Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1682 The truth of the plan

"The power within the God of War is constantly conflicting, and we can't intervene. If my investigation is correct, the weird clan was born from the ashes of the third generation bronze coffin master. Then after they reunite, they may usher in that powerful person. resurgence.”

Emperor Huangtian said seriously.

Ye Fan looked puzzled, "This seems to make no sense. The weird clan has held sacrifices for so many epochs just to continue the energy resuscitation of the third generation copper coffin master. But now their bodies and origins have been swallowed by Brother Lu. From the energy level, "There should be nothing left, so how can we usher in the resurrection of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin?"

At this time, when several people gathered around Lu Chen to observe the situation, except for the banished immortal and the ten-crown king who were still fighting, all the other immortal emperors had stopped.

Because on the surface, the Weird Ancestor has been defeated, and it is the defeat of the Weird clan. Facing the Desolate Heaven Emperor in the Sacrifice Realm, they have nowhere to escape, and even resistance is meaningless.

But something seems to be wrong with Emperor Wu, and they seem to have hope.

Once the Weird Ancestor succeeds, everything will be reversed, and the result of their Immortal Emperor-level battle will seem irrelevant.

"Hui Liyi, let Brother Lu stabilize his mind, use all his strength to increase his divine blood, and stimulate the power of his roots."

In the group frequency, Chu Zihang spoke and asked Eri Yi to pass the message. Because Lu Chen's consciousness was sometimes awake and sometimes unclear, it was difficult to say whether he could hear the conversation in the group frequency.

"Godzilla is already doing it, but the situation still looks very bad. Brother Chu, please think of a solution quickly."

Eriyi said anxiously.

"This is the best way. Someone told me that the divine blood in Brother Lu's body is probably very special and has amazing potential. The indescribable monster is the shape of its characteristics. Deep in his body, the strange ancestor is in In a conceptual struggle with the monster, the conflict of energies you perceive is just the surface."

Chu Zihang said calmly, "So as long as the level of Brother Lu's God's Secret Blood increases, it will be his victory. Now he just doesn't have enough energy level because he is only an Immortal Emperor level person." ”

Joker had reminded him of these things before, but perhaps even Joker could not have imagined that such a situation would really happen to Lu Chen.

After all, if you think about things with ordinary people's brain circuits, you will never eat something like the strange ancestor alive.


At the end of time, the war is still going on, because Lu Chen's place has become a special node.

Nowadays, the time in the second half of the time river and at the end are advancing completely simultaneously. In other words, an hour has passed on Lu Chen's side, and an hour has passed on the battlefield at the end of the time river.

Emperor Huang Tian, ​​Emperor Ye Tian, ​​and Chu Feng joined forces to attack the evil intentions of the third generation bronze coffin master and gained the upper hand.

But it was difficult for them to kill their opponents for a while. As the ancestor of Zhou Lin said, of course it was impossible for him to defeat the many head-on with less, but if they wanted to run away, it would be too difficult for strong men in this realm to kill each other.

Unless there is a real taboo, if you take action, regardless of the survival of the world, and eliminate the enemy from the most fundamental concept, you can quickly end the battle.

At this time, the battle between Huangtian Emperor and the others was just a superficial attack, but the deep-seated battles were spread across various nodes in time and space.

The reason why they are restrained is because they are on the defensive side. The strange ancestor can do things unscrupulously because he is barefoot now and is not afraid of them who wear shoes.

Moreover, the strange ancestor does not care about the death of living beings. He just wants to destroy all living beings and convert them into the power he completes. It is a very troublesome thing for Ye Fan and the others to prevent the mutations in various places in time and space.

There is an old saying, only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against a thief?

The time span was too wide, and it was almost impossible for them to cover everything. Even with the combined efforts of three people, they could only stop the evil thoughts of the Third Bronze Coffin Master.

At the moment, the opponent is not fighting them at all, but attacking and rescuing the enemy. Not to mention that the Huangtian Emperor and the other two people cannot bear to see the people who originally had a happy life in history ruined. Even if they are willing to be ruthless and ignore it, it will not work.

Because once the Master of the Third Bronze Coffin is asked to complete the work, variables may really occur. If the other party is promoted, it will return to the situation where they faced off against the mysterious strong woman, and it will be even worse.

Because the mysterious strong woman just wants to take away the source of the world, which is to monopolize the will of the world here and extract a lot of power, so she will not destroy this world, and there is no need to use the source that can only be used by taboo existences. Although a few of them could be eliminated with a conceptual strike, the world would also disappear and collapse, which was not in line with her purpose.

But the evil thoughts of the owner of the Thirty Bronze Coffins are different. If he is transcendent, he will definitely sacrifice the entire world. This kind of person will do anything in pursuit of power, and the result will be more violent than that strong woman. Oops.

At that time, in order to end the battle with a few of his people, He may be destroyed directly from the source, causing the entire world to disappear. Anyway, He is already transcendent and can naturally travel to the outside world.

This is the biggest crisis they have encountered in history, so they must resolutely block the evil thoughts of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin and not allow him to conduct any complete sacrifice.

As for reawakening the kindness of the Third Bronze Coffin Master and letting it integrate into it, after thinking about it, Shi Hao thought that was not feasible.

They had indeed revived the benevolent thoughts of the third-generation Bronze Coffin Master, but the strong man himself seemed a little confused and had memory loss.

The benevolent speculation of the Third Bronze Coffin Master that he was tired of living and then committed suicide is not credible.

Emperor Huang Tian cannot guarantee that after he revives his good thoughts again, his good thoughts will be integrated into the collection of evil thoughts in front of him, which will restore his humanity.

In a certain version of history when he was young, it was not like he had not experienced similar things. Brother Di Gu's true spirit was integrated into the body of darkness, and was finally swallowed by the fusion of darkness. He defeated the Immortal Emperor only after he broke through.

And once he casts his good intentions, if this plan fails, it is likely to directly cause the opponent in front of him to complete the task. When the opponent breaks through and becomes a taboo existence, the fun will be great.

So now they can only rely on stupid methods to fight each other, trying to kill the opponent as soon as possible while blocking the opponent's sacrifice.

"Oh? It seems that the confrontation at the node is a bit troublesome."

The embodiment of evil thoughts during the battle frowned, but then regained his composure.

"Didn't the secret blood of the God of War completely swallow you up..."

Emperor Huangtian frowned and said that he had figured out the key to something. In his new version of history, he remembered that the God of War once swallowed two strange ancestors. The subsequent results were relatively chaotic, because that period of history turned into chaos and became The node cannot be explored until the result is determined.

"There is indeed a terrifying monster hidden in Emperor Wu's body. That kind of devouring power can swallow up even concepts. My ashes will be no exception and will be destroyed."

The incarnation of evil thoughts said that they were not chatting leisurely during the battle, but that the battle in this field was not a simple exchange of bombardments at all. During the conversation, the killing moves of both sides had already been manifested in the long river.

"You were...all eaten by Emperor Wu?"

Chu Feng said in surprise, guessing a certain result.

"It's not that I lost the battle, everything was just as planned."

The ancestor of Zhou Lin said calmly, "The strong man once helped me, and I tried to fuse the ten ancestors, but in the end it failed. I did feel that my power was expanding, but it was still just a sacrifice to the peak of the Tao realm. Even the sacrifice None of the realms above the Tao can be reached.”

"There is such a thing..."

Emperor Huangtian looked gloomy, because he had not noticed this in the long river of time, which meant that someone had subverted the results of time history and reset its short-term modifications, but he did not know it.

The only one who could do this was the ultimate opponent he faced back then, the mysterious strong woman.

"I failed, so the strong man reset the result, restored time and history, erased the branches, and I returned to the starting point..."

The ancestor of Zhou Lin said this and smiled, "It's amazing, isn't it? I also long for her power in that field even more."

"Can't you do it on your own?"

Ye Fan sneered, "Sacrifice the living beings, use external forces, and still want to set foot in the highest realm?"

The ancestor of Zhou Lin glanced at Ye Fan, "Thousands of different roads lead to the same destination in the end. We have sacrificed all the roads, and each has his own way. How can we talk about external force? Isn't the great sacrifice my power?"


Ye Fan said coldly.

"Whatever you said, I understood at that time that although we were born out of all the ashes of the original owner, that is, its material coverage, and merged into a whole body again, we could not become stronger because we were not enough. purely."

The ancestor Zhou Lin did not discuss this issue with Ye Fan.

"So you thought of borrowing the power of the God of War to erase the surface and explore the depths that even you can't find?"

Emperor Huang Tian somewhat understood how the other party recovered.

"As expected of Emperor Huangtian, the opponent I fear most, he is really transparent."

The ancestor of Zhou Lin praised, "It is indeed true. When I found out that the two people devoured by Emperor Wu did not return, I already had some ideas. If I can't do it, then I will use Emperor Wu's swallowing and filtering power to filter me. After all the material and even part of the conceptual level are eliminated, we can pursue the deep source. Only the pure fusion of the source can awaken the original power. "

"You succeeded, how is the God of War?"

Emperor Huangtian frowned.

"How dare you implement such a plan? Do you think you have understood Brother Lu's divine blood?"

Ye Fan sneered and said that he had thought about it and studied it after he achieved enlightenment. Lu Chen's divine blood was by no means as simple as it seemed.

"To be honest, I'm not even remotely sure, because the strange ancestor who was swallowed has not returned, and it is very likely that he was simply eaten and wiped clean, and disappeared."

The ancestor of Zhou Lin said calmly, "If you don't bet, are you going to wait for the fate of the outcome?"

His idea is very simple. No matter the best, middle or worst strategy, it will be ineffective, because in the end, he will be blocked by the characters at the end of time. How unbelievable he is in terms of superficial combat power, and how powerful he leads the Weird Clan. Useless.

As long as they were losers in their original destiny, they would never be able to defeat Huangtian Emperor and others.

Therefore, if he wants to change his destiny against the will of heaven, he can only do it in one step, integrate all the true sources, directly break through to a realm above the sacrificial path, or even a stronger realm than the sacrificial path, and directly fight with the existence at the end of the long river of time. Turn everything around.

Entering Emperor Wu's belly, there is indeed the possibility of complete silence and the end of everything, but that is also where his hope lies.

Compared to a 100% defeat, He dared to bet on the one in ten thousand chance!

The result was gratifying. He succeeded. Emperor Wu's digestion power was very strong, completely obliterating the surface layer and swallowing up almost all the concepts. However, only the true source of existence that finally touched the taboo realm was able to survive for a while. It has not been digested for a while, and is still hidden deep in Emperor Wu's bloodline.

The moment he was swallowed by the scarlet monster, he already felt that he was going to die, but he didn't expect that the true sources in his bloodline would gather on their own initiative. In the end, he woke up again and became a brand new self, stepping into the half-step taboo in one step!

It doesn't matter where his body is. In fact, the self at the end of the long river of time is not him. At this level, what matters is omnipresence and existence everywhere. He just chooses to be with Huangtian Emperor and others at this node. It’s just a duel between people.

For him, the most important node is in the lower reaches of the long river of time, that is, in the belly of Emperor Wu.

In essence, he has not yet completely succeeded. The monster in Emperor Wu's body is very strong and has been resisting. If the struggle at the node fails in the end, his existence will be just a flash in the pan.


Down the river of time, thousands of years passed in a flash.

Ye Fan and Tianji Martial Saint were responsible for 'taking care' of Lu Chen who was struggling with the condition in his body, while Emperor Huang Tian took action to eliminate all the Dark Immortal Emperors above the sky.

The Emperor of Desolate Heaven, who was at the peak of the Sacrificial Dao Realm, took action. Of course, these Dark Immortal Emperors had no power to fight back. They were all killed in an instant. Only the blackened version of the Ten-Crown King remained and was suppressed. Ye Fan’s Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things.

Now that the war has stopped, a new war is going on inside Lu Chen's body and at the end of the distant river of time.

Some old people from Emperor Wu's Palace and Heavenly Court returned to heaven, and some came to visit Lu Chen, worried about the future.

Lu Chen's great achievements were circulated in Emperor Wu's palace, and they were completely described as putting an end to the protracted war for the safety of all living beings. He did not hesitate to use his body as a sealing box to suppress all the strange ancestors, and turned all the pain on himself.

After everyone learned about it, they couldn't help but stand in awe and spread the myth of Emperor Wu throughout the world.

But Lu Chen's own condition is not so good. After many years, he is still fighting against the ancestor of Zhou Lin in his body. The secret blood of God seems to have gained some slight advantages, because the ancestor of Zhou Lin no longer floats on the surface and uses his The body spoke.

It's not that the other party can't do it anymore, but it's probably that they can't be distracted from doing such boring things and can only concentrate on fighting the monster inside themselves.

There's more at noon

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