Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1809 Peak Violator

Light and darkness are intertwined, with many colors twisting into whirlpools around the space. Everything you see is endless distortion.

There is no sky and earth here, no continuous time, and no continuous space. There is no way forward and no way backward.

Only then and there will be intermittent singing in the mist floating in, making the creatures trapped here almost crazy.

"What the hell!? This is not in the mission description! Who interfered with the progress of the space mission!?"

An explorer from the End Space yelled, but his voice could not travel far and was absorbed by the twisted space, and no one could reply to his words.

He has been separated from the explorers in the same space, and no one can hear his voice in this endlessly twisted place.

In this time-distorted world, he didn't know how long he had stayed. On the panel of the space menu, the staying time seemed to no longer pass, making him wonder if he could still be pulled away by the space.

He moved forward crazily in the twisted space, using various skills, but he was unable to shake the twisted world. The fog that occasionally passed by made him shudder.

"Violators...are violators!"

He yelled crazily and looked around vigilantly, understanding why this accident happened.

They were originally practicing in a native world that matched their own strength, but that world was suddenly swallowed up. The colorful and twisted light eroded the mission world where they were, and then there was the scene in front of him.

He does not believe that this is an accidental world collision and swallowing event in the sea of ​​​​worlds, because the movement of the world is also regular, and the space can be calculated, and they will not be put into a high-risk world that is about to be swallowed up.

"Cackle, cluck..."

A burst of weird, delicate laughter made his scalp feel numb.

He looked in all directions, his perception reached its limit, and he used the warhammer in his hand to disperse the fog. He breathed a sigh of relief just now, but his eyes widened the next moment.

Then his whole body froze, his eyes gradually became dull, and finally began to become distorted in the space, merging with those whirlpool-like lines, and the entire human body curved and curled up, and finally became like a fire hose rolled up. thing, with a peaceful smile on his face.

In other parts of the world, the same thing happened, and the explorers were struggling and roaring in despair.

Along the way, they rose to the ninth level. They passed through countless life and death hurdles before they achieved the strength they have today. How could they be willing to die so unclearly?

But the reality is cruel. Facing the master behind this world, they are just humble bugs. No matter how they struggle, they only add to the laughter.

"Quack quack..."

Weird laughter was recalled in the space, and another explorer was annihilated and became part of the twisted space.

At this time, in the sea of ​​​​the world, Lu Chen stood at the bow of the ship and saw a world.

From the bubbles outside, that world looks like a colorful jellyfish, swimming in the sea of ​​​​the world. At this time, the tentacles below extend, and the umbrella-like structure is shrouding the other world.

After hearing the prompt from the space, Lu Chen knew that his destination had arrived. This was the world that had undergone changes and was constantly devouring the normal world in the sea of ​​​​worlds.

Lu Chen, who had performed cosmic fusion on the surface of the supreme world, could see at a glance that the way this world fused was different from the normal collision and fusion of other worlds. It was very high-speed but inefficient.

High speed means that it moves and devours the world very quickly. Inefficiency means that its conversion efficiency is very low. A considerable part of the world's source is wasted in the world that is swallowed up.

If the world is compared to a living being, then this world is a madman at this time. In essence, the current ruler of it should be a crazy being who controls the will of the world in a special way and perceives the sea of ​​the world outside. .

He himself cannot escape, but he can control the course of the world and devour it crazily.

As a world, its interior is extremely chaotic. It is this chaos and distortion that causes its energy to be wasted, like a monster that grows abnormally.

Lu Chen looked at it twice, without hesitation, he jumped up from the bow of the ship, unsheathed the Regicide in his hand, opened a hole in the world with one blow, and rushed in.

The twisted power struck instantly, Lu Chen snorted coldly, wrapped his soul around himself, and at the same time, his comprehensive attributes continued to rise.

The Sinner's Passive was turned on, the Great Desolation Art was turned on, and the God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique was turned on. His comprehensive attributes instantly reached 336 points, preventing those twisted powers from getting close.

At the same time, the whole world began to roar, and huge wounds were torn out under the extremely violent spirit.

Lu Chen stepped forward, slashed out with a knife, and sliced ​​through the world. Suddenly the world became clear. Wherever the knife passed, distortions were cleared away to see innocence, and order was restored.

At this time, the explorers in this world all sensed the change and rushed towards the huge crack, which was the area where the rules were stabilized.

[The Void Pioneer has arrived on the battlefield, explorers please move closer to the Void Pioneer as soon as possible! 】

[Tip: Please move closer to the Void Pioneer as soon as possible to ensure withdrawal from the battlefield! 】

All explorers, no matter which space they are from, have received prompts from their own space at this time.

At this time, they didn't care about anything else. They took out all their special skills and ran towards the space cut out by the sword light. However, the twisted force of the restriction was too strong, causing the Qingming cut out by the sword light to look like It's very close, but you can't reach it in a hundred years.

Just when the explorers were in despair, a man's voice sounded in everyone's ears.


The voice was calm, but it seemed to be giving orders to the entire world.

The next moment, people saw that the sword light that cut across the world spread out, and the boundless soul burst out for the second time. The shock wave was transmitted in all directions, like rain falling in all directions, and the endless rain of arrows spread out, stabbing. Pass through the distortion and shatter the darkness.

In less than a breath, the majestic soul swept across the world, causing all the distortions to dissipate and restore clarity. The entire space was empty, without sky and earth, but there was no longer that twisted power. .

The explorers looked towards the source of power and shouted excitedly, "It's the Pioneer of the Void!"

Lu Chen sheathed his sword, with a magic pattern on his face. Under the blessing of the deep space, he didn't look boundless and terrifying, but just unparalleled in the world.

He glanced at the explorers and said, "Withdraw. The Origin warships outside will take you away from the battlefield."

The explorers who were still alive were naturally excited and rushed behind Lu Chen with tears of gratitude. There were also a few calm people passing by who saluted and thanked them, but Lu Chen did not focus on them.

Lu Chen was currently looking at the location deep in the universe, which was the source of chaos and the real purpose of the space for him to come here.

What was suspended there was an eyeball. There was a twisted spiral in the eyeball, and there were obvious bloodshot threads spreading outward in the white of the eye. It was staring at him tightly at this time.

Although it looked scary, Lu Chen felt that this was not a strange creature or an ancient divine creature, but a special creature that had been contaminated by the spirit.

The martial arts eye glanced over, and Lu Chen learned the detailed information of the opponent. It was a special creature with a comprehensive attribute of 336 points, named 'Arcane Eye. Twisted'

World No. 998 was definitely not like this at first. It should have been after the Arcane Eye went berserk that it turned into the chaotic world it is today, madly devouring other small worlds in the sea of ​​​​worlds to strengthen itself.

"Who gave you the power?"

Lu Chen said.

However, what answered him was a twisted halo. The eyeball launched an attack, and twisted arcane power descended on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not dodge, and allowed the power to increase. He just shook his sleeves slightly, and the opponent's attack was shattered by the soul and turned into nothing.

"It seems like we can't communicate anymore, whatever..."

Lu Chen put his hand on the scabbard, "I'm here for arbitration, not diplomacy. Just keep it simple."

Behind Lu Chen, the explorer who had just passed through the gap in the world barrier and boarded the warship looked back.

Seeing the man in black clothes and black sword taking steps, the whole world trembled. The next moment, the man and the arcane eye passed each other. The eyeball split into two halves in the middle, and then it was as misty as mist. Evaporated, annihilated from the source.

"Is that explorer of our generation?"

An explorer of the chaotic space trembled, saying that the monsters that left them unable to struggle were as fragile as ants under the hands of the legendary Martial Emperor, the Pioneer of the Void.

Lu Chen killed the Arcane Eye and got a hint from the space. He had obtained 300% world exploration. Obviously, the core of the world was in the Arcane Eye.

He holds a small eyeball-shaped stone in his hand, which is the form of the aggregation of the will of this world after it materializes.

Things like the will of the world can only be directly attacked when it is materialized. The core of the world often does not exist, and the world will automatically dissipate invisible, so it is more troublesome to attack.

It's a special case right now, because the core of the world here has been tampered with.

Lu Chen watched the origin warship set sail. This ship should take the explorers to the transit area, and then be taken back to their respective spaces, each going back to their respective homes.

He himself did not leave here, but took one step out of the native world No. 998, with a pair of eyes that penetrated the sea of ​​​​the world.

"As expected of the new void pioneer in the origin space, he killed the Arcane Eye so easily."

Behind Lu Chen, a voice sounded playful.

Lu Chen slowly turned around and looked at a location. On a bubble in the world, there was a man wearing a gray-blue robe standing there. He was missing one ear and had a long hanging on the other ear. The red pendant, the whole person's face was pale, and he looked like he had kidney failure.

"Knowing that I am the Pioneer of the Void, why don't you just run away?"

Lu Chen sneered, knowing that this was the main event.

The origin space will not send you to do boring work. Obviously, the arcane eyes are not enough to see. You can kill a hundred of them with one sword, so it is not worthwhile for you to make a special trip.

Since the explorers were pulled into World No. 998 under abnormal circumstances, there must be the shadow of the violator behind this incident. The violator who can control the layout of the native world No. 998 will naturally not be a small role, and it will not be said that I just want to kill a group of ninth-level explorers.

The real purpose is not those explorers, nor is it to collect the source of the world in the sea of ​​​​the world, but to attract the high-level combat power of space, that is, to come out on your own.

"Escape? Aren't you the one who should escape? The void warship hasn't gone far yet, why don't you board it?"

The man in gray-blue robe smiled. His voice was a little dry, giving people an uncomfortable hoarse feeling. As he spoke, a bead with colorful twisted brilliance appeared in his hand, which exuded strong arcane fluctuations. , obviously he is a magic professional.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength. Are you the only one?"

Lu Chen looked around, his tone was calm, but he was just a little emotional.

I think the Violator Alliance did something like this back then, dispatching several violator giants to plan and kill the Void Stalkers in the origin space.

In the blink of an eye, he too had reached such a day, becoming the target of being lured out of the cave by the League of Violators and killed.

"No no no..."

The man in gray and blue robes stretched out a finger and shook it. The smile on his face looked irritating. "Facing the noble Pioneer of the Void, the strongest external combat power in space, of course we have to show some respect. Just meet him." After seeing you in person, it’s just a little disappointing.”

As he spoke, Lu Chen felt two auras appear behind him, cutting off his escape route and disconnecting him from the void warship.

Behind him is a woman holding a blood sword, and behind him on the right is a strong green-skinned man holding a giant umbrella. The green-skinned one obviously comes from the chaotic space.

"I feel your respect. Is this the peak combat power under the taboos of the Violator Alliance?"

Lu Chen grinned. The three powerful men in front of him were all ninth-level peak powerhouses, but they were not taboo, but their attributes had reached the extreme value of 340 points.

From the perspective of the Violators Alliance, this is a siege that they should take seriously enough. After all, they have space intelligence. A few years ago, their comprehensive attributes were below 330 points. Such a siege by three strong men. , it can almost be said to be a sure win.

"It's a waste of time to kill a chicken with a big knife. I've said it before, it's enough for me to do it alone."

The green-skinned man said coldly, licking the corners of his mouth, as if he could no longer hold back and wanted to take action.

"Angu, you are free to do whatever you want, but I want his knife."

The woman with long hair covering her face said calmly, her eyes between the gaps in her hair looked greedy at the regicide in Lu Chen's hand.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it made the distinguished Void Pioneer laugh, but we are just such unorganized people, but I want to thank the elephant from your space. His intelligence is very accurate this time, and he should be recorded as a credit."

The man in gray and blue robes smiled and said, "Your head is very valuable, and it determines who can become the next taboo of the Violator Alliance."

There's more at noon

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