Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1821 Secrets of the Original Era

Lan Ke glanced at Lu Chen thoughtfully, "Little friend Lu is smart. Theoretically speaking, as the inner world that existed before the separation of Kaitian, the taboo strong people in it may indeed know all the truth, but the problem is that the creatures there are basically Impossible to communicate and hostile to all outsiders.”

Lu Chen touched his face and said, "Junior, I feel that I might be quite happy in this world."

To be honest, he didn't want to admit it, but he seemed to be inexplicably popular among the weird side, especially the kind of creatures with charm.

Whether it is awe or worship, after his charm has completely hit the bottom, when he meets the ancient gods, most of the time the other party's first reaction is not to attack him, but to treat him as a kindred spirit.

"Little friend Lu said this about himself..."

Lan Ke was also embarrassed, thought for a while and said: "I won't talk about how little friend Lu will go to the other world first. I will finish talking about the old things from the beginning of the sky first, and then you can make a decision."

Lu Chen nodded, "Senior, please tell me."

"According to my understanding, before the creation of all things, the Supreme World was called the Supreme Yin Divine Land, and the Supreme Yang World was the Supreme Yang Divine Land. When the two sides live together, they are an absolute circle and a sphere. You can Think of it as a big star."

As Lanke spoke, he raised his hand and used magic to construct a picture. There was a huge ball on the picture. The ball was divided into two sides: yin and yang. One side was red filled with yang energy, and the other side was blue with yin energy.

"The surface of this sphere is the Supreme Divine Land and the Supreme Yang Divine Earth that you see now. The two realms are connected, and Yin and Yang are harmonious. As the saying goes, if Yin does not grow and Yang does not grow, then the world will be in a perfect state, and heroes will emerge in large numbers. , under the absolute seal, the life born there is inherently unique.”

Lan Ke continued, glancing at Lu Chen, "That's why the person who caused the split between Yin and Yang will be called the biggest sinner in the ancient history of the world."

Lu Chen was thoughtful. Through various clues and what Xun Guang said, he had already guessed what the Mystic Blood True Ancestor had done that caused the original world to fall apart.

If the original world was really so perfect, it would really be a place comparable to, or even stronger than, space.

You don’t even need to collect explorers. The creatures in that world only need to keep mating and giving birth to children. They don’t need to consume any external resources. They are born unique. In addition, the cultivation environment is the best place in all worlds. It can be imagined that, How many strong men will emerge?

He felt that even if he lay down and slept, a pig could become an Immortal King or even an Immortal Emperor.

Such a powerful world is weakened by division. The Mystical Blood Warrior can indeed be called a sinner to the creatures of the two worlds.

"Senior, you only learned about this recently, right?"

Lu Chen asked.

Lan Ke was a little surprised, "Why do you think so?"

"Because when senior took me to the Supreme Competition last time, I felt that senior didn't know so much inside information. At that time, I didn't know what the secret blood warrior was guilty of. I only knew that the secret blood was unknown."

Lu Chen said after being reminded by Chu Zihang.

Lan Ke smiled and said calmly: "Indeed, this is what I heard from a taboo after I took further power. Some time ago, due to the incident in the No. 81 native world, several taboos woke up and called me over. I heard many secrets."

"If this junior guessed correctly, the other world should be inside the sphere, right?"

Lu Chen looked at the sphere projected by Lan Ke in the void. The sphere was floating in the sea of ​​the world, like the source of all things. Other worlds were as small as dust.

"Little friend Lu is right. The inner world is inside the sphere. This is where the name of the inner world comes from. It is not divided into three layers like the supreme world today. It is actually upper, middle and lower. The original inner world was wrapped by the ball. That’s why it’s called the inner world.”

Lanke explained that as he raised his hand, the sphere in the void became translucent, and a third color, green, appeared inside.

The outside is red and blue, and the inside is green, which is very intuitive and highlights the contrast between the forces.

"But the original inner world may be different from what you imagined, little friend Lu. It's not what you see now."

Lanke continued, "It was originally a conceptual place. People from the Yang to Yin God Land cannot reach it, and the creatures in the inner world cannot come out."

Speaking of this, Lan Ke also showed a hint of awe for history and fear of what happened in distant times.

Because the taboo of telling him this incident was the oldest taboo, he almost sent him back to experience it through extraordinary means.

"What happened next?"

Lu Chen noticed the change in the expression on Lan Ke's face and asked curiously.

"In the beginning, in the most ancient world, there was no concept of spiritual practice."

Lan Ke looked at Chu Zihang, "You have also been to the Institute of Technology and Truth. Do you know where the original technology there came from? The origins of that institute can be traced back to before the world was opened."

"The juniors have read some documents in the academy. The academy does have a long history. The seniors believed that technology is the original truth. Now it seems that it is true."

Chu Zihang replied that he originally thought it was the old academics who were bragging, because in a world view like the Supreme World, no matter how you look at technology, it cannot be considered unique.

Lan Ke nodded, "Yes, in the original world, people did not practice cultivation, or in other words, they did not know that there was a way to improve themselves through cultivation. Everyone relied on external forces, that is, technology to improve their lives. At that time, countries were also divided into countries. What they competed for was technological strength. A single strong person was of no use. Just like in the mortal world, when everyone was not practicing, your strength was limited compared to others, and it was impossible to defeat him. Over the gun.”

He continued: "Even if people don't practice, in that kind of heaven and earth environment, adults can still have considerable strength compared to the creatures in other worlds. It's just that the original world was sealed at that time, and people didn't know there were other people outside. There are other worlds, and I don’t know that I will be a superman in the eyes of the creatures in other worlds.”

He looked at Lu Chen and said, "Little friend Lu, do you know what new ideas people will have when a civilization reaches its peak, when technology encounters bottlenecks, when the social system solidifies, and everything reaches its end?"

"Will believe in God."

Lu Chen said lightly that this is what the ancient history of the world told him. The end of science is theology, although scientists believe that they are still opening up the path of science, and theology will indeed become science after it is realized.

But for most ordinary people, after all material and practical needs are met, what they need is spiritual sustenance, that is, faith.

Most people in the original world were not that ordinary, but they were obviously pursuing stronger power, a better life, and a more eternal life, so they would definitely desire extraordinary power relative to their worldview.

"Yes, the creatures in the original world are no longer satisfied with strengthening themselves with the power of science and technology. It is obvious that they have completed the injection of eternal life through the research of immortality substances. It is obvious that their medical methods are enough to bring people's bodies back to life. , and even freely copy a large number of self-multifunctional bodies with no side effects for people to replace. "

Lan Ke nodded and said, "Although sentient beings have gotten everything they want, they are still not satisfied, because some people begin to wonder why, as the highest creators, they have developed all technologies, but they can only rely on Make inventions with your mind, but you can’t let yourself defeat technology.”

His voice became deeper, "So, the first emerging sect appeared. They began to believe in God. They believed in a god named Harak. They believed that there should be a god in this world, possessing extraordinary power, allowing them to No longer rely on technology and regain the power of life itself.”

"Is it a god-making movement? Because of people's beliefs, new gods are born?"

Lu Chen guessed.

However, Lan Ke shook his head, "It's not that simple. The power of faith can indeed create extraordinary gods, but that requires a specific world environment and huge and lasting faith. The original world at that time did not allow people to believe in gods. , believed that it was a heresy and would be expelled as soon as it was discovered, so a major country immediately launched a crusade against the emerging sect, but the kingdom's army was defeated in that battle. "

Lanke said solemnly: "Those believers showed amazing extraordinary power and were able to compete with the kingdom's technological warships. Although there were many casualties, they successfully repelled the kingdom's technological armed legions."

"This cannot be explained by faith. Is there really a God?"

Lu Chen said doubtfully.

"Yes, God is coming, and he is coming from the inner space with destruction."

Lan Ke lamented, "There are indeed gods in this world, but they are not as beautiful as people imagine."

He pointed to the sphere projected into the void, "The complete original world is a sphere, and the material universe we live in is its sphere, that is, the Yang to Yin God Earth, the space inside the sphere, the inner world, you can understand it as a A form of subspace existence, or in other words, it is not a space at all, but a concept. Before its veil is unveiled, it can exist or not exist. "

"It's like we couldn't understand it at the time. Even though the power of technology has allowed us to drill into the ground from the Yang world and penetrate to the Yin world, there are still scientists who believe that the two continents are wrapped between them. There is a different space in this place.”

Lan Ke continued: "The rules on the sphere are not supported or established in the inner world. They are two systems running separately. The two worlds have almost no communication channels. It is originally impossible to border and not interfere with each other."

"Is it people's desires and beliefs that connect the other world?"

Lu Chen asked.

Lan Ke nodded, "Part of the reason for this is that scientists from the original world have already begun to study the other world in the early years. That part of them can become paranoid scientists and believe that the other world must exist. For this reason, they have dug up They emptied the entire center of the earth and then filled it back in. Finally, under the ridicule of other scientists, they published a paper arguing that the inner world exists in concepts, but cannot be connected through physical forms. "

He smiled and said, "At that time, many scientists thought that those people were crazy. If they said they existed in concepts, didn't they just exist in your fantasy? Science is rigorous, and even conjectures need certain basis, but those Scientists who insist on the existence of this other world can’t provide any evidence.”

"But then a genius scientist appeared. Through a special method, he really studied the tip of the iceberg of the other world. This happened almost at the same time as the emerging religious sects emerged."

Lanke's voice became solemn, "That scientist discovered and confirmed the existence of God. God is a monster that exists in this world. I don't know what the original meaning of the word God is in the place where you were born, but in the highest world In the world of Zhiyang, what is called a god is not a good thing. It was originally a synonym for a monster. "

When Lu Chen heard this, he thought of his own God's Secret Blood. In this way, God's Secret Blood also carries the word "divine". If its origin is in the original world, then it has been defined as unknown since its birth. 's existence.

And he had also felt the obsession brought by the mysterious blood of God in the crazy whispers interfered with by the mysterious blood of God. He wanted to kill all living beings who dared to call themselves gods. It was obvious that this kind of bloodline had the word "god" in it.

"Gods want to break away from the other world, because there is the concept of nothingness. They want to change from emptiness to reality, so they want to rush out and devour the material world. Therefore, they have been extending olive branches to the material world for millions of epochs. , in fact, there have been living beings who have received it, but because of the rapid development of science and technology, those olive branches have been drowned by history. "

Lan Ke continued, "But that time was different. As the abilities of the emerging cult emerged, it caused an uproar on the Zhiyin Zhiyang Continent. People realized that they really hid extraordinary power, or in other words, they It can be developed in the direction of gaining strength.”

"The inner world constantly transmits spiritual energy, that is, extraordinary messages, to the material world. In essence, this is a kind of penetration of the rules of the inner world into the material world. Once the material world is filled with the rules of the inner world, it is opened..." Pandora 'Magic Box.'

When talking about the vocabulary of Pandora's Box, Lan Ke paused and looked at Lu Chen. Seeing that Lu Chen understood it, he knew that his metaphor was correct.

As the host of Lingxu, he is naturally knowledgeable and knows a lot about the common sayings and legends of all worlds, so he can communicate with powerful people from all walks of life and chat with explorers.

"Gods are extremely evil beings. Originally, the isolation of the balls was very good, and almost no one could detect the messages they sent out. In ancient times when technology was not yet strong, only a few mediums could receive them, and many absurdities were born. Bizarre folk tales, but with the development of technology, those legends are defined as ignorance.”

Lan Ke said, "The power displayed by the sect made all living beings unable to bear the greed in their hearts. They finally began to contact and study that power. In the end, with the help of technology and spiritual energy, the original world began to flourish. The spiritual revolution.”

There's more at noon

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