Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1837 All Dharmas Unify

Normally, a strong man's strength consists of many aspects. In the field of law, it is the law intensity unit he can mobilize.

Taking the statistical method of the Institute of Technology and Truth as an example, the unit of laws mastered by a strong man is 100. This number is the amount of various law fragments stored in his body.

Here, the Institute of Technology and Truth usually does not calculate the laws that can be manipulated by the outside world, because it will be affected by the different environments of the world. For example, some worlds may have more light laws and fewer dark laws, and some may have fewer laws.

If you only look at the power of laws that you can directly use, each strong person has his own destiny, and they often master and store multiple laws to cultivate in themselves.

Of course, this form is different from the body of the God of War. It is just the internal skills, not the body itself. It is a distinction between active and passive.

But if a strong man has one hundred units of law fragments in his body, these one hundred units may be equally divided into one hundred kinds of laws, each of which has one unit of quantity.

So in actual combat, strong men use many laws to fight the enemy. The effectiveness of various laws in conjunction with spiritual power and moves is related to the 'unit amount' of the laws.

For example, when Xun Guang and Lu Chen fought for the first time, his Dark Law was actually stronger. The ratio of Light Law to Dark Law was about 4:6. So if Xun Guang used the same spiritual power to attack, it would be better to use the Dark Law. Use the law of light to be strong.

Of course, light and darkness are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. They are concepts under the same taboo. Xunguang has a special way to cooperate. Using two laws can produce stronger power.

To put it simply, when using laws to activate offensive skills, the damage multiplier generated is related to the amount of law units.

Therefore, it is said that strong people will major in one kind of law, instead of just learning a little bit of each law. The kind of law they major in is used by strong people for main offense and defense, and it should account for more than 80% of their own law units. The other rules are just auxiliary, used to deal with various special situations, or to produce a high 'cost-effective' gain to one's own combat power.

Lu Chen is different now. No one knows how much law Lu Chen can control, but if all the laws he controls can be transformed at will, it means that Lu Chen can control the effects of his laws according to the situation.

For example, at the moment when he is about to resist the enemy's attack, he can completely transform all the laws he controls into the laws of the golden body, so the enemy's attack will cause very little damage to him.

For another example, if he is injured and all the laws are transformed into immortal laws at that moment, then he can recover in an instant.

The moment he attacks the enemy, Lu Chen can also transform all the laws into laws that effectively increase the impact of that attack, and the power will also be doubled.

Once the law can be transformed at will, then the strong person is like opening a limiter, and the original situation of being unable to reach the upper limit of his potential disappears. Every attack is a critical hit, and every defense is an iron wall.

But in fact, the laws cannot be transformed into each other. This is an iron law, so many powerful people watching Lu Chen at this time were very confused and surprised.

The power of law in Lu Chen's body continued to rise and return with his breathing. Various powers were reflected in him, sometimes as an invincible golden body, sometimes as an immortal god of war, sometimes as an illusory space, and sometimes as a reverse of time.

He used martial arts to enter the Tao, used Tao to destroy the law, and used himself to melt and create new laws.

As the new Martial Emperor Sutra began to rumble, the aura of life in Lu Chen's body gradually became stronger.

Three hundred years later, Lu Chen's life aura has returned to its peak, and his energy and blood are so strong that it is difficult to imagine that he is a monk in the late stage of the True Self Realm.

The amount of laws Lu Chen was able to inhale was also increasing. People who watched Lu Chen's creation said it was outrageous. They didn't know why Lu Chen could control so many powerful laws at such a young age.

In fact, Lu Chen also relied on the blessing of the Martial God's body to smelt many laws, so the power of the laws he could directly call upon was many times more powerful than those in the same realm.

Because there is no upper limit for the body of the God of War. Other strong men may use their kung fu and dao to be embedded in their body, but he is embedded in his body. Therefore, he has accommodated an unknown amount of law power over the years. This is why he is more powerful than other strong men in the same realm. the fundamentals of.

"I see!"

After watching for three hundred years, a palace master finally exclaimed, somewhat understanding what was going on.

His voice was a little loud, causing many people to look at him.

The master of Shenfeng Academy said solemnly: "Lu Chen had created his own laws as early as the second thousand years of his enlightenment. The rest of the time was just refining, summarizing and supplementing. The laws he created are the Ten Thousand Principles. The method of transformation, in layman's terms, Lu Chen's law can present various law abilities that he understands."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present took a deep breath.

In other words, the law of mutual intransformability of laws has not been broken, it is just the characteristics of the new laws created by Lu Chen.

"Not only that, Lu Chen is optimizing, such as the effect of defense regeneration. His method is not at all the method of our Golden Body School and Immortal School."

The head of the Golden Body Academy added, looking at Lu Chen, "He improved those two laws and created them based on his practice experience. Lu Chen created a new law, which actually created thousands of new laws." law."

"How is that possible!? This has only been over two thousand years!"

Some people exclaimed, feeling that this was too ridiculous.

It was originally said that Lu Chen could create a law that could be transformed at will to present various abilities. This was already outrageous.

But they now understood that the difficulty in Lu Chen's creation process was not only to create a new law with changeable functions and properties, but also to create a new law after Lu Chen improved the characteristics of all the laws he knew. New stronger traits to allow him to transform.

This means that all the laws that Lu Chen mastered before have been re-optimized and created. Their nature is tantamount to creating thousands of new laws, because the transformable laws that Lu Chen mastered are somewhat different from the previous ones. Regardless of Both characteristics and strength have changed.

"Don't forget, he is someone who can visit a school in a few months."

The Palace Master of the Muscle God Sect spoke up and choked the person who spoke.

Yes, Lu Chen's talent has always been outrageous. The core inheritance passed down by Jiuxiao Continent as difficult to learn can often be learned in a few months or years. It is as difficult as the method of Dahuang Academy that is said to be impossible to learn. Lu Chen can't It only took ten or twenty years?

Is the method at Hehuan Academy difficult enough? It was said that it was only a thousand years ago that the successor came out. Didn't Lu Chen learn it in just a few years after he left?

These are all rare schools. In fact, after Lu Chen competed in the Supreme Competition, he traveled to Jiuxiao Continent. In those ordinary schools, he learned away their core heritage just by visiting them.

One can imagine the mentality of those palace masters who believed that their family's inheritance was excellent and profound, seeing that Lu Chen had successfully achieved enlightenment in just one or two days.

"He is getting rid of unused laws, leaving only pure combat-type transformations without any fancy abilities."

Niu Yong from the Muscle God Sect said that he is one of the stronger ones among the Palace Lords, with a comprehensive attribute reaching 339 points, which is rare in Jiuxiao Continent.

Niu Yong's words made many people unhappy because it was clear that he was calling them flashy.

But they couldn't refute it at this moment, because the changes in Lu Chen's laws became simpler as they progressed, and there weren't many kinds.

Similar to the laws of the Golden Body Academy, as time goes by, Lu Chen has upgraded it to unknown versions, and its main focus is on defensive nature.

Similar to the laws of the Immortal Academy, Lu Chen also created a separate one. After his understanding and smelting of many laws, he created a special law, which also contains the immortal recovery properties of God's Secret Blood. Mysteriously, this transformation focuses on recovery.

The laws of time, space, etc. have also been optimized by his self-understanding and have become a transformed form.

After re-optimizing and improving the speed rules, he created his own unique transformation rules, which are faster than before.

Lu Chen refined all the laws he had learned, and in the end he only had a dozen transformation forms left, but they were all very practical and in line with his simple and rough fighting style.

"What is that... does it represent attack? Why does it feel so similar to the method of Dahuang Academy!?"

Some people exclaimed because they saw a law that they had never seen before appeared in the fragments that came out of Lu Chen's mouth when he breathed. It actually had an extreme offensive and corrosive power, which represented real damage.

"Did this day come so quickly..."

When Fang Pu saw this scene, he also sighed. He said that he would let Lu Chen create his own method one day and improve the method of Dahuang Academy and leave a copy for them. But that was when Lu Chen was at the peak of his true self state or when he reached the taboo. .

He never imagined that as soon as Lu Chen agreed, he would sit in front of the stone tablet and start creating magic for a few years.

And not only to improve the Dahuang Academy method, but to improve all the methods he has learned and create his own laws.

"It seems that he is going to succeed, and he himself is not affected by that law in any way. Is it theoretically possible to use the method of Dahuang Academy without being affected by self-erosion and mental influence?"

A palace master said with a solemn expression.

I saw many law fragments transforming above Lu Chen's head, one of which transformed into a very sharp form, carrying deadly killing power.

But when that law was absorbed by Lu Chen and integrated into himself, it did not affect Lu Chen at all. This meant that it had no side effects, but it was much stronger than the original Heavenly Desolate Scripture from Dahuang Academy.

Lu Chen's idea is very simple. Since your method doesn't work, why don't I just create a method that I can work on?

He believed that the first generation master of Dahuang Academy might not be any stronger than he is now. There was no reason why he couldn't do what the other party could do.

With the reference of the principles of Tianhuang Zhenjing, why should he study the Tianhuang Zhenjing forcefully? Just create a better one yourself.

The creator of the Heavenly Scripture must have used this forbidden technique without many side effects, because Lu Chen did not think that anyone would deliberately create a method with extremely strong side effects. Since it was a creative method, it must have been for his own use at first, so To its creator, it should be a very reasonable law.

Lu Chen was not comfortable with this method, so he studied his own.

Moreover, he has always had high attainments in the field of real damage. Coupled with the long-term use of Tianhuang Zhenjing, his attainments have his own ideas.

Real damage is about absolute breakthrough power and corrosive power. To achieve this effect, you must have absolute skills and a violent basic damage multiplier to destroy and break through the enemy's defense line.

The form of energy condensation is a secret. Lu Chen summed up his own set of rules through the Tianhuang Mantra and the 100% real harm he had experienced under the blessing of the Dusk Coat.

I saw that the law fragments that came in and out of his mouth turned into pitch-black sharp blades, shaped like the regicide. Each one contained Lu Chen's sword intent in his ultimate state of killing sinners. This was real damage. effective breakthrough.

This situation continued, and Lu Chen's momentum became stronger and stronger. The new Martial Emperor's Sutra rumbled, and the prototype of the Supreme Law was born and is being continuously completed.

Hundreds of years have passed, and almost three thousand years have passed since Lu Chen retreated and started to create magic.

"I remember that Lu Chenxiu has the perfect body of your Muscle God Cult, right? Can his laws be directly integrated into the body? Is it theoretically possible?"

Bai Lao asked Niu Yong for advice. Looking at the various transformation laws that had been completely formed around Lu Chen, he realized a serious question, that is, what would happen if Lu Chen directly integrated abilities similar to the Tianhuang Manual?

"It's impossible. A perfect body is about integrating and strengthening the laws of the physical body. Even so, it seriously conflicts with many strong laws. For example, it is impossible for me to fuse the laws of the golden body and the laws of immortality."

Niu Yong shook his head and said, but after finishing speaking, he felt a little unconfident, "Let's take a look, Lu Chen, this kid... is hard to say."

Because he remembered that Lu Chen seemed to have successfully integrated the Law of Immortality and the Law of the Golden Body.

"Lu Chen was able to successfully integrate various body-enhancing laws into his body because he has a special talent. Most people can't do it. However, it is still too ridiculous to integrate laws similar to the Heavenly Scripture into his body, and it will disintegrate itself."

Hei Lao opened his mouth and analyzed, "Even if his law can be transformed, it must have hidden characteristics. Because it can be transformed, it is unstable and cannot be integrated into the body."

While several people were talking, many law fragments around Lu Chen spread out and hovered around him. This was an extremely spectacular sight, because as he swallowed and swallowed, more and more law fragments poured out, and eventually they were overwhelming. The power of controlling the laws at the peak of True Self Realm is several times stronger.

Those law fragments turned into pitch-black sharp blades, which were the real damage laws mastered by Lu Chen. At this time, hanging high in the air, a group of flying knives that covered the sky danced wildly over the Jiuxiao Continent, like a sword array.

Some powerful people felt palpitated because they felt that every piece of Lu Chen's law fragments had astonishing lethality. If they dealt with it rashly, they might be killed in an instant.

"What is he going to do!?"

Bai Lao exclaimed because he saw Lu Chen controlling the fragments of the Black Blade Law to rush towards himself below at great speed, like a huge sword formation trying to kill the opponent.

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