Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 157 The fog gradually clears

"Clear your mind and think carefully about what password Alice would set now."

Lu Chen glanced at Su Lin and called back his soul.

"password password……"

Su Lin murmured to himself, then looked at Lu Chen, "You must promise me not to hurt Alice after catching her."

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. The best outcome for her is life imprisonment."

Lu Chen glanced at Su Lin's hand touching his pocket and reminded: "If you want to threaten me with your phone, you don't have to. In my eyes, your moment is slow and still. There is no big difference between you and me. If I want to, I can do it." Kill you before you destroy your phone, even if it's in your hand right now."

Su Lin stopped moving and smiled bitterly.

"I won't advise you to be open-minded. No one is qualified to judge the relationship between men and women, but you need to be clear about it. Now you can help me crack the password on my mobile phone. I can be merciful in future arrests and not be on the spot. Kill her, and I won’t hold back if we don’t have to talk.”

Su Lin was a little silent after listening to Lu Chen's words. He knew that the young man in front of him was definitely not arrogant. Alice was very strong, but even if she used violent blood, she would never be Lu Chen's enemy.

"Okay...I will cooperate, and I may also know...the new password set by Alice."

Su Lin sighed and took out his cell phone.

He entered four numbers on his phone. He hoped that the unlocking would succeed, but also hoped that it would fail. He hoped that it would not be this number.

The phone screen became brighter, Su Lin pursed his lips, it was really this number.

0303, that's today's date.

This means a tomorrow that will never arrive. Alice predicted her own "death" and seemed to be telling him... there will be no result between them.

"It seems Alice predicted her own death."

Milanla saw that the phone was unlocked, and it was today again, which explained a lot of problems.

Lu Chen flipped through Alice's files on his mobile phone and sneered: "Predicting your own death? No..."

He looked at the photos of the scene sent by the execution department and said calmly: "She is celebrating her new life, just like the day she was bloody for the first time."

The scene in the photo was a mess. The iron plates on the morgue carts were like enlarged blades inserted into the corridors. There were metal lampshades falling on the ground. The entire area seemed to be swept by a metal storm. The execution The two A-level commissioners of the Ministry were severely injured without any effort to fight back. If the incident had not occurred in the hospital, it would have been questionable whether they could have been rescued.

That is definitely not the power that a sword master can have. This word spirit can at most drive metal the size of a dagger to fight. The situation at the scene shows that Alice is now like Magneto!

There is no doubt about it now. Alice has always been a woman who pursues power. She was dismissed from her job because she used violent blood to control improperly while pursuing power. Now she pursues power and accepts gifts from the devil.

Lu Chen's only mistake was not to check Alice's body in person. Mirala checked it very carefully, but Alice still found a way to fake death and escape.

Then he set his sights on Su Lin. According to common sense, after the executive department recovers the remains of a mixed race in this case, it usually requires a forensic autopsy for analysis and reconstruction of the incident. However, Su Lin made the request, and he did not allow it for the time being. The people in the execution department touched Alice's body.

"Commissioner Lu, I know what you are thinking, but if Alice was going to do this from the beginning, there is no need for her to play this drama with me."

Su Lin felt Lu Chen's gaze and explained.

Yes, there is something unexplainable about this matter, that is, why did Alice, who had already gained strength, go to meet Su Lin and why did she fake her death?

She could just fly away and fall into the arms of that unknown force.

What was her purpose for doing this?

"Maybe Alice didn't attack because she didn't trust you."

Miranla took Alice's cell phone and looked at it for a while, then showed it in front of several people. There was a mission message from the Laurent family, which was the same as Su Lin's, but it was relative.

Alice also received the task, half an hour earlier than Su Lin's. The task was to deal with Su Lin.

"It seems that we need to ask the Laurent family first."

Lu Chen said, walking to his car under the rain, "Milanla, let the people from the execution department take over the girl and Su Lin. Contact me anytime if you find anything new."

With that, he disappeared into the street with the roar of the engine.



The door of the manor villa was blasted open, and eight mixed-races lit up their golden eyes and pointed guns at the black-haired boy, but they did not dare to move rashly.

"Put your gun down, that's not the way to treat guests."

Sebas sat on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor, calmly, and smiled sincerely at the boy with a soaked shirt: "Although our guests are a little rough today."

Lu Chen pushed away a mixed-race person who was blocking him, then picked up the towel on the shelf at the door and wiped his head, "The Laurent family should know me well. I have never been a person who is good at reasoning and following the steps. It would be better to say that I have been very restrained today, and I should have done so a long time ago."

He threw the towel aside, walked up to Sebas, and glanced at the person Sebas was stepping on, who was already a little out of character.

"Everyone get out."

Sebas said to the guards, no one hesitated, they all bowed slightly and moved out, "securing" the door to ensure that no one would eavesdrop on their conversation.

"What does it mean?"

Lu Chen looked at Sebas's feet and groaned slightly.

"The person Commissioner Lu wants is also the person who gave the order to Alice and Su Lin this time."

Sebas said, stretched out his hand to lift up the man's back collar, and threw it on the tea table. Blood spread all over the table. However, Sebas's body was spotless. He only leaned forward slightly and stretched out his hand to say, please.

"Are you saying that you have nothing to do with this matter?"

Lu Chen understood what the other party meant, he wanted to clear things up.

"Commissioner Lu seems to have some misunderstandings about me and the Laurent family. Every family can do dirty things. We have also dealt with some of our own people who knew too much, but Su Lin and Alice are not among them. At least we have not done so until now. I still don’t know what Alice knows.”

Sebastian walked aside, opened the vertical cabinet, ran his hands over various precious tea leaves, and said, "What does Commissioner Lu like to drink?"

"Tieguanyin, go and get rid of the anger."

Lu Chen picked up the person on the table. The other person looked in a daze and was still mumbling something in the end. He had obviously been injected with veritaserum. Considering the other person's current state, he probably couldn't ask anything at this time.

He originally wanted to come here to use force to force the old housekeeper to tell what he knew. As for whether it would arouse the resentment of the Laurent family, that was up to Elizabeth.

It's just that the other party's attitude is strange, he seems to have become more cooperative, and his smile is not so fake anymore.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. Lu Chen couldn't help but pinch the other person's neck and ask questions.

"Now we can have a good talk. In fact, I thought you would come to me earlier, but it was two hours later than I expected."

Sebas put the kettle on the heater and set out the tea sets.

"I thought you would just silence him."

Lu Chen looked at the man on the table and said.

"So I said, Commissioner Lu has some misunderstandings about our Laurent family, or he has some misunderstandings about me. As a housekeeper who serves the previous head of the family and the lady, you should not doubt my loyalty to the lady."

After doing all this, Sebas sat back on the sofa and looked at Lu Chen.

"But I didn't feel that you were in a hurry at the venue today."

Lu Chen looked at his phone and found no news from Mirala. Mirala said he had taken the phone back to the execution department for technical analysis.

"It seems that the lady has a good opinion of you. You are a pure warrior and don't understand the confrontation between politicians."

Sebas smiled and said, "Of course we are worried about Miss missing. At least I am worried, but we cannot let others think that we are anxious. Commissioner Lu, do you understand?"

Lu Chen nodded, indicating that he understood.

But actually he was a little dizzy.

"This incident involves unknown forces in the mixed-race society. It may also be the work of other school directors. There are bugs like him in the family. If we mess up, some people will be very happy, and Commissioner Lu and Laurent When there is family discord, those people are happier.”

The water boiled, and Sebastian rinsed the tea leaves skillfully. "There are some things we can let them see what they want to see, but in fact we have to do the opposite. Do you know how many pairs of eyes there are in the venue today? More than half of the families behind them There are school directors there, I just do it for them to see.”

"So did he recruit?"

Lu Chen glanced at Humanity, who was lying half-dead on the table.

Sebas sighed, "Befensi Laurent is also considered a high-ranking member of the family. He has been responsible for managing the tasks of non-staff personnel for many years. He has taken advantage of others, but he is quite loyal to outsiders and has used various methods. I didn’t name the person behind it either.”

As he said that, he took out a USB flash drive from his chest and said, "The torture took a long time. This is a video. If Commissioner Lu doesn't believe it, I can go back to the equipment department to verify it. But now to save time, I will keep the story short."

Lu Chen caught the USB flash drive and put it into the pocket of his trousers.

"First, Alice and the others went on a mission before they came to Nantes last week. The record of the mission has been deleted by this guy. She should have contacted some people at that time and was bewitched."

"Secondly, have you ever thought about why he issued a mission to kill Alice and Su Lin at the same time?"

Sebas' eyes were meaningful.

"Su Lin... is also a target to be silenced."

Lu Chen's red-gold eyes lit up.


"Sister Miranla, I will be fine, right?"

Mia looked at Miranla next to her and asked timidly. She was taken to a manor and said it was the temporary office of the executive department.

"Mia, you're going to be okay."

Mirilla comforted her, while flipping through the information in Alice's phone that the execution department had retrieved through the computer. Many of them were related to the mission. She searched it and found nothing unusual, but all the mission messages in recent weeks had been It was deleted, except for the task of dealing with Su Lin.

Apart from these, there was also a log file written yesterday that attracted Miranla's attention. She asked the execution department to crack the encrypted file and opened it, only to find that it was a bunch of garbled characters.

"How is this going?"

She printed out the message and showed it to Su Lin. The technology of the execution department can be trusted. It should not be garbled caused by cracking the encryption. In other words, it was like this when Alice wrote it. It was like an encrypted telegram during World War II. Only those who know how to decipher it Only then can I understand.

He is really a cautious person. It is obviously difficult to unlock the phone, so the content inside is safe.

"It's Alice's original language, and she likes to write diaries in this language."

Su Lin took it over and looked at it before explaining.

"Can you translate?"

Miranla looked at each other.

"Yes, give me some time and paper and pen."

Su Lin had been with Alice for a long time, and he could barely understand the language created by Alice.

After saying that, he took a pen and paper to the table nearby and began to write, draw, and compare translations, but his expression gradually turned into shock, then into weirdness, and finally calmed down.

About ten minutes later, Su Lin stood up, came to Miranla, and said: "The above describes what happened before. Alice did accept an invitation from a certain organization and has 'evolved'."

"Didn't you mention anything about School Director Elizabeth?"

Miranla stared at Su Lin's eyes, but the other party nodded calmly.

Just then, the mobile phone connected to the computer on the table rang. It was Alice's mobile phone.

The caller ID showed an unfamiliar number. At Milanla's signal, the executive department specialist began to trace the source of the signal. After turning on the speakerphone, the sound on the other side of the phone could be heard by everyone in the room.

When the call was connected, no one spoke. The only sound coming from the other side was the sound of the wind, the propeller of the helicopter, and the inexplicable rhythmic tapping sound.

"Not Morse code."

A specialist from the execution department frowned.

Until the end, a female voice came from the other side of the phone. Just listening to the voice, you can feel the indifference and arrogance.

"Su Lin, goodbye."

Then the call was hung up.

Everyone looked at Su Lin. This was Alice's voice, which meant that the secret message just now was delivered to Su Lin.

Su Lin smiled bitterly and said, "Don't look at me. Alice has only used this code twice. I need to think about it. Can I replay it a few more times?"

The executive department commissioner looked to Miranla for instructions. It wasn't that they thought Miranla was better, it was just because Miranla was the trusted assistant of their S-class ace commissioner.


Miranla nodded, turned back to a female commissioner and said: "Senior sister, please take Mia to rest first."

Mia also seemed to realize that this group of superpowers was about to start working, and there were some secrets that she couldn't let her know, so she followed them obediently.

The room became quiet for a while, leaving only the rhythmic knocking sound.

"How's it going? Did you hear it?"

A technician turned back and asked Su Lin that they had just failed to track the signal. They were afraid that the mobile phone they were using to make the call had fallen into the sea. Now they could only rely on Su Lin to find clues.

Su Lin walked along the table, lowering his head and thinking.

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