Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1840 Origin props, entering the other world

The owner of Hehuan Palace wore a dark gauze skirt and walked lightly to Lu Chen's side. She was obviously an old virgin who was hundreds of years old, but her expression and posture were like that of an old Si Ji who had been killed by thousands of people.

He exhaled like orchid when he opened his mouth, "Palace Master Lu is so urgent, it is too unreasonable to understand the style. Why don't you calmly drink tea and discuss Tao first, and then I will explain it to you slowly?"

Lu Chen smiled bitterly, "Senior, don't be like this. You know that this junior has come to the Supreme World with a mission. The time is tight, and it also involves the decree of a noble taboo. If the time agreed with the taboo is delayed, I will be in trouble."

What he means by this is that the big leaders above you have arranged something good for me, so we can do it quickly.

Sure enough, the Master of Hehuan Palace said no more. After letting Lu Chen sit down, he waved his hand and a secret box appeared in front of Lu Chen, "This is what the thirty-eighth Palace Master left behind. There is a restriction that belongs to her only, and it was not opened until recently. "

Lu Chen looked at the secret box. It was carved from a material similar to spiritual jade. It had a picture of Ye Yu Bainan on it. It looked like the secret box left by Old Si Ji.

The Bihai Enchantress left a restriction on it, and there are still traces of it, as if it was automatically opened in recent days.

Is it a timed type? Or trigger type?

"How did it start recently? Does senior know?"

Lu Chen didn't open the box in a hurry, but asked.

The Master of Hehuan Palace shook his head, "This secret box has been kept in the Supreme Treasure House. The Patriarch once said that this box should not be opened lightly, and it will be difficult to open it. If the restrictions on the box are lifted, it must be given to the people in the dimension. ”

Lu Chen was confused. He didn't know why the Blue Sea Demon Flower would leave such words. It seemed that this was not the box that was prophesied to be given to him. The Blue Sea Demon Flower initially just wanted to transfer the things to the space visitors, or in other words, what she most hoped to leave behind was People in the final space.

The Master of Hehuan Palace obviously just wanted to use this matter to seduce him. He didn't say that the box must be given to him, or even to the strongest person in the space.

He took the box, opened it, looked at it, his pupils shrank, and closed the box again.

"I won't ask what's inside. I know that I will be more distressed or troubled, but I think the war in space is unfavorable right now, so this box is prohibited from being opened..."

The Master of Hehuan Mansion sighed, without squinting or looking at the contents of the box.

Lu Chen nodded solemnly. Based on Hehuan Academy's words and the method of lifting the ban on the box, he speculated that this was a triggering ban, and the condition for lifting it was the fall of the Blue Sea Monster Flower.

In other words, the Bihai Demon Flower herself, who was summoned by space to go to the battlefield, should have died by now, so she left a message saying, "It's difficult to open it."

Although Lu Chen had never met the pioneer and had only heard about the other person's ridiculous deeds, such as the face of 300 billion...but he was sure that Bihai Yaohua was a powerful pioneer, and most of them were considered strong in taboos. By.

Such people have fallen on the front line, which means that the condition of space is very bad, which means that all realms are in danger, and naturally it is 'difficult to open'.

The things in the box were amazing, but Lu Chen felt that he couldn't use them. I was afraid that only the pioneers of the terminal space could use them, which made Lu Chen feel very miserable.

I got the origin-level treasure, but now there are only pioneers in the origin space, fairy space, and Hongmeng space on the supreme divine land.

The Ultimate Space may have sent people to experience it in the past few years, but the stay time of the explorers was very short. They usually only came back to the Supreme World for a few decades to experience it, so they would not be out of touch with the mainstream time of the space.

Only people like him who hold the Supreme Pass can stay at will. The reason why the Tianji Martial Saint stayed there for a long time was because he shamelessly led the team not to go back because of his identity as the Void Weaver. He also shared his diplomatic authority, which was considered to be stuck to a certain extent. Fixed a space bug.

In short, he can't find anyone who can use the big killer prop inside. This feeling is particularly uncomfortable, as if there is a stunning beauty standing in front of you and posing with you, and then you find that your second brother is not there.

Lu Chen put away the box and the items inside. He could only take one step at a time and carry it with him for emergencies. What if the final space releases another pioneer into the supreme world?

Maybe it's an old acquaintance of mine, like Mo Yu. It would be nice to ask her to come over and work for him.

Thinking of Mo Yu, Lu Chen finally realized that he had heard a voice calling him in the other world and felt that the voice was quite familiar. It seemed to be Mo Yu's voice.

"No way……"

Lu Chen muttered.

"What can't you do?"

The Lord of Hehuan Palace was confused.

"It's nothing, I just remembered something. By the way, senior, didn't you say you still have a secret letter?"

Lu Chen turned around and asked, wanting to see what message the Bihai Demon Flower had left.

"The secret message is here."

The Master of Hehuan Palace took out a dark and gilded letter, which also had traces of the remaining restrictions. It seemed that it had just dissipated, and it felt like it had happened in the past few decades.

After Lu Chen took it, he opened it and looked at it. The Lord of Hehuan Palace turned his head slightly and consciously restrained his thoughts.

Regarding the matter of space, the owner of Hehuan Palace is not curious at all. Regarding the matter of the founder, the Bihai Demon Flower, she is not concerned at all. It is best not to know anything, and then there will be no worries.

Lu Chen opened the envelope and found that there was only a short line of words inside, which was a kind of space-specific encrypted ancient language. Most people in the supreme world would not be able to understand it if they got it.

It says, "Take the core of Li, unify the original, build ten rooms, and form ten levels before you can fight."

Lu Chen was a little confused and didn't quite understand the meaning of the message left by the senior pioneer of the final space. From the literal meaning, he could only understand that "unifying the original world" should mean "unifying the original world".

He can understand the term tenth level as world explorer. Does it mean that tenth level explorers must appear in the space to solve the crisis on the front line?

Pushing deeper, the word 'build ten rooms' can be understood as building the tenth space, but Lu Chen didn't understand the meaning of the first sentence.

Does taking the core of the inner world refer to the core of the world in the inner world?

Lu Chen felt that this was not the case, because the existence of the other world was very special. The core of the world had probably been divided up by the taboos long ago. Each of them controlled a part of the world. They themselves represented the other world, so they did not exist. It is said that there is still a single core of the world.

Besides, Lu Chen doesn't think that a world core can open up new space. Space is not that simple. The essence of world harmony is the original energy of the world, a consumable for the operation of space, and the energy to strengthen itself, but it is not Build the core.

"Brother Chu, what do you think?"

Lu Chen sent the details of the props and the letter left by the Blue Sea Monster Flower through the group frequency. He also sent a message to Tianji Martial Saint to explain the situation and asked for the opinions of the two strong thinkers.

During this process, Lu Chen thanked the Master of Hehuan Palace again and again, and then left.

Before leaving, Lu Chen politely said that if he succeeds in the future, he will definitely improve the orthodox method for Hehuan Academy that is easier to understand.

"Brother Lu, I'm afraid there is something called a 'nucleus' in this world. It is the key to building space, and it is what all forces must fight for next."

Chu Zihang analyzed.

"Are we going to grab it then? The Blue Sea Demonic Flower left this message and such a powerful prop. Is it a hint to the space juniors to let us compete?"

Lu Chen asked.

"I don't think that's the case. Brother Lu, think about it, what is the other world? Even if the Blue Sea Demon Flower comes in person, she can't say Zongheng. She just leaves behind a prop and wants to plot the core of the other world? Our strengths are too different.”

Tianji Martial Saint said that he could not hear Chu Zihang's voice on the group frequency because they did not belong to the same adventure group, but Lu Chen was still holding a communication prop at this time, which was equivalent to two-way output when speaking.

And he himself was staying with Chu Zihang at this time, so the three parties could communicate.

"Then what should we do? I'm thinking that if we want to enter the other world to cut down the taboos, can we also make some plans on the nuclear front?"

Lu Chen thought, he is a person who likes to get things done once and for all, or he pursues efficiency in doing things. For example, when he plays games, if he has to run a task, he will definitely take on the tasks that can be done along the way.

"I agree with Brother Xiao's point of view. That prop can be used as a interference device at most. Those who can compete for the core must be genuine Taboos. Either they have the strength to collide with many Taboos in the other world head-on, or they have the means to escape unscathed. We If these conditions are not met, then if there is a nuclear competition, what should be considered is not to take it yourself, but to put it into the hands of a controllable force for the future. "

Chu Zihang opened his mouth and analyzed.

Their team has ushered in a big improvement. Now, except for Lu Chen and Leng Yue, everyone has improved their comprehensive attributes by two or three points. Leng Yue has also improved his comprehensive attributes by one or two points. Now his comprehensive attributes can reach 332 points, which can be said to be among the best. The second strongest member of the Sky Tour Adventure Group.

Of course, in actual combat, Eriyi, who understands the laws of fate, may be stronger than Leng Yue.

With such team strength and the cooperation of the Origin Adventure Group, they dare not say that they are safe in the other world. It is okay to face one taboo, but if two taboos are besieging them, and the two teams each support one side, it will be very dangerous.

Three taboo moves or more would be enough to make it difficult for them to retreat. Four moves would mean they were doomed.

The reason why Chu Zihang and Tianji Martial Saint are willing to accompany Lu Chen is because they both feel that space will not give out tasks that are bound to be impossible to complete. At present, it seems that the other world is still the best breakthrough point. They need to conduct on-site inspections in order to Know where the breaking direction given by space is.

In fact, both Chu Zihang and Tianji Martial Saint believe that it is stupid to go to the other world and the taboos in the other world to fight against it. It should not be the correct way to break the situation. We will not know the details until we get to the other world.

"According to this, if there is indeed a nuclear, does the task given to me by combined space mean that there is still an unknown force lurking in the Supreme World?"

Lu Chen also understood what Chu Zihang meant, "We don't need to get the core with our own hands, we just need to prevent the core from falling into the hands of the Supreme Divine Land and the Zhiyang World?"

The reason why he thinks so is because although the Supreme World is relatively compatible with space, its independence is also obvious. The Zhiyang World obviously cannot deal with space, so naturally it cannot be allowed to become the tenth space, and the inner world is even less possible.

They are the current explorers of space, and it is not even a taboo. If they want to go out and create a new space, it feels a bit fantasy, so it can only be an unknown force.

"That's what happened. The mission given by the space is vague, but it also shows that there are many potential opportunities waiting for us to explore. Brother Lu, please rest assured. After entering the other world, the situation will definitely change."

Tianji Martial Saint said, saying this was also to comfort the members behind him.

Because when they heard that they were going to accompany Lu Chen to hunt taboos when they entered the other world, the faces of Yuxian and others were not very good.

Even if Lu Chen said he was willing to clear their debts, it would not be a good job because it would be a deadly business.

Lu Chen was very fast and rushed to a secret passage in the Supreme God's Land. It didn't take even half a quarter of an hour to meet everyone.

The lineup of the world’s army in this battle can be called the most luxurious combination in this generation’s origin space.

There are five people in the Zhutian Sightseeing Adventure Group, one dragon and one machine, and there are five people in the Origin Adventure Group, totaling twelve powerful people.

Almost all members have the strength of the late stage of the True Self Realm, and among them are top powerhouses such as Lu Chen and Tianji Martial Saint after the outbreak. It is said that this combination in the origin space can almost walk sideways in the sea of ​​​​the world, and only a few have taboos. The world can stop one or two.

But what they are going to this time is Longtan Tiger's Den. There are five ancient taboos in this world, and each of them is not easy to mess with.

"Everyone, Lu would like to express my gratitude in advance for this danger. As long as I live, I will protect everyone and escape safely."

Lu Chen said this to the people in the Origin Adventure Group. Naturally, the people in his own team had long been prepared to advance and retreat with him.

Lan Ke, who came here yesterday, said: "We have decided to stay here. If you go down from here, you will reach the edge of the other world. It is relatively safe there and can give you some time to investigate so that you will not be besieged from the beginning. If If you want to withdraw, use the talisman to open the restriction and lead you back."

This is a special passage he arranged for Lu Chen. In the past, it was only a special path used by the Supreme God to investigate the other world. It was a hidden path. Most people didn't even know there was such a place.

"Thank you, senior."

Lu Chen saluted and thanked him, then asked doubtfully, "Where is that lord?"

Lan Ke smiled and said, "That adult will take care of you, so just relax."

Lu Chen felt a little confused, because he heard that the taboo had a poor memory, so he should not forget to take care of him when the time came, so he repeatedly emphasized to Lan Ke that he would remind the taboo when the time came.

After the explanation, he took the lead in opening the passage and rushed down with everyone.

After passing through the long road, the vision suddenly opened up. A familiar gray moon hung high in the sky. From time to time, one or two whispers could be heard in the silent space, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

At the other end of the area where Lu Chen and others arrived, a disheveled female lunatic was running for her life while still yelling curses.

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