Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1844 Zhiyang Taboo Meeting

In the sea of ​​​​the world, where Yin and Yang meet, the battlefield is magnificent, and several strong men have been fighting fiercely since then.

The battle between the strongest men at the peak of the True Self Realm has spread to all realms, so that the space here has been swept away, and no other world bubbles can be seen anymore.

The aftermath of the collision between the strong is enough to smash the weak world into rubbish. As the saying goes, the birth and death of all things have their own destiny. Perhaps for the weak, sudden destruction is also within the laws of nature.

When the strong men in the Supreme World and the Zhiyang World were fighting, they never deliberately avoided those worlds where life existed.

In their view, it is meaningless, just like ordinary people walking without caring about killing ants. Life has always been unequal. After distinguishing between the macro and micro levels, every move of a person may destroy a small world. Killing countless creatures, if you have to be guilty of everything, then there is no need to seek the truth.

At least that's what these experts at the peak of the True Self Realm think. At this time, they are fighting in the Three Thousand Realms. The two sides may not have suffered any injuries, but the Ten Thousand Realms have been affected and suffered heavy casualties.

The so-called immortals fight and mortals suffer, this is what happens now.

This is destined to be a protracted war, because the winner between the strongest people at the top of the True Self Realm is indistinguishable. Just to decide who is the best will take tens of millions of years. To completely kill the opponent, sometimes it will take hundreds or thousands of years, depending on the situation. Thousands of years.

At this time, above the void and outside the battlefield, the taboos of the Supreme World and the Zhiyang World are paying attention to this side. The strongest people on both sides have no communication, but they seem to understand everything.

Battle reports from the front lines are continuously sent back to the Supreme God Land and the Zhiyang God Land. They are the first to reach the management of each world, and the management then submits them to the Supreme Taboo.

Except for the contemporary taboos that wake up and pay attention to the battlefield situation, most of the supreme taboos in the two worlds are still in a dormant state and are undergoing unique enlightenment.

The oldest taboo is even more difficult to escape. It has not appeared in both worlds for thousands of epochs.

Today, at the rear of the battlefield, a message was sent back to the Zhiyang World. The news brought by a taboo from the future caused a sensation in the Zhiyang Divine Land.

The eight taboos in the Zhiyang World woke up one after another, and their thoughts were projected in the oldest palace. They each took their seats at the round table. This is the true pinnacle of power.

There were originally eight seats, but now nine have been added. The top seat is still vacant. The dust and traces of time on it indicate that no taboo has been placed there for a long time.

"It has been thousands of epochs since we last met here, right?"

After a Taboo took his seat, he spoke sadly, with emotion and reminiscence in his voice.

Time does not mean much to the taboos, but in the Zhiyang timeline that they are locked together, they will still feel the passage of time and the long-term loneliness, which will also make some taboos hope to be more like beings of the same level. Communicate.

"Xunguang, why don't you take a seat?"

A taboo opened his mouth and invited a man from outside the world to sit down. They had known each other since they were young and were considered good friends.

"Brother Xunguang, it's useless for you to think about it alone. You can't make a conclusion until the one comes."

Another taboo also spoke up and said that he was also a being who had adventures with Xun Guang when he was young, and they had a good relationship with each other.

The other taboos are somewhat looked at with suspicion. If taboos can be divided into factions, then the three taboos in front of them should be considered as belonging to the same faction.

Counting Xunguang who traveled from the future, they only have nine taboos in the Zhiyang World. This small group accounts for one-third, which will certainly attract the attention of other taboos.

"I'm just wondering whether the intervention route is correct and whether future fluctuations will have a bad impact on us."

With a thoughtful look on his face, Xun Guang sat down at the invitation of his friend. He came in person, and unlike other taboos, he was not a projection of his mind.

"Now that things have happened, the eight taboos among us are together. Even if the cause and effect can overturn the sea of ​​the world, we can bear it together. What else can't be said, brother Taoist?"

A taboo asked curiously, wanting to know what he saw in the future. He needed to break their original rules and return across time to deliver information to the past.

In the world of the Supreme Sun, time is related to the overall time in the sea of ​​​​the world, and is also synchronously bound to the time of the mysterious space, so it is theoretically irreversible.

Externally, people think that the river of time from the highest world to the sun world cannot travel at will. It is taboos that block the river of time, but this is actually a wrong statement.

The truth is that the taboos have indeed strengthened time and space, but the synchronization of time with the Sea of ​​​​World and the nine spaces is because the taboo who controls the law of time was born very early and has a strong concept within the scope of the Sea of ​​​​World. Unable to travel at will.

The same is true for the nine major spaces. The internal time is irreversible. Even if there is a strong taboo and you want to go against the time of the space, there will be a big cause and effect tear. In the end, no matter what you do, the space, the sea of ​​​​the world, the supreme world , the Zhiyang world will collapse because of the collapse of the logical chain.

But Xun Guang still returned. This was probably not just the result of a strong man helping out. In the future, they, or other taboos, paid a huge price to send Xun Guang back in this era, which must be of great significance.

"Let's wait until the strongest one comes. I will also discuss how to minimize the cause and effect involving the heavens, otherwise some of you will also be affected."

When Xun Guang said this, he already hinted at something, such as the taboo on being present and the taboo on helping him return in the future.

The taboos are all extremely smart, and they realize it instantly, pondering deeply.

Walking against the long river of time is an extremely dangerous thing. Originally, even if they could work together to break through the blockade of the concept of time, they would not do it because if one fails, everyone will be destroyed. It is a taboo in all worlds. .

The eight taboos took their seats, and time passed quietly. After about three days, there was no other movement in the silent space.

I saw a figure appearing in the empty seat at the head.

He is dressed in clothes like the red sun, simple and gorgeous, and his appearance is obscured by concepts. Even if you don't look carefully at other taboos, you can't see clearly.

The Supreme Taboos present all stood up and saluted after seeing this person, and no one looked directly at his lineup.

I could only vaguely see it through the corner of my eye. This was a man with white hair shawl. He seemed to be a bit old, with the majesty of a king over the heavens, but also boring.

This is the oldest taboo in the Zhiyang World, and it is also the strongest taboo in the Zhiyang World, bar none.

His title is Tianyang, and his real name is unknown.

Reciting the taboo's true name can cause it to manifest and regenerate, but if it is disrespectful, great terror may occur. Therefore, the taboos in the Zhiyang World and the Supreme World only pass down their names, but not their true names. .

After all, they are in the supreme world and do not rely on the power of faith. The world is powerful and they cannot die in battle. There is no need for all living beings to recite their true names all the time.

And if someone is disrespectful, it will easily cause trouble, so hiding his real name is a kind of openness.

Because taboos do not require others to respect Him, it is okay to disrespect Him, as long as the world runs smoothly, and there is no need to engage in literary inquisition.


Everyone present was forbidden to salute Tianyang. After Tianyang took his seat, he just nodded lightly and raised his hand for everyone to sit down.

"I already know the matter. Xun Guang, please tell me."

Tianyang opened his mouth and looked at Xun Guang with a pair of eyes, making Xun Guang instantly feel a pressure, even though this was just a projection of the other party's thoughts, and his body had not yet come out of seclusion.

But Xun Guang was not surprised, because he had already met this senior, and it would be the other party who would take action in the future to send him back.

In his opinion, this taboo senior may have reached the upper limit of this field and started to move towards the next stage, or even entered it.

He had only seen three such supremely powerful men in his life. One was the Taboo of Heaven and Yang in front of him, and the other was the Taboo of Earth and Yin in the highest world.

There is another one, the owner of the decree that he saw in the original world No. 81 after he returned to the past at this time. The owner of the decree may have reached this level, or even stronger.

"When this junior comes back from the future, he is entrusted by the powerful ones in the heavens to deliver a message, and this message must be within their, or our, tolerance."

What Xunguang said was very mysterious. It was both them and us, which meant that everyone present would also participate in this matter in the future.

"Limited words can only be guessed?"

A taboo spoke, thoughtfully, knowing that there are variables in the news delivered from the future, and cannot be fully explained. If it is fully explained, the cause and effect chain will collapse.

However, if it is not explained clearly and the taboos make deductions and guesses, they may be different from the expectations of the taboos in the future. And if the path goes astray, Xunguang, as the messenger, cannot intervene, because it has already reached the point where he will never come to the future. The limits of message delivery.

If there is too much interference, not to mention the Supreme Yang World, even the mysterious nine spaces will be affected, and the entire sea of ​​​​worlds will become nothingness.

"Tell me."

Tianyang said with a dull tone, as if he no longer cared about anything.

When his cultivation has reached his level, there are few things that can shake his Taoist heart, and there are few things that can interest him.

From ancient times to the present, the existences that have reached his level can be counted with two hands. There are no more than three people in the world. What else does he need to worry about?

For example, when Pangu came to make trouble in the place of exile, He just raised his hand and suppressed it, leaving it to other taboos to deal with.

"This junior will tell you something first to test the stability of time and space."

Xun Guang spoke with a serious expression.

"Just say it."

Tianyang looked indifferent, as if sitting there, he was the rule of all things.

Xun Guang composed himself and said, "The True Ancestor of Secret Blood has returned."


There was a taboo on the spot, and it was an older taboo. I had heard of the name of the True Ancestor of Secret Blood and knew the terrifying meaning it represented.

After Xun Guang said these words, the entire Zhiyang world trembled, and the sea of ​​​​the world reacted violently with contraction and expansion. The backlash force that spanned the great time came and distorted the entire sea of ​​​​the world.

Tianyang raised his eyelids slightly and flicked his fingertips, "Set."

With just one word, the turmoil in the world stopped. Such cultivation is unparalleled in the world.

When the other Taboos saw this, they all admired them in their hearts. Compared to Senior Tianyang, they were still too 'young'.

It's just that when you reach the taboo area, whether you can continue to move forward and distinguish the strong and weak in this area, there is actually no point in staying up for time.

A talented Taboo, or a Taboo that is good at this Tao, may become a strong one within a few epochs. If the self-potential that has been exhausted due to the Taboo is no longer talented, then no matter what No matter how much time passes, it won't become stronger.

"go on."

Tianyang leaned slightly on the seat, like a powerless old man. His tone was calm and his voice was not loud, but it gave people a majesty like a sea-fixing needle.

Xun Guang calmed down, thinking that Tianyang was indeed one of the most terrifying and powerful masters in the world. Even though the cause and effect of this huge time and space backfired, the opponent could still control them.

"The yin and yang have returned to their proper place."

Xun Guang said again, this time with short and vague words, but the impact was even greater than before.

Not only did Tianyang frown slightly, but after standing up, his breath instantly overwhelmed all realms and stabilized time and space.

Even in the supreme world, an ancient being woke up and took action to calm down a space of time and space. After he woke up, he was also thoughtful, "Someone has returned and revealed the secret of heaven. It is related to me... It is related to this world..."

"Any more?"

Tianyang sat back, and the shock in the sea of ​​​​the world had stopped. However, those living beings in the shock did not feel anything, and they had no idea that a big shock that could lead to the destruction of everything had just happened.

"The Pioneer of the Void will be punished."

Xun Guang said the third message, which surprised everyone present.

Literally speaking, Void Pioneer refers to the Void Pioneer in the origin space. According to their information, this generation of Void Pioneer should be the young man who shone in the Supreme Competition thousands of years ago. That is Lu Chen.

Must be punished, does it mean that they need to kill Lu Chen, or is Lu Chen going to kill something?

This sentence is too difficult to figure out, especially because they know that Xun Guang said this just to leave room for thinking to weaken the backlash of the great space and time. Otherwise, they and the ancestors of Tianyang will be seriously affected in the future. trauma, and even conceptual dissolution.


The logic of cause and effect is collapsing, the entire sea of ​​​​the world is cracking, and violent turmoil is coming. From a macro perspective, the sea of ​​​​the world seems to be grasped by an invisible big hand and is about to be crushed.


Tianyang Taboo exhaled loudly, his white hair flying, and punched upward with infinite power to resist the force of the collapse of time and space.

At the same time, there are also beings in the supreme world who are coming out of seclusion. The actions with solemn expressions are exactly the oldest taboo of earth and yin. The power of yin and yang meet above the sea of ​​the world. Needless to say, there is a tacit understanding of cooperation. Time and space are frozen.

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