Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1685 Leap to Improvement

Lu Chen was relieved when he saw that Shi Hao and others were fine. Anyway, it was good to be alive.

Under the attention of everyone, he couldn't keep holding Eri Yi. After the two separated, Lu Chen began to look at his situation inwardly.

He came back from the nightmare at the bottom with his strong willpower, and Shi Hao and others also contributed a lot.

In the end, the three of them joined forces, and Shi Hao almost fell to the ground, suppressing himself forcefully and returning to his 'prototype'

His berserk state of God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique is indeed extremely powerful. Even if Shi Hao improves his overall attributes by three points, he is still unable to survive alone.

But in that state, Lu Chen's true spiritual consciousness was so bad that he felt like he had fallen into an eternal nightmare and almost never woke up.

[Dear Pioneer No. 009, your attribute details (including equipment and title bonuses) are as follows:]

Constitution: 324 points (negative status -1 point)

Strength: 323 points (negative status -1 point)

Agility: 323 points (negative status -1 point)

Spirit: 325 points

Charisma: -330 points

Luck: 2 points

Well, the secret blood of God has brought a three-point comprehensive improvement to the four main attributes, and the mental attribute has also been increased by an additional point. This is the result of the nightmare cycle that I have been experiencing for thousands of years.

The reason why there are negative status icons on the surface attributes is because his longevity has dried up and he has entered an old age. His energy and blood are not strong enough, which is very fatal for a strong martial artist.

The mental attribute will not be affected by the physical condition of the longevity being dried up, so it is normal. Compared with before going to the future, this attribute has increased by 7 points in total.

Now just looking at the superficial attributes, if he recovers, he will be considered a strong one among the Immortal Emperors. If he activates a small state and explodes, he can make his attributes reach a more outrageous level.

However, he has also sensed that after his attributes have been continuously improved a lot, it may be a bit difficult to use the Great Desolate Technique, and the strengthening of God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique after 330 points will also be weakened.

Overall, if he doesn't use Sinner, including the fixed two-point improvement from the God-Eater Ring, he can probably improve by six or seven points.

Thinking about it this way, Tianji Martial Saint is indeed amazing. At this level, he can still increase six points of temporary attributes, which is already close to him.

And Lu Chen believed that if his sin-judging talent could take effect now, it wouldn't be a dream if his comprehensive attributes increased to 334 points. Killing the ancestor would definitely be a one-shot deal.

It's a pity that there is no ancestor to test the sword for him now, because he has eaten them all.

"Godzilla, is your stomach feeling better? Is that guy still there?"

Eryi asked with concern. Lu Chen made a big fuss for a few days before, but it shocked all the powerful people in the sky.

The ferocious beast-like fighting style and the devil-like instinct of fighting caused all three of Huangtian Emperor to be severely wounded one after another.

This was because Lu Chen would pause in his movements at certain critical moments. It should be his own consciousness that was resisting, otherwise Huangtian Emperor and the other three might be in danger of being killed.

"The thing seems to have disappeared, but it doesn't seem to have been digested. It's a bit strange."

Lu Chen frowned and said, this was what he was puzzled about. In addition to looking at the changes in his comprehensive attributes, he also checked the situation inside his body.

Now he can see his whole body completely without any impurities. The secret blood of God seems very calm after the forbidden spell is lifted, and even some have shrunk and dried up.

Because his lifespan was exhausted and his origins were too much, his condition was on the verge of decline.

If he fights Shi Hao and the others for another day or two, he will probably die of old age.

However, he was very fortunate at this time that his longevity was insufficient, which caused his attributes to drop. If not, Shi Hao and the others might not be able to suppress him, and it would easily lead to tragedy.

"I'm afraid there are other struggles elsewhere. Let's end the struggle within Brother Lu first."

After Tianji Martial Saint recovered, he spoke weakly.

"Other struggles?"

Lu Chen showed a thoughtful expression. If there was one, it would only be at the end of the long river of time.

If he swallowed the ten ancestors and really promoted their fusion, then I am afraid that the evil thoughts of the third generation copper coffin master will resurrect. But what Lu Chen doesn't quite understand is that isn't that something resurrected in his stomach? , how could it go to the future?

Tianji Martial Saint glanced at Shi Hao and Ye Fan, shook his head, and said nothing more.

This kind of thing involves spoilers and involves space. They can't discuss these things too much on the surface. They can talk about it in a place where no one is around after they go back.

Tianji Martial Saint did not give Lu Chen an answer. Lu Chen was a little worried, so he asked Chu Zihang in the group channel. The exclusive group channel in the Origin Space was very safe.

"Brother Lu, do you still remember the theory Xun Guang said? I'm afraid that after the ancestors merged, they have already half-stepped into that realm. In that realm, there are multiple nodes in time and space, and what's in your belly is just a representation. Location."

Chu Zihang explained, "I don't know whether it is in the future or the past, but the evil thoughts of the third-generation bronze coffin master are obviously still fighting with other opponents. In the end, he lost, so he disappeared at all nodes in the world timeline."

"I see. No wonder I didn't improve my divine blood further."

Lu Chen was a little stunned. Originally, he was thinking that if the other party really revived, it would be a half-step forbidden existence. If he could win the battle and eat all of his divine blood, wouldn't it be possible to reach the late stage of the True Self Realm in one step? ?

Now it seems that he thought too much. In the end, his secret blood of God may have gained the absolute upper hand, but before he could kill the ancestor of Zhou Lin, the other party was defeated by others.

"Could it be that Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan defeated other nodes of Zhou Lin's ancestor?"

Lu Chen said thoughtfully.

"This is the most likely possibility. Even if it is to save Brother Lu's life, I believe that the future Emperor Huangtian will do the same, but the ancestor of Zhou Lin may also be obliterated by the will of the world."

Chu Zihang analyzed.

"The Will of the World? Isn't the Will of the World on the side of the Weird Clan, in order to prevent Shi Hao and the others from breaking through the forbidden realm?"

Lu Chen wondered, they had analyzed it before and believed that Shi Hao and the others were about to break through, so the will of the world would become very dangerous for them.

This battle was also very difficult for them. In addition to the Weird Clan's strong strength, caution, and proper strategy, they also had the will of the world behind them.

Otherwise, the battle would have been over before the two exiled ancestors came out. Without the intervention of the will of the world, Chu Zihang and Yuxian could have been sealed for at least a few years.

"Brother Lu, I have misunderstood. The will of the world never stands on anyone's side. It only stands on its own side. It is in its interest to help the weird clan, so it intervenes in the exile territory. But the ancestor Zhou Lin broke through After reaching the half-step taboo, you must move towards that step, which is not in the interest of the world’s will.”

Chu Zihang answered, "For the will of the world, the best situation must be that both the ancestors of Zhou Lin and Shi Hao will suffer losses. In the end, it will take advantage of it, wipe out a few people at the source, and reset the entire cycle. "

"But now it seems that the will of the world has not succeeded, and the world is still fine."

Lu Chen looked at the environment of heaven and earth. Although the plateau no longer existed after he made a lot of noise, there was no harm from heaven.

"Brother Lu, you went berserk before and were unconscious, so you may not remember."

Chu Zihang said on the group channel that he was relieved about Lu Chen's awakening. Lu Chen's rampage was something no one expected.

He continued: "When you were fighting Shi Hao and the others, there were huge fluctuations in the entire time and space. No matter upstream or downstream of the long river of time, all living beings were in a state of virtualization, including Shi Hao and Ye Fan. They were almost killed by you in that state."

Lu Chen felt a little embarrassed listening to Chu Zihang's narration. He didn't want to go berserk. Who made the strange ancestor feel so upset in his stomach? "So, the will of the world has already taken action and succeeded in approaching it?"

"It should be like this, but they were stopped in the end. Perhaps it was Emperor Huangtian and the others who took action to contain the disaster at the source. At the same time, the future battle also ended, so the ancestor of Zhoulin in your body will disappear."

Chu Zihang said.

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt that he was really lucky. Not only Shi Hao and Ye Fan in this world helped him, but Emperor Huangtian and Emperor Ye in the future also gave him a lot of help.

"Has the will of the world been defeated by Emperor Huangtian and the others? If so, doesn't it mean that they have broken through to a taboo existence?"

Lu Chen said thoughtfully, "So, doesn't it mean we can do whatever we want?"

Chu Zihang was a little speechless. He felt that Brother Lu was really a good example of healing his scars and forgetting the pain. He said, "Brother Lu, please take a look at your karma scale first."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment and quickly looked at Eri Yi. Before he started fighting the weird clan, he transferred the causal scale to Eri Yi and asked him to be responsible for adding chips.

"Eriyi, where is the Karma Scale?"

he asked.

Eriki shook her head, "It's broken."

She took out a dark scale from the storage space, which was so distorted that its original bright and beautiful appearance could not be seen.

"When did it break?"

Lu Chen felt a sense of fear in his heart. If the scale of karma had been broken a long time ago, how terrifying would the karma of their previous battles in this era be?

"After you started fighting the weird clan, its durability dropped significantly. After killing two more ancestors, its durability completely returned to zero, and it became like this."

Eriki explained, with a strange light in her eyes. She sensed something in the Law of Fate, but she couldn't explain it clearly.

"So why are we fine? What about the heavenly tribulation? What about the karma of karma and punishment?"

Lu Chen looked around in confusion, "Who solved it?"

His eyes also glanced at Tianji Martial Saint. Tianji Martial Saint didn't know what Lu Chen said to his teammates, but he just nodded weakly and friendly.

"Is it a prop from the Origin Adventure Group?"

Lu Chen asked on the group channel.

"No, Brother Lu misunderstood. What I mean is that the scale of cause and effect is broken, but we haven't encountered anything terrible, which shows that the future Emperor Huangtian may have indeed succeeded and solved these problems in a place we don't know about. Question, Brother Lu, have you ever thought about how much history will be changed if we eliminate the Weird Clan in this battle?"

Chu Zihang said, "This cannot be solved by the scale of cause and effect at all. Let alone one scale of cause and effect, even ten or a hundred cannot be solved, because the time after this historical node has been completely reversed, and there is no The weird clan, Brother Lu, you penetrated the world in advance after the Zhetian era, so there is no such thing as a third protagonist. "

Only then did Lu Chen realize, "Oh, Chu Feng, I really didn't think about this carefully before. Could I have lost the protagonist of the third novel?"

Lu Chen was a little scared. He was so excited before that he only thought about rescuing Emperor Wu's Palace and helping Ye Fan and Shi Hao. He forgot about the future generations.

As Chu Zihang said, now that he has penetrated the world in advance, the entire second half of history is different. It is a shocking reversal, and the will of the world will no longer choose a new 'protagonist'. Chu Feng is really still Will there be one?

"That's not the case. With the strength of Huangtian Emperor and the others, I'm afraid they will be able to pick out the long river of history and develop a parallel timeline before transcendence. They should protect that period of history in this way. After transcendence becomes a taboo, they should still be able to Do better processing.”

Chu Zihang replied, "But I just want to say that this trip we caused a lot of trouble to the end of the river of time. It has always been relatively smooth. There should be someone behind the scenes to help, so don't mess up next time."

Chu Zihang originally wanted to say that Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan were wiping your butt, but it felt too straightforward, so he changed to a euphemistic way of saying it.

It can be said that the way Lu Chen traveled through the world and the various operations he performed would have killed him a hundred times if it were any other explorer.

If Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan hadn't given Lu Chen the details, how could the scale of causality withstand such a large change in causality? Chu Zihang had already made relevant guesses, but he just didn't make it clear.

"That's fine, we don't have much time to stay anyway."

Lu Chen smiled and said, cutting off the connection with the group frequency. Chu Zihang himself was not here, but was responsible for a series of chores in the Emperor Wu Palace, as well as focusing on training.

He stood up from where he was, feeling a little weak. It could be said that he had experienced old age for the first time in a long time. His life span was now less than two thousand years.

If you want to recover, there are several ways, either swallowing the immortality substances from all realms, or finding high-level elixirs to supplement them.

Because he suffered a serious loss this time, he was not prepared to completely fill up his life span in this world, because it would consume too much material. He was prepared to absorb some immortality substances in a limited amount so that he would not die of old age, and the rest would wait until later. Let’s talk about it in space.

"Master, are you okay? Brother Tianzi's matter..."

At this time, Shi Yi came over, looked at Lu Chen with concern, and at the same time mentioned the matter of the Ten Crowns King turning black.

"Oh, where are the others? Let me take a look."

Lu Chen licked the corner of his mouth and said.

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