Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 29 War Practice Lesson

The full moon hangs high outside the window, and the mist obscures it from time to time. The remaining light mixes with the neon lights of the city in the distance, and the dark red flowing fireflies sway like blood.

There were heavy gasps from the abandoned factory, and the smell of blood was in the air.

"Mirissa, I love you...I love you!"

"Mirissa, I'm sorry...I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry! I love you! I'm sorry! I love you! I'm sorry! I love you..."


The shadows in the dimness rise and fall, murmuring like madness, and the faces covered by the shadows are sometimes ferocious, sometimes painful, sometimes obsessed, and sometimes gentle.

Scattered limbs were thrown everywhere, and the thick blood was like a gurgling stream, drawing death patterns on the ground, illustrating the cruelty of this scene.

The only remaining torso on the ground trembled with the movements of the figure above. The owner's blond hair was messy and scattered, and the fixed anger and panic on her face told her of her past resistance. The originally noble and decent clothes were stained with blood, and in the dim In the environment, only the silver half-decayed World Tree badge occasionally reflected a glimmer of light.


Kassel College, early morning, another beautiful day.

Lu Chen got up and stood in front of the window to stretch his muscles. Fingel also woke up early and was doing business on his laptop.

"By the way, junior brother, aren't you curious about who has bought the most photos of you?"

Fingel turned his head and smiled evilly.

"Isn't it Miranla?"

Lu Chen was confused. He had also vaguely heard about the wealth of Miranla's family.

"No, no, no, Miranla is just your number one fan in the Lion Heart Club, but she is not the one who buys the most."

Fingel was waving his fingers with a mysterious look, looking very unbeatable.

"Who is that?"

When Lu Chen got up early in the morning and got dressed, he didn't mind having some unproductive conversations with Fingel.

"It's your dear senior sister, Luticia."

Fingel's words almost choked Lu Chen who was drinking water.

Lutitia! ?

He hadn't seen this senior sister for a while after he entered school. After all, they were not in the same grade. Later, there was an old man named Fingel. He had nothing to ask the senior sister specifically.

In Lu Chen's impression, the senior sister didn't look cold, but she was also a very serious person.

"Hehe, I've already said it. For someone like you, junior brother, you actually poke some holes in the senior sisters. Besides, she has been with you for a while."

Fingel smiled mischievously and raised his eyebrows.

"There's something wrong with your wording. What does it mean to be together for a while? She just picked me up from the airport and took me and Chu Zihang to the academy."

Lu Chen rolled his eyes. After washing, he picked up his mobile phone and prepared to go to class. This morning was the principal's class again. It was not good to skip class.

But when he picked up his phone to check the time, the mail ring rang, and he received a new mail, which was a notification from Norma.

"AI031718S, Lu Chen, please report to Conference Room 1012 of the Executive Department Building within 30 minutes after receiving this email."

Lu Chen glanced at Fingel, who was still posting with gusto, and thought to himself, isn't this a coincidence? Fengel just told him about the war practice class yesterday, and it seemed like it was here today.

After tidying up, I opened the door and set off.


The atmosphere in the executive department conference room was solemn.

A man stood in front of a huge projection screen with a serious look on his face, while Schneider was sitting on a chair next to him. Behind him was a cart carrying oxygen tanks, with an unknown expression on his face covered by a mask.

The 20 seats on the long table below were filled with people. Nearly half of the veteran commissioners were A-level, while the freshmen present were all A-level. There was only one exception, and that was the S-level sitting in front.

Schneider does not attend all meetings before departure, which shows the seriousness of the situation.

"Let me introduce myself first. Philemon Cummings is the Commissioner of the Executive Department and the executive officer of this mission. He is responsible for the arrangements for your mission. I won't go into details about me. I believe you are not interested either. Before entering the topic, please turn off your cell phone first to avoid the possibility of intelligence leakage."

Commissioner Philemon stood straight in front of the projection screen and was very energetic. He had no choice but to do so because Minister Schneider was observing the task meeting.

There was no murmur of conversation. Everyone turned off their mobile phones and looked up at the big screen, which meant that Philemon could continue.

Philemon is very satisfied with the performance of the freshmen. They are worthy of being elites of A-class pedigree. They are silent, efficient and obedient.

"Very good, then I will start to describe the content of this mission. Please prepare yourself mentally and watch the big screen."

After saying that, he did not play it immediately, but looked at these elites.

Lu Chen was also a little confused, what was this, waiting for them to take a deep breath?

What on earth is it that requires them to be mentally prepared before releasing it?

But then, Philemon tapped the electronic pen in his hand, and the slideshow opened on the screen.



There were gasps and sounds of retching, but they were all short. As Philemon said, there were either specialists from the executive department or the most elite A-level freshman in this room. It quickly subsided, and the commotion lasted less than a second.

The content on the screen was undoubtedly impactful. Even someone like Lu Chen, who was used to fighting on the battlefield, couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

It was a woman whose limbs were torn apart, leaving only the upper body intact. It seemed that she had experienced extremely horrific experiences before and after her death. The aura of cruelty was transmitted into the room through the image, making some people unable to breathe for a while. Get angry.

The picture on the screen switched, this time to a tall blonde beauty wearing a black windbreaker, holding a large-caliber Sand Eagle in one hand, with a cold look.

"Kassel College Level 03, Executive Department Commissioner Marian Hershey, bloodline rating A, Yan Ling Yin Lei, A-level tasks completed 2 times, B-level tasks 12 times, she is an elite like you."

Philemon said the last sentence with an emphasis.

The scene was silent for a moment. The A-level freshmen were proud, but seeing this cruel and bloody scene and the glorious achievements of their predecessors, they could not raise their arrogant heads and say that they were different. That was reckless and arrogant, and it was also disrespectful to the deceased. .

"Such an elite died tragically at the hands of the target. I hope everyone realizes the seriousness of this matter first. The execution department has classified this mission as AA level. It should have been handled by the ace commissioner of the execution department. It cannot be used as a war weapon. I took it out for you to practice in the practical class."

Having said this, his eyes glanced at Lu Chen, who was in the front row, and stayed there for a second longer. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Because we have an S-class."

Lancelot raised his hand, spoke, and glanced at Lu Chen.

Thanks to [Fenghua Blood Moon丶] for the 700-point reward, thank you to [Book Friends 20190524205237525] for the 100-point reward, thank you to [灬影殇灬] for the 100-point reward, and thank you to [Nord Barbarian] for the reward. 100 points coins

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