Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1842 Armstrong Spin Acceleration Jet Armstrong Cannon

"I have to say, these things are really disgusting."

Xia Mi waved the Death Scythe in her hand and shook off the dark green blood stained on it. This growth equipment of hers was already at the Grand Avenue level and did not slow down the rhythm at all.

Because this piece of growth equipment is a rare type of gold-swallowing beast that needs to devour high-quality main weapons, under Lanke's so-called unlimited supply guarantee, she was naturally very happy to feed it to its full capacity.

Not only did she feed it all the way from the fairy level to the avenue level, she even fed it to 99.9% of its growth rate. When it was about to reach the origin level, it was useless to feed it several avenue-level magic weapons in succession, and then it was discovered that the threshold for the final breakthrough was It's not that easy. She still needs to interact with it and refine it slowly.

Chu Zihang told Xia Mi not to worry. After all, origin-level equipment is not that easy to control. He believed that it was not the growth system of this equipment that had a problem, but that as a bound growth equipment, the first important thing for its growth was To make the master's fighting power stronger.

Even though it can be used by the owner, Xia Mi is actually not strong enough. If this piece of equipment is promoted to the origin level, Xia Mi may not be able to meet the usage requirements, so this piece of equipment cannot be upgraded.

After learning about Xia Mi's method of improving equipment, Lu Chen felt the most heartbroken.

Because he didn't have any gold-swallowing beast growth equipment, he couldn't take advantage of the Supreme World. Otherwise, he would have to ask Lan Ke for hundreds of avenue-level equipment.

If this is a game, then Xia Mi's equipment becomes stronger by relying on krypton, and a series of his own equipment depends on liver.

"The types of creatures here are very complex, not only the weird ones, but also the special ones. The ancient gods only account for a small part here."

Chu Zihang always looks like an academic researcher wherever he goes, but now he just needs a pair of glasses and makes a push-up motion when he speaks.

"As the Supreme God Earth often says, are the supreme divinities that exist in the inner world the same kind as the creatures of the ancient gods?"

Tianji Martial Saint also asked for advice, because he knew that Chu Zihang had studied a lot of things at the Institute of Technology and Truth.

As he spoke, he punched out several real-self-realm creatures in the other world with a casual punch. The colorful blood of Xiao Chi was like fireworks blooming under the gray moon.

Jade Fairy, on the other hand, expressionlessly controlled the jade sword in the sky, turning it into a big umbrella and blocking everyone's heads. She had a mysophobia.

Meng Luo's body was covered with red mist, and the creatures in the other world looked very strange in their eyes. This made Lu Chen always feel strange, and he didn't know why they wanted to learn the orthodox methods of Hehuan Academy.

After all, in his understanding, that kind of law requires women to be virgins. There is no hard requirement for male students, but they must be loyal to one person.

Three thousand years have passed, Meng Luo has obviously gained something, her control ability has become stronger, and her basic strength has also increased. At this time, she is in the middle, Kunling and Yuxian are on the left and right, sweeping away the creatures from the other world that are attacking them.

Although Lu Chen and the Tianji Martial Saints chatted calmly, as if they were having afternoon tea in a teahouse, in fact they were in the midst of an attack by creatures from the other world.

Chu Zihang shook his head, "Supreme divinity is a special term. Wang Ling once told me that it is something in the setting of online ghost stories, but it is redefined as reality in the other world. For example, when we talk about ancient times, God, or the God of the Old Ones, is something within the Cthulhu worldview. It often represents fear and other negative emotions, giving people the feeling of a villain, but the supreme divinity is different.”

He continued: "According to the records of the Institute of Science and Technology and Truth, the supreme divinity in this world has diverse functions. For example, the giant python that Brother Lu once chopped to death was of average strength, but the books it once carried were The function of the museum is meaningful to the other world. As far as the supreme divinity is concerned, there is nothing good or evil in itself, and some things may not be ugly, so Brother Lu may not be able to win their favor. "

"Hey, Brother Chu, your choice of words seems a bit inappropriate."

Lu Chen was unhappy, saying that I couldn't win the favor of the Supreme Godhead, but why did you insist on saying that those things may not be ugly?

If you deduct this in reverse, wouldn't it mean that I am ugly? ?

"I'm referring to the attraction attribute of the same range of charm attributes. Brother Lu, don't get me wrong."

Chu Zihang explained expressionlessly, "This is explained in the research of the Institute of Technology and Truth. The determination of charm is multi-faceted. The charm we understand is actually a superficial appearance. In fact, In terms of statistics, have you ever thought about why some people have such high charm while others have low charm?"

Martial Saint Tianji glanced at Lu Chen and said, "As promised in advance, I have more than two hundred and thirty points of charm."

Yuxian silently added, "My charm value is three hundred and one."

"The slave family has three hundred and thirty points~"

Meng Luomei said with a smile.

Lu Chen only felt that it was not good for him to be among this group of people, especially because the viciousness of his temperament was highlighted.

Chu Zihang said calmly: "Yes, the charm attribute is actually only partially linked to appearance. It can even be said to be basically unrelated, because the spatial calculation charm is an attribute that is common to all living beings, so we have I have never thought about whether the ugly creatures to us would be beautiful men or beautiful women in their race.”

"But what looks ugly is ugly..."

Eriyi complained silently, and used the book of truth in her hand to exert a strange force, blowing up a little chic from the other world that rushed towards her. A treasure box silently appeared on the ground, and the sticky flesh and blood from the sky fell down, covering the treasure box, letting Eriyi was so disgusted that she didn't want to pick it up.

"This is just the aesthetic concept of us humans. In fact, the most important point in determining charm is a person's temperament. For example, we see that many ancient gods have low charm values, but that is not actually because of them. Being ugly may be a sign of being handsome in the eyes of the ancient gods. Their charm is low mainly because of their temperament.”

Chu Zihang explained, "For example, some ancient gods spread fear, and some ancient gods wandered in despair. Their own halo temperament made their charm value lower, thus becoming a negative range."

Lu Chen listened with great interest and calmly watched the creatures from the other world rushing to the street in front of the team.

He himself has not even taken action, because these creatures in the other world that once required their awe are now just beings that can be killed in front of the team members.

Origin Two major SSS+ level adventure groups joined forces, and the combat aura was fully activated. In terms of comprehensive attributes, they crushed these other world creatures in the early stage of the True Self Realm. Even some of the other world creatures who were not in the True Self Realm also attacked them without mercy. , for the strong men in the team, it is simply a matter of chopping up melons and vegetables.

Chu Zihang glanced at Lu Chen, "So Brother Lu doesn't need to feel unhappy because his charm value is low. In fact, this is a good phenomenon. Charm value is actually a comprehensive evaluation value of temperament characteristics, such as positive five points of charm, and Negative five points of charm are actually mediocre. Development to the extremes on both sides represents the development of the characteristics of personal temperament. "

He continued: "In their respective charm ranges, according to the principle of attraction of similar temperaments, from a conventional aesthetic perspective, or from an appreciation perspective, unattractive people will view unattractive people more favorably. It’s pleasing to the eye, because you are the same type of people in terms of temperament, and you are naturally in the same camp. If it is an animation for children, then the villain is the villain’s good friend, and justice is the justice’s good friend.”

Lu Chen touched his face, "So, if children watch my animation, they will think that I am a bad person?"

"That's probably what I mean, but even if Brother Lu is a bad guy, he should be like the Tiger King. He belongs to the type who values ​​love and justice and has a clear distinction between grudges and grudges."

Chu Zihang joked.

"Hey, can we stop talking about age-revealing topics? By the way, have you read The Adventures of Lolo!?"

Xia Mi complained, the Death Scythe in his hand was still being harvested.

"Junior Brother Lu came out in the year he entered school, so I have some impressions."

Chu Zihang said casually that he actually looked at it after entering the space because he felt that even Zi Gongxiang's work might become a mission world.

"I don't think this example is appropriate. The Tiger King was also ruthless and scheming in the early stages, right?"

Tianji Martial Saint said with a smile.

Lu Chen's face darkened, "Why, I have nothing to do with scheming?"

The smile on Martial Saint Tianji's face froze, and he changed his words: "Of course it has nothing to do with it. To judge Brother Lu, I can only say that he is resourceful."

Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction. Although he knew that Tianji Martial Saint was perfunctory, he was still very happy.

Eriyi covered her mouth and snickered. She used her spiritual power to wash away several treasure boxes on the ground and took back the storage space.

"Back to the topic, Brother Lu's charm is very low. This statement is actually incorrect. I think the evaluation of charm is based on the research results of the Institute of Technology and Truth. As long as the charm is close to zero, it is low. To both sides It’s all an improvement, so in a sense, Brother Lu’s charm is very high and has reached the forbidden realm.”

Chu Zihang commented that this was not to make Lu Chen happy, but it was true.

"I can reach three hundred and forty plus when I'm normal now!"

After hearing Chu Zihang's words, Lu Chen felt his back straighten and said proudly.

"That's... really an incredible charm attribute."

Tianji Martial Saint complained, "How did you practice this? You can be a control halo alone, right?"

No one present would ask what the use of Lu Chen's charisma reaching 340+ was. Either Lu Chen's teammates knew him very well, or they had been taught by Lu Chen.

I think back in the perfect world, when Jade Fairy and the others first saw Lu Chen with his full charm, it was really a nightmare-like experience. That damn suffocation feeling could be said to be a powerful control skill.

"Since Godzilla's charm works so well, why not let him clear the way?"

Eriyi wondered, they were very tired from chopping melons and vegetables all the time, so why not just let her husband go up and scare off the crowd?

"No, Brother Lu, don't take action. This is a taboo test. We have been targeted, but it should be a cautious taboo or someone with special intentions. But if you take action, all taboos will be awakened. After all, you The last time I hunted down Harak and entered the other world, the creatures in the other world were deeply impressed.”

Chu Zihang shook his head and said that they were completely able to handle these attacks without any casualties. Moreover, none of the back-ups he brought were used.

"There are a few late-stage True Self Realm people coming over, let me take action."

Tianji Martial Saint looked into the distance. The creatures in the inner world there were extremely dense. The leading ones had about 334 points of strength attributes, which were relatively threatening.

However, before he took action, Chu Zihang had already taken out something from the storage space.

This mechanical prop looks strange in shape. Below it are two huge dark balls, and in the middle is a thick and majestic pillar. The base is empty, and it should be some kind of space technology that acts as a buffer zone for recoil.

"What kind of obscenity is this!?"

Yuxian was the first to complain and took a step back.

"What a majestic cannon."

Mengluo's eyebrows are full of spring, and her voice is full of sweetness.

"This is the latest weapon developed by one of my senior brothers at the Institute of Technology and Truth. It's called the Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon. It's not obscene. It's very powerful."

Chu Zihang explained expressionlessly, and controlled from behind. Kama stood on the other side very cooperatively, took aim and fired.


In the silent inner world, the smell of gunpowder smoke spreads, like a command to start a war. Huge tremor waves are transmitted in all directions, and mushroom clouds rise into the sky, covering up the gray moon in the sky.

Chu Zihang raised his hand and looked over, as if he was visually inspecting the shelling. Then he turned to Kama and said, "It seems to be off by 0.239 degrees. Recalibrate the trajectory."

People next to me:...

Lu Chen and the others were okay, but the members of the Origin Adventure Group just wanted to shout "fuck".

Is this the crystallization of wisdom from the Institute of Technology and Truth? You can actually kill a strong man in the late stage of True Self Realm with one shot? What is the principle?

You must know that among the powerful men they just saw heading here, one of the creatures in the inner world belongs to the category of incorporeal beings, and is a conceptual creature. How come it was also evaporated by a shot?

Even the Martial Saint Tianji didn't dare to say that he would be fine if he took the shot. If he turned on his full state, he might be sure that he wouldn't be hurt much if he took the shot.

"Brother Chu, can this thing be mass-produced?"

Lu Chen also asked curiously. He didn't expect Chu Zihang to carry such a powerful weapon.

"The cost is very high. I asked Lan Ke to ask for a lot of things to make it. This is a very wasteful thing. After the senior brother developed it, the school did not grant funds for him to build it, so I sponsored it."

Chu Zihang said, and fired another cannon. Suddenly a mushroom cloud rose into the sky in another direction, and the world's army in one area was wiped out.

Lu Chenxin said, Brother Chu, you can say the words "I sponsor" so righteously and awe-inspiring, it seems that you have developed a thick skin.

There's more at noon

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