Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1595 Settlement

After a feeling of weightlessness, a thick purple light flashed through. It was a more powerful transmission from space, pulling Lu Chen and others out of the supreme world.

On the high tower of the Supreme God Land, a figure watched these light pillars leave and said with emotion: "Next time I see you, I'm afraid I've already resigned."

In the teleportation light of space, after an unknown amount of time, the scene in front of Lu Chen gradually became clear. It was the room in space where he and Eri Yi were.

Lu Chen first walked to his favorite sofa, pulled Eri Yi and sat down together. The two looked at each other and smiled.

This trip to the highest world was generally very successful. Although there were dangers due to the intrigues of the big guys, in the end they came back alive and had unprecedented gains.

[It is detected that the pioneer is not injured and does not require treatment. Do you want to start settlement? 】

Lu Chen heard a routine prompt from space in his ears. After many years, hearing this sentence again, Lu Chen felt that it seemed to have a more human tone.

At this time, he and Eriki were close together, returning to the most familiar and absolutely safe place to relax physically and mentally.


The little golden dragon covered his eyes and complained that the two ignored the occasion. There was also a minor little dragon here. It looked at the two people hugging each other and entangled their lips, and consciously ran back to his pet room.

The little golden dragon is a high-level pet beast with certain explorer permissions, but it will not receive space tasks, so it has nothing to settle, and is going to go back to sleep, and then tinker with the room that has not been tidied up for a long time.

"Origin, Settlement."

Lu Chen saw little Jinlong dragging his fat body back to the room and said with a smile.

[Start settling native world rewards...]

Native world: No. 0 (super large special native world. Supreme world)

Difficulty: lv1~89 (Easy~Death)

World exploration: 0%

[Starting to calculate the completion status of Pioneer’s mission...]

The main mission is being settled...

[The first round of the main mission has been completed, and the inheritance crystal has been distributed to the Pioneer storage space...]

[The second round of the main mission has been completed, and the inheritance crystal has been distributed to the Pioneer storage space...]

[The final ring of the main mission has been completed, and the pioneers have obtained the Supreme Pass. This prop is a one-time prop. Pioneers are asked to use it carefully before entering the mission world. Please check the details yourself...]

[Start settling the Pioneer advanced mission...]

[Settlement completed, you have been promoted to the ninth-level pioneer, and your permissions have been increased. For new unlocked permissions, you can consult the space for details. 】

[Start settling the Pioneer special mission. Entanglement and fusion...]

[After the settlement is completed, the pioneer has received the reward in the mission world and will not be distributed separately. 】

[Start settling the Pioneer Hidden Mission. The Battle of the Supreme Competition]

[After the settlement is completed, the pioneers performed well during the mission, winning a total of 3657 small and medium-sized native worlds, 2131 large and medium-sized native worlds, 1239 small and medium-sized derivative worlds, 897 large and medium-sized derivative worlds, and 129 large native worlds for space. There are 37 large-scale derived worlds, 3 super-large native worlds, and 1 super-large special native world. 】

[The space has completed the storage and organization of many worlds, and special rewards will be given to the pioneers...]

[Special rewards are as follows:]

[Reward A: Free certification qualification*5 (the items obtained in the world of this mission can be certified for free)]

[Reward B: Saint-Level Pioneer Medal*1]

[Reward C: Book of Talent Awakening. Final Chapter (Out of Print)]

Lu Chen originally looked at the first two rewards and thought about space. This was a bit stingy. He fought to the death in the supreme world, fought desperately with Xun Guang, and gained a large amount of world resources at once. In the end, he was defeated. Just give me a small sum of money and spend it.

When he saw reward C, his eyes lit up. He had previously felt that the last names of the Book of Talent Awakening seemed to have sequels. Sure enough, there was hope for the explorers to unlock the fourth talent, but the possibility was too low.

He asked Rhine before, and Rhine said that he had seen people with three talents at most. People with the fourth talent did not exist in the space, but the book of talent awakening clearly seemed to have a follow-up.

Now it seems that it is indeed the case. The book of talent awakening has a "final chapter", which is the final chapter, but it is so rare that it is considered out of print in this space.

The reward he received was most likely the final awakening book, which was only a few copies left in the space.

Compared with other rewards, Lu Chen actually feels that this one is the most real, because talent follows him for a long time and is the most fundamental improvement in strength, which can make him stronger and go further.

Sure enough, the space would not treat its heroes badly. Lu Chen continued to settle down. He still had several tasks.

[Start settling team advanced tasks for the Pioneers...]

[Settlement is completed. The advanced mission of the ‘All Heavens Tourist Adventure Group’ that the Pioneer belongs to has been completed. It can be upgraded in the Adventurer Hall. After upgrading, new team skills can be obtained. 】

[Start settling the second awakening mission of Pioneer Talent. Martial God Body...]

[The settlement is completed, and the Pioneer mission has been completed well. You can apply for the right to use the ultimate physical enhancement area in the space enhancement hall, and have a second awakening under safe conditions. 】

[Warning, please mistakenly try to apply for the second awakening qualification in the room, there is a 100% chance that the pioneer's body and soul will collapse! 】

Lu Chen looked at this warning and had a bad feeling in his heart. He was afraid that the process of awakening his talent for the second time would not be very comfortable.

[Start settling the second awakening mission of Pioneer Talent. Fanatic Killer...]

[The settlement is completed, and the Pioneer mission has been completed well. You can apply for the right to use the ultimate perception enhancement area in the space enhancement hall, and have a second awakening under safe conditions. 】

The task of the second awakening of talent has been settled, but the settlement process this time is not over yet, because Lu Chen has done many tasks in the supreme world for a long time, and there are still some hidden tasks that have not been settled.

[Start settlement of hidden tasks. Guide...]

[Settling... The Pioneer has successfully picked up the target character, and the reward will be settled by Final Space on his behalf. 】

[Settlement completed, the pioneer received the Saint-Level Pioneer Medal*1]

Let’s start a comprehensive rating of the world of Pioneer’s mission...

If it is detected that the Pioneer Mark level is lower than the highest difficulty level in the world, the score will increase and the Pioneer will gain experience.

Overall evaluation: S+ (cannot continue to improve the evaluation)

Obtain an S+ level medal of honor, which can be redeemed for special permissions.

The Pioneer level has been upgraded to lv.84 (the previous overflow experience has been settled)

[Exploration cannot be obtained in the Supreme World, and there is no Pioneer Medal award for this comprehensive reward. 】

[Based on the Pioneer's comprehensive rating performance, four of the following nine rewards can be selected. 】

A. True chaos-level random equipment treasure chest (full-rated equipment that can benefit the Pioneer must be produced)

B. True chaos-level random prop treasure chest (full-rated props that can benefit the pioneers must be produced)

C. Special props. Core of the Morning World (Using this prop, the Morning World can be positioned as one of the Pioneers' home worlds. For details, please view it in the menu)

D. Crystallization of inheritance. Complete*5000

E. Saint-level random specialization scroll*2

F. Avenue level random equipment treasure chest

G. Oath of Origin (rare)

H. Avenue-level random prop treasure chest

I. Book of Talent Awakening. Advanced (rare)

After reading the reward options this time, the first thing Lu Chen felt was four words, 'unpretentious'

But they are quite practical, because this time the space did not reward me with origin coins or true souls at all.

The Soul of the True Spirit is not bad, but he is a pioneer. He has a pioneer medal that can be exchanged for high-end goods in the store. The customization of the Soul of the True Spirit to refresh the store is not that big of a temptation for him. Unlike It is other explorers who like to collect the soul of the true spirit to exchange for equipment.

Lu Chen can never have too much inheritance crystals, because even if he is not going to rely on the auxiliary functions of space, inheritance crystals are necessary in many aspects such as converting them into origin coins and strengthening equipment. They are a hard item in the space. currency.

Besides, teammates can also use it to strengthen their bloodlines. Lu Chen just glanced at the several new permissions he had as a ninth-level pioneer, and there were some interesting projects in them.

This is because the highest theoretical authority in the space is level nine, but Pioneers have always had authority beyond level one. After being promoted to level nine, some new privileges were also derived.

One of them is that the followers, pet beasts, etc. of the ninth-level pioneer can enjoy the rights of normal explorers. In other words, the little golden dragon can also use the enhanced functions in the space, which means that its bloodline and other abilities are still there. It can be strengthened through space, which is also the cost point of inheritance crystallization.

The little golden dragon is indeed a pure true dragon, but the power of a true dragon's bloodline is also strong or weak. Because of the limitations of the heaven and earth environment in the time when it was born, and the limitations of its mother's bloodline, although it has great potential, it is not as good as the bloodline. The refining and strengthening of power is still a bit inefficient, so the space will be used at this time.

Lu Chen's beautiful fantasy was that the little golden dragon could turn into a mighty and majestic real dragon after being strengthened. In this way, riding it would be more attractive, and it wouldn't be like sitting on a Zeppelin.

Today's nine options are actually nothing to consider. The prompts given by the space are quite obvious, and they can be distinguished from the simplest cost-effectiveness aspect.

Although Lu Chen had initial guarantees from various schools in the Supreme World, when he later went to practice, he really didn't have the shamelessness to continue to inherit the crystallization.

Because the directors of each school were very kind to him and very enthusiastic, and the resources needed for practice were unambiguous (refer to Hehuan School), he felt too shameless if he asked for inheritance crystals again.

So except for some small travel expenses he got from the Muscle God Cult at the beginning, he didn't actually get many inheritance crystals. Therefore, he had to get the complete five thousand inheritance crystals in option D. This is the team's liquidity and will be shared equally. on subsequent projects.

Now that Regicide has become a avenue-level equipment, and there are several other pieces of growth equipment of its own, I am afraid that they will not advance for a long time, so the strengthening of the equipment at this time is necessary, and the avenue-level equipment Strengthening would probably be a frighteningly high price.

Options A and B were directly eliminated by Lu Chen, because although the Chaos-level full-rated equipment was good and marked as something he would definitely use, Lu Chen felt that it might not be strong enough.

Now that he is bursting out with all his strength, he has reached the early stage of the True Self Realm, which is about the Immortal Emperor level in the perfect world. Chaos-level equipment cannot keep up with his combat intensity. Even the equipment customized by Lao Wang for himself has some of its effects attenuated. , there is no need for him to choose those two options.

At the second opportunity to choose, Lu Chen checked C without thinking. He wanted to take the Morning Light World. This was the result of his years of hard work on the surface of the Supreme World, and it would be a world with strong growth potential. Once it works well, it can be used as a team resource output point in the future.

In the dragon world, when you are free in each mission world, you can bring some things to exchange and sell, but Lu Chen did not do this in many worlds, because it was really small money.

Just like a billionaire who wouldn't grab a five-yuan no-threshold coupon from Jiandao Dao, Lu Chen was really too lazy to do it. Let Chu Zihang worry about selling, which was a waste of the operating time of his external brain.

But the Dawn World is different. The Dawn World can produce chaos-level equipment and props. Even if it sells raw materials, it will be a considerable income.

This will be a long-term source of income and you'll get a free buck every time you come back.

As for the limit of the home world, Lu Chen is not too worried now. He had the permission to own two home worlds before, and after reaching the ninth level, he was given special permission as a pioneer. The share of the home world can be That brings it to nine.

And he looked at the markings of the space and found that it did not limit any world level. In other words, if he could penetrate a super-large derivative world like the Perfect World, he could also use it as his home world.

After selecting the two options, Lu Chen thought for a moment and first selected the Book of Talent Awakening in option I. Advanced. Now his Martial God Body and Fanatical Killer have both awakened for the second time. Although the talent of the Sinner is from the previous world, He has just awakened, but he is also ready to challenge a new realm.

The sinner's talent is very strong, especially when dealing with real enemies. It can exert extremely powerful effects, but its comprehensive effect is too unstable. Lu Chen feels that the flaws of this talent are obvious. He wonders whether it will be able to survive after awakening for the second time. Make up for it some.

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