the random killing adventure group, Feihuo Liuying, cupped his fists and saluted a gray-clothed Taoist. The Taoist looked ordinary, with a face so ordinary that he almost had no sense of existence.

"Thank you for your help. I will definitely repay you when I advance to the ninth level."

Feihuo Liuying thanked her. She was a woman, but she was a rare strong person in the heavenly space. She was at the pinnacle of the eighth level. She was a judge herself, and the deputy leader was also a judge, but she was killed before to break up the queen.

As she spoke, there were tears in her eyes, and she looked back at the crack that had been closed due to the passing of the universe, with reluctance in her eyes.

"I advise you not to think too much. It is not his true form. He is just guarding the world in accordance with his legendary position. All intruders will be killed by him. Don't even think about taking revenge. You will die without any body parts. "

The gray-robed Taoist said calmly.

"Godzilla...Lu Chen!"

Fei Huo Liuying gritted her teeth. The deputy leader of the group was an old brother she had known since her second level, and he died just like that.

"Since you know his name, you shouldn't shout it out, stupid."

The gray-clothed Taoist said expressionlessly, "You don't know the terror of that man at all. Now that all the ninth-level explorers have disappeared, he is the new king of the nine great spaces. I advise you to take care of yourself."

After that, he turned around and left, disappeared into the void, and used the guide to go to other universes.

He didn't dare to stay here for a long time. His previous action had fulfilled his obligation as a pioneer in the Tiandao space, but he didn't want to be an enemy of Lu Chen.

After Feihuo Liuying called out Lu Chen's name, he felt even worse, because he thought that with the strength of people like Lu Chen, as long as someone called his true name, even in other universes, he would be Induced.

His name is Wu Xin, a low-key pioneer with current eighth-level mark and ninth-level strength.


In a dark and gloomy universe, everything is in black water, the stars are covered by black water, and there is no concept of air.

This is an extremely terrifying cosmic form, which means that the space density and pressure here is so high that no matter in the form of gas is allowed to exist, only solids and liquids.

In this black water all over the universe, stars shine in violation of physical rules. The brighter the stars, the colder they are. What they emit is not heat, but absorbs heat and spreads cold.

As Chu Zihang said, the physical rules of the universe are different everywhere, and this is the case here.

In the boundless black water that spreads throughout the universe, there are countless special biological activities. Some of them live on the stars, unable to escape the huge gravity and swim in the water.

Some are naturally huge and wander in the black water, swallowing one or two stars from time to time to fill their stomachs.

There is also a civilization here, because the universe has existed for too long, and after the history of civilization has changed countless times, it has entered a stable state, and much of its history has been preserved intact.

But there are also some unknown legends that have been circulating in the universe in recent years. This part of the universe is called Huangquan. According to legend, Huangquan has a guardian who can frighten the heavens.

More and more archaeological remains indicate that the legendary guardian of the underworld may exist, and some curious civilizations are following in his footsteps.

Finally one day, a strong man from the Dragon Clan met the legendary Guardian of Underworld and worshiped him sincerely, hoping that the Guardian of Underworld could lead their clan to become stronger and become the new overlord of the Underworld universe.

Jiaoman was shocked when he saw the Guardian of the Underworld for the first time. He had never seen such a majestic and powerful man, and praised him for being the legendary Guardian of the Underworld. In his opinion, his strength was unfathomable.

This guardian of the underworld is naturally the legendary avatar of Lu Chen who used the Supreme Master method to reversely deduce the birth of the secret technique. It is the seed he sprinkled into the multiverse to conquer various universes.

According to Chu Zihang's theory, Lu Chen's efficiency in executing tasks like this is extremely high. He can quickly complete the team's main tasks, and the special tasks can also be filled up quickly when integrating the world.

As long as they are reconnected with the universe where Lu Chen's legend exists, they can directly integrate the core of the world.

The influence of Lu Chen's legend is getting bigger and bigger, penetrating into many universes. Because it is also indirectly transmitted from universe to universe, the number of universes where his legend exists is almost too many to count.

In fact, Lu Chen could not count how many legendary clones were born to work for him to gain reputation in other worlds when he used secret techniques. In addition to inheriting part of Lu Chen's strength, most of the clones only followed his basic goals. That is to say, to gain the recognition of that world and obtain the core of the world.

Lu Chen does not need to control those legendary projections. Those projections have their own "characters" because they are different legendary guardians, born based on the legends of that universe, but with their own secret methods added.

Therefore, Lu Chen was not very clear about the situation of many legendary projections. For example, in the underworld universe, the legendary projection killed a group of explorers just because those explorers invaded the world, and Lu Chen was a guardian.

At this time, in the Huangquan universe, Lu Chen's legendary projection began his great journey, to conquer this vast universe, and to wait for contact with the old god pan-universe to merge with the super world.

But the result...

Lu Chen suddenly opened his eyes on the holy mountain, his eyes filled with surprise and uncertainty, "Killed..."

One of his legendary projections was completely erased, along with its meaning of existence.

In other words, the moment he was killed, his legend in that world completely disappeared. There was nothing related to Lu Chen in history. This was a terrifying root-level ability.

At the same time, because of the opponent's method, Lu Chen could not trace back to which universe it happened, and he was blind.

The reason why Chu Zihang told Lu Chen to take it easy was because he felt that this method of strategy was somewhat disrespectful of the supreme world.

The other thing is that you are afraid of this situation, that is, once you encounter stronger opponents when you are projecting in the universe, they will trace back to your location. This is like the law of the dark forest, which is very dangerous.

When Lu Chen looked gloomy and thought about whether he should restrain himself and merge the universes in several nearby bowls first.

In the Huangquan universe, there was a giant creature whose length almost ran through half of the universe. It slowly stretched its body and opened its eyes. The pupils were much larger than the galaxy.

Its body is covered with pitch-black scales. In this universe, no living being can see its entirety. There is only one terrifying legend...the Lord of the Underworld!

This creature covered with black scales just yawned and wiped out the legendary projection that rushed over. It seemed that it had just woken up, and there was still a bit of laziness in its eyes.

It looked at the place where the legendary projection disappeared, as well as the knife mark left by the man in black before his "death", and the roaring voice of the little one echoed.

This creature, which had been sleeping for an unknown number of years, raised its head and looked into a void, murmuring the supreme ancient saying, "The breath is a bit familiar..."

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