Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1870 The Ancestor of the Black Snake, the Origin of Regicide

Lu Chen was naturally unwilling to let go of Yuetian who attacked him, not to mention he was not sure that the other party would just leave here and stop attacking him.

Furthermore, he was at the peak of his bloodlust at this time. Even though he was at a slight disadvantage and was being played hard, his injuries were not serious. Every time he hit a taboo, he would always hit the opponent.

In this case, Yuetian is also one of the indicators for him to complete the talent task. How can he be willing to let the other party go?

Needless to say, he knew the importance of the pitch-black ball. Although he didn't know what it was for, it should be a very good treasure.

I have always been the only one who robs others of their share. How dare you rob me? ?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen slashed out with his sword, with the momentum of destroying all worlds. The inner world was once again cut open, and even the surface universe was like a divided ocean tide, leaving an empty path to the outside of the highest world.


Yuetian changed the direction of the sword and passed by him. He looked at the path to the world that Lu Chen had cut open, and smiled gracefully with blood on his lips, "Thank you Emperor Wu for opening the way. See you next time, if there is a next time." ”

With that said, he rushed towards the road cut open by the light of the sword, rushing directly to the surface of the supreme world. When he reached the void of the critical world sea, the leader of Tongtian came to meet him.

He knew that Master Tongtian was best at sword formations and killing formations. He must have arranged them for a long time before. If anyone dared to chase him and fell into the formation, he would die miserably, even if he was as strong as Lu Chen.

Therefore, he was not worried at all that Lu Chen would chase him. Not to mention that there were two masters from the Zhiyang World besieging Lu Chen. Even if Lu Chen chased him, he could cooperate with the Tongtian Cult Master to destroy Lu Chen.

From the outside world, Tongtian Cult Leader was obviously aware of the situation at this time and frowned secretly.

Because he found that this guy Yuantian was in... pretty good condition.

Lu Chen, how do you do your job? Isn't it brave and brave? Didn't you say that you killed Yuetian many times? Why didn't you chop him half to death?

But then Master Tongtian understood that Lu Chen was not a taboo after all. Even if the damage was overwhelming and he could destroy the taboo and severely damage the origin of the taboo, it was impossible to kill a taboo in ten minutes.

With Lu Chen's output ability, he still lacks the lethality against the origin of the concept of taboo existence. When Yuetian's conceptual ability can be operated, Yuetian's survivability is very strong. With Lu Chen's output ability, I am afraid that It can last for several days before it is completely cut off.

what to do? Will the veteran take action directly? Yuetian's condition at this time is not bad. If he fails to kill him successfully and is escaped by his true spirit and existence, then all the violator giants in the violator alliance will know that he is a traitor.

If Lu Chen joins me in besieging and killing Yuetian, will he be able to completely annihilate his true spirit? To make its existence disappear completely?

Just when Tongtian Cult Master was struggling in his heart, Yuantian was feeling complacent, and Lu Chen was furious, a huge black python crossed the path that Yuantian was heading forward, and a silent roar rang out in the other world, shaking people's hearts.

"It's Him!?"

Juechen from Zhiyang World exclaimed, recognizing the identity of the person coming.

"That snake!"

Xumi also exclaimed, obviously very surprised by the appearance of this dark giant python.

However, Yuetian, who was originally proud to be able to leave the other world calmly, was hit by this giant python and was pushed back with a violent roar.

The strange thing is that he originally used the concept of orientation, so he should not be able to hit him. How could this happen?

The other party is also a taboo! ?

Yuetian just thought for a moment and then denied this conjecture, because it was not a conceptual creature, that is to say, it was not a taboo, but the strange thing was that it possessed some of the abilities that only taboos had.

In any case, the giant python that appeared unexpectedly pushed him back and fell into the other world again, almost hitting Lu Chen's knife edge.

If he hadn't used his concept, he would have been cut in half by Lu Chen!

"Ancestor Black Snake!?"

When Lu Chen saw this giant python, he was stunned for a moment, because he recognized the black water snake in front of him. When he met it in the fox demon world, it was one of the biggest powerless situations in his life.

Facing the ancestor of Xuan She, he was like a bug back then, but he never expected that the other party would appear in the supreme world, nor did he expect that the other party's strength would be so high.

This kind of meeting feels like you suddenly meet the ancestor Hongjun in the world of South Park.

Lu Chen hadn't thought that he might have reinforcements, or that his opponent might have new reinforcements, or that there might be new strong men coming here to join the battle, but why would you, ancestor of the Black Snake, rush to this set?

For a moment, Lu Chen suspected that he had mistakenly identified the snake, but the long cry made by Regicide told him that this was the ancestor of the Black Snake that he had seen back then.

As a being of the same race, the Black Water Black Snake in Regicide will not admit his mistakes.

"Boy, you can't kill them. The knife is not that long."

When the ancestor of Xuan She opened his mouth, he actually spoke human words, staring at Lu Chen, or rather the knife in Lu Chen's hand, with a pair of eyes bigger than Hui Yue.

Only then did Lu Chen realize that what the Black Snake Ancestor said was not to himself, but to Regicide.

The dark shadow of the giant python appeared behind Lu Chen, opening its huge mouth and spitting out snake messages to the Black Snake Ancestor, as if communicating.

This is not writing a novel, nor is it making a movie. The opponent cannot be disconnected. The moment the Black Snake Ancestor appeared, it did surprise a few taboos, but the next moment they all launched attacks again.

The two taboos in the Zhiyang world only wanted to exploit the flaw behind Lu Chen, while Yuantian wanted to break out again and leave the other world, a place of right and wrong. Anyway, he had already obtained the core.

But the Tianji Martial Saint rose into the sky at this time, wanting to block Yuetian's return. The Black Snake Ancestor also struck the dragon and swung its tail to block the road, and the passage cut by Lu Chen clearly began to close like a sea tide. .

Lu Chen turned around and slashed out with a knife, forcing Xumi Tabu back. He was stabbed by Juechen again on the shoulder. As the number of injuries to himself increased, Lu Chen began to feel that his blood was not flowing smoothly. I'm afraid this It is the ability of Juechen Divine Nail.

"Senior, who are you exactly!?"

Because the pressure was shared by the Black Snake Ancestor and the Tianji Martial Saint, Lu Chen still wanted to ask a question when he was fighting Juechen and Xumi. Mainly because he couldn't bear to be curious. It was strange enough that the Black Snake Ancestor suddenly appeared. , and still came to help him.

"That man is coming back, and so am I."

The ancestor of Xuan She speaks human words, his voice is ancient and simple, and his words make people think.

Only Juechen at the scene understood the profound meaning of these words, and his expression suddenly changed, "Xumi, kill that snake first!"

Xumi still didn't understand why Juechen changed his target. It was clear that Ancestor Tian Yang's arrangement was to kill Lu Chen.

"That was transformed by the sword spirit of the True Ancestor of Secret Blood! I didn't expect it to be alive!"

Juechen shouted and explained to Xumi, asking Xumi to follow him quickly.

But Xumi was entangled by Lu Chen, and only Juechen could free his hand and instantly nail the divine nail between the eyebrows of the Black Snake Ancestor.


The Black Snake Ancestor let out a ferocious roar. As a being that is not taboo, he did not die, "Boy, let me return to my position!"

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what the ancestor of Xuan She meant. His brain was in chaos at this moment.

If the Black Snake Ancestor was once the sword spirit of the Mystic Blood True Ancestor, then when it comes to returning to his throne, shouldn’t he return to the Mystic Blood True Ancestor’s side?

If you return to your position, what do you say to yourself?

Is it possible that he is entering into regicide and returning to regicide? ?

But I’m not the True Ancestor of Secret Blood?

Lu Chen felt a chill in his heart for a moment. Could it be that the Secret Blood True Ancestor had already decided to revive him? Is that why the Black Snake Ancestor wants to take refuge in him?

Thinking about it further, were many things in the past planned by the True Ancestor of Secret Blood before his death?

But there is no room for overthinking on the battlefield. Now the Black Snake Ancestor is his helper. Back then, he could only survive in the underworld because of the Black Snake Ancestor's support. The regicide was also because of the Black Snake Ancestor's transformation.

So Lu Chen moved almost subconsciously. After slashing Xumi, he raised the regicide.

"Stop him!"

Juechen roared, and at the same time a palm fell, smashing the body of the Black Snake Ancestor into pieces. These words were shouted at Xumi and Yuetian.

However, Xumi was hacked to pieces by Lu Chen, and Yuantian was thinking of retreating with the core at this time, and rushed directly into the world passage that had not yet been closed.

The next moment, after the physical body of the Black Snake Ancestor collapsed, a black giant python true spirit rushed out. Although he was severely injured by Juechen and was on the verge of death, he still had a chance to survive.

Then a strange, brutal and spectacular scene appeared in the sky.

I saw the giant black python entrenched next to Lu Chen, Regicide opened its huge mouth, and the huge mouth grew to an outrageous extent, it could swallow the world.

And another, even bigger, pitch-black python rushed straight into Regicide's huge mouth. The so-called snake swallows the snake. Just for a moment, Regicide seemed to be filled to the brim. The python's body expanded several times again, as if it had amazing elasticity.

The efficiency of simultaneous absorption was extremely high. At the moment when his body expanded, Regicide let out a loud roar for the first time, which shook the world!

Endless storms rolled up, the void collapsed, the avenues were wiped out, the oceans of the surface universe were turbulent, and the inner world was about to burst at any time like a squeezed balloon. Even the upper supreme land experienced an unprecedented earthquake.

This wave of pressure spread to the sea of ​​​​the world, and the roar of the regicide turned into sound waves, causing waves of ripples to reverberate throughout the world.

That extremely majestic, violent and ferocious roar seemed to be announcing the birth of a new king, or announcing the return of the monarch, and the process of ascending was paved with the blood of the monarch.

Ancestor Xuan She didn't explain the reason to Lu Chen at all, because no one would give you time to explain on the forbidden battlefield. Everything was temporarily a mystery, but the power of regicide was expanding infinitely.

The sharp sword tore apart Xumi who had just come to life in an instant, and forced Juechen back who secretly wanted to interrupt the evolution of the regicide.

The jet-black python seemed to have turned into reality, and a physical black water snake was entangled at Lu Chen's feet, like a throne guarding the emperor.

The scarlet snake breathed out, and the regicide's eyes scanned the wasteland with extreme ferocity.

Its huge python body moved slowly, and each of its pitch-black scales became more and more sinister under the reflection of the gray moon, as if it represented the end.

The storm of the world is not stopping, and the roar of regicide is still spreading. Some taboos in the ancient world wake up and feel trembling, "Which python creature is this, has he ascended the taboo!?"

"Or is this just a master of forbidden weapons who forged a forbidden Taoist weapon!?"

The Taboos of the Ten Thousand Realms were shocked and uncertain, trembling at the majesty of the death of the giant python, because they smelled the breath of death from this roar.

At this time, the pitch-black giant python was entrenched, and its eyes as big as the gray moon scanned the inner world. All taboos were hidden, and only the place where Dongxu was was still calm.

The majesty in Him is no less than that of a taboo!

Lu Chen held the regicide blade in his hand. The giant python entrenched beside him appeared and disappeared, changing between reality and illusion. He exhaled a long breath of red mist.

Regicide, origin level.

This was the first growth equipment he obtained, and it was also the first weapon that followed him in his expeditions across the heavens. He never expected that he would advance under such circumstances, and with the help of the Black Snake Ancestor.

But there was only one thing he knew clearly, and that was that he now really had the chance to kill a Taboo within the time remaining of the God Eater Ring.

And that goal is obviously very clear.

Lu Chen looked at the figure walking towards the surface world. Yuetian moved forward with his core, completely ignoring the battle behind him, because he knew that Lu Chen's main weapon had broken through to the origin level, and his combat power must have increased again. It wasn't them. Three people can do it in a short time.

There is no need to hesitate, His top priority now is to bring the core back, as long as it gets there, as long as it gets to that place!

Yuantian thought in his heart and rushed towards the outside world. That was the meeting place agreed between him and the leader of Tongtian.

"Is this the power of origin-level tools..."

Lu Chen seemed to be feeling something, but when the sword was vibrating, the law of the sharp blade followed him. Before Xumi could get close to him, he was shattered by hundreds of times of real injuries, and his essence was damaged.

The sheer power, and the ability of Regicide to begin to counter the concept, caught Juechen off guard, and was cut off without the ability to resist at all.

Lu Chen stepped on the void and rushed into the passage. Ignoring Juechen's attack from behind after he recovered, he slashed out with one knife, "Break!"

With his war cry, the surface universe was divided into two halves before the blade came out, and the cross sword light followed. The concept of orientation could not reverse the power of the sword, because the regicide itself represented a taboo. , destroying this concept!

Yuetian was cut into four pieces in just an instant. He forcibly raised his original ability, burning his own existence and rushing forward. At the same time, he complained in his heart that the two taboos in Zhiyang World were not strong enough, so they could not reach the mainland. Chen, beat Lu Chen seriously.

He roared, recovered his body, and rushed forward, thinking in his heart that he was almost there, he was almost there!

Finally, he rushed to the agreed place while burning his existence, using concepts to deal with it, and still accepted Lu Chen's three blows.

When he saw the old man with a smile and an immortal air, Yuantian breathed a sigh of relief. When he felt Lu Chen's sharp sword light coming, he didn't care about his identity and quickly shouted: "Brother Taoist, save me." I!"

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