Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1815 The goal is supreme

Lu Chen's mouth curled up in the sea of ​​​​the world, and he suddenly had some bad taste. He finally knew the benefits of the privileged class, and he could even change the tasks directly.

It is a pity that this function is only effective for those below level eight, and they cannot decide their own tasks. This should be regarded as a manifestation of the decentralization of the origin space, allowing the void pioneers to better understand the operation of the space.

Through this function, Lu Chen was also thinking about whether every time he received a task, there would be similar people who would assign it to him after judgment and formulation?

If you think about it more deeply, it is entirely possible that in the world before the eighth level, there was someone behind the mission. It was not necessarily the random will of the space, but someone might be manipulating it.

If someone has manipulated his mission route, from the perspective of this space, the only person who may have such authority is JOKER, the former leader of the circus. The other party seems to know him very well, and he also reminded him about Eri Yi. thing.

Lu Chen only felt that the strong men of the previous generation were playing a big game of chess. He was on the chessboard but did not know their purpose. This feeling was very unpleasant.

He glanced at the mission menu and fiddled with it casually. He did not change the main mission for his son, but only added some fun to the world in the future.

He is not the kind of person who cares about the ruin of life in order to train his children. The world of One Punch Man is indeed difficult to pose a fatal threat to Lu Ping'an, but he has many dangerous worlds for his son to experience.

For example, if Lu Ping'an went to Chenguang Universe, it didn't even count.

Another example is to let him return to the continent where he was born. There are so many powerful people in the ancient continent. With these basic attributes, he can only be regarded as a savage in the wilderness.

Halfway through watching, Lu Chen received a group call from Hui Liyi. He left the space through an unconventional method, but he could still contact his teammates in the space.

"How was it? Is it interesting?"

Eriki's teasing voice came.

"Ping An just hit the wall with a tornado."

Lu Chen explained simply.

Eriki seemed to perk up immediately, "Then what!?"

Sure enough, gossip is the nature of every woman, and Eri Yi is inevitably vulgar, not to mention that this is her precious son's business.

"Then he grabbed the person and asked where One-Punch Man was..."

Lu Chen said speechlessly, but he could also understand his son's mood. If it were his younger self, he would probably do the same thing. After all, it is very interesting to compete with strong people.

"Take me there quickly, I want to watch the live broadcast too!"

Eriyi yelled, unable to bear it any longer.

"That's fine. Being in the Sea of ​​the World won't affect your practice. I'll pick you up."

Lu Chen thought about it and left. He had authority and it was easy for him to enter and exit the space. After a while, he brought Eri Yi with him.

So the couple began to watch the process of eating melon and watching their son break through the world.

"Godzilla, do you think that when we were working hard in the mission world in the past, there were people like us who watched from the outside like an entertainment show?"

Hui Liyi said thoughtfully.

Lu Chen looked up and said, "If there are any, they must be handsome men and beautiful women."


Eriki said confused.

"Because we've come a long way, isn't it pretty good?"

Lu Chen smiled, hugged Eliyi into his arms, and prepared for a training operation in the void of the world sea.


Two days later, Lu Chen and Eryi returned to the origin space.

Eriki had a happy smile on her face. She was very satisfied with this observation experience, in every sense of the word.

After all, it is a rare thing to see your son realize the difference between men and women and regain his interest in girls before his charm falls into the abyss.

In this way, it would be possible for her to have a grandson.

Lu Chen didn't think so much. He was just thinking about whether the violator he met in the sea of ​​​​the world before the end of One Punch Man's world mission was by chance or was sent here.

At this time, on the other side, in Lu Pingan's room, a beam of light flashed. He had returned and successfully completed his task trial, with a look of reluctance on his face.

He did not hesitate and began to complete the task settlement. He wanted to change that world to his home world.


Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, two months had passed in the space.

During this time, Lao Wang has delivered the team's customized equipment. As a welcome gesture to the new members, the Zhutian Tourist Adventure Group also made a special investment to customize a new coat suit for Leng Yue.

Through the fragments of Lu Chen's Origin Destiny Stone, they enhanced all their equipment to +14, which can be described as a major upgrade like a complete rebirth.

Prior to this, the one with the highest level of equipment enhancement in Lu Chen and his team was Eri Yi, who had a Book of Truth with +15. The others were only at +8 or +9 levels at most. Lu Chen himself relied on enhanced auxiliary items to enhance his abilities. Go up and kill the king.

This time all members were upgraded. Leng Yue looked at her upgraded new equipment with emotion, because her previous preparations were only +8 at most. Obviously she was not one of those lucky people.

This time, even the little golden dragon got customized equipment. Well... a dragon saddle, which can give the person riding it a certain bonus. It is considered to be the best pet equipment.

With Lu Chen's current strength, the little golden dragon was unable to keep up, both as a combat pet and as a mount.

So now the little golden dragon has become Hui Liyi's mount by default, because it has strong mobility. After all, it is the team leader with the highest attributes except Lu Chen, so it is still qualified as a bodyguard.

The future combat policy of their team is very clear. Lu Chen serves as the main tank and main DPS at the same time. Eri Yi is the main assistant, Xia Mi is the secondary assistant, Chu Zihang is the comprehensive figure in the middle and dispatches, and Leng Yue is the Sifang Supported reconnaissance scouts.

Karma is the external computing brain, and the little golden dragon is responsible for being cute and leading people to run away.

When encountering a powerful enemy, they can activate the team's skills. Once the formation skills are activated, everyone's abilities will increase significantly. They can be used once in a world, which is considered a finishing move.

After Lu Chen's various equipments were upgraded, each of the five dimensions of the equipment was improved, but the skills were not updated. He felt that new qualitative changes would not occur until +15, so he had to continue collecting the Origin Stones.

Lu Chen currently has a total of six pieces of growth equipment, including the main weapon Regicide, with a current growth rate of 79.31%; the Twilight Coat, with a current growth rate of 68.23%; the ring God Eater, with a current growth rate of 45.96%; and the shoes Deep Space, with a current growth rate of 45.96%. The current growth rate is 11.57%; the scabbard Senluo, the current growth rate is 21.22%; the necklace Breath of the Underworld, the current growth rate is 0%.

Among them, Breath of the Underworld has the lowest growth rate. It is the equipment I just obtained, and the growth conditions are relatively harsh. I killed two powerful violators, but the growth rate of this equipment did not change at all.

The Senluo Scabbard had to sacrifice its own life source to grow. Lu Chen had raised it for more than three million years, and it only had a growth rate of 21%. It was a bit slow, but compared to those equipment with harsh improvement paths, he felt that this It’s pretty good that it takes time to grow.

Growth in deep space is also inconvenient. Its growth principle can be said to be to compete with space for food. To get the source of the world in the sea of ​​worlds, Lu Chen plans to go back and find some worlds with no life, and directly destroy and absorb them. Otherwise It is almost impossible to upgrade this piece of equipment to the origin level.

As long as the God Eater continues to kill divine creatures, it would be best to go to the inner world of the Supreme World. I heard that there are many supreme gods there, so they will definitely welcome me, right?

Both Twilight Coat and Regicide can gain growth rate by killing strong people. As long as I keep looking for powerful creatures to kill, I might be able to break through to the origin level in the next world.

At that time, I may become one of the few people in the history of the Origin Space who has reached the Origin Level with growth equipment before his basic strength has reached the Taboo Level.

Now that everything is ready, he has begun to consider entering the new world.

He also has ideas for the goal of the new world. Chu Zihang has analyzed it. Nowadays, there are many worlds in the world that can allow his team to gain greater benefits. They can gain benefits from the top 100 native worlds. The problem is that the risk is uncontrollable.

If the origin space were to randomly rank them, they might be ranked in a place as powerful as Lu Chen's home world, and then they would have to be restrained under the eyes of many taboos.

Not every time there will be taboo foreign aid to help. Lu Chen does have a few taboo friends, but it is impossible for him to call everyone to help before every mission.

The time in his hometown world was a special case. Space helped him call people, but in fact, Lu Chen felt that it was because Space had been planning his hometown world for a long time and generally wouldn't do that.

The current situation is that if the world ranked by Space for them is too strong, it will restrict them too much. If it is weak, they will not be able to achieve the goal of improvement.

After comprehensive consideration, Chu Zihang believed that it would be better to use Lu Chen's Supreme Pass directly, go to the Supreme World again, learn all the special skills that he had not been able to practice before, and then experience and upgrade within the scope of the Supreme World.

There are two advantages to doing this. One is that the Supreme World, as a close collaborator of space, does not have to worry about the taboos on the Supreme World taking action against explorers. The other is that the Supreme World, as the native world No. 0, has no doubts about its strength. , they can definitely find many opportunities and benefits to greatly improve their strength.

Furthermore, if Lu Chen needs it, he can also consider a trip to the other world. Whether it is to increase the growth of equipment or to have fun in combat, it is excellent.

After deciding on the policy, the team began to prepare for the new world.

Lu Pingan has also entered two mission worlds at this time, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, not losing to his father back then. After two worlds, his comprehensive attributes have increased to more than 200 points, and he is now a seventh-level pioneer.

The most recent time, he did not go to the mission world, but was sent by the origin space to fight for the world. The origin space invited Lu Chen to serve as a battlefield referee. Lu Chen did not go, which felt too insignificant.

In fact, Lu Pingan's strength is completely enough to cooperate with other strong men in the origin space to win the war. After all, in that battle for the world, except Lu Pingan, the other two hundred people were all from the same adventure group, belonging to a branch of the Tianji Martial Saint. group.

Now that his son has grown up, Lu Chen has a lot less to worry about. Ping An said that he was trying to get an extradition contract recently, but the space just wouldn't give it to him.

Lu Chen also said he was helpless. Strangely enough, he always had his dreams come true in terms of space rewards, but his son didn't seem to have that many benefits.

Lu Ping'an's luck attribute was obviously extremely high. When he was performing a mission in the world of One Punch Man, Lu Chen saw it. It was really a treasure box with one punch...

Lu Chen wanted to cry when he saw it. After all, he had forgotten that there was a chance of dropping a treasure chest when fighting monsters in the space.

The last time he defeated monsters and dropped treasure chests was when he was on the Aika continent. He carried out a sweep-style war and killed tens of thousands of enemies before he could drop a trash treasure chest.

The space did not give special treatment to Lu Pingan in terms of mission rewards, presumably because Lu Pingan was already very lucky and did not pay special attention to him.

"Brother Lu, don't you still have a few high-level medals that you haven't redeemed? After redeeming them, you can consider setting off."

Chu Zihang said on the sofa that their team is currently ready in all aspects and can enter the mission world at any time.

"I didn't take a fancy to the items I refreshed last month. I'll check again after they are refreshed tonight."

Lu Chen said that he had been waiting for two months for a good batch of exchange items.

He asked his son to join his adventure group, so that Lu Ping'an could enjoy financial benefits. The two fairy-level growth treasure chests had already been opened. He asked Eryi to open them, and the result was a sword and a sickle.

The simple sword was given to Lu Ping'an, and the sickle was given to Xia Mi. The rest of the team had no objections. After all, they each had their own main weapons with growth potential, and the fairy level still needed to be cultivated slowly.

The only one that is really suitable for use is Lu Ping'an. Xia Mi's one will take a long time to be used.

"Dad, are you guys going away and not coming back for a long time?"

Lu Pingan also came to visit his parents and asked reluctantly.

"While we are away, you must work hard, pay attention to safety in the mission world, and don't be careless."

Lu Chen warned that for them, it might only take them ten thousand years to enter the supreme world, but it would take Lu Ping'an ten thousand years to stay in the space.

There is a huge gap in the flow rate ratio between time and space in the mission world. For Lu Pingan, this difference may be hundreds of millions of years.

Of course, if his strength reaches the standard, he may be assigned to go to the Supreme World in advance, and we can meet him then.

"Take care of yourself, don't let mom worry. If you really encounter difficulties that you can't get over, use the special function in the team to contact you."

Eriyi also gave some uneasy instructions. After becoming a mother, she realized how hard it is to take care of children. The main reason is that she is always uneasy once they are separated, for fear that her son will be bullied, although in fact it is mostly Lu Pingan who bullies others in the mission world. people.

There's more at noon

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