After hearing what the pioneer said, Lu Chen just smiled and did not explain in depth.

Because at his level, it is no longer meaningful to just explain the attributes to everyone. From the attribute point of view, based on the digital standards of space, it seems that they are not much different, just a few points.

But the meaning it represents cannot be expressed by simple numbers.

The Origin Martial Emperor has returned. This news swept the entire world sea like a storm. The explorers who heard Lu Chen's voice in the Origin Space were also surprised. They didn't know who else could be in the Origin Space besides the Origin Space. Sound is broadcast throughout the space.

If the sound came from outside, wouldn't it mean that he broke through the barrier of the origin space? How powerful is the speaker?

What kind of person is the Origin Martial Emperor mentioned in the prompt tone? Are you a space explorer?

It has been so long ago that the explorers have not even heard of the legend of Emperor Wu. The explorers who have just entered space have not even heard of the former King Wu.

However, the explorers noticed the changes in the origin space, and it was like... they suddenly became hardened and quickly harvested resources from all major worlds. The tasks sent by the explorers seemed to be more difficult, but in fact, the exploration But it can be easily accomplished, because the will masters in the big world now only dare to flatter the space.

In other words, all those in the big world who once made small moves, were indiscreet, and were slightly uncooperative are now afraid that the Origin Martial Emperor will take another step in the sea of ​​​​the world.

Lu Chen's projection stood in the Burning Heaven Realm, chatted with everyone for a while and reminisced about old times, then disappeared in front of everyone.

"Go back. When Ning'er becomes stronger, you will see your grandfather again. Your father is also waiting for you in front."

Chu Zihang consoled him and led everyone back to the origin space, but Lu Ning would be pulled away by the teleportation beam of the origin space.

He and Lu Chen still maintained contact within the group frequency. Because of this meeting, Lu Chen opened the connection between his location and the sea of ​​the world, and it has not been closed again. Chu Zihang understood it and knew that Lu Chen was probably busy. Discuss with yourself.

In the gap between different dimensions in the sea of ​​​​the world, where Lu Chen controlled his own power, after the projection he projected disappeared, he himself opened his eyes in the darkness.

Lu Chen sat cross-legged there, spreading his palms. In the center of his palm was a thin snake-like thing. It was completely dark, showing ominousness and chaos, evil and disorder. The thing didn't look like a living thing, but it was tumbling in his palm like a living thing. , very irritable.

And this phenomenon is only in his hands. If he lets go of the restriction, just this little snake-like thing in his hand can instantly destroy a realm. Its energy level is very high, comparable to taboos.

This kind of thing is not unfamiliar to him. He has often carried it with him, and he has seen it once in the Supreme World. It is the source of all calamities. Yes, it is a material that constitutes the creatures outside the world, and it is also extremely powerful for the creatures within the world. contaminants.

Even if people in the highest world don't know the origin of the source of all calamities, they will still be very afraid and know not to touch this substance easily, otherwise they don't know what terrible consequences it will have.

Depending on the concentration of this substance, the pollution it can cause is different. If it is relatively thin, then the Immortal Emperor level powerhouse can suppress it. If it is slightly stronger, only the peak of the True Self Realm can safely contact it. With a higher concentration, even if A strong person who is at the peak of the True Self Realm, that is, the peak of the ninth level of space, may also be contaminated.

Of course, this refers to deep contact, deep contact with one's own body and soul. If they fight in a battle, creatures from the source of all calamities of the same energy level cannot easily contaminate each other, otherwise there is no need to fight with masters from outside the battlefield.

Lu Chen was naturally not afraid of this stuff. After all, he had eaten a lot of it when he was young, but that didn't mean that other creatures weren't afraid of it.

One of the strongest masters in this world in history, the True Ancestor of Secret Blood, was once contaminated, or was contaminated by the extremely pure source of all calamities before his birth. This was fundamentally wrong from the very beginning of his birth, so Even someone as powerful as the True Ancestor of Secret Blood cannot counterattack, or in other words, he does not need to counterattack at all, because it is part of the composition of his birth, and it is who he is.

It was not the Mystic Blood True Ancestor who was wrong, but his position that ultimately went against the grain of all sentient beings in this world, so he was saddled with the crime.

The disaster will not affect the descendants, and the hasty death of the True Ancestor of the Secret Blood has already left many mysteries that are difficult to solve. Anyway, Lu Chen does not think that what the Ancestor Xuan Snake told him is everything. Is the True Ancestor of the Secret Blood really controlling the descendants? Whether the Blood Warrior is really just his reserve food is now unknown.

But the powerful mother of the True Ancestor of the Mystic Blood questioned. Even with Lu Chen's perspective today, he believed that the True Ancestor of the Mystic Blood at his peak state was enough to rank among the top five or even the top three after the birth node of this world. of.

This ranking estimate was made by taking into account known unparalleled powerhouses such as himself, his mother, and Beigui, and it was quite accurate.

So was the birth of such a powerful True Ancestor of Mystical Blood really just a complete accident? The pollutants from the source of all calamities happened to meet the aggregation of the past sins of the heavens?

Looking back now, Lu Chen felt that there were too many things wrong with this matter. He was too easily deceived when he was young. Dongxu's words back then were not very credible. Although he later gained high-level combat power, I have also seen Dongxu in the Sea of ​​​​World, but the other party's words did not change much.

There is no reason for Dongxu to lie to himself after he has achieved great strength. Even if there is a small concealment in his words, in some key general directions, when he meets Dongxu later, Dongxu does not lie. This can only mean that Dongxu is not lying. Xu actually knew little about the birth of the True Ancestor of Secret Blood, or he had been misled in some way.

One very important factor is why the past sins of the heavens gather together? The concepts in the sea of ​​​​the world are originally disordered, and there are remnants. There are so many concepts, and many of them should be mutually exclusive, but they eventually merged. This is obviously dominated by humans.

Lu Chen felt that there might be a game between some masters. The Secret Blood True Ancestor was just the final product. Although the existence of the Mystic Blood True Ancestor might not meet the needs of either party, his birth was definitely not an accidental result. An elaborate arrangement.

In other words, I am also a follow-up product of that arrangement. Although the Mystic Blood True Ancestor has become a wild horse and has long since got rid of all the black hands behind the scenes, in a sense, the Mystic Blood True Ancestor is still liberated to a certain extent. descendants.

He discussed these ideas with Chu Zihang in the group channel, and Chu Zihang also came to the same point of view. He also praised him for being good at thinking now and made additions.

Chu Zihang believes that Lu Chen is now the new True Ancestor of Secret Blood, which is actually in line with the interests of the party that originally hoped to use the past sins of the world to create an unparalleled strong man. In other words, if the gamer initially was As far as the World Ocean is concerned, his goal has now been achieved.

It is no longer important who the person who merged the past sins of the heavens is. What is important is the meaning that Lu Chen upholds. He is the ultimate decisive weapon against the source of all calamities that those who once arranged in the world longed for.

The past sins of the heavens were supposed to be resistant to the source of all calamities, but they were contaminated by the powerful source of all calamities before the True Ancestor of Secret Blood was born. However, this is a good growth foundation. Lu Chen has now become a pure owner of past sins, and has awakened the Terminator talent under the inspiration of space, so he may be the only person in the world who is not afraid of the source of all calamities.

Even because of the series of abilities he acquired during his growth, he was able to absorb the source of all calamities and transform it into his own power.

Lu Chen must admit that he was able to absorb the power of the source of all calamities and convert it into his own divine blood energy, which was a blessing to his ancestors.

Originally, the essence of the secret blood was a strong resistance to the source of all calamities. It could be resisted, but it could not be absorbed. The person who wanted to pollute the source of the secret blood ancestor before it was born was obviously not an ordinary outsider. He Successfully allowed the source of all calamities to contaminate the sins of the past, or in other words, merged the characteristics of the two.

This may be the collision that occurred in the fierce confrontation and mutual exclusion, and the resulting abnormal fusion. Chu Zihang and Lu Chen gave the example of nuclear fusion, although Lu Chen was still confused.

The final result is that in the oldest history, the sins of the past and the source of all calamities went from mutual exclusion to collision to fusion, and finally formed the Mystic Blood True Ancestor. The Mystic Blood True Ancestor represents the ultimate state of unity, and Since the Mystic Blood True Ancestor reached its peak, these two powers have truly become one, and the source of all calamities has become part of the divine blood energy.

The past sins that should have rejected the source of all calamities have 'evolved' over a long period of time to accept and absorb the source of all calamities. This ability is not obvious in the Mystic Blood True Ancestor because he is In the fused state, contacting the source of all calamities can only be called continued fusion, not absorption.

What’s interesting is that the strength and bloodline concentration are definitely far inferior to those of the Mystic Blood True Ancestor. The descendants of the Mystic Blood True Ancestor cannot inherit the divine blood containing the source of all calamities. The source of all calamities cannot be inherited. After filtering , the descendants of the True Ancestor of Mystical Blood have instead become Mystic Blood Warriors who have the characteristics of divine blood and the ability to accept the source of all calamities.

Ancestor Xuan She once said that the justice of the secret blood warriors is formed by the wishes made by all living beings based on their past sins, and that evil, bloodthirsty and aggressiveness are inherited from the source of all calamities. Now it seems that this is not entirely accurate. Lu Chen and Chu Zihang believed that the negative characteristics of the source of all calamities were inherited during the inheritance process of the Secret Blood True Ancestor's children, but the source of all calamities itself was not inherited with the bloodline.

Because these two substances are incompatible, they were only barely fused in the first-generation True Ancestor of Secret Blood. It was a game between the strong and the product of 'nuclear fusion' under high-strength and high-pressure situations. Their descendants cannot naturally 'Nuclear fusion'.

So the final result is that the True Ancestor of Secret Blood is not afraid of the Source of Ten Thousand Tribulations. He can fuse it but cannot absorb it. Ordinary Secret Blood Warriors are also not afraid of the Source of Ten Thousand Tribulations. As long as it is in appropriate amounts, they can also fuse or absorb it. , as to whether to integrate or absorb depends on individual circumstances.

Of course, fusion and absorption are completely different. Fusion refers to the fusion state in which the secret blood of God and the source of all tribulations coexist. Absorption is the secret blood of God swallowing the source of all tribulations, digesting the energy and converting it into itself, and ultimately the divine blood. Increase, the source of all calamities disappears.

When Lu Chen came here, he had become an extreme state. Lao Wang had obviously started to make plans early and rolled himself cigarettes to let himself adapt slightly. Because the amount of the source of all calamities was small, he was in an absorbing state, not Fusion state.

And later, because of his natural physique and the title of Big Stomach King, he was able to absorb a large amount of the source of all calamities. Finally, he got rid of the control of the True Ancestor of Mystical Blood and created a new Mystic Blood of God, a new Divine Blood. Strictly speaking, it is still different from the secret blood that the ancestor of Xuan She thought was correct from the beginning.

The secret blood of God he controls has no side effects, but it may also have a certain martial spirit. As for the source of all calamities, it is completely absorbed and there is no possibility of fusion. This is the case for the 'descendants' transformed by him The same goes for the secret blood warrior.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, every current secret blood warrior will be an excellent warrior outside the world. Therefore, Lu Chen is not worried about his son's condition. As long as the tenth level does not take action, the only way outside the world can succeed is to encircle and suppress Lu Ping'an. It was Lu Ping'an who was isolated and helpless, fighting to the death.

Lu Chen listened to Chu Zihang's analysis for a long time and came to the key issue, which was the handful of sources of all calamities in his hands.

The existence of this thing is obviously not normal. It is said to be absolutely safe in the sea of ​​​​the world. In history, there may have been cases where strong people from outside the world invaded, but in recent years there has definitely not been the case. This can only be history. The source of all calamities left in this world.

If it were Lu Chen in the past, he probably wouldn't have thought too much. Seeing such a pure 'good', he would definitely roll it up and take a few sips to feel the blood-boiling comfort of some God's secrets, but now he is the most substantial person in the world sea. The protector is also the guardian, and he must take the issue of the source of all calamities seriously.

"Brother Chu, have I been fooled?"

Lu Chen pondered for a long time before coming back to his senses and asked Chu Zihang.

"But you have to take action, don't you?"

Chu Zihang replied that he guessed from Brother Lu's strange behavior after killing the taboo that there was something wrong with the taboo itself.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that there are no fools in the taboo. It is impossible for a fool to climb into the taboo. As bold as Lan Tuo, wouldn't he dare to kill a supporter and wait for the space to react honestly?

Even if the Taboo of the Burning Heaven Realm is a brainless fool, he should not leave himself no escape route when provoking space. Moreover, based on his conversation with Lu Ning, it can be seen that something is wrong. Obviously, this Taboo is not at all He didn't plan to leave a way out, he just wanted to stir up the storm and attract powerful people from all over the world to attack.

His arrival in the taboo was not something that happened in the past two years. Based on the information about the major worlds that cooperate with space, Chu Zihang knew that the taboo in the Burning Sky Realm was completed five epochs ago, and he was not considered a young man in the taboo. , is not a newbie who knows nothing about the sea of ​​the world.

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