Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1913 Weird Time Paradox

After Lu Chen sighed with emotion, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, because he thought of his old friend Fox who had been dead for a long time.

That was the first circus member he met. Fox met him in the Aika continent and had exchanges with him after returning. It was the other party who gave him the mission props in the fox demon world, and said that it was a big boss in the circus who gave him the mission props. , that is, the elephant, his father.

But the problem is, Fox made it clear at the time that the elephant was a sixth-level explorer. How did his father say that he became an eighth-level explorer?

Lu Chen thought about Lu Ming again. The other person was a pioneer and entered the space earlier than him. Lu Ming knew him, but he didn't know him at first. These timelines didn't match up.

He couldn't help but ask his father, "Dad, are you sure you are right? Didn't you pull me when you were at the fifth or sixth level?"

Lu Qiu looked at Lu Chen with a confused look, "Can I still remember such a big thing wrong? I remember clearly that I was going to do the task of ascending to the eighth level, which happened more than 40,000 years ago."

Lu Chen looked strange and fell into deep thought. His father would not and did not need to lie to him about this kind of thing. If the other party said he was the eighth-level La, then he was the eighth-level La.

It's just that the timeline doesn't match up with what I know. The feeling of dissonance this time is far more weird than anything before, because it is directly related to myself, not indirect proof like Lu Ming's.

"But in my memory, I got the props in the fox demon world after my second mission in the world. Fox told me clearly at that time that it was given to him by a sixth-level boss of the circus, whose name Called Elephant.”

Lu Chen said seriously.

After hearing Lu Chen's words, Lu Qiu was also stunned, "It's impossible, unless you have another father, and the location prop I gave to the fox demon world is because there are things related to the True Ancestor of the Secret Blood, that is, Ancestor Xuan She’s sword spirit is here, and it has no other meaning. It was entrusted to you after returning from the eighth level.”

Lu Qiu also frowned at this time, with a serious expression, "And I don't remember that it was given to Fox. After all, does the circus have Fox? I haven't paid much attention to the juniors in the troupe."

Lu Chen was completely stunned and felt a chill running down his spine. There was something he didn't know. An invisible black hand had woven his destiny, and even changed it quietly, without him even realizing it.

He didn't believe it, and with the intention of confirming it, he used the authority of the Void Pioneer, used the friend list call function in the sea of ​​​​the world, and directly contacted Rhine.

"Hello? Brother Lu? We haven't seen you for a few days. Do you want to come to me for a drink again? You are welcome."

Rhine's voice was bold and he was obviously very happy that Lu Chen contacted him.

"Brother Lion, I'm not here for a drink with you this time. I want to ask you something. Do you remember Fox?"

Lu Chen was filled with doubts at this time, because many people in the circus had died over the years, but Fox died early. He still remembered that Rhine mentioned it after he returned from the perfect world.

Since the last transaction between him and Fox, he has never seen each other again.

"Fox? I remember there was such a person. Brother Lu used to have some friendship with him. What's the matter? Are you planning to organize some activities to commemorate our loved ones?"

When Lu Chen asked about Fox, Rhine was obviously confused, but he obviously knew such a person.

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this person was not found, otherwise he would really doubt his memory.

"No, I just want to ask, does Brother Lion know about my deal with Fox back then? He also gave me a defining prop."

Lu Chen asked.

"Deal? Brother Lu, what kind of deal is there between you? How can I know? I was a middle-level and high-level person in the circus back then. I usually hang out in the mission world. The circus members are not closely connected. Brother Lu is not unreasonable." Know."

Rhine said he didn't know anything, and he only became the leader very late. Even after he became the leader of the circus, he didn't manage the team very carefully, because there were many special people in the circus. A loner.

Lu Chen knew that Rhine might really not know the details about Fox, but the other party remembered that he had a relationship with Fox, which generally matched his memory.

So it's his father's brain that's gone crazy?

It feels impossible. Not to mention that everyone is a strong master. Even if the father and son are not very smart, their memory cannot be very poor, especially since Dad has a special time to use it. Enhance memory. For example, my father said that he was ascending to the eighth level at that time.

"Son, don't ask, I might know what's going on."

Lu Qiu spoke at this time, telling Lu Chen not to ask anymore. He frowned thoughtfully, as if he understood something.

"Brother Lion, thank you very much. I'll meet you for a drink when I get back."

Lu Chen thanked Lai Yin, cut off the call, and looked at his father, "What's going on? I can confirm that my experience is completely true, and there is no possibility of it being tampered with by others."

"It's just because it feels real that it feels weird. You can't explain it, right?"

Lu Qiu muttered.

Lu Chen nodded, "It's simply impossible. Dad, if you remember it correctly and I remember it correctly, what happened? This kind of thing doesn't make sense logically. Either one of us remembers it wrong. Yeah, or if everything is right..."

Lu Qiu answered: "There is something wrong with the big time and space, and the time in the space has changed."

"Is there a peerless powerful man who interferes with time in such a large space and time that our experience is partially distorted?"

Lu Chen thought, thinking that it would be great if Chu Zihang was here at this time, but it was a pity that he did not bring Brother Chu with him when the father and son met.

Brother Chu must be still busy in the paradise at this moment, and he didn’t want to ask Brother Chu as soon as he got up.

"That may not be the case. You also know about Xunguang. There are powerful people coming from the future across time and space. There may also be people conveying information through that channel. I think someone has done something that is related to you, so Your time has changed."

Lu Qiu said seriously, "But I don't remember this happening."

Lu Chen felt that the matter was very serious. He was doing well, his relatives and friends were all here, and now he had found his parents. It could be said that he was very happy, but did this mean that in some large time and space situation, he Was it a failure?

If it didn't fail, why was it tampered with? He feels that things revolve around him. He is not narcissistic, but all the clues point to him, which means that the purpose of those involved in time tampering must be related to him.

"Dad, was it you who pulled Lu Ming into space?"

Lu Chen asked another question. Because Lu Ming did not stay with him all the time and returned to the fairy space after he woke up, Lu Chen had not visited him yet. He was originally planning to go after meeting his father. Find Lu Ming and ask what is going on between them.

As a result, the father was immediately shocked and an abnormality was discovered.

After Lu Qiu heard what Lu Chen said, he shook his head and looked at Lu Chen doubtfully, "Didn't you pull him?"

Lu Chen was even more confused, "How could I have pulled him? I entered the space later than him. I have to wonder why he knew me and why I could see the young Lu Ming on Wushen Mountain."

Lu Qiu slapped his thigh, "I understand, son, your timeline doesn't match mine!"

Lu Chen was even more confused. They were in the same space, and they met and talked at the same time. How could the timelines not match?

"How come we can't agree with each other? Where can we not agree with each other?"

Lu Chen said in confusion. Actually, he didn't expect his father to be able to analyze it. After all, he wasn't very good at it.

"I may not have taken you when I was about to advance to the eighth level, but when I was about to advance from the sixth level to the seventh level. In this case, the time points can be compared one by one."

Lu Qiu said seriously.

"What's the meaning?"

Lu Chen was even more confused. Now that everyone is here, what else is possible? You are always saying that you are insane?

The two of them sat by the river. Lu Qiu drew a line on the river sand on the ground with his hand, "If the large space-time based on space is this line."

As he said that, he brought two more small pebbles and placed them on the two nodes of the line. He pointed to the big pebble and said, "This is me, and the small one is you."

"Your father, I suspect that there are powerful people from under the great space and time who came together through the time rift when Xun Guang came, or conveyed important information, and the person conveying the message may not necessarily be in the era when Xun Guang came, or Maybe further downstream, or further upstream.”

Lu Qiu explained, pointing to the stone that represented him and said: "I received information from people in the future, and may have changed my mind, changing the decision to get you earlier to getting you later."

Lu Chen was a little confused, "What does this mean?"

Lu Qiu looked at Lu Chen with a bit of hatred, thinking that his son only inherited his mother's ability to fight, but not half of his father's cleverness and intelligence. "This way your experience will match. Both abnormalities can be used." explain."

He pointed at the line and said: "Because you were originally pulled by me at the sixth level, you came to the space earlier, and you will return to your hometown and see Lu Ming earlier. And in that adventure , I don’t know what the result will be, but it won’t be very satisfactory, and there will never be a modern Lu Ming in that exploration, because he has not yet become a pioneer at that time.”

Lu Chen somewhat understood his father's current analysis, but there were other things that didn't make sense. For example, according to Lu Ming's current situation, it meant that he was actually a "late" version.

Moreover, when he actually entered his hometown, Lu Ming appeared in the future. At that time, he was already a pioneer, and he was a pioneer who was older than himself.

"But I saw his pioneer body."

Lu Chen frowned and thought, feeling that there were too many contradictions.

"Did you really see him?"

Lu Qiu stared into her son's eyes, causing Lu Chen to wake up suddenly.

Because Lu Chen remembered that it seemed that he had never met Lu Ming when he first went to his hometown. During that adventure in his hometown world, Lu Ming was in the future, and he was in the past, and he learned of Lu Ming's existence. , it all depends on Eriki, Natsumi and the others!

He had never met Lu Ming in that real meeting, and he had not seen him since then, until he became the strongest in space and reached the first place in the Void Arena. When he saw Lu Ming again, Lu Ming had already lost his memory.

Thinking about it this way, he actually knew nothing about the situation of the pioneer Lu Ming. The events in his hometown were correct in the time logic in his memory version, because he would not see two Lu Mings.

There was only one Lu Ming he knew at first, and that was the little boy on Wushen Mountain, the boy who was running behind him.

"No...we are separated by time and space in the world. I am in the God Burial Calendar, and he is in the modern age."

Lu Chen recalled, answering his father's question.

"Son, let me ask you again, do you have the right time in your home world?"

Lu Qiu was obviously not a reckless man like his son. He was a little better at using his brain, because his wife did all the fighting.

"Time? What do you mean?"

Lu Chen is confused, what does time match or not? His current memory time does not match that of his father, Lu Ming. Is there anything to say about the time in the same world in his hometown?

"What I mean is, do your time in ancient times and modern times match up?"

Lu Qiu's words were like thunder, echoing in Lu Chen's ears.

Yes, Lu Chen had always ignored one thing, or he had forgotten about it because he had already passed the threshold and fulfilled his dream.

That is when he returned home for the first time, he discovered that the time flow rate in the God Burial Calendar was different from that in modern times. This was an extremely strange phenomenon. It was said to be impossible, because time in a world is stable, and the points in each era It should be parallel movement. How can it happen that the God Burial experience is faster and the modern experience is slower?

This in itself was the biggest anomaly. Chu Zihang analyzed a lot back then but could not come up with an accurate result. After returning, the matter was ignored and everyone forgot about it.

"I remember... in the beginning, time flowed fast in the God Burial Calendar, but the time I was born in was slow."

Lu Chen said thoughtfully. After discussing this with his father, he vaguely guessed some of the truth.

"Has that time flow rate ratio changed again?"

Lu Qiu asked with a solemn expression.

Lu Chen nodded, "There was a change. I opened the ruins in the true dragon ruins of the God Burial Calendar, successfully obtained some inheritance, and took away a true dragon. At that time, the master of the true dragon dispersed. His spiritual energy revived the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the flow of time in modern times accelerated. At that time, I thought it was due to changes in the environment of heaven and earth that caused time to change. "

Lu Qiu shook his head, "That's impossible. My son, you also understand now that the True Dragon Lord is powerful, but only relative to that era. In fact, he is nothing compared to the energy level of our home world. , It is possible to make the aura of the Dharma Ending Age a little more abundant, but it is impossible to affect time. "

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