Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1825 The battle for giant tasks

In the dark temple, the projections of six powerful men gathered together, something that had not happened for a long time.

Because everyone present is a big shot in the world, representing the strongest in a certain field.

They are the six giants of the Violator Alliance, and they are also the violators of the taboo, the most dangerous organization in the world except space.

The violators are huge in power, and their banners are intricately connected. Many strong men have gathered under them, and they control a considerable part of the World Sea in disguise.

When they merge the sources of those worlds and create them at the singularity, they can open up a new space, which is the paradise they aim for.

The giant offenders present were the Enchantress of the Other Side, who was surrounded by thorns, the leader of Tongtian who was carrying a sword box, the prisoner wrapped in a straitjacket, the extremely aggressive Yuantian, the tyrant holding a bone club, and the three divine eyes on his head.

These six are currently the taboos in the Violator Alliance who can communicate with each other and have sufficient combat power. Each of them has extremely strong combat power.

"Ignoring the magician for now, how are you preparing for the paradise?"

Yuetian spoke and licked his lips.

"I have gathered up my share. I don't care about other things. I will come back to me when the paradise is about to be established."

The tyrant said, waving the bone club in his hand, "Maybe if there are any interesting opponents, wake me up again."

"The veteran's share has been sent to the Singularity Point. It's enough. I hope you won't miss anything."

Leader Tongtian also spoke, putting his hands in his sleeves and acting like an old country landowner.

"It was delivered three thousand years ago. I am never late in doing things."

Shen Mu said calmly, then closed his eyes.

"My copy has been delivered, but I feel it's still lacking..."

The prisoner said, looking at the woman wrapped in thorns, "Other side, what you handed over is not enough."

"What's going on? In the area you're responsible for, there are several large realms with enough weight, right? How can there be any shortage?"

Leader Tongtian also asked.

The Enchantress of the Other Shore had no expression on her face as she looked at the prisoners, "There is a problem in one world. The local natives are too powerful. There are several ninth-level peaks. The confrontation was fruitless because they were about to break through the taboo."

"Then you should continue the confrontation, or find a way to fill the gap. Furthermore, how could you be blocked by a few natives who are not taboos? Is it true that women are not strong enough?"

The tyrant sneered, "I'll go and level that world."

The Enchantress of the Other Shore was not angry, but said coldly: "Now there are three taboos in that world, you go ahead."

The tyrant stopped talking and put down the big stick he was wielding.

"What happened? How did they break through?"

The prisoner said doubtfully, looking at the Enchantress on the other side in confusion.

"Are these important? I just said that those people are difficult to deal with. It is normal that I did not take down that world. If I did not withdraw at that time, they might break through earlier, because I control the will of the world. If I wait for them to break through , I can’t leave.”

The Enchantress of the Other Shore said calmly, "What I lack will be made up. I have already found another big world, and I will be able to fill the vacancy in the near future."

"That's good, we still have time, let's talk about another thing."

Leader Tongtian said, changing the topic.

"Seeing that there are not many vacancies now, I won't argue with you on this matter for the time being, but I hope you will be more reliable in your work from now on, otherwise you will have to reduce the number of divisions in the park."

Yuantian looked at the Enchantress on the other side and said.

"Oh, if you go to that realm, you may not be able to come back. It's just the area you are responsible for. The division of paradise is not based on these. If you have any intention of targeting me, you might as well start a civil war in the sea of ​​​​the world. "

The Enchantress of the Other Shore sneered. When it came to the interests of the paradise, she seemed unwilling to give in.

"Stop arguing, everyone, we are a collective. For the great cause of independence and our paradise, we should put down our tempers and discuss the follow-up matters."

At this time, the Tongtian Cult Leader spoke again to persuade, making the other side Enchantress and Yuantian quiet down.

He continued: "The Supreme World and the Zhiyang World are in a confrontation, and war may start at any time. The inner world is also ready to move. It has captured most of the surface areas of the Supreme World and is heading towards the core area. We should also have action."

"Have we reached this stage yet?"

The tyrant smiled and said, "Then it's time to leave and go to the other world to get the last thing."

"No, it's not chaotic enough. There are nine Taboos in the Supreme World. Let's not care about the others. The one who existed before the creation of the world is unpredictable. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

The prisoner said calmly, "We have to wait for the war between the Supreme World and the Zhiyang World, and for the Inner World to invade the Divine Land."

"Is it false? I've heard about his power a long time ago. I haven't fought against him yet, and I don't know if he was blown away. Who said that the old guy must be strong?"

The tyrant grinned and said, "If I want to attack the Supreme World, I would like to have a chance with Him."

"If you want to die, we won't stop you."

Leader Tongtian said coldly, "We are not going to go to war with the Supreme World. Attacking the Supreme World is thankless. We just need to take advantage of the chaos to complete the final mission and obtain that thing."

The prisoner also nodded and said, "Tongtian is right. This is a secret mission and should not be made public. There will definitely be loopholes in the Supreme World in the next period of time. We just need to take advantage of the vulnerability, fight quickly, and find the 'core' ”

"Are you sure there are still cores in the other world? If not, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

Shenmu pondered.

"That was the 'in' before the creation of the original world. There must be a 'nucleus'. The previous opening of the six major spaces did not involve the inner world. There must be something we want there."

Leader Tongtian said, "Everyone, there is no need to hesitate. Now we just need to formulate a strategic approach."

"Invade the other world head-on, or sneak into the other world to look for opportunities. Vote."

The Enchantress of the Other Shore spoke softly, and raised her bare hands, "I vote to infiltrate."

"Why are you sneaking in? You're so cowardly. Let me tell you, let's go out together and wait for the moment of chaos to rush in and fuck them. Who can stop us?"

The tyrant said carelessly, "I vote for frontal attack."

"Operation stealth."

Shenmu raised his hand and said only four words to express his attitude.

Leader Tongtian nodded, "The old Taoist also believes that it is safer to sneak in and not make too much noise. If we all go out together, we may also provoke the elders and powerful men who are stationed in the space. I'm afraid the situation will change by then."

Apparently, he cast a sneak vote.

"It is safer to infiltrate. There is no need to make too much noise. Everything is focused on the construction of the paradise."

The prisoner made a statement.

In the end, only Yuantian was left. He felt the tyrant's gaze, but ignored the tyrant because he knew that his vote was no longer important. Even if he voted for a frontal attack, it would only be two to four.

"I also think it would be more appropriate to sneak in. The question is who will go?"

Yuantian said.

"I still have to fill the gap. I can't participate in this operation."

The Enchantress of the Other Shore said that she still needs to collect resources from another big world, but the big world is not so easy to get and it takes time.

Others did not refute the Enchantress on the other side, because the basic resources for the construction of the paradise are also very important, and the Enchantress on the other side has not done things well before, and the other giants are obviously not confident about leaving this important link to her.

"If I don't go, I won't do any sneak searches or anything like that."

The tyrant bluntly stated that he was not happy, and the other four taboos were speechless. After all, the other party expressed their position during the vote, and the tyrant's character was obviously not suitable for the job of sneaking in to find opportunities.

The only four people left are Tongtian Cult Leader, Prisoner, Yuantian, and Shenmu.

"Everyone, before deciding on the candidate, I would like to remind you that according to my channels, the terminal space may have sent back-up people to the supreme world to lay out the layout. There may be some old guy taking action, and one person needs to be deployed outside to prevent bad things in the terminal space. ”

The Enchantress of the Other Shore reminded.

This news made several taboos fall into deep thought. The prisoner was the first to speak, "Could it be that old woman? I'll go meet her and make arrangements on the only way to the sea of ​​the world."

"That's very good."

Leader Tongtian nodded, "Fellow Taoist Prisoner has always been prudent in his work, so there are no accidents."

Shenmu thought for a moment and looked at the leader of Tongtian Cult, "The three of us have voted to infiltrate, so let's decide among us. We all have the ability to complete the task, but this matter does have risks. For the sake of fairness, it is better to draw lots. ”

"Draw lots?"

There was a sarcastic look on Yuantian's lips, "I never leave this kind of thing to the mercy of fate. It reminds me of the magician's annoying face. Let's try another method."

"Since Taoist fellows don't want to, let me go. But if I do this last step in Jiufen Paradise, I will end up getting half a percent more."

Divine Eyes said, the third eye on his forehead opened, and the aura of divinity circulated.

"Hey, fellow Taoist, don't be angry. There is no reason for you to go alone. I admire you for taking the risk to take the last step. Your request is not excessive. I think it is reasonable. I am willing to go with you. The highest world is protecting you from the outside."

Leader Tongtian spoke, revealing that he was also willing to participate in the mission and respond from the outside to avoid unexpected situations.

"Sorry for the trouble, Fellow Taoist Tongtian."

The god was arrogant by nature, but he nodded to express his gratitude at this time.

Others did not say anything inappropriate, it was only half done. This matter was risky. Regardless of the threat of the taboos in the Supreme World, there should be restraints in the Sun World at that time, but the taboos in the Inner World are also dangerous in themselves.

"Wait, I never said I refused to participate in the mission."

Yuetian said, looking at Shenmu, "I just said that I don't want to decide by drawing lots. Since this task requires strength, shouldn't it be allocated based on strength?"

"What? You want to fight me?"

All the eyes of the god's eyes were opened, and even if it was just a projection, it was still powerful.

"Oh, are there people who risk their lives to snatch it? Are they going to start a war on the sea of ​​​​the world because of this?"

The Enchantress of the Other Shore sneered, making both Shenmu and Yuantian a little angry.

"You two fellow Taoists, please don't get angry. No matter who is going, I am willing to accompany you, Taoist, and will be there to support you."

The leader of Tongtian persuaded, and then looked at the Enchantress on the other side, "On the other side, what you said is inappropriate. What is risking your life? There are fellow Taoists in the sea of ​​the world to intercept changes, and there are old Taoists and I are in the highest world to take care of it. Even if this matter If it doesn’t work, there will definitely be no risk to one’s life.”

He glanced at everyone, "I know that you are all the strongest people in space in the past. Everyone has his own personality. Maybe we don't like each other, but now the great cause is about to be accomplished. It has reached the final step. It takes at least six people to establish the paradise. The power of taboo cannot be achieved without anyone, so the most important thing for us to do now is not speed and efficiency, but safety. ”

He paused and continued: "For this reason, we should temporarily put aside our prejudices. When the paradise is completed, we can fight in any way we want. Let's be amicable now."

With the words of Leader Tongtian, the taboos present calmed down a lot, and Shenmu and Yuantian stopped arguing.

"Tongtian is right, Shenmu, Yuantian, you can choose a peaceful way to resolve this matter. Life is the most important thing in everything. Even if the mission fails, we can think of other ways, but without people, Paradise will be It will definitely not be built.”

The prisoner also spoke, asking Shenmu and Yuantian to calm down.

"Let's guess the game."

Shenmu said calmly, "This is not a game of luck, you know."

"Fellow Taoist"

The leader of Tongtian Cult looked helpless and wanted to persuade him, but he thought, "You have three eyes and you are trying to play guessing games with others?"

"I don't use my divine eyes, but you can't use your Tao sense either."

Shenmu looked at Yuantian and said.

Yuantian pondered for a moment, "But, one round will determine the outcome. The winner will sneak in, and the loser will cooperate with the other side to fill the vacancy as soon as possible."

Shenmu nodded and raised his hand.

The next moment, the two sides fought to determine the winner.

There are no taboos here. I think it is just a childish game, but a manifestation of strength. Of course, it does not mean that winning the guessing game will necessarily make you stronger. It may also involve your mental concentration and state at this time.

It also involves a struggle with some concepts and laws, which is very complicated.

When the fog where the two men's hands fell cleared, the result appeared. It was Yuantian who won.

A hint of surprise flashed in Shen Mu's eyes, "You've improved again..."

Yuetian stopped, "Your ability is indeed suitable for reconnaissance, but it is not suitable for sneaking into the enemy. This task should have been left to me or Tongtian."

"Forget it, I'll go help Bian An travel the world."

Shenmu stopped his hand and said, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, as if he felt lost for missing the last part of the division of labor.

But that only happened for a moment, and nothing could be seen after that. The taboos all had good minds. Even if the tyrant looked very irritable, it was actually a sign of great wisdom and foolishness.

"Then the division of labor has been decided. Fellow Taoist God and the other side are responsible for the source of the final world. Fellow Taoist Prisoner is responsible for intercepting the masters of the terminal space. Fellow Taoist Fallen and I will go to the supreme world and be responsible for nuclear planning."

Seeing that the dust had settled, Lord Tongtian said kindly.

"Then I'll go back to sleep."

The tyrant said carelessly, and the projection disappeared directly on the pillar.

The other taboos were helpless, but at this time there was indeed nothing important that the tyrant needed to do. If they let him go to the Supreme World to plunder the formation together, they might even cause trouble.

"Fellow Daoist Yun, let's set off then."

Leader Tongtian said with a smile to Yuantian.

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