Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 169 School Board Meeting (Thanks to Mr. Xiuju for the leader)

Lu Chen put on a luxurious suit that he didn't like in the locker room and got into the car arranged by the commissioner.

Walking through the stone-paved alley, green trees accompany the white castle that winds to the end.

It was a white castle close to the cliff. The outer wall was made of hard marble and the windows were narrow. The commissioner drove his car and parked it in a dedicated parking lot. The parking lot was not big. When Lu Chen arrived, there was only one empty seat.

Parked in other places were a Lamborghini, an old Jaguar, an AMG-modified Mercedes-Benz, and a silver Rolls-Royce. What surprised Lu Chen was that among these luxury cars, there was actually another car. An orange mountain bike.

"Mr. Lu, the meeting has already started. You can go up first."

The driver specialist respectfully helped Lu Chen open the door. After saying this, he stood aside and said nothing.

Lu Chen got out of the car and walked directly into the castle. After passing the gate, he discovered something unusual about this building.

The walls are obviously thickened, and there may be solid steel plates embedded inside. There are cameras everywhere inside and outside the castle to monitor the situation everywhere. There should be some firepower device hidden in the secret opening in the top of the fortress.

What kind of historical castle is this? This is simply a small military base!

He went upstairs along the spiral staircase. Every time he passed an area, people wanted to come up to check and frisk them, but they were forced back by his gaze.

All the way to the attic, there is a closed heavy metal door, which is somewhat similar to the door of a bank vault. It has a sixty-four-digit password and two keyholes. The marks on both sides of the door are somewhat new, maybe recently. Just replaced.

With the configuration of this fortress, even if a missile falls here, the school directors will be safe.

There was a strange woman standing in front of the door, who looked like a secretary. She saluted Lu Chen, "Mr. Lu, the school board meeting has already started. You are a little late. We will wait until the discussion inside is over. When it comes to your matters, we will Summon again.”

Lu Chen sneered: "Summoned? You really think of yourself as the emperor."

The soundproofing effect of this room is very good, it is almost impossible to hear the conversation inside from the outside, but Lu Chen calmly took out a headset from his pocket... This was given to him by the principal.

The latest research and development of the equipment department, it can penetrate walls and prevent shielding, and has good signal strength. At the same time, the principal also guaranteed that it does not contain explosive functions.

Apparently even a lunatic in the equipment department knows that if something is put in the ear, if it explodes, it is equivalent to direct murder.

The light in the room is slightly dim. There are no windows in this room. It's not that the school directors have sealed the windows for safety purposes, but because this was originally a place where ancient monks practiced asceticism and was not meant for people to enjoy. of.

There is a row of candlesticks on the long table, illuminating the faces of the school directors. There is also a flavonoid bell in front of each school director. For a moment, time here seems to have gone back thousands of years. The elders of the secret party are full of historical atmosphere. place to hold a serious meeting.

There were a total of six people present, including Angers, four men and two women. Angers sat at the end of the long table, which was the seat of the most powerful person. No school director expressed his unswerving words.

Sitting on the left side of Angers is a middle-aged man on crutches, wearing a crisp black suit with a dark red handkerchief in his jacket pocket. He is the school director representing the Gattuso family, Frost, who is only four years old. He is more than ten years old, but he looks a bit old. If he stood next to his brother Pompeii, some people might think that he is Pompeii's uncle.

On the right side is an old man wearing a suit and holding red sandalwood beads in his hand. He is mumbling something as if he is reciting scriptures silently.

Next in line was a man wearing a bright yellow sportswear with a bicycle helmet on his right hand. He looked about thirty or forty years old.

Sitting opposite him is Elizabeth. Today, Elizabeth is wearing the makeup of a European noblewoman, covered with a black veil, wearing an expensive waist-cut skirt, with a fur waistcoat shining on the outside, and golden shoes under her slender legs under the long table. High heels are what women only wear when going to the battlefield, and she was indeed going to the battlefield today.

Sitting next to Elizabeth is another female school director. If Lu Chen saw her, he would lament that his idea was wrong. Elizabeth is not the youngest among the school directors. This one sitting next to Lisa The female school director looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Her long pale golden hair is tied up on top of her head. Although she deliberately put on makeup and dressed up today to try to look more mature, her little face with a little baby fat looks tender no matter how you look at it, like a delicate porcelain doll. , no matter how serious her expression is, she does not look like a person of supreme power.

Behind her stood a butler wearing white gloves, his head held high and his eyes fixed.

"As in previous years, the one who never attended still did not attend, and the Gattuso family still had Frost standing in for his brother."

Angers said, and then his voice changed: "It's two o'clock now. Strictly speaking, the meeting has just started, but you closed the door in advance and shut out my S-level students. What is this? What’s the number of roads?”

"Ange, pay attention to your wording, it's not yours, it's the secret party's."

Frost shook the flavonoid bell and retorted.

"Haha -" Ange sneered, "I said, Lu Chen is my student. This is a normal wording, but in your mouth, it seems like you are describing an item or a weapon. The meeting has not started yet. , are you already in a hurry to declare ownership of the weapons?"

"Director Frost's wording is indeed inappropriate, but the fact is indeed true. Lu Chen is a student of Cassel College and a member of the Secret Party."

The old man with his rosary coiled around his neck like a monk spoke.

The meeting had just begun, or rather it hadn't even begun yet, when the atmosphere in the venue became tense.

At this time, the man in sportswear smiled and shook the bell, "Everyone, please calm down and be nice."

But no one paid any attention to him.

The girl and the housekeeper looked at each other and said: "Strictly speaking, only the school director and Principal Angers can participate in the school board meeting. It would be inappropriate for other irrelevant personnel to attend from the beginning. Moreover, although the annual school board meeting is held in advance, it is not just for discussion. Something about Lu Chen."

The girl's words seemed reasonable. Ange looked at the girl with a half-smile but did not speak. However, Elizabeth beside the girl spoke, "Then should I ask the housekeeper behind you to go out first? As far as I know, He is not a school director, nor is he the leader of a secret party."

The girl was stunned for a moment, at a loss, and her face turned a little red.

"Okay, Lisa."

Angers smiled and said to Elizabeth, then rang the bell and said, "Today's topic will officially begin."

Frost shook the flavonoid bell, looked at Angers and said: "The Secret Party is committed to fighting against the Dragon Clan and has secretly guarded the world for thousands of years. The Executive Department will give a report every year about the situation of hybrid organizations around the world. , except for China and Japan, as well as the North American mixed-race forces led by Henkel, they are basically under our control. But now a new organization has emerged to challenge the majesty of the Secret Party, but the Secret Party does not have any effective intelligence. Obviously in recent years The execution department has been slacking off a bit, how do you explain this?"

The school directors are all excited. This is the most important topic of today's school board meeting. An organization with a so-called mixed-race monarch has actually appeared in the world. Regardless of how prestigious the "monarch" is, everyone knows that The monarchs are all strong. It can be said that except for the old man sitting at the end of the long table and Lu Chen, there is no mixed race in the secret party who is their opponent.

And such a powerful organization has been lurking underwater, and the secret party had no knowledge of it before. This is such shocking news.

What's more, this organization had been keeping a low profile before, but once it showed its fangs, even the school directors dared to kidnap them. This was not just a provocation to the secret party's majesty, it was a slap in the face of the secret party!

Many school directors present turned their attention to Elizabeth, wondering what the "victim" wanted to say.

However, Elizabeth did not speak. Angers answered Frost's question first: "Explanation? What explanation do I need? The main job of the Executive Department is to slay dragons around the world and deal with high-risk hybrids and Deadpool in society. When Has it become a department that spends all day searching for potentially powerful organizations?”

Angers lit a cigar and took a deep breath. The hot smoke poured into his lungs. However, his expression remained unchanged. The thick smoke came out of his mouth and he looked at Frost: "Dear Director Frost, if you are familiar with Chinese culture, you will know that there is a saying in it that is very good, you are thinking in hindsight, also called hindsight."

Frost's face was gloomy. Of course he knew Chinese culture very well. If this was a game of chess, he had just fired and the opponent's rook had already moved in front of his general. In terms of sharp words, he seemed to have never taken advantage of Angers. Cheap.

The old man with the rosary rang the bell, "This is indeed not a dereliction of duty by the executive department. Our force should not be wasted on looking for imaginary enemies. But now, that organization has openly appeared and kidnapped school director Laurent. Things are going bad in Nantes. The success is not small, we even found the enemy's secret base. I just want to know what information we have after a big battle."

The school directors all looked at Angers. It must be said that Angers ran Kassel College like an iron barrel. If the secret party is compared to an ancient feudal monarchy, the school directors are the emperors, and Angers is the commander-in-chief. Marshal of the armed forces.

But the marshal has been running the army for hundreds of years, and now the officers and men in the army only recognize Angers and not the emperor. This is something that no emperor can bear. In history, such marshals and generals are often dismissed. The emperor tried to find a way to gather military power, but the secret party was different.

As the saying goes, if the cunning rabbit dies, the lackey will cook it, but now the "cunning rabbit" is not dead yet. The school directors want to take back their power, but they also need a lion to bite the enemy's throat.

Angers spread his hands, "If you want to know the exact information about that organization, you will be disappointed. The execution department sent a construction team to dig on the island for more than half a month, and found nothing except ruins. All electronic information was in The base was destroyed by the program before it self-destructed, and then all kinds of electronic equipment were smashed and burned by the impact of the explosion. Akadulla calls himself a genius, but he can only look at a pile of blackened debris and scratch his head."

"So the secret party suffered a lot of losses. After being slapped in the face, after investigating for so long, they don't even know who the enemy is?"

Frost frowned slightly. In fact, he subconsciously wanted to blame Angers and the executive department for their incompetence, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not a good idea to use this kind of thing to fire. After all, the result was their victory, and school director Laurent was safely After being rescued, the three hybrid monarchs of the mysterious organization were all killed by the ace commissioner of the execution department.

He frowned because he was indeed worried. This matter was very serious. There was an organization they didn't know about, hiding in the shadows, and unprecedentedly powerful.

Judging from the strength shown by the mixed-race monarchs in this incident, if that organization launches a surprise attack, it will be difficult for any school director family present to resist, especially the mixed-race monarch named Hughes. Angers also commented and admitted Maybe not an opponent.

He may have a slight advantage in terms of speed, but judging from Xiu Si's ability to fight with Lu Chen, he has at least nearly 30 tons of force when he exerts force!

Angers cannot confront the opponent head-on, and including Hughes, who is invisible, Angers will fall if he makes one mistake.

After all, their legendary dragon slayer leader is still a hybrid and belongs to the human category, while those "hybrid monarchs" enhanced by special technologies are already considered pure-blood dragons.

With such an opponent, school directors have trouble sleeping and eating during this period.

Frost is no exception. He has recently spent heavily to strengthen defense bases around the family, but this can only be regarded as psychological comfort.

He originally wanted to mention the matter to his unreliable brother, but the other person was doing business in bed when he called him, so he was so angry that he hung up the phone.

"It can't be said that we have learned nothing. At least we may know the technology used by the other party to strengthen the hybrid monarch."

Angers said, taking out a quartz bottle from the chest pocket of his suit. In the orange-yellow liquid was a distorted leech, as if it had been squeezed by something, and it was now dead.

"What's this?"

Because the light was dim, the fat girl couldn't see it clearly. After ringing the bell, she asked curiously. But when she leaned forward slightly, Ange placed the small bottle next to the candle again. After she saw the thing clearly, she asked again There was a look of disgust on her face. Every girl would not like this slimy, slippery, disgusting little creature.

"According to Minister Akadulla's analysis, this is a bioenhancement technology. The organization cultivates this special leech to store evolutionary medicine, and then transmits the dragon's power to the hybrid through blood filtration. To gain forbidden power."

Angers placed the small bottle on the table. Except for the two female school directors, everyone else looked at the small bottle with interest.

"This is a technological path that we have never imagined, but it sounds like the final effect we want to achieve is similar to what we are planning to do."

The old man with the rosary ringed the bell and looked thoughtfully at the small bottle on the table.

Debt repayment progress through rewards in May 47/53

It’s really exciting (0`)

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