Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1860 The Conquest of Zhiyang World

Lu Chen felt a little unhappy after hearing Dongxu's words, always feeling that he was being looked down upon for his intelligence.

Seeing Lu Chen's silence, Dongxu seemed to think for a moment and said, "It seems that you still listened and analyzed carefully. Yes, we didn't kill the descendants of the Secret Blood back then because of the power of the True Ancestor of the Secret Blood. Too strong allows us to see a new path. Perhaps the True Ancestor of Secret Blood is uncontrollable and a catastrophic and evil existence to the heavens, but his descendants may not be like this."

Dongxu continued: "We have seen the power hidden in the secret blood. Theoretically, since the true ancestor of the secret blood can come and revive every returnee, then every returnee also has amazing potential. , or with the same potential as the Mystic Blood True Ancestor, the Mystic Blood itself does not distinguish between superior and inferior. After all, tracing its origins, they are all taboo crimes born in ancient history."

The tea cup in his hand shook and he looked at the undulating water patterns, "So we thought about it and thought that we only need to control the fact that the Mystical Blood True Ancestor is extinct and prevent him from returning. And among his descendants are It can be re-cultivated and cultivated into strong men who are beneficial to the heavens.”

Lu Chen listened thoughtfully, with a solemn expression, "Do you want to create a man-made True Ancestor of Secret Blood?"

Dongxu nodded, "That's right. If the Mystic Blood True Ancestor grew up like that in the beginning, it was the result of my careless observation. Then if I instill good thinking and provide correct guidance to the new descendants of the Mystic Blood warriors, will it be possible?" Will it grow into an existence that is beneficial to the war in the world?"

"Did you make it?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

Dongxu nodded, then shook his head, "Only half of the success. Mystic blood warriors do have amazing potential hidden in their bodies. They are natural antigens. They have an advantage when facing taboos, and they also have resistance when facing enemies. , and what surprised us is that most of the secret blood warriors are upright people, and most of them insist on their justice to the point of paranoia. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are paranoid. "

"In ancient times, the descendants of the secret blood warriors, the direct descendants of the true ancestors of the secret blood, and the closely related generations have all perished in that battle. The first remaining secret blood warriors have seen the world He knew that his ancestors had made contributions to all living beings, but also committed serious sins, so he practiced diligently, hoping to benefit all living beings and guide the development of the new world. By the way, the two worlds had been separated at that time, and there were no secret blood warriors in the supreme world. of."

Dongxu continued: "Because Diyin believes that the secret blood warriors are evil and have such a nature that sooner or later they will bring disaster, so they refuse to allow the blood of the secret blood warriors to spread in the Supreme God Land and expel them to the Zhiyang God Land. , Tianyang’s ambitions were even greater, and he thought that the secret blood warrior could be used by him, so he accepted him.”

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt that he was gradually coming to terms with some of the things he knew, but he didn't know which era Lu Xingtian was from.

"Later, the secret blood warriors took root in the world of Zhiyang. With my hint and the cultivation of Tianyang, many excellent secret blood warriors did appear, and they were sent to the front line to show some glory. You may have heard that There have been some legends, such as the Mystical Blood Warrior’s True Self killing the Taboo at its peak. This is not a lie. There has been such a thing in history, because you Mystical Blood Warriors have a natural resistance to the Taboo. Faced with the Taboo that inherits weak concepts, It’s possible to fight.”

Dongxu looked at Lu Chen, "And I feel that if it's you, I'm afraid you don't need the basic realm to reach the peak of the true self realm to fight against some taboos and have a chance to kill them."

"Then why did Zhiyang World banish the secret blood warriors later?"

Lu Chen wondered, regardless of what the Mystic Blood True Ancestor had done, if the descendants of the Mystic Blood warriors were mostly upright and considerate of the development of the world, as Dongxu said, why would they be exiled?

Ming Ming Dongxu also said that after reaching the peak of mystic blood warriors, their combat power is very good. Even if they are sent to the front line, their combat power will be excellent.

Based on his thinking, he believed that most secret blood warriors would not hate being sent to a fierce battlefield, which would only excite the strong.

"That's because the curse of your Mystic Blood lineage cannot be eradicated, that is, the True God of Mystic Blood."

Dongxu looked at Lu Chen's body and said, as if he was observing the mystery deep in the blood.

Lu Chen only felt that there seemed to be something inside him, hiding deeper, as if he didn't want Dongxu to spy on him.

Dongxu retracted his eyes, "You also master the forbidden technique with the secret blood of God, but do you know the origin of this forbidden technique? This secret technique was not originally a technique that allowed the secret blood warriors to increase their strength, or the existence of it. This is not the purpose. The person who developed this forbidden technique was not the Mystic Blood True Ancestor, but a Mystic Blood Warrior."

Lu Chen's curiosity was aroused, "What is the origin of this access control technique?"

"It's very simple. This does not exist as a strengthening technique. Strengthening one's own realm and combat power is just a side effect. The side effects you think are the main functions when it was first born, which is to communicate and awaken the true god of secret blood. ”

Dongxu explained, "The secret blood warrior wanted to recall the true ancestor of the secret blood and regain the glory of the secret blood line, so he developed this secret technique and tried to communicate with the true god of the secret blood. As a result, he succeeded and also transformed himself. The purpose was to open up a connection to the real world for the True Ancestor of Secret Blood. Since then, it has become easier for Secret Blood Warriors to go berserk.”

"What do you mean it's easier? Did you still go berserk when you didn't have God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique?"

Lu Chen frowned, realizing the point of Dongxu's words.

Dongxu nodded, "It's always been like this, I said, this is the way the Mystic Blood True Ancestor controls you. The Mystic Blood True God in your bloodline is actually his incarnation and part of his power. Even if you Mystic Blood True Ancestor If a warrior does not practice the use of forbidden arts, when he reaches the late stage of the True Self Realm, he will gradually begin to be eroded by the Mystic Blood True God in his body. When the Mystic Blood is burned to the extreme in a combat state, he will be eroded by himself, and eventually be eroded by the Mystic Blood True God. replaced, leading to self-destruction and the destruction of all things.”

"This doesn't make sense. If the True God of Mystic Blood is the incarnation of the True Ancestor of Mystic Blood, why would he destroy himself? Instead of trying to find a way to bring the True Ancestor of Mystic Blood back, or directly return in his true form to descend upon the True God of Mystic Blood?"

Lu Chen said in confusion, "In my opinion, the True God of Secret Blood is nothing more than a mindless beast, a crazy destruction and killing machine."

"I don't know about this. Who knows why the True Ancestor of the Mystic Blood set it up like this, but one thing I am sure of is that the more times the True God of the Mystic Blood appears, the closer the connection between the True Ancestor of the Mystic Blood and the present world. , as the number of rampaging secret blood warriors increases, the day of his return will become closer and closer."

Dongxu said, "As the forbidden techniques spread among the secret blood warriors, this kind of rampage has become more frequent. Tianyang thought about putting an end to this phenomenon and issued a decree to prohibit the secret blood warriors from using that forbidden technique. But this kind of thing is difficult to control, because since the birth of that kind of technique, every secret blood warrior will have inexplicable self-realization after practicing to a certain level, and if you want to make the militant secret blood warrior face a strong It is even more impossible to capture the enemy without using forbidden techniques."

"As a result, the corruption of secret blood warriors occurred frequently, and several major turmoils broke out in the Zhiyang world. There was even one time when a strong master among the secret blood warriors went berserk and provoked the digital taboos in the Zhiyang world. The turmoil subsided, and since then, Tianyang seems to have realized that the secret blood warrior is an unstable beast, and it is unrealistic to tame it for his use. "

Dongxu smiled mockingly, "But he was reluctant to kill all the secret blood warriors, so he finally adopted a compromise method, that is, exile, and threw the secret blood warriors to another great world. It's like scientists throwing mice into experimental chambers to watch their development. No matter how much trouble they make in the future, it won't affect Zhiyang Divine Land."

Lu Chen sighed in his heart. This was exactly what Lu Xingtian said. He just felt that the development history of his ancestors was not easy, and it was a miracle that he was born.

"Since the seniors have given up the plan to cultivate secret blood warriors, what is the meaning of recalling the true ancestor of secret blood now? Is it really just to kill him in a controllable form? If so, all the secret blood will be destroyed Wouldn’t it be easier for warriors to clear them out?”

Lu Chen asked.

"You want me to kill you?"

Dongxu looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen spread his hands, "I'm just thinking about the problem based on common sense. If the Mystical Blood True Ancestor is really the incarnation of disaster and is as powerful as the senior said, then I don't think you can successfully kill the resurrected Him. Obviously it doesn’t conform to the logic of doing things safely.”


Dongxu laughed a few times, "Then do you think our resurrected True Ancestor of Secret Blood has other agendas?"

Lu Chen nodded, "It can be seen that there are people who do not want the True Ancestor of Secret Blood to revive. Even the camps in the inner world are separated."

He had previously fought against Abomination and Twisted Taboo. The two Taboos wanted to kill him. The reason seemed to be related to the True Ancestor of Secret Blood. From the words of Abomination Taboo, it can be seen that he clearly did not want the True Ancestor of Secret Blood to return. of.

"You guessed it right. I do have some special purposes that require the resurrected True Ancestor of Secret Blood to achieve, but you can rest assured that this will not overturn the heavens. Compared with my purpose of reviving the True Ancestor of Secret Blood, I think you need to mind your own business more."

Dongxu said lightly.

"What's up?"

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.

"Do you suspect that I am putting you under house arrest?"

Dongxu stared into Lu Chen's eyes, shook his head and said, "No, I am protecting you. The army of Zhiyang World has already set out, led by Tianyang, to kill you completely."

Lu Chen was shocked and didn't know what was going on. He had never provoked Zhiyang World, had he?

At most, he slapped the opponent in the face in the Supreme Competition, but judging from the results, he and Brother Xunguang had a very happy conversation, and they could be regarded as close friends.

Besides, he had seen the forbidden body of Brother Xunguang. He should be in Zhiyang World now. Why did he come back to attack and kill him?

Lu Chen came to his senses after thinking for a while and exclaimed: "It has something to do with the True Ancestor of Secret Blood!?"

Dongxu nodded, "Yes, Tianyang has received news from the future that the Mystic Blood True Ancestor will be resurrected, and the news is related to you, so he thinks that you will be the target of the Mystic Blood True Ancestor's resurrection, so he wants to You kill him first."

As he spoke, he kneaded the secrets with his fingers and transformed into nothingness, as if he had figured something out again, "I also missed mentioning that two of the taboos in the Zhiyang World went to the place of exile to kill, and they should be erasing all the taboos. The secret blood of God will prevent future troubles.”

Lu Chen's heart was trembling. Although his hometown was under the control of space, there was no high-level combat force stationed there. If the two taboos passed by, wouldn't they be massacred at will?

When the time comes, not to mention that the perfect ending that I finally achieved is overturned, the whole world will be devastated, and history will be stained with scarlet blood.

No, Taboo is probably more simple, direct and cruel. It is possible for the other party to directly blow up the original world of No. 81 and wipe out and destroy the entire world.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't sit still and wanted to get up and leave, find a way to return to space, or rush to the sea of ​​​​the world to his hometown.

"Don't be impatient. Nothing is wrong in your hometown. Those two taboos from the Zhiyang World will be stopped if they can't get there."

Dongxu said calmly.

"Why? Is there any other help? Is it sent from space?"

Lu Chen was confused.

"There are two taboos in your hometown. One just revived some time ago, and the other just arrived some time ago. They are both on the road at this time. They will meet those two enemies. The outcome of the taboo battle will not be so quick. You are sure Peace of mind.”

Dongxu explained that his ability can indeed be calculated from the facts. There are very few things in the heavens that he does not know. Just like when Tianyang sets out, he also knows that his whereabouts will most likely be calculated by Dongxu.

But Tianyang probably didn't expect that Dongxu would protect Lu Chen and had already decided to resurrect the Mystical Blood True Ancestor.

"Two taboos? Who are they?"

Lu Chen was a little puzzled. He still had some memories when it came to recovery. He remembered that he seemed to have missed one thing in his hometown, and that was that the purple taboo had been broken by him as a young boy. It shouldn't take much time to recover.

"The Devourer, and a taboo with the demeanor of an emperor."

Dongxu gave a short answer.

Lu Chen already knew that the other taboo might be the Yuanxue Emperor who would reach the top and successfully take that step in future generations. Since the other party had left, it meant that he was right to hold on to the taboo. The Yuanxue Emperor was not the kind of person who would reach the top of the taboo. Just a boring existence that takes action on the world.

And if it were those two taboos, it would probably be no problem to stop the enemy, and his hometown would be safe for the time being.

But Zhiyang World seems to be coming to attack him, and he doesn't know how many taboos will be dispatched.

As for other taboos, it's okay to say that if you meet the legendary Tianyang, the oldest taboo in the Zhiyang world, you will definitely not be able to defeat him, because the opponent is on the same level as Dongxu, or even stronger.

Now Lu Chen has sensed that the situation in the heavens seems to have changed rapidly after he entered the other world, and now it has become very chaotic.

The taboos of the inner world, the taboos of the Supreme Divine Land, the taboos of the Sun World, and maybe even the taboos of other forces hidden in the dark. If these experts add up, I am afraid that the number of taboos gathered here will reach double digits!

There's more at noon

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