Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1851 Tongtian: I am willing to sacrifice my life to accompany you

Seeing this scene and Lu Chen's domineering speech, Lu Chen's teammates below almost all made the same move in unison.

Everyone raised their hands to their foreheads and sighed, expressing that they had a headache.

Obviously, Lu Chen is still not awake enough and is in an extremely high state.

This situation is like Master Ye shouting "I want to fight ten" on the stage when he gets angry. Lu Chen turned on the group teasing mode at this time, which is now extremely inflated.

In other words, under the influence of Harak's ability, Lu Chen has turned into a furious God of War. He was originally a reckless man, but now he is an angry reckless man. No one can stop him.

It's just that Chu Zihang had just finished analyzing the language, and the members of the Origin Adventure Group and the All-Heaven Sightseeing Adventure Group, who had learned the truth about the taboos' conversation, felt that what Lu Chen was doing at this time was weird.

Because the Crimson Taboo did indeed take action against Lu Chen, but the other party's action was to use the concept of anger to control Lu Chen, so that Lu Chen could get rid of the concept of hatred and distortion, coupled with the promotion of the Sinner, this can be regarded as The front is buffed.

But Lu Chen couldn't understand what the other party was saying. At this time, he was obviously doing things without thinking. He was in a state of excitement. He just saw the taboo and cut it, including Halak!

"Brother Lu, the Crimson Taboo is not an enemy for the time being. In addition, remember your mission. Just kill one Taboo. Don't provoke the Taboo in the depths again."

Chu Zihang reluctantly persuaded Lu Chen on the group channel, hoping that Lu Chen could calm down.

Lu Chen may indeed be very good at fighting now. It can be said that "I can no longer control my rage." Even taboos can't control him, like a mad dog breaking out.

But what if the taboos don't confront Lu Chen head-on but choose to avoid the edge? Did Halak let Lu Chen enter sage mode at a critical moment?

There is also a taboo of hatred, which also has similar abilities, so Lu Chen's power is temporary, and it is very likely that the taboo will knock him back to his original form in the next moment.

Furthermore, it’s enough trouble to offend two taboos, but you don’t think it’s enough and you want to hit all the taboos in the other world?

Apart from anything else, as far as Chu Zihang knows, the oldest and most mysterious taboo in the world is quite difficult to mess with. It is by no means the level of ordinary taboos. Even if Brother Lu is at the peak of his attributes at this time, he will not be able to deal with that taboo. The oldest mysterious taboo is probably dead.

"You dare to teach me how to do things!? I'm so smart!"

Lu Chen said angrily, shouting directly in the world instead of replying in the public channel.

Chu Zihang had no expression on his face, but like everyone else he raised his hand, put it on his forehead and sighed.

It can only be said that Harak's ability is indeed very strong. Lu Chen is now in a state of complete attack. He actually doesn't even listen to his words and even yells at him.

After Lu Chen roared angrily, he slashed out with another knife, scattering the purple-black shadow, the origin of the hatred and taboo that had just been condensed, and at the same time stepped on it to suppress it.

His figure was like the Wuliang Mountain suppressing the world, and he punched out again, scattering the twisted taboo and the taboo killing method unleashed on him.

The next moment, the regicide blade was sheathed, and the blade reappeared in an instant. The red mist gathered in the distance dissipated again, and Lu Chen severely damaged its origin.

In the dark, Yuetian was dumbfounded and thought that the League of Violators actually sent people at the peak of the True Self Realm to kill Lu Chen! ?

How the hell can I kill Lu Chen? ?

Even in Lu Chen's current violent state, he would have been seriously injured even if he rushed out. As Taboo, which is also famous for its aggressive attack power, Yuetian considers itself to be inferior in the field of conventional attacks. Lu Chen is truly a metamorphosis. state.

The concept he controls is position, which is a strong concept inherited. At the same time, he has many means of attacking taboos, and he is a fairly strong one among the taboos.

But he felt that his conceptual ability would be difficult to play with Lu Chen, because the opponent's combat intuition was too keen. His ability could reverse up, down, left, and right, and make the opponent's attack go in a direction that the opponent could not understand.

This ability is very useful for those who are rational and strong, because the opponent will think about how to tamper with the concept, but Lu Chen, a wild man like a wild beast, probably won't think so much at all and try a few more times. You know your own way.

Moreover, Lu Chen's attack was high and his blood was thick, so it was difficult for him to kill Lu Chen. However, Lu Chen had the soul to kill him. In fact, the position was meaningless to Lu Chen. He didn't care about up, down, left, or right.

Yuetian now feels more and more that many of what Taoist Brother Tongtian said are reasonable, and the other party is not exaggerating at all.

In that meeting, the leader of Tongtian Cult said that Lu Chen had amazing potential and was already very terrifying. It would not be long before he would become a new generation of terrifying void pioneers. If he wanted to kill Lu Chen, now was the last chance.

Now it seems that it is indeed true. This is not only the last chance, this is simply the last and most difficult opportunity.

Lu Chen's own foundation is still far from the peak of the True Self Realm, but his various passive superpositions are too outrageous. If he really grows to the peak of the True Self Realm, Yuetian doubts that Lu Chen will not need to climb the Taboo at all. Can go sideways through sheer violence.

Want to take action? !

Yuantian thought about it for a while, and the answer was ultimately yes.

He didn't want to let Lu Chen continue to develop and be hunted by Lu Chen in the sea of ​​​​the world in the future. Even if a new paradise was established by then, it might be crushed by the most outrageous void pioneer in history.

There is only one chance, and it is placed in front of Him. Could it be that he is destined to be the one in the League of Violators who can save the building from collapse and help the raging tide before it falls?

The dividing line for the fate of the Violator Alliance seemed to be placed in front of him. At this moment, Yuantian felt that he was carrying huge historical significance.

One of the most outrageous pioneers in history is being besieged by digital taboos in front of Him. If He intervenes, it is likely to have a subversive effect.

There was no need for a fierce battle, as long as he changed the concept of position at the most critical moment, it was enough for Lu Chen to be hit by the two taboos and his own killing method.

As long as Lu Chen's body is defeated, Lu Chen himself is not a taboo and has no conceptual form. They will not give Lu Chen a chance to recover and will completely kill him in the next moment.

If you want to take action, you must kill!

Yuetian made up his mind and believed that if Lu Chen was not removed, the Violator Alliance would have no future. Even if they succeeded in seizing the core this time and they built the paradise, the origin space would send out void pioneers to destroy the paradise. .

But despite the resources they had worked so hard to collect, the paradise they established did not turn into their ideal paradise, but instead became the tenth space.

After seeing Lu Chen's outrageous combat prowess and future potential, Yuantian was already mentally prepared to become a revolutionary.

"Brother Tongtian Dao, I decided to do something risky."

Before taking action, Yuantian decided to talk to the leader of Tongtian Cult for some discussion.

The main reason is that he feels that if he takes action like this, it is likely to cause a huge sensation. In a series of chain reactions, it will also bring danger to the leader of Tongtian who is responding from the outside. He needs to look at him to remind him.

After all, the other party is here to protect and support you, and you can't deceive the other party.

"What kind of adventure? Fellow Taoist, didn't we agree that everything should put our own safety first?"

Leader Tongtian responded quickly, with an eager and concerned tone, but in fact the smile on his face could no longer be concealed.

He is hurriedly making arrangements and has set up taboo killing formations on several important passages leaving the supreme world, sealing all possible escape routes.

"I have seen the battle of the new generation of Void Pioneers. It is indeed as Brother Tao said. It is outrageous. I think this is indeed the last chance. If the Void Pioneers are not eliminated this time, I am afraid that we will even establish a paradise. , it won’t take long for it to be flattened.”

Yuantian's voice was serious.

"So strong!?"

Leader Tongtian's voice was very surprised. In fact, he was actually a little surprised, because he knew what kind of person Yuantian was.

People like Yuetian are very arrogant. Although his strength is not too strong in his opinion, he despises most taboos. If Yuantian thinks that Lu Chen is a great threat, it means that he may have seen a very outrageous side of Lu Chen.

Originally, the leader of Tongtian Cult only knew a little bit about Lu Chen through the elephant, and knew that he was a new generation of void pioneers with good potential. Who knew he would be so powerful, and he might really be able to fight against taboos.

"Three taboos in the other world were chopped down by him alone and couldn't lift their heads. Although one of the taboos was helping him, he didn't know who he was slashing at the moment. If I use my ability, I can kill him with one strike. Opportunity."

Yuantian said in a solemn tone, "Brother Tongtian, this matter is risky. If I take action and kill Lu Chen, I'm afraid I won't be able to plan the nuclear issue, and it will be very difficult for us to retreat. Are you willing to accompany me?"

When asked this question, Yuetian was actually a little uneasy, because nuclear planning was the initial priority plan of their Violator Alliance.

But Lu Chen was too outrageous. He couldn't sit back and watch this new force in space fully grow, otherwise they would have to live in hiding from XZ again. The establishment of the paradise had to be done first and later. This kind of thing must be done Only during the gap period in space can we proceed safely.

Otherwise, if those old monsters in the space, plus Lu Chen, come to kill them, isn't the new paradise established by their Violator Alliance just a wedding dress for the space?

It's just that he understands the truth now, but he is not sure that Master Tongtian and other giant violators understand it. Especially at this time, the risk is quite high and life may be in danger. If Master Tongtian does not agree to accompany him to implement the new plan, he will Can't take action anymore.

Because if no one responds, the possibility that He will be able to break out of the supreme world afterwards is very low. He is willing to devote himself to the great revolutionary cause of the offenders, but of course his personal survival will always come first. He will not die despite the high risk. Dry.

Moreover, once the new plan is implemented, it will be equivalent to completely breaking the established planning route of the violator alliance. This will also be 'verbally and penally criticized' by other violator giants. Although he does not care about the words of other violator giants, if he wants to continue in the future To work together to implement the paradise plan, He must have his own people on His side in this matter.

If possible, he hoped that the leader of Tongtian would be one of his own.

The other side of Chuanyin was silent for a long time, which made Yuantian wait with bated breath. It felt so long to watch Lu Chen making trouble in the other world.

Just when Yuantian thought that Master Tongtian did not agree with this plan and was a little disappointed, the message finally arrived.

"My Taoist friends are righteous, and I should sacrifice my life to accompany you!"

Master Tongtian's tone was high-pitched and solemn, like a revolutionary pioneer who had made up his mind.

However, his face was already a little tense, and he thought that I had arranged so many things, but it seemed that none of them would be used.


After receiving the support, Yuantian suddenly became arrogant and said, "Brother Dao, don't worry, I will definitely kill Lu Chen in the other world!"

After saying that, he began to concentrate and adjust his state to its peak, ready to intervene in the battle and carry out a fatal blow at any time.

As long as he finds an opportunity to put Lu Chen under a fatal attack involving his three taboos, he will conceptually intervene and kill Lu Chen.

Naturally, Lu Chen didn't know at this time that there was another big violator who was thinking of sneaking up on him. He was already in a state of ecstasy, and he announced to the crowd that he was going to beat up five of them.

Because the force of his sword just now was too violent, cutting through the barrier of the inner world, the sword's intention penetrated the surface and reached directly to the Supreme God's Land, so even some masters on the Supreme God's Land heard the words that were transmitted to the world along the soul. A proud shout.

When Lan Ke heard Lu Chen say that he wanted to fight five, the chair under him in Lingxu Hall shattered, which showed that he was not at peace in his heart.

The expression on his face twitched. He stood up and tried to sit down, but found that the seat had been shattered by him. He was restless.

"Lu Chen, Lu Chen, can you really give me some new troubles? Didn't you agree that when you go to the other world, you just kill a few supreme gods to increase the level of equipment growth?"

Lan Ke was so worried that he realized that Lu Chen had made a big deal out of it. Not only was he facing the taboos of the other world after going down, he was simply going to fight against all the taboos of the other world and provoke them all.

Speaking of which, what happened in the other world? Is Lu Chen that fierce? He's actually already fighting against three taboos! ?

Not only that, he actually asked the remaining two to come out too?

Lan Ke was puzzled. He didn't know whether Lu Chen was inflated and driven crazy by the taboo abilities in the other world, or whether he was really too brave at the moment.

"No, I have to go see that gentleman. I must persuade that kid Lu Chen to come back quickly, otherwise the Supreme God Land will be affected!"

Lan Ke couldn't sit still and rushed out of the Lingxu Palace to go to the forbidden area to find the taboo who was in charge of this reincarnation. He hoped that he could take action to bring Lu Chen back and stop expanding conflicts in the other world.

If the oldest taboo in the other world is provoked, and that taboo attacks upwards, I am afraid that only Master Diyin can stop it. When the army of Zhiyang World presses forward, the Supreme World will be really in danger.

At this time, Chen Li in the inner world of the world slashed three taboos. Under the blessing of anger, he was like a supreme mad dog. He yelled: "Open the formation!"

There's more at noon

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