Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1863 Supreme Release

Lu Ping'an was very confused because his father had never told him about it, but based on the information he got during his adventure.

The strong man in front of me should be a violator from the origin space. He is a giant violator who is said to have fallen in the violator alliance. He was once killed by the former Void Stalker from the origin space. Why is he still pretending to be dead today?

Not only did they cheat, but they also helped them.

"Senior Tianyang personally warned me about this matter. It is related to the safety of all realms. It's enough for you to stop me. You still want to suppress and kill me here?"

Musheng's face was indifferent, "Senior Tianyang is in the sea of ​​the world right now. Do you think he doesn't know what's going on here?"

These words contained Chi Guoguo's threat, but the magician didn't accept this trick at all. "Heaven Yang and Earth Yin are talking about a confrontation. How can I have the leisure to pay attention to you? Even if you pay attention to the things arranged by Him, you should also pay attention to it." The focus is on the Exiled Lands.”

He had a sarcastic smile on his face, "Why, do you still think that you are the one at a disadvantage from the beginning, and you have to be protected by Patriarch Tianyang when you come to kill a few juniors in Jiehai?"

If Musheng knew the man in front of him well enough, he would not talk nonsense to him at all, and would either continue to try to break out, or start fighting.

When chatting with the magician, the magician had already made countless arrangements. Now it will be more difficult for Musheng to leave than before, and the news from this place can no longer be transmitted to the outside world.

Close the door, seal it, the magician did it very smoothly. This was how he and JOKER played back then, doing things very cleanly, and even the taboos in the local world didn't know what was going on.

"Senior, you..."

Lu Ping'an spoke in confusion, still a little confused about the situation. If he hadn't felt that the occasion was inappropriate, he would have wanted to take out the external brain that his godfather gave him and ask questions.

"Go ahead, let the children go back to their homes..."

The cards in the magician's hand were flying, "It's time for adults."


The Supreme World is turbulent, and the news can no longer be concealed. A large number of people know the situation on the front line. Even the most ancient taboos in the Supreme World are actually mobilized, which shows that the decisive battle is obvious.

During the confrontation at the front desk, it was unknown what was going on in the other side of the world, and all living beings felt that a huge storm was coming.

Many people feel uneasy. The supreme world has been at peace for too long, and the sudden all-out war situation makes them feel unprepared.

If there is another turmoil in the other world, the Supreme God Land may become history by then.

At this moment, Lu Chen, who was in the other world, still didn't know much about the situation in the outside world.

It is precisely because he is in a state of being blocked from information that he feels uneasy and irritable.

Dongxu trapped him in the land of nothingness. There was nothing here. The other party did not give him preferential treatment or provide entertainment facilities or anything else, they just put him here.

"Senior, Senior Dongxu?"

Lu Chen shouted into the void, but never got a response.

He fell into deep thought and felt that he couldn't believe everything Dongxu said.

Did the other party really just take a fancy to his potential by leaving him here and didn't want him to die in this chaotic battle?

If Brother Xunguang really brings some news from the future that is not good for him, then Zhiyang World may really want to kill him at this time.

But Lu Chen also remembered what Xun Guang had told him when he parted last time, that is, he could not simply judge whether anything was true or false, and what he saw and heard may not be true.

In the end, Lu Chen felt that he had better not think too much. No matter what he saw was not true or what he heard was false, he just had to protect himself and the people around him.

All enemies who dare to attack will be hacked to death!

After figuring out this key, Lu Chen no longer hesitated and began to attack the void with his root soul to break the cage created by the cave.

He wants to go out and take charge of the overall situation and cannot let his teammates wait. He also needs to know the real situation outside.

In fact, what Lu Chen didn't know was that he was pulled into the land of nothingness by Dongxu. Time in the outside world passed so fast. He felt that it was only a few days, but in fact, weeks had passed outside.

He rushed towards nothingness, trying to break through the barrier of nothingness and go to the world of existence.

During this process, Lu Chen was also comprehending the deep-seated power of God's Secret Blood. He hoped to enhance his understanding of taboos by referring to the concepts contained in the birth of the bloodline.

Outside, the Sea of ​​​​World is approaching the land of the Supreme God. The two taboos passed through the barrier, which immediately attracted the attention of the taboos staying in the Supreme God's Land.

"Heaven, Yang and Earth Yin have decided a new battle. A battle between heaven and earth in this world will end all causes and effects."

A Taboo from the Zhiyang World said, His whole body was shrouded in illusory brilliance, and the movements seemed to be fast and slow, giving people a strange feeling.

"A battle in the Boundary Sea. This world is not accessible to you."

There was a voice coming from the land of the Supreme God.

"This is the purpose of the laws of heaven, yang, and earth. Who can violate it?"

Another Taboo from the Zhiyang World spoke, and his voice was like thunder, exploding in the Supreme God Land, and all living creatures could hear it.

At the same time, a decree passed vertically and horizontally, with the seals of Tian Yang and Earth Yin on it, indicating that it was indeed the result of communication between the two taboos.

This shocked the creatures on the land of the Supreme God. Did they wonder if the sky and the earth didn't start a fight, but instead shook hands and made peace?

Indulging the taboos of the Zhiyang world and traveling to the other world, is this a sign of cooperation? In other words, is there really a tendency for the two worlds to converge?

This cannot allow people to think too much, because the supreme realm such as the Supreme Divine Land has never allowed the taboos of the Zhiyang World to set foot. Even if you go to the inner world, it is still part of the Supreme World and has been entered by the other party. God knows how.

How could Lord Diyin agree to such a ridiculous thing? Isn't this equivalent to letting the other side's troops pass during the war between the two countries?

But there are also a small number of strong people, as well as those awakened taboos, who understand the meaning of Earth Yin, which is to use the hands of the Zhiyang world to kill the fighting power of the other world, or to divide conflicts.

In this way, the inner world has no time to conquer the Supreme Divine Land, and must shrink back to defend against the taboos of the Zhiyang World. Even if the two taboos of the Zhiyang World have no intention of fighting against the taboos of the inner world, the taboos of the world there At least be on the defensive.

At this time, the taboos of the Supreme World no longer blocked them, and the two powerful men from the Sun World jumped past, disappeared into the void, and headed for the other world.

As a taboo, of course they do not need to take the conventional passage, but directly enter from the surface direction, forcefully break through the barriers, and go to the direction of the inner world.

At this time, the leader of Tongtian Cult, who was hiding in the void outside the Supreme God Land, also looked serious.

There was suspicion in his heart, "Could it be that what the old Taoist said before to bluff Yuetian came true?"

He stroked his beard and felt that things seemed to be going bad. Now it was not a matter of whether he would be cheated or not, but whether he could survive the chaos.

Moreover, although he intends to trap Yuetian, he also wants to get the core, because the establishment of the paradise is also what the space hopes for in a sense, but the violators and giants do not know the inside story.

"Is it possible that the old Taoist also wants to go down there?"

Leader Tongtian said to himself, then shook his head, "It's not time yet, let's take a closer look."

He secretly added in his heart, in short, these two taboos in the Zhiyang World should not be directed at Lu Chen, otherwise the strongest void pioneer in the nine major spaces may be in danger.

It seems that the taboos in the other world will not kill Lu Chen now, but most of them will not fight against the taboos in the Zhiyang world for Lu Chen. If you include Yuetian, the three taboos will still surround and kill Lu Chen, so The situation is serious.

Lu Chen was strong, but he might be able to protect himself against one taboo, but two taboos would be in trouble and their lives would be in danger, and three taboos would surely die.

This has been confirmed by the previous battles in the world, not to mention the two taboos sent by Zhiyang World. One of them is very strong and very troublesome. Even he is not sure of defeating the other one on one.

"Something happened... Zhiyang World has made such a big fuss. Could it be that the Mystical Blood True Ancestor is really about to wake up?"

Leader Tongtian muttered, not forgetting to inform Yuantian and using his magical power of communication.

This is what he must tell, otherwise Yuetian will think that he is paddling outside, and if he passes the detailed information, Yuetian will also feel that he did not lie to him before.

"Fellow Taoist Meteor, do you still remember what I said before? The taboos in Zhiyang World have been reached and we are heading to the inner world. You should be careful not to be discovered."

Leader Tongtian was contacted.

Yuetian was also very surprised when he received the news. He did not expect that Zhiyang World would move so quickly. If the other world became chaotic again, he would still have a chance to seize the core and even kill Lu Chen.

"Why are they here? Brother Dao, do you have detailed information?"

Yuantian asked curiously.

"The old Taoist has limited mobility and is afraid of exposing our whereabouts when searching for information, so his knowledge is limited, but it is possible that he came here for the Secret Blood True Ancestor that fellow Taoist mentioned before."

Leader Tongtian said casually that he was not sure and could only make it up based on the information he knew.

"That's true!"

Yuetian became excited, "So, they will definitely deal with Lu Chen. If the taboos in the other world are involved in the battle, our chance will come!"

The leader of Tongtian Cult had a strange look on his face. He felt like he was getting whatever he said recently, but if this thing came true, it would not end well.


Taboo's movements were naturally extremely fast. The barrier in the inner world was broken through, and the two Taboos from the Zhiyang World broke into it, scanning the world with their divine eyes.

"It's actually them!?"

After Yuetian saw these two taboos in secret, he was surprised, because he recognized these two taboos, or had heard each other's names.

The leader of the Zhiyang World Taboo is very powerful, and the concept it represents is speed. This is a concept he inherited. It is very ancient and is said to be related to the time taboo.

Practical application in combat is a relatively simple but powerful concept.

For example, in a direct fight, He can turn you into absolute slowness, while He himself is extremely fast, so you don't need to think about it to know that the slower side will be at a disadvantage.

Qi Yuantian didn't know his real name, but he knew the other person's title, and he was called Juechen in all realms.

Another Taboo Yuantian also guessed his identity through his conceptual fluctuations. His title is Xumi. He is also a powerful Taboo, not weaker than several strong men in the world.

"The aura of secret blood is dissipating, as if a war broke out not long ago."

Xumi scanned the world and then spoke, his voice was calm, but his eyes were somewhat taboo, for example, he avoided those taboo places in the other world.

Before coming here, Patriarch Tianyang had told them to be cautious. The two of them were only responsible for killing Lu Chen. It was best not to provoke the taboos of the other world, otherwise it would make their mission difficult.

Without considering the action of the oldest Taboo in the other world, their combination could at least escape unscathed. However, to kill Lu Chen, they must prevent interference from the Taboo in the other world.

"The traces have disappeared, there are no traces at all..."

Juechen thought and scanned boldly, but did not find Lu Chen's aura. When they came to the Supreme God Land before, they had roughly sensed that Lu Chen was not in the Supreme God Land, which meant that he was still in the other world. right.

"Has it already fallen? It saves us the trouble of taking action."

Xumi pondered, this judgment was reasonable. After all, Lu Chen entered the other world and made a big fuss. The information they knew was that Lu Chen had already started a war with the taboos in the other world at that time. The momentum was so great that even the mortals on the Supreme God Land could sense it. of getting.

If a taboo in the digital world was violated, Lu Chen's death seemed to be reasonable.

The conversation between the two was very loud, using the common language of the Supreme Sun. These conversations were a bombshell when they fell into the ears of people in a secret place below.

Eriki and others quickly gathered together, thinking that something big had happened, because these two foreign taboos seemed to have bad intentions and seemed to be targeting Lu Chen.

But these two taboos don’t seem to be from the Supreme World, so are they from outside? If it is taboo in the Zhiyang World, why would the Supreme World let it go?

"Something went terribly wrong."

Tianji Martial Saint said seriously, "These two taboos are not a problem. The problem is that the Supreme World has allowed them. This is the attitude."

Chu Zihang also had serious eyes, knowing what this meant. Indeed, the two taboos were not something they could deal with, but what was more terrifying than this was that they might have lost the support of the Supreme World.

In other words, they are now a lone army in the other world. The space cannot help them at this time, and there is no taboo on the supreme land to help them.

Once a war breaks out, they will face the attack of these two taboos alone, and perhaps there will be strong men lurking in the dark who will take action.

"Has the Supreme World betrayed you? That shouldn't be the case. There are still people in space. By acting like this, aren't you afraid that the final anger of space will overthrow the heavens?"

Mo Yuxiu frowned slightly. She knew that space attaches great importance to high-level experts. A series of missions are dispatched based on the cooperation of the Supreme World. If the Supreme World betrays the enemy at a critical moment, the final members of the major spaces will be killed. Seed combat power, then space will definitely take revenge.

There's more at noon

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