Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 197 Absolute violence, the end (Thanks to the Qidian leader for the reward)

Lu Chen's waist exerted force, his muscles tore, and blood flew from the black scales. At the same time, the handles of the two giant blades creaked under the pressure. This was the result of the extreme infusion of power.

This is the pinnacle since he came into this world!

The two swords were rolled upwards, without any skills or fancy moves, just a simple upward slash, simple violence.

He has been driven away like a mouse down there for so long, and has exhausted his patience with the so-called king... It's time to collect the debt.

Norton reacted and further increased his body's strength.

It doesn't matter.

Norton's prediction of this movement was accurate. He held the long knife in front of him to resist, blocking the slashing path of the two swords.

does not matter.

Because in the face of absolute violence, weak resistance is meaningless.


The two swords connected with Fury. As the king roared and roared, it was almost devastating. Fury instantly turned back in the opposite direction from where it originally struck.

In the face of the ultimate violence, the rage wailed and screamed. The monarch flames entangled above were instantly shaken and dispersed by the wind pressure. From a distance, it looked like a curtain of water splashing backwards, but this was red. water curtain.

In Norton's disbelieving eyes, his arms holding the sword bent back, and the tough bones of his arms that were not broken even when the bronze throne was strengthened to such a level were shattered at this moment, and two angered hands came out. His arms were thrown back like a belt.

Due to inertia, Fury still "loyally" stood in front of him after taking off his hand. Norton understood at this moment that in this raid, this human boy was not prepared to use the usual skills in the past, and let him fly away with the knife. Reveal flaws.

The opponent's stab was to show that in a head-on conflict, his physical strength was as small as dust, and in the face of absolute was not worth mentioning.

The violent impact on Norton's chest was followed by the two giant blades from the bottom up. The mad dragon roared and cut into the king's body. The legs separated from the inside to the outside. The mad dragon continued to move upward, slashing Pass this noble dragon body.

The fury continued to rise, because there were two mad dragons pressing it forward!

As he flew into the sky with fury, two sword lights, one silver and one black, flashed upward from both sides of Norton's neck.

When the young man's figure rose to be level with Norton, Norton suddenly realized that he had been defeated.

Instead of being defeated at the hands of an army led by the ancient dragon clan, the only person who defeated him was a single person, a hybrid.

Lu Chen used his left arm to retract it, and Greedy's giant sword fell down again and slashed diagonally. A head covered with a few green dragon scales was thrown up in the air. He rotated to put away the sword and passed Norton up and down.


There was a huge roar from the ground, smoke and debris of bronze rose up. The piece of bronze that was initially kicked down by Lu Chen fell like a meteorite, but it had just landed on the ground at this time.

In the air, the boy with black scales exhaled a long breath of hot miscellaneous breath, silently looking at the falling king.

As a king, he still lacks some warrior codes. If Norton had started to activate the ultimate word spirit when chasing him with the bronze gear, he might have turned into dust by now.

Perhaps Norton has not yet formed a cocoon, but when they meet on a narrow road, the one who cherishes his life is often the one who dies.

Outside the city, the Inuit fought and retreated.

Suddenly Phyllis exclaimed in shock: "Oh my God, everyone, look what is that!?"

The village chief who was in charge of the command and some Inuit people looked sideways. The person standing high in the sky was no longer the god who ruled the land, but a figure wearing black armor, holding two giant swords that stretched across the sky. They looked like He is the God of War who came out of ancient times!

And that high-altitude god was falling downwards at this moment, falling in all directions!

This scene is like the great hero in ancient mythology who defies heaven and slays the dragon, and will be praised by future generations millions of years later.


Only then did the war cry containing murderous intent reach everyone's ears.

When the thunder exploded, the world changed!

The village elder burst into tears and shouted in a hoarse voice: "We are free!"

The Inuit who were still fighting shouted, "We are free!"

Just like a general beheading an enemy general in an ancient war, the morale of the soldiers was greatly boosted. For a while, the Inuit people used the spirit of speech to beat the bronze soldiers back step by step.

High above the Bronze City, the upward trend was about to end. Lu Chen fell from the high altitude, leaving deep footprints and large cracks on the collapsed bronze wall.

He inserted the two swords into the bronze ground and lost the blessing of the master. The two dragon-slaying weapons became normal again, looking very "mini".

Lu Chen untied the Yanling and exited the violent blood state. The dark dragon scales peeled off, revealing his somewhat pale face.

This is the first time for him to use the third degree of dragon blood. Perhaps it is because his bloodline is not high, or perhaps because his control over dragon blood is far inferior to that of God's secret blood, and it feels more consuming.

The dragon's blood had just eroded his will. If he hadn't had the experience of being violently injured three times with God's Secret Blood last time, he would have almost missed the opportunity to fight.

Even so, when he finally cut off the knife, his mind was full of madness and violence, and his emotions were obviously affected.

It seems that this state still cannot be used frequently. After the Nibelungen Project has lifted the critical blood limit for himself, he will try again slowly.

Lu Chen pulled out two knives and walked to the high ground where he first jumped.

The small space where the altar is located is emitting heat waves, and underneath is lava-like copper water. Under the extremely hot flames, these bronzes that have died once are melted again.

The narrow hole that originally existed was also blocked by the hot copper water. In the copper water, there was also a black ball.

Lu Chen analyzed it, crossed the altar from the air, came to the other side, and knocked the ground with the side of Hei Xuan.

Seeing no response, he said loudly: "It's me, please give me a response, senior brother."

Sure enough, Fingel's surprised voice came from below, "Junior brother! It seems you succeeded. We are right below. Don't move. We move away and you dig us out."

Lu Chen waited for more than ten seconds, then used his knife to cut a large opening in the bronze wall, pulled out the bronze block and threw it aside.

Within two seconds, he saw Fingel appear in front of him with a disgraced face, carrying the half-dead Chu Zihang on his back. As for their 'Senior Aki', because she found a good hiding position at the beginning, she was just full of energy at this time. Bronze stubble on the head.

"Brother Chu, are you okay?"

Lu Chen jumped down and glanced at the unconscious Chu Zihang.

"I suffered a lot of burns and a few broken ribs. Fortunately, it was not inserted into the internal organs. Plus with the second concussion, I probably won't wake up for a while."

Fingel handed Chu Zihang to Lu Chen and started to crawl out. This was not a good place. The heat was seeping in. If Lu Chen didn't come, they would probably be suffocated to death in another minute.

Lu Chen jumped on the ground, laid Chu Zihang down, and checked. It was roughly the same as Fingel said, and his breathing was fairly stable.

Chu Zihang can now be regarded as a dragon that is only stronger than the third generation species. He is not so fragile. As long as he does not die, he should be fine if he eats well and is nourished for a few days.

"Junior Brother Lu has such a good figure~"

After the crisis was over, Mai Shutoku was in the mood to laugh, but it was not a compliment. She was too far away in Japan last time and didn't see it clearly. Now that she saw it up close, it was simply a perfect creation of God.

Every muscle shape is perfect, and underneath it contains the power that can cut off the king's head.

"Senior, if you want to practice, I can teach you."

Lu Chen glanced at 'Senior Aki', he had always been a teacher.


Mai Shutoku was embarrassed for a moment. She had imagined thousands of Lu Chen's reactions, but she didn't expect this answer.

Lu Chen left Chu Zihang in the care of Fingel and his two men, picked up his two swords and rushed outside the Bronze City.

The Inuit people are still fighting against the Bronze Soldiers. These Bronze Soldiers are embedded with living spirits. It does not mean that Norton will stop functioning. Just like in the years when Norton was gone, if someone invades the Bronze King City, they will also become autonomous. defense.

In the village, a strong wind swept through, and the tall bronze soldiers flew up and down in the silver-black sword light. They were all cut in half, lying on the ground crawling ugly, and their limbs were cut off one by one by the attackers. It finally stopped.

Hundreds of bronze soldiers were just a matter of breath. When the strong wind subsided and the boy's figure appeared, the Inuit people had not yet recovered.

Felice stared blankly at the almost naked big brother, then she reached out and covered her eyes with her hands, but not too tightly, and then turned around quickly... It turned out that this big brother was also quite good-looking.

Lu Chen did not greet anyone, and he did not understand Inuktitut. He was relieved after Brother Fingel and his senior brought Chu Zihang back to the village.

As soon as he relaxed, he felt a sense of weakness coming over him like a tide.

This battle was quite thrilling. If Chu Zihang hadn't created an opportunity for him in the end, he might have been tricked to death by Norton.

The double three-degree violent blood drained away the last of his physical energy, and the sixth-order Vajra caused a lot of cracks in the bones all over his body, and several bones were broken due to excessive force.

Even though he could kill those bronze soldiers with ease and ease, every time he raised his hand, he felt severe pain all over his body.

"Junior brother, you are so awesome this time! You challenged the Dragon King and killed him. I have already thought about what to write in the headlines when I get back."

Fingel said, showing a look of regret: "It's a pity that I couldn't use the camera to capture the scene when you chopped off the Dragon King's head, junior brother. This is simply a loss for mankind. Maybe it could still be painted." It’s the mural.”

"Come on, senior brother, please stop doing all those underworld operations for me, and don't write any more randomly when you get back."

Lu Chen still had lingering fears about Fingel's report on Elizabeth last time.

"Can the celebration be postponed? There are still injured people."

Mai Jiutoku pointed at Chu Zihang, who was also the high-quality white rabbit that the boss had designated to live.

"Bring Brother Chu into the house quickly."

Lu Chen didn't care who owned the house in front of him. He took Fingel and put him on the bed. Then he looked at Fingel and said, "Brother, go and communicate and prepare some food for us."

Fingel was stunned and pointed at himself, "Junior brother, you forgot, I don't understand Inuktitut!"

Lu Chen put his hands on Fingel's shoulders and encouraged, "Senior brother, I have always believed in your communication skills. You can do it."

The corner of Fingel's mouth twitched, thinking that I can only be shameless and use primitive communication methods. Fortunately, I have always been shameless.

When Fingel was about to walk out the door, Lu Chen said again: "Oh, senior brother, remember, the quantity must be large."

"I know."

Fingel waved his hand and took Mai Shutoku out.

Chu Zihang and Lu Chen were the only two people left in the room. Lu Chen felt Chu Zihang's pulse again and found it was basically stable, so he felt relieved.

After a while, under the leadership of the village chief, the villagers set up a table of generous "lunch" outside.

Fingel and Jiude Mai looked at each other in confusion, looking at Lu Chenfeng and the remaining clouds.

The two of them had just grabbed a few mouthfuls of rice, and there were already ten bowls piled up next to Lu Chen. The dishes in front of them were all wiped out, and not a single drop of the more than twenty cans of beef left was left.

"Senior Brother...Junior Brother Lu, he won't last, right?"

Mai Shutoku was also a little shocked. She had never seen a humanoid creature eating like this.

"Who are you looking down on?"

Fingel took two mouthfuls of rice and said, "My junior brother is known as the free terminator in the cafeteria. How can he be like this?"

As he said that, he stood up, held the bowl, faced the village chief, and pretended to be scooping up the rice. He pointed at the table, at Lu Chen, and at his own open and closed mouth.

The old village chief immediately understood what Fingel meant and waved his hand: "Quick, keep going, our hero is not full yet!"

The Inuit people watched in wonder, saying that he was truly worthy of being a man who could kill the gods. We couldn't compare to his appetite alone.

After eating for about an hour, Lu Chen touched his belly with satisfaction, and then said to Fingel: "Brother, take off your clothes."

Finger immediately crossed his arms and said, "Junior brother, they all say that after eating, you want to bathe in sex, what do you want to do!?"


Lu Chen cursed with a smile and pointed at his upper body, "Your junior brother, I am naked, didn't you see?"

Fingel glanced at the only lining left on his body. He took off his coat because he thought it was hot here, and said with a sad face: "Junior brother, wait a moment, I will go and pick up what I threw away before."

After a while, Lu Chen put on Fingel's old coat and finally felt better. It was not a good feeling to be stared at by the rare women in the village and the senior sister opposite him.

Fortunately, he had secretly emphasized to the equipment department that the crotch material of the combat uniform must be made of the best material, thickened, and tough!

During the video call with him, Minister Akadullah looked understanding and said, "I understand."

Lu Chen didn't know what the other party knew, but when he saw the other party's expression, he just wanted to go underground and chop off Akadura's head.

He just felt that his vital parts needed the best protection and that he needed to retain the last bit of reserve during battle.

After eating and drinking enough, the Dragon King was dead. With his mind relaxed, sleepiness swept over him. Lu Chen said hello to Fengel, then went to the room where Chu Zihang was before, pulled out a blanket and lay down. Fell asleep on the floor.

He is in urgent need of sleep to restore his mental and physical strength, and the supplementary nutrition should be enough to repair his injuries.

Debt repayment progress update: 9/27

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