Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1690 That man is back

Soon, Lu Chen arrived at the ninth-level void arena, which was an empty building.

The circular structure is like an ancient Roman arena. There is a large empty screen in the center area, allowing viewers from all directions to clearly see the battle above.

Well, at least from the appearance, it seems to have such a function.

In fact, the details of the battle between the ninth-level explorers are not open to the public. This large screen will only display the ranking. It will only light up for a period of time when there is a change in the ranking of the top 100.

In addition, the explorer takes the initiative to activate and view, but in that case only the activator can see it, and other people passing by cannot see it.

But now these functions are actually of little use, because there is no one in this huge building, there are neither spectators nor preparers waiting to go out.

The number of ninth-level explorers in the nine spaces has dropped sharply. Even before the original ninth-level explorers left, they were still very deserted.

After all, the ninth-level explorers all have important missions, and like Lu Chen and others this time, they may stay in a world for a long time. In a perfect world, 480,000 years have passed, and 48 months have passed in space. , that is, four full years have passed.

Therefore, it is really difficult for ninth-level explorers to meet each other in the Void Arena.

Today, there are an average of thirty or forty ninth-level explorers in each space, but the total number of explorers in the nine spaces that can stay in the space at the same time without going on a mission may not exceed one hundred.

And many of these people have already stagnated in the rankings in the Void Arena, and will not come here to fight at all. They can't beat the people above anyway, so it is better to do other things in the space, or take a vacation. .

When Lu Chen entered this ninth-level void arena, he saw no other explorers.

[Dear Pioneer No. 009, this is your first time coming to the ninth-level void arena. Do you need an explanation of the rules? 】

Lu Chen received a reminder from the origin space. Most of the games he played before were in the void arena in the origin space, not all the nine spaces.

Two worlds passed, and he suddenly had the strength to aspire to be the first in the ninth-level void arena, so naturally he wanted to get the title.

As for the false reputation of the so-called number one person in the Nine Spaces, he actually doesn't care, because he doesn't think that the seniors who left are really dead. One day those people will return, and then the pattern of the Nine Spaces will still be there. There will be changes.

Now is just a short-term vacuum period. The saying goes that there are no tigers in the mountains and the monkey is the king. This sentence is suitable for him, but it doesn't sound good.

However, Lu Chen thinks that even if he is a monkey, he should be some kind of Super Saiyan, right?

"No need, just match my opponent directly."

Lu Chen rejected the explanation of the rules of space. Anyway, he felt that it was just that, and no matter what the rules were, the winner took all.

[The Pioneer's high-level pet is not following you at this time. Do you want to recall it? 】

Lu Chen denied, "No need."

The little golden dragon may still be able to contribute in the early stages of climbing the rankings, but later on, the little golden dragon can only eat potato chips on the sidelines.

[Start the ninth-level void arena matching for Pioneer 009. Your current ranking is 358th, matching...]

[There are currently no ninth-level explorers who are also in the Void Arena. Image matching for Pioneer No. 009 has begun. 】

[Tip: The mirror is an object generated by the nine major spaces by collecting the battle data of the original explorers in the Void Arena. It is used to fight against future challengers. Since the mirror image is not as agile as the person, the space will make special adjustments to it. Comprehensive strengthening. 】

[The match is successful, your opponent is the ‘Black Sky Monkey King’ from the ancient space, currently ranked 349th. 】

After Lu Chen received the prompt, he began to be teleported and entered a specially set up combat venue in the space.

It is worth mentioning that fighting in this place is a semi-physical concept. With the blessing of space, you can exert your full strength. However, if you lose, you will not really die and will be called back to your true form by the space. The spirit merges with itself without any sequelae.

You can fight here without any worries, and it is a much more cost-effective way to train than going to a separate training ground.

Therefore, ninth-level explorers rarely use the training ground. Although the advanced training ground has rich functions, it is not as good as coming to the Void Arena for free prostitution.

It is also a mirror image. Of course everyone wants to challenge the strong ones in the space, not the indigenous mirror images in some derivative worlds.

There are many benefits to playing in the Void Arena. Even if it is not to improve the ranking, Lu Chen feels that there is no harm in playing more. He can learn about the fancy abilities of explorers from all walks of life and increase his knowledge.

Not long after, Lu Chen felt that he appeared in the sky above a world. This was a vast ocean. The density of the world was astonishingly high, even reaching the level of density of the Supreme Divine Land.

Moreover, with the blessing of the laws of space, this small world is incredibly strong. Even with Lu Chen's full strength, he may not be able to break the void, let alone destroy the avenue of nothingness here.

Compared with the competition venues they once participated in in the Supreme World, the methods of space are obviously much more sophisticated.

The stability of space can be said to have only advantages and no disadvantages for the battle of strong people, especially in terms of growth.

Because the space is not strong enough, it will be broken at every turn, and the avenue will be erased at every turn, which greatly affects people's operation.

Lu Chen descended from the sky and kept his aura hidden. It was still his old plan. During the process of ranking, he would also observe the opponents in other dimensions. It would be right to learn more about the opponent's abilities.

The so-called true master always has a heart to learn, and he is the one he is talking about.

There are many abilities that he may not be able to use himself, but after seeing them, he can understand their dismantling methods and even deduce more subtle methods.

Especially now that all three of his talents have been fully advanced. Looking at the entire ancient history of space, there are very few people who can reach the SSS+ level in all three talents.

With the blessing of various talents, his learning ability and growth ability can be said to be the well-deserved number one among this generation of space explorers, far behind others.

As long as he is a strong person of the same level or below, he can basically learn a rough idea of ​​the moves and techniques in the martial arts field by just reading them.

Opposite Lu Chen was an orangutan with black and white hair. At first glance, he knew that he was a creature from the ancient space. However, this orangutan seemed to be different from the species Lu Chen had seen before, because all he had seen were Pure black.

He wears a cloak with a humanoid appearance, holds a mage's staff in his hand, and has a crown composed of six prisms suspended above his head. The power of arcane laws around him fluctuates, and his comprehensive attributes reach 289 points.

Lu Chen could clearly see the opponent's status through the martial arts eye. This opponent had a passive state called Gift of the Ancients, which could increase all defense by 20% and increase the three main combat attributes by 1 point, which was regarded as compensation for the mirror image.

What surprised Lu Chen was that he felt that the person he was facing didn't look like a mirror at all. There was clearly a sparkle in the other person's eyes, as if he had his own thoughts, no different from ordinary people.

"Are you a newly promoted ninth-level explorer from Origin? He looks like a strong martial artist. He came to compete in the ninth-level void arena just after being promoted. His courage is commendable."

The explorer of the ancient space opened his mouth and said, holding a staff, and his breath was powerful, making the sea beneath his feet rise and fall.

"It seems that he does have a certain amount of intelligence. His personality and so on should be modeled after him, but Yazi doesn't seem to be very smart..."

Lu Chen touched his chin and thought.

He guessed that because the opponent was a mirror image, that is, the original owner stayed to guard the ring, and it could probably be set up in detail. Coupled with the space mobilization, the overall mirror image would definitely be aimed at destroying the opponent.

Therefore, what this mirror says can be basically ignored, and it does not represent the ultimate intelligence of its owner.

Because obviously, if you are a normal explorer, you will first use your reconnaissance ability to detect your opponent as soon as you enter the battle. Let’s not talk about skills. At least you must first understand the detailed attributes of your opponent.

Then you will find that you see a row of question marks on the other side...

Based on the thinking of a normal explorer, when you see a row of question marks in the Void Arena, what else are you thinking about? Just click on it quickly.

But the mirror image is different. He is very brave and dares to provoke. He will definitely fight with the challenger, even if he will be suppressed by raising his hand.

"You have flaws all over your body. Are you going to challenge the Void Arena like this?"

The Great Sage Krishna spoke coldly, but as a mirror image, he would not show mercy. His words were just simulating the character and tone of his master. However, his main task as a scene was to kill all incoming challengers.

Even if his own ranking is not high, there will be rewards every time his ranking rises a little, and no one wants to be squeezed out.

As he spoke, the mirror image of the Great Sage Black Sky took action. As soon as it came up, there was an ocean countercurrent, and several snake-like pythons appeared. At the same time, ice fog appeared around Lu Chen, and mirrors surrounded him. This should be someone A trapping skill.

"'s really an alien from the ancient space."

Lu Chen complained, without taking any action, just releasing his breath slightly, causing the space to tremble, and the entire sea surface to dent into a huge bowl shape, and all the magic was shattered.

At the same time, a soul descended and killed the mirror image of the Great Sage Black Sky. Because Lu Chen was not interested in seeing such inferior magic, he felt that it might not be as good as Kaka's.

[Dear Pioneer No. 009, your ranking in the ninth-level void arena has been improved, and your current ranking is 349th. 】

After Lu Chen left the competition world, he received a reminder from the origin space. It seemed that the competition system in this place was different from other arenas.

It doesn't mean that after defeating an opponent, you jump forward several times, because there are too few people here, and if you just squeeze some people out without fighting before, no explorer will be convinced.

"Origin, can you increase your efforts for me and make the platoon more powerful?"

Lu Chen asked, because he had to follow this rhythm, wouldn't he have to fight them one by one? You can only pick your opponents from the top seven or eight each time, which is too slow.

Although he wanted to see the abilities of strong people from all walks of life, he didn't want to see the operations of weak chickens. He wanted to at least reach the Immortal Emperor level.

[Dear Pioneer No. 009, you have transcendence authority and can adjust the cross-level challenge interval to a maximum of 20. Do you want to adjust it? 】

When Lu Chen heard this, a smile appeared on his lips. Didn't the privileges of a pioneer come now?


He told that as a pioneer, his explorer mark authority has always been +1, and he is currently at level nine, and will have more special permissions than ordinary explorers, such as the increase in the home planning quota of the mission world. Category.

[Matching for Pioneer 009 has been restarted, and the match was successful...]

[Your opponent is ‘Daosheng’ from the Tiandao Space, currently ranked 329th]

After Lu Chen received the prompt, the teleportation started. It was still the same place. He took a look at the opponent's ability for about half a minute, and then directly used his soul to kill him.

Lu Chen's ranking efficiency was extremely high. He basically matched his opponent in less than five minutes. It didn't take long before he was ranked within 70 of the Void Arena.

At this range, the strength of the opponents finally began to become apparent, and many of them had more than 320 points.

While Lu Chen was obsessed with fighting, the connecting points of the void arenas in various spaces and the large screens in those arenas were all on, with a name on it rising rapidly, finally attracting the attention of some interested people.

"It's so fast. Is this his first time playing in the ninth-level Void Arena? In just one hour, he has already beaten within 70 people. This is really a rare situation. Hasn't he never played in the Void Arena before? "

In the fairy space, the leader of a ninth-level adventure group said in confusion.

"Godzilla? This name seems familiar. Could it be that back?"

In the terminal space, an explorer looked at the updated list and muttered silently to himself.

"It's really familiar. Is it a coincidence? Or is that man not dead at all? Now he's back. If that's the case, then the nine dimensions will probably change..."

A ninth-level explorer in the fairy space thought, remembering some bad memories of his youth, being robbed by a man with a knife, although in the end he shamefully purchased a certain qualification...

"Could it be that man? He has returned after so many years. How strong has he become? Could it be that the rumors are true? He went to the deepest level of the Supreme World and entered the Supreme Divine Land. Has he returned now after completing his cultivation!?"

A ninth-level adventure group leader in the arcane space was deep in thought with a solemn expression.

All major spaces began to pay attention to the ninth-level void arena, and Lu Chen, who was in the void arena, also received inquiries from the origin space.

[Apply to Pioneer No. 009 now. Do you want to make your real-time battle footage public? 】

[If you choose to make it public, you can obtain inheritance crystals in each battle. Complete*20]

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