Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 199 Growth Weapon, Regicide

"It's a pity that the bronze tripod used to hold it was burned by me."

Chu Zihang also felt a little regretful. The bronze tripod should also be a good alchemical product.

"Junior brother, you are strong anyway, why don't you dig a bronze basin and put it back?"

Fingel suggested.

Lu Chen nodded, "This is a solution, but it's a bit troublesome. Let me see what's going on with this thing first."

Although he knew that this was not vanity, but the prototype of regicide, he could not tell it. There were also clear regulations in space, and he could not directly leak space-related information to people in the world.

But when it comes to bringing this thing back, forget it. Not to mention that it’s stupid to carry the bronze basin on the ice field. The crazy guy in the equipment department will definitely ask for research after returning. He doesn’t want those people to mess with this precious prop. .

The probability is close to 99%, I can't fail, right?

Lu Chen thought so, Hei Xuan stretched forward and touched the prototype of Regicide.

"Junior brother, be careful."

Seeing Lu Chen's "test", Fingel reminded him and stepped back a little. Although Norton was dead, these alchemy knives were very evil and there might be some danger.

"This thing seems alive."

Chu Zihang also showed curious eyes.

Under the watchful eyes of several people, after Hei Xuan came into contact with the black ball, waves of ripples appeared on the black ball from the point of contact. The next moment, like a predator finding its prey, the black ball of liquid metal clung to Hei Xuan. The blade.

Like black tentacles, they wrapped around Hei Xuan's body and spread to the place where Lu Chen held his hand. Lu Chen laid Hei Xuan flat on the ground.

Although the space did not say there would be any danger, it would probably not be a good thing if your hands got entangled with these things during the synthesis process.

Without the control of its master, Hei Xuan trembled on the ground, and the living beings inside let out threatening roars, as if they were resisting the invasion of foreign enemies.

But the living beings in Black Mystery were obviously not as good as the living beings prepared by Norton for the regicide. Both quantity and quality were overwhelmed.

Lu Chen didn't bear it because of Hei Xuan's whine. These alchemy knives were all white-eyed wolves who were not well-bred. As long as they had enough blood, they would fight for whoever held them, just like when he used Greed to slash Norton, they were very excited. Very.

Hei Xuan's original broad blade gradually appeared new lines under the spread of black liquid. Some parts looked like ancient dead trees, and some parts looked like roaring dragons...

There are also winding blood grooves on the blade, which intersect with the lines on the blade, making people think of the bloody vines in the dark forest.

The black liquid finally spread to Hei Xuan's hilt, and the original snake head turned into a majestic dragon head. The black dragon's mouth opened in a roaring shape, and the extremely ferocious blade extended out.

The whole process was very fast. After about three minutes, the original Hei Xuan was transformed into a new alchemical knife.

The length of the blade has not changed, but the feeling has become thicker. Overall, it seems to be seven points more domineering and three points more mysterious than before.

Seeing that the synthesis was completed, Lu Chen stepped forward and pulled out the new Hei Xuan.


Origin: Derivative World No. 107823

Rarity: Legend

Main weapon: Sword

Durability: 200/200 (regicide can automatically restore durability according to time)

Sharpness: 51

Toughness: 59

Details: The growth-type main weapon synthesized from Explorer No. 63570591 has been automatically bound. This equipment cannot be sold or traded. Other users cannot activate the weapon.

Weapon Skill 1 (Passive): Harvest

Skill description: After the explorer uses Regicide to kill the enemy, he will harvest his soul and source blood, grow and evolve, and improve the quality of Regicide. The growth progress depends on the enemy's strength.

Current growth progress: 0%

Weapon Skill 2 (Active): Animation

Skill description: Consume the explorer's soul source value to fully activate Regicide, showing its true form, and its sharpness is greatly improved. In the activated state, when Regicide causes damage to the enemy, 10 damage will be returned to the Explorer. % of the life source, and the overflow life source will be converted into physical strength.

Cooling time: none

Weapon Skill 3 (Active): Regicide

Skill Description: Consumes all the energy stored in the Regicide Living Spirit, causing the next attack to have a Regicide killing effect. Targets with a life source value lower than 10% will be killed directly. Note: This skill only takes effect on targets with a physical attribute of 80 points and below.

Cooling time: thirty natural days

Rating: Every explorer longs to own such a weapon.

Lu Chen held Regicide in his hands and couldn't calm down for a long time.

As the previous space evaluation of "The Prototype of Regicide" said, he finally got lucky after so long.

He didn't know whether the characteristics of the synthesized weapons were random, but if he was playing a game, the panel of Regicide could be said to be the best of the best!

Compared with the alchemical knives of the Seven Deadly Sins series such as Rage, Greed, and Arrogance, Regicide has no obvious advantage in sharpness, but its toughness is slightly stronger.

But Regicide actually has three unique skills!

There are only two unique skills for the Seven Deadly Sins. Before Hei Xuan... there was only one activation skill, and he had to burn blood to use it before he could control it.

At the bottom of the space menu, there was another prompt that made Lu Chen feel a little embarrassed.

Because Regicide, including the Seven Deadly Sins, were not equipment he obtained through "missions", he could not take them directly out of the world.

Even though Regicide is already his exclusive equipment, he still needs to be "certified" if he wants to carry it out.

The space provides free identification functions to new explorers to make it easier for newcomers to know what is good and what is garbage.

But if you want to take non-mission reward equipment or props out of the world, you must go through space "certification", and this certification is not free.

The certification price for regicide million origin coins!

He gave him 80,000 yuan after hacking Hydera to death!

Originally, he felt that he had earned a lot of Origin Coins before. Although he was not sure about the purchasing power of Origin Coins, after consciously returning to the space, he should be a big player among newcomers.

But now he found that it was really expensive to bring good equipment with him.

He glanced at his current Origin Coin balance, which was 2,393,500, 2.39 million.

Oh, okay, it's enough, but not too much.

He would also like to thank the black python group led by Hydera for giving him a lot of origin coins. The more than a thousand black pythons alone contributed nearly two million origin coins to him...

On average, the black python is roughly the size of a 1800 origin coin.

In fact, he discovered a problem. These black pythons and the Deadpool group encountered in Japan were already stronger than the Deadpools encountered in the daily tasks of the Executive Department, but they were inexplicably given very few Origin Coins.

Originally, he didn't care much because he couldn't use the Origin Coin, but now he wants to scold the space for depriving him of his hard-earned money!

I am brushing up points. Is it wrong? ?

2.39 million Origin Coins may seem like a lot, but as the saying goes, whether you are greedy or not, the Seven Deadly Sins are all good things!

He has also been taking classes well recently and understands that if he wants to "make money", recklessness alone is not enough. He must have a business acumen.

Even though the price charged by Space for the certification of Regicide was very high, he estimated that it was because Regicide was a growth equipment. The certification price for the Seven Deadly Sins was only 300,000.

He thought that whether he brought the space back to resell it or do something else, he would definitely make a profit.

Seven knives... 2.1 million origin coins.

There is a long way to go.

When he thought of this, Lu Chen couldn't wait to encounter a group of snakes again when he went out.

"Brother Lu?"

Chu Zihang recalled Lu Chen from the side. In fact, Lu Chen was hysterical for a long time after picking up the knife. Chu Zihang thought Brother Lu was affected by the "magic knife".

"It's okay. This knife feels sharper than before. Let's collect Norton's body first."

Lu Chen waved his hand, realizing that there were others here and it was not his time to be blindly excited.

However, after getting Zhong Yi's new weapon, he couldn't wait to find a powerful opponent to attack him.

About twenty minutes later, several people met again.

Fingel endured nausea and carried "One-third Norton" over, threw it to the ground, and complained: "Junior brother, you are too cruel. Is this broken keel still useful?"

Chu Zihang put Norton's head back to its original position with an expressionless expression, which made Mai Jiudoku's scalp numb as she watched. She felt that the other party didn't look like he was putting together a corpse, but like he was putting together building blocks in a working style.

"Strictly speaking, it doesn't matter whether the Dragon Bone Cross is complete or not. When refining the Philosopher's Stone, it will be smelted entirely depending on the situation."

Chu Zihang said seriously.

Fingel was a little helpless, "I just feel a little disgusted. Do we have to carry this thing back to the academy?"

Lu Chen was studying regicide on the side, but suddenly came to his senses and found that several people were looking at him.

"Why are you looking at me? It's not that I want to cut him like this, it's because he didn't avoid it."

Lu Chen said with an innocent look.

"That's awesome!" Fingel looked at Norton who was barely able to complete his fight on the ground, "You really have no cards. Don't play such dirty tricks on your junior brother in the next life. Oh, it seems like you don't have the next life either. "

Chu Zihang looked at the "assembled" Norton and felt that something was missing. After checking it again, he said: "There is a dragon wing missing."

Lu Chen thought back, "It should have been the one that was chopped off with Greed at the beginning, but since this thing can still grow, it shouldn't be that important, right?"

Fingel said with a serious face: "Junior brother, this is the dragon body of the Dragon King, it cannot be wasted."

Lu Chen had no choice but to find the location in his memory. After digging for a long time, he found it and put the last piece of the "puzzle" in place.

"At least there is a whole body."

Mai Shutoku complained at the side, saying that this was probably the worst first-generation species. After death, a few thugs used it as building blocks to put it together.

She glanced at Lu Chen again, and it didn't seem certain. Their super little white rabbit was as fierce as a demon. In such a violent fight, it was unlikely that the Dragon King behind would be completely dead.

It's just that there are some first-generation species later, but it's not that simple...

"What senior brother said is not unreasonable. Should we carry it out together?"

Chu Zihang frowned slightly. Norton's half-dragon body was quite big. He was four meters tall and weighed more than two tons. It would be best to let Brother Lu or him carry it, but it was really bulky. With his body His character is somewhat intolerable.

Lu Chen thought for a moment and suddenly had an idea, "There is a way."

As he spoke, he took out the seven deadly sins that he had collected before, and while Fingel and Shude Mai looked stunned, he inserted the longer ones into Norton's body one by one and fixed it.

After finishing all this, he clapped his hands to remove the non-existent dust and signaled completion, "Okay, this is solid."

Fingel retreated to Chu Zihang and asked cautiously: "I haven't offended Junior Brother Lu in any way before, right?"

He thought to himself that Norton just treated you like a monkey, controlled a bronze storm in the air and chased you for a long time, so vindictive! ?

Chu Zihang was silent for a while, but still gave a pertinent answer, "...I think senior brother, you usually do a lot of things to seek death."

Lu Chen carried Norton's complete half-dragon body on his back, "Let's go back to the village to rest and prepare to return to the academy."

If he knew what Fingel was thinking, he would say that the other party was overthinking.

He didn't mean to humiliate Norton by doing this. Although this guy didn't have the courage of a monarch or the integrity of a warrior when fighting, he was still a powerful opponent, and he still had some respect for the strong.

He put Norton together simply for the convenience of traveling, and besides, the complete one is always better looking than the scattered ones.

Back in the Inuit village, the Inuit people looked sideways at Norton, who was carrying Lu Chen on his back.

Surprised voices came one after another. It was also the first time that they saw the appearance of the "god". Even though the god was dead, they could still feel his power and majesty.

"Brother Chu, let's communicate with the Inuit people and see if they want to go out with us. If they want to go out, prepare quickly."

Lu Chen placed Norton's body in the corner of the village and asked Chu Zihang to communicate.

This is a big project, because these Inuit people have adapted to the warm environment here and do not have any clothing to keep out the cold. Even if they are of mixed race, if they don’t have heating supplies in the ice field outside within a day, they may have to Many people froze to death.

Moreover, they still don’t know whether the “ghost wall” from the outside world has been lifted now. If not, they might have to return to this Nibelungen after taking a walk.

In short, this is a risky choice for the Inuit people.

After a while, Chu Zihang came back, "Some people are willing to go out with us. We will set off in the afternoon when we are ready."

After this war, some Inuit people who are still alive are yearning for the freedom of the outside world. They have had enough of the same life, and they know that the outside world is so wonderful, and they want to go out and see it.

And some people feel that life here is also very comfortable. Without the threat of the gods' rule, they can thrive in this warm countryside again.

Everyone has their own ambitions, so I can’t comment.

In the afternoon, under the leadership of Mai Shutoku, Lu Chen and others, followed by more than a hundred Inuit headed by the old village chief, arrived at the border of the snowfield.

She once again drew out the two knives behind her, the purple-gold light lit up, and her hands drew circles in the void, creating ripples like water.

"You're not being honest. Didn't you say that this knife can only be used once?"

Fingel complained.

Mai Shutoku was also a little embarrassed and said: "This is for opening the door, the part used for fighting has been used up."

After the words fell, the wind and snow blew, and everyone walked into the mirror and disappeared.

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