Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 25 Fingel: Brother, this is all for the sake of the character! (addition for the rudder owne

"Why are you so repelled?"

On the way back, Chu Zihang asked suspiciously.

Lu Chen glanced at Chu Zihang and knew what the other party was asking. Only at this time could he be sure that Chu Zihang definitely had the heart of a mother-in-law.

"Not quite right."

Lu Chen used ambiguous words.

"how about you?"

Lu Chen asked back, Chu Zihang also had girls who came to him to be close to him, but they were also rejected.

"...not quite right."

Chu Zihang used the same answer, he really didn't have any thoughts about it at the moment.

If the conversation between the two was allowed to be heard by those girls, I don't know how heartbroken it would be.

Luo Hua You Qing Liu Shui has no intentions, but she was rejected with such a perfunctory reason, which is really unacceptable.

Lu Chen and Chu Zihang were silent for a while, and suddenly they laughed at the same time. Lu Chen was very surprised, he had never seen Chu Zihang laugh, Chu Zihang was also very surprised, surprised that Lu Chen might have the same thought as himself.

The two ate lunch together and then went to the Lionheart Club together, which is their inherent behavior these days.

Chu Zihang likes the secluded environment of the library of the Lion Heart Club, while Lu Chen recently discovered some interesting things in the Lion Heart Club.

He found that some of the Lionheart Club's collections were actually of high quality under the judgment of the space system!

Generally speaking, books and props are displayed as white after being tested, but when he was looking through a brief analysis of dragon genetics at the Lionheart Club that day, he discovered that the book was of green quality.

This is very interesting. Reminiscent of the hint given to him by the principal, the mentor also said that the Lion Heart Club is a good place for him to grow up. He wonders if there are any secret documents hidden in the Lion Heart Club, and what kind of high-quality props.

Of course, he is only an ordinary member of the Lionheart Society now, and he is not eligible to enter the place where the Lionheart Society hides ancient books, but this does not prevent him from visiting the ordinary library to see if he finds anything unexpected.

As for the secret collection of the Lionheart Society, I believe he will be able to look it up after a mission in the near future.

[Main task (third ring): Entering the WTO]

Task content: Complete an actual combat task in the executive department to further contact the dragon world.

Task Difficulty: Easy

Mission reward: secret party reputation +100, open the follow-up to the main mission.

Failure penalty: secret party reputation -200, main mission closed.

[The prestige system has been activated. Explorers can check their prestige in the current world at any time. Prestige affects the attitudes of various factions towards explorers. Certain side missions require preconditions to be pre-reputed.]

[Current secret party faction reputation: 50]



In the evening, Lu Chen was half leaning on the bed with his head on his hands, thinking about the upcoming combat practice class, when he suddenly heard the sound of the camera shutter.


He turned his head in doubt, and saw Finger holding a camera and shooting at him.

"Junior Brother, don't care about me, just continue to maintain the posture just now, yes, the expression should be deeper."

Fingel seemed to be a professional photographer, guiding while shooting.

"What are you doing? What are you filming me for?"

Lu Chen frowned, he was no longer the "bumpkin" back then, at least he knew what the camera was for.

"Junior brother, I'm doing this for our supper!"

Fingel put down the camera, and had to look stern for righteousness.

"What does that have to do with it?"

Lu Chen wondered.

"Junior brother, you also said that I thought I was the best among foodies, but since I met you, I realized that a mountain is higher than a mountain. Your stomach is like a bottomless pit."

Fingel was also speechless when he mentioned this.

Ever since he taught Lu Chen how to order takeout for supper at night, he has been out of control, and Lu Chen's appetite is more than five times that of his. In comparison, the pork knuckles he gnawed are just extra. up.

It is certainly a happy thing to prostitute a younger brother for free, but even with Finger's thick skin, he is embarrassed to eat and drink for nothing every day, and even if the younger brother is S-level, it is hard to say whether the annual scholarship is enough to fill the vacancies if he uses this method to earn credit every day.

"So, what does this have to do with you taking my picture?"

Lu Chen tilted his head, Finger couldn't tell why, he won't have the supper tomorrow.

"Sell it! Junior brother, do you know that your current album has been bought by fans on the forum."

This is the way to make money that Fingel accidentally discovered...

It was by chance that his paparazzi took a photo of his junior student listening to class seriously, and when he put it on the forum, many people privately messaged him and asked for a refined version of the original photo.

As a result, it sold well.

This afternoon, he rushed to work to process the video of his junior defeating Mr. Miyamoto, added BGM and various editing effects, and won unanimous praise from a large number of fans in the night watchman forum.

At the request of many fans, he decided to make a special episode of S-level life, and now he is filming meditation before going to bed.

Of course, he also has a conscience. Every time he makes a profit, he transfers more than half of it to his junior brother. It's just that Lu Chen never checks the overdraft status of his student card.

"What? Anyone else buys photos?"

Lu Chen couldn't understand, what's the use of photos? I can't eat it.

"It seems that junior brother, you don't understand your own charm. Someone like you already has a bit of beauty, plus the aura of S-rank, and many recent deeds. A wild little wolf dog who is alive and well, or a flower without a master, then How many senior sisters should have a spring heart, it is said that your fan group falls asleep with your photo on their pillows every day."

Fingal was spitting all over the place.

"I still have a fan club?"

Lu Chen was stunned. He really thought that fan clubs had never had anything to do with him.

"Then you, what about you from the Lionheart Club... Junior Miranda, every time you post a new photo, she posts ten times more! Just because I said in the private message that you are almost out of money to eat, brother, so brother I She decided not to sell the album to take care of you, she decided to support it, if I hadn't persuaded her, she would have paid a thousand times more..."

Finger narrated with joy, but Lu Chen's face became darker and darker.


Lu Chen couldn't help but interrupt, "Is that how you promote me outside?"

He is a majestic oriental warrior of the generation, and the current S-level freshman of Kassel College, has been rumored in private that he can't afford to eat?

No wonder Miranda wanted to invite him to dinner every time he saw him recently. There was a hint of distress and concern in his eyes, and he was still puzzled at the time.

God is so distressed and caring, I am not sick and I am living well, why should I ask a girl to sympathize, besides Milana, he has seen that look in other girls, he now knows the truth what is going on, It turned out to be the fault of Fingel!

"Junior brother, don't be angry, people design, people design, it's all for people design, besides, it's also true that you only rely on your student card credit card for supper all the time now."

Fingel smiled sarcastically. There is a free window for dining in the cafeteria of Kassel College during the day, but it is closed after dinner time, and any late-night snacks cost money.

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