Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1905 Return to the Origin

Lu Chen heard the words and looked at the magician and the others. As a result, the magician was expressionless, the leader of Tongtian was smiling, the Bihai Enchantress yawned and stretched out to highlight her beautiful curves, and the tyrant just scratched his head and turned the one above him with his divine eyes. Eyes closed, the prisoner tied himself tighter with chains.

Lu Chen understood the meaning of these violator giants. What they meant was, don’t ask them about this kind of thing. They have returned to their respective spaces, so the paradise is now indirectly under the jurisdiction of the origin space, which is yours. The pioneer of the void is the master, and the financial problems will be solved by himself.

But what Lu Chen wants to say is, you six strong men can't even solve financial problems?

In fact, Lu Chen had a misunderstanding. With Taboo's strength, it was naturally very easy to collect a batch of sources of the world. However, in order to establish the paradise, they had cleared out a large area of ​​the world. After the establishment of the paradise, the six people There is intrigue and intrigue, and everyone looks at everyone else with suspicion.

From the perspective of an undercover agent, I'm afraid what they think about every day is, is this person my teammate? Or is he an enemy? Should I strike first, or should I continue acting?

In this case, especially if the situation is delicate, it is okay for the six people to check and balance each other, but if there is a violator giant who goes out to collect the source of the world and leaves the paradise in the corner of the sea of ​​the world, what will happen then? Hard to say.

Therefore, no one can go too far away from the paradise. Everyone has a tacit understanding and knows their own fears, which leads to the paradise ultimately being unable to make ends meet.

Of course, when a qualified company is running (dense fog), naturally it cannot let the boss keep giving money. The current development of the park is obviously abnormal. Simply put, the violators are too grumpy to invest all the resources they have spent. , is simply not comparable to the income they feed back to the park in the mission world.

Why do you say that? Because the bad-tempered violators kill each other too much in the mission world, such as releasing ten sixth-level violators. It is said that the park’s expectation is that as long as five violators survive to complete the mission, the source of the world absorbed by the park will eventually be It is enough to reward violators and make up for the delivery deficit.

But in fact, after entering the mission world, the violators started messing around, and in the end only two or three of them came back, or even only one violator came back alive. Then the park suffered a big loss, right?

Then too many people died, and the park had to consider replenishing staff. Replenishing staff for an explorer-type park was troublesome and consumed resources. The park spent a lot of resources recruiting people, which led to a complete deficit.

Regarding this issue, Lu Chen also felt that it was not easy to deal with now. He contacted Origin Space and Origin Space gave a reply.

[Paradise is not under the jurisdiction of the origin space. It is essentially the personal asset of the respected Pioneer of the Void. Since the core of the paradise is similar to space, it can be used as the tenth space to establish diplomatic relations with the Origin after being judged by the Pioneer of the Void. 】

Lu Chen looked strange after receiving the reply from the origin space. Will he be considered the master of the tenth space, or a wage earner from the origin space?

But he also knew that if he wanted to solve the park's problems, it would not work from within. No matter how strong Chu Zihang was, he would not be able to generate money, and it would not be feasible to reduce the rewards for the violators, because the reason why these guys are here The park is relatively peaceful, and the rewards for the park tasks themselves are relatively high, so there is no need for them to take risks and violate regulations.

This nature is a bit like corrupt officials in ancient mortal countries. If the salary given by the court is enough, some officials may not be corrupt, but if the salary given by the court is too little, they will not even be able to get the glory and wealth that they consider the basis of their status. No, then he may have 'violated' the rules.

The same goes for violators. The treatment in the park is very good and the knives above are very sharp, so they are currently obedient.

This is the situation inside. In the long run, the violators in the park are fierce and aggressive, and fighting to reduce the number of people is not necessarily a bad thing, because Lu Chen has to admit that only those who come out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood are strong. Conventional space Explorers who grew up in a relatively mild environment in China are probably no match for these violators.

If the management methods of the Magicians and the others were still roughly followed, the internal consumption would have been determined. If it was necessary to give the space a name, Lu Chen felt that it would be more appropriate to call it Thorny Head Space.

What are the benefits after establishing diplomatic relations? There are many benefits. As long as Lu Chen establishes diplomatic relations between Paradise and Origin Space first, Origin Space, an established space, can trade the source of the world with Paradise, and Paradise can provide Origin Space with some rare gadgets obtained by violators. That is, the specialty of the park.

Next, you can slowly exchange information with the other eight spaces, go to the Supreme Divine Land yourself, and talk to the new master of Lingxu Palace. It is estimated that the paradise can be formalized and you can participate in the nine spaces. The battle for the world.

At that time, the way the paradise obtains the source of the world will be more diversified. As for whether other dimensions will be beaten during the battle for the world, it is beyond his control.

"I said...does this count as being recruited?"

After the rules in the paradise were re-established, news of establishing diplomatic relations with the origin space came, and many violators were discussing it.

"What does it mean to be recruited? Bah, bah, bah, the fate of the heroes of Liangshan is extremely miserable."

One of the violators secretly said it was bad luck, but the reality is that they were indeed recruited.

There are many veteran violators who have been wandering the sea of ​​​​the world for several epochs and have lived for a long time. In the end, they never expected to return to the jurisdiction of the space.

Although there is no obliteration punishment in the paradise (because there is no root cause and effect imprint of the offender), various threats from above still have to keep them honest. In terms of freedom, they feel that it is not as good as during the League of Violators.

It's just that after wandering around for many years, it's finally become a regular job. For a while, many violators no longer have the intention to go out and try again. The main reason is that Emperor Wu's sword is too sharp.

They felt that they were flattering themselves by saying they were afraid of Lu Chen, because there was no need for Emperor Wu to deal with them. They couldn't stand even the giant violator.

"Hey, we adventurers have no idea what the regular army is and not the regular army. It's just that you violators have done too many bad things and now you feel guilty."

Some adventurers also teased. They thought it was nothing to be captured by the void pioneer of space. On the contrary, they had re-established contact with the nine major spaces. The days in the future should be better and better.

The power struggle above is too far away from them. It's hard enough for them to just think about how to survive in the mission world, but they don't think about that much.

Lu Chen stayed in the paradise for half a month, helping Chu Zihang establish his prestige, and then left Chu Zihang and Lu Ping'an here, and set off to return to the origin space.

In the same few steps, he crossed the entire sea of ​​​​the world. Within the hazy fog light shield, Lu Chen saw the towering tree. Through the light fog film, Lu Chen heard the sound of the origin space.

[Dear Pioneer of the Void, welcome back! 】

Lu Chen smiled, it was still the origin space he knew, and he was still so good at licking.

He landed from the top of the World Tree without causing any ripples. At his level, he has a certain degree of control. When he moves, he can shake the sea of ​​the world with a loud force, or he can become silent and silent.

After walking through the familiar streets, Lu Chen was very emotional, because he saw that the streets where the ninth-level explorers lived had become prosperous again, with more than 300 houses occupied, indicating that there were more than 300 ninth-level explorers. .

This was much more prosperous than the period when Joker, the former leader of the circus, was there. Lu Chen remembered that there were only fifty or sixty level nine explorers in the past.

Lu Chen felt that it was the result of being too competitive. After all, although the ninth level was a big threshold, in a place like the Perfect World, it was only the Immortal King level, and it was not worth mentioning in the Supreme World.

For explorers, the greatest significance of being able to cross the ninth level is that they do not have many bottlenecks on the road ahead. As long as they do not die, they will have a chance to reach the peak of the ninth level even after several epochs of space ink.

There are a large number of ninth-level explorers in the origin space. Lu Chen believes that this is due to the origin adventure group of Tianji Martial Saint. Because the grassroots base is large, more talents will naturally be born in the upper levels. Other ninth-level space explorers should not be like this. many.

Lu Chen guessed well. In fact, the number of ninth-level explorers in the Origin Space is now the largest, more than double that of other independent spaces. For example, the number of people in the Hongmeng Space is now quite large, but there are only just over a hundred people.

Looking at the rows of houses, Lu Chen sighed, "I wonder how many people can reach the end of the road..."

It was both emotion and sigh, because he knew that exploration could be promoted to the ninth level, but that was just in theory. In fact, there were not many explorers who could reach the end without dying.

He later speculated that there was only one taboo strongman in the origin space back then, that is, the circus leader Joker. The deputy leader, the animal trainer, might also be a taboo. He didn't know this. The magician was undercover because he was an undercover agent. Doesn’t count.

Counting down from them, it is estimated that there may only be one or two experts at the peak of the ninth level.

Being strong in Space mainly depends on quality, not the quantity of the Supreme Divine Land, so Lu Chen is sure that Space is pursuing the strong men of the tenth level.

I am afraid that to end the battle outside the boundary, what is needed is not a large army at all. As long as there is an absolute combat power, all opponents can be suppressed.

Before that absolute combat power appeared, space could only have generations of ninth-level explorers rushing to the battlefield and heading to the ultimate battle outside the boundary, which eventually became the dust of the past.

"Brother Lu!?"

Behind Lu Chen, a voice called him, interrupting his thoughts. The voice was obviously full of surprise and surprise.

Lu Chen turned around and saw a big, hairy man standing behind him. He was holding a jar of wine in his hand and drinking as he walked. It looked like he was an old drunkard out for a walk.

"Brother Lion, long time no see."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Things are really different. Lai Yin usually doesn't wear his hood anymore, and the face under the hood is a bit more weathered. It looks like he has gone through a lot of wind and frost."

"The strongest Martial Emperor in the nine dimensions has returned. This is big news."

Lai Yin was sure that he was seeing Lu Chen. He shook the wine jar in his hand and said, "Would you like to have a drink?"

Lu Chen did nothing wrong and followed Lai Yin directly to his residence. The two of them drank for a long time, both feeling quite emotional.

Thirty thousand years in space, when the explorers were still 'young', they were still not numb to time. It really was a long time. For Rhine, the last time he saw Lu Chen felt like it was a lifetime ago.

If it weren't for the fact that he ranks first in the rankings of the Void Arena all year round, and the legend of Lu Chen often circulates in the space, Rhine would have almost forgotten about Lu Chen, a powerful person.

“How has the circus been over the years?”

Lu Chen asked about the current situation of the circus. After the rise of Tianji Martial Saint's origin adventure group, the circus has gradually declined. This is not because Tianji Martial Saint is targeting it, but as the power expands, the explorers themselves are more willing to choose to be powerful. camp.

Even the adjudicators and pioneers feel that it is easier to enjoy the shade with a big tree behind them. The circus is an unorganized existence, and there are not many benefits if you join the group. In the world of tasks, you still have to work alone, which is not in line with the culture of the adventure group where it originated. Brainwashed Mass Explorer 'Aesthetic'

"It's not bad, but except for the old bear, all the old people are basically dead. Now that there have been several generations below, I feel that I can survive a few more space eras."

Rhine smiled, but he couldn't see any sadness. Even if there was sadness, it had passed long ago. Now there is only emotion.

"Isn't the magician back? He hasn't returned to the group?"

Lu Chen asked, because the magician was an undercover agent of Origin, and now he was given the mark of Origin again after the mission. He had returned to the Origin space a few days ago, returning earlier than him.


Rhine looked helpless, "I've probably heard about it, but the magician is the same type of person as the former leader. It's hard to figure out his thoughts. He met me once and just praised me for doing a good job."

After taking a sip of wine, he said: "The magician didn't plan to return to the circus. He just went to the bottom of the World Tree for a walk. After sitting in the Adventurer Bar in a daze for a day, he disappeared into the space. However, he has been following him. The violator joined the circus after being cleared by Cross Paradise."

Lu Chen was thoughtful after hearing this. He knew that the magician had probably returned to his old place and felt that there was nothing to miss, so he went to the battlefield to find his old friend.

Because Origin Space now has nothing to worry about and has itself in charge, there is no need for taboos to exist at the bottom of the box.

"Brother Lion, weren't you summoned by space to go to the battlefield?"

Lu Chen asked. In fact, he had never understood the recruitment standards for foreign wars in space. From his understanding, in fact, explorers at the early stage of ninth level should be useless on the battlefield, but they were all taken away from space last time.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and space has no longer recruited large numbers of soldiers to join the front line. The top experts are all staying in space, and people like Rhine are living a very comfortable life.

"It was summoned once, but I didn't go and let the next few members go."

Rhine said, "Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm a coward, but there is a barracks-like place on the front line, which is only suitable for people in the early and middle stages of the ninth level."

There's more at noon

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