Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 185 The inhabitants of the Nibelungs

The huge sun disk was initially rimmed with black, and then the darkness gradually spread, as if a giant beast hidden in the starry sky was gradually eating away at the light.

"It's like Tengu eclipsing the moon."

Lu Chen also saw a total solar eclipse for the first time, but he had heard many legends in his hometown in his previous life, but he was not lucky enough to see it.

"According to Norma's calculations, this total solar eclipse will probably be the longest total solar eclipse of this century, lasting six minutes and 40 seconds. We have plenty of time to react."

Mai Shutoku said that she was full of energy after eating, drinking, and resting for a while. She had two short blades tied to her back, and she looked like a qualified ninja.

"Junior Brother...You see, Junior Brother Chu is fine now. Can I take back what I said before?"

Fingel stood behind Lu Chen, looking a little timid.

"Ah? Senior brother, weren't you so bold as to say that you would go with me to find the Dragon King to avenge Brother Chu?"

The atmosphere was a bit tense at first, but when Fingel interrupted it, Lu Chen also laughed.

"Junior brother, I was all joking. With my little arms and legs, I will just cheer for you after entering. Maybe a second- and third-generation dragon passing by will be slapped to death by me."

Fingel looked sad.

"Okay, I'm joking too, but what I say next is not a joke. Senior brother, don't pretend to be a coward. If the Nibelungen really opens later, you and Senior Aki will stay put and don't go in."

Lu Chen's expression became serious. He knew that Fingel was just pretending to be cowardly by saying bad things out of habit, but he actually had no intention of backing down.

"Of course I'm happy to be able to wait outside and win. I'll go back and make up for my grades. Next year I'll go to Cuba. Junior brother, you can come to me when the time comes and I will definitely make arrangements for you."

Fingel smiled, but did not look at Lu Chen.

Mai Shutoku looked at this team and found it very interesting. She also said she didn't want to enter the Nibelungen, but in fact, no one in this team was prepared to wait outside for the results.

In the sky, the Tengu has completely eaten away the sky, and the world should have fallen into unprecedented darkness, because even on a normal night, there is moonlight, and there is no moonlight in a total solar eclipse.

But the world did not fall into darkness. In addition to the bright stars, hundreds of light cyan aurora hung under the dark sky, like a long skirt that could cover the entire sky. Its corners were decorated with light cyan gauze. .

"This phenomenon is called the goddess's skirt by the Nordic people."

Chu Zihang explained that at this time, in the sky, the aurora was constantly changing due to the ionization phenomenon, as if there was really a goddess in the void dancing in this light gauze skirt. Her dancing posture was dignified, enchanting, holy and world-famous.

"This statement sounds a bit obscene."

Fingel complained.


Lu Chen was a little confused, and Chu Zihang and Jiude Mai were also puzzled.

"Because it sounds like we're peeking up the goddess's skirt."

Fingel pointed to the light strip in the sky, "Besides, it seems we are going to get under the goddess's skirt?"

"When you say that, the Dragon King has really become a guest."

Lu Chen smiled.

But after a few people laughed, they lost their minds.

Because the "goddess's skirt" fell onto the smooth ice, the ground lit up for a while, like the aurora connecting the sky and the earth. Several people were in it, and they didn't know the sky and the earth for a while, like a dream.

On the ice at the junction, Lu Chen and others looked towards the ice in the distance. There was a magnificent bronze city hidden under the curtain of the aurora. It was also slightly distorted as the aurora changed.

From the direction, the Bronze City is reflected, which means that there should be the existence of the deity above. However, when Lu Chen and others looked at the night, except for the beautiful aurora, there was no shadow of the Bronze City.

Several people turned to look at "Senior Aki", obviously waiting for the other party's explanation.

"From a physical point of view, the aurora is similar to what Junior Brother Chu said, but have you felt it? The turbulence of elements is caused by the appearance of Nibelung. It is hidden in the gap between illusion and reality. Only in the This special time creates a shadow on the ice."

Mai Shutoku said, pointing forward, "Where the reflection is, it should be the real Nibelung, but we can't see it."

Lu Chen pondered for a moment and said, "Brother Chu and I will go take a look first. You guys wait here."

After that, he motioned for Chu Zihang to follow him and "jogged" towards the direction of the Bronze City's projection.

However, he stopped just after running a few hundred meters. Chu Zihang stopped behind him and glanced at the ice in the distance.

The projection of the Bronze City is enlarging, becoming more and more majestic and majestic, while the aurora projected below begins to swing wildly, like a demon dancing wildly. Just staring at it for a few seconds will make you feel confused.

"Senior brother, take the senior sister back quickly!"

Lu Chen shouted to Fingel that this vision began to extend from the projection of Bronze City.

He said it too late, or it was the same whether he said it or not, because neither Fingel nor "Aki-senpai" could move faster than light, and the speed at which this strange phenomenon spread was like an extension of light, arriving in an instant.

For a time, the sky and the earth were filled with aurora, not even a drop of darkness could be seen, and the stars in the sky were covered.

In the chaos, Lu Chen was still worried, turned around, grabbed Chu Zihang's arm and rushed back, relying on his memory to rush to the direction of Fingel and the others.

"Junior brother, we are here!"

Fingel shouted back, giving his bearings.

The next moment, Lu Chen led Chu Zihang and ran to Fingel and "Senior Aki". At this moment, the vision gradually became clear again, and the aurora in the sky disappeared.

They stood in the boundless snowfield again. Lu Chen looked at Fingel and his senior in front of him, knowing that their plan might have failed.

Undoubtedly, they had entered the Nibelungs. Not to mention the refilled snow on the ground, he looked back and saw a majestic ancient bronze city in the distance.

There is no more howling wind or drifting snow between heaven and earth, as if everything is dead silent.

"Junior brother, it seems that the Dragon King has finally accepted the guests. He is very generous and accepts four guests at a time."

Fingel said dumbfounded that he had not expected this result.

"Junior Brother Lu, you must protect us."

Mai Shutoku also said the same, mostly sincerely. She was considered a powerful combatant for ordinary mixed-races, but she was not even considered a dish in front of the Dragon King.

"Anyway, it's a good thing not to be trapped in the snowfield..."

Lu Chen could only think on the bright side. He sensed the surroundings and said, "Have you noticed that it's not cold at all here?"

Chu Zihang leaned down and grabbed a handful of snow on the ground, "Indeed, the temperature here is about 20 degrees, which is a relatively comfortable temperature, and this snow is not cold at all."

"Because these snows have been killed in an elemental sense. Although they retain their original form, in essence, they are just water elements at this time."

Jiude Mai looked at the snow on Chu Zihang's hand and said.

Chu Zihang ran a few steps to the left and looked at the side of Bronze City from a distance, "It turns out that the legend of the Inuit is true."

Lu Chen was a little curious, "What legend?"

"I once chatted with the Inuit, and he said at the time that he was unwilling to go to the depths of the Pole because there was a legend circulated among their small tribes that in the mythical age, there once existed on this piece of eternal frozen soil. We are located in a warm country, where the temperature is like spring all year round, there is no sharp cold wind, and even the ice and snow are warm and pure, so you can take it directly to replenish water."

Chu Zihang recalled, "Originally, if other people heard this, they would only think that it was a fantasy of a snowfield by a tribe with low civilization, because there would be no warm snow in the world, but the Dragon Clan can explain all this and control it. The top alchemy dragon killed all the snow in this area in an elemental sense and set the temperature he wanted."

"Then if the legend is so beautiful, why are those Inuit afraid of the depths of this ice sheet?"

Mai Shutoku had never heard of this legend and was a little curious at this time.

Chu Zihang explained: "Because he said that some rebellious people disobeyed the majesty of the gods and actually raised their weapons against the gods. The outcome of that battle is unknown, but the gods were furious and abandoned the people on the ice sheet. Warmth The village will be closed forever, and vengeful devils will be released in every era to devour all descendants of the rebellious people."

"It sounds like a dragon-slaying war, but those people failed. After all, the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire is still alive."

Lu Chen lamented that the fact that dragons can form cocoons and be reborn without dying really makes human beings so desperate.

"So, does that mean that there used to be many Inuit people living in this Nibelungen?"

Fingel wondered, "I don't understand why the Dragon King keeps those people. Don't they all despise hybrids?"

Mai Jiudoku also walked some distance in the direction where Chu Zihang was, and turned around and said: "The Dragon Clan does despise all mixed races and ordinary humans, but just like the slave owners in ancient Rome, he despised dirty slaves, but sometimes And he needs slaves to work for him.”

As she said that, she pointed to the side of Bronze City, "As for whether anyone has lived here, I think the answer is yes, there are still people even now."

Lu Chen and Fingel walked over and looked at the side of Bronze City from a distance. They found that the area was not covered with ice and snow, but a real land with many houses on it. He even saw smoke from cooking stoves!

There are still people living in the Nibelungs!

"Let's go take a look first."

Lu Chen said, if he was the only one who came in, he might have entered the Bronze City recklessly, but there were still a few trolls around him at this time, so he had to be more cautious.

If the people here can communicate, maybe they can get some useful information first.

Wangshan was in a hurry. Bronze City didn't look too far away, but in fact it was about four or five kilometers away from where they started. And they were not in a hurry at this time, so they didn't let Lu Chen drag them away.

Lu Chen walked on the snowfield, looking at the Bronze City in the distance, and finally understood where the strange feeling in his heart came from... The scene here was almost exactly the same as what he saw in the World of Warcraft dungeon!

"Junior brother, have you discovered it too... I think we should let the secret party investigate that game company after we go back."

Fingel looked at the surrounding environment, and his memory was not bad, not to mention that he followed the guild to challenge many times in the following days.

"what are you guys saying?"

Chu Zihang was a little confused, why were they talking about the game again when everyone had entered the Nibelungen?

"The scene here is very similar to one of our dungeons in the World of Warcraft game, and the name of that dungeon is 'The Wrath of Shirter'"

Lu Chen pointed to the village in the distance, "And there is also such a small village in the game. It was originally used to receive quests and advance the plot of the dungeon."

"It's indeed suspicious."

Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect such a thing to happen again, "It seems that I will play more games after I go back."

"No, no, no. Although I don't know what happened, this is obviously a coincidence, or someone is deliberately giving a reminder to Junior Brother Lu. I heard that Junior Brother Chu, you are one of the most outstanding top students in the academy, so don't fall for it. .”

Mai Jiutoku advised, fearing that Chu Zihang would go astray, even though they were the culprits of the game copy.

"Sister, I feel offended."

Lu Chen glanced at Aki-senpai and thought to himself that playing games at S level, how could it be called degeneration? Besides, I am not the kind of person who spends time playing games.

After walking for about half an hour, they finally reached the side of Bronze City. On the way, several people also discussed how to deal with various situations when they encountered them.

If the residents here are all loyal subjects of the Dragon King and attack outsiders when they see them, then they will try to knock them all down as "gently" as possible, and then try to get Chu Zihang to extract a confession.

If these residents were doesn't seem possible.

Well, if they can barely communicate, let Chu Zihang be responsible for translating, Fingel be responsible for playing tricks, and Senior Aki... be responsible for being as beautiful as a flower and using her beauty to eliminate hostility.

As for Lu Chen, as insurance, he was responsible for the backup special negotiation method.


Charide Village is the name of this small village. In the ancient Inuit language, it means warmth. They appreciate the gift of God.

There are many large igloos in the village. These igloos are solid and thick. They are obviously igloos, but they do not let in the cold. For the sake of privacy, the villagers coated the inner layer with mud. From the outside, they look like dark crystals. mirror.

The time here happened to be noon, and the villagers had been busy all morning, and they all began to make rice in pots to reward themselves for their hard work.

Phyllis was running on the streets of the village, holding a bouquet of wild flowers she found beside a small field in her hand. She was very happy today, because flowers are rare in this place.

Due to the gift of the gods, the land within this radius is very fertile, but they have no flower seeds, so naturally no flowers will bloom.

It is said that in a distant era, there were flowers blooming on this land, but due to some things, the flowers disappeared forever. Before, she had only seen the flowers in the records in books.

But today she actually found a beautiful flower in the ground, with pink petals and goose-yellow stamens. It was as beautiful as she had ever seen, and it carried the hope of life.

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