Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 290 More money is needed!

"Okay, here we are, the oldest one in our village is here, clang clang clang, the pyramid."

Ixichel introduced with pride, his posture was like an oriental tour guide introducing the royal palace or an Egyptian tour guide introducing the Pyramid of Khufu. From this aspect, this girl really has the talent to be a tour guide.

The building in front of me is grand, but as a pyramid, it is... too small.

It is only about twenty-six meters high and about forty-five meters long on a side. It is much smaller than the pyramid Lu Chen saw in the tourist area of ​​the college.

Lingyong Chinese explained: "The Mayans were similar to China's tribal system in ancient times. Many tribes would build pyramids. The stronger tribes had more people and built bigger ones. Their scale here is relatively small."

She didn't love popular science, she just wanted to explain it to Lu Chen.

"Junior sister is very knowledgeable. I thought nobles were like Brother Caesar and Senior Sister Lutitia."

Lu Chen praised him. Brother Caesar was no better than him in studies. He didn't go to class. Brother Caesar was quite diligent in class, but he still needed help from the brothers in the student union during exams.

Senior Sister Luticia is said to be a British noble, but in fact... her grades are average.

"Do you need to take a photo? I can help you take a photo for twenty dollars a piece~"

Ixichel smiled and stretched out his hand, "This is a private scenic spot in our village. You can also sit on it and take photos. You don't have this treatment at the Tulum ruins."


Lu Chen nodded, Ling opened the bag and took out another two hundred dollars, without even saying "No need to look for it".

Ixichel also "consciously" didn't change money. You can tell by looking at Ling's little queen-like temperament that he is definitely a man who is not short of money.

She looked at the leader, Lu Chen, with eyes shining brightly. It was said that top bosses would go out without money, and she had seen it today.

Maybe if she takes care of these donors today, she can save enough for high school tuition.

After paying the money, Lu Chen took the lead up the steps of the pyramid, walked a few steps and leaned down, pretending to read the ancient Mayan writings.

The reason why I say "pretending" is because he can't understand it at all...

Lu Mingfei hesitated before going up and looked at Ixichel, "Is this considered a cultural relic? Is it okay to step on it like this?"

Besides, he heard that the Mayan people's sacrificial culture was very strict, and the pyramids were sacred prophecies, but it seemed that the girl in front of him didn't take her pyramid seriously at all.


Ixichel smiled a little embarrassedly, "Actually, it's nothing. I used to run up there when I was a child... Not to mention this, in fact, people don't let outsiders come here usually. Before Granny Keya wakes up, you guys Take photos quickly.”

"I thought the Mayans were very religious."

Lu Mingfei complained and walked towards the pyramid.

"Faith cannot be eaten as food. In fact, I don't believe in God at all."

Ixichel waved his hand, signaling Lu Mingfei to go quickly.

"Godzilla, I can't understand..."

Eryi squatted next to Lu Chen, looked at it for a while, and said honestly.

Lu Chen had no choice but to use his trump card to maintain his tall image. He took out his mobile phone and activated the pre-installed Norma system for translation.

Ling walked around the pyramid and came to Lu Chen and reported in a low voice in Chinese: "The pyramid is real, very old, and some of the 'history' on it is consistent with the 'history' of the Mayans that the academy knows. "

The 'history' Zero refers to is also a prophecy. Although this pyramid is small, it has clear records of major events, even including the disappearance of the fifth solar era.

This pyramid is meaningful for the secret party to further understand the Dragon Clan. It is indeed a product under the influence of Dragon Clan culture, so the identity of these Mayans is intriguing.

There is no owner of the blood tie Luo among them, so it is impossible to determine which of them are hybrids. After all, hybrids with lower bloodlines look similar to ordinary people before awakening.

And mixed-race people are usually better. According to Isicher, since 1975, many people have left the village after making money.

Lu Chen led the other students down the pyramid, frowning slightly.

"Senior Brother Lu, what's wrong?"

Lu Mingfei said doubtfully that it was a good thing that they discovered the dragon clan ruins. There was progress in the investigation.

However, when he looked around, except for Zero who was still expressionless and Eriki who was taking photos with a flashlight, the other students looked a little heavy.

People always follow the crowd. Lu Mingfei immediately felt that he was stupid. Everyone seemed to have noticed something wrong, but he didn't.

In the end, Zero opened his mouth to explain to Lu Mingfei, "There was no pyramid here before."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, there was no pyramid! ?

What does no mean?

Such a big thing can't be built in a few days. Let's wait and see, right?

Besides, this pyramid does look very old. Didn’t you just say it was real?

Lu Chen glanced at Lu Mingfei and said, "You should carefully read the mission information given by Norma."

"Guys, don't you want to take pictures? You still think it's too dark. You can come tomorrow. You won't be charged twice."

Ixichel was a little confused. These people ran up and walked around for a while and then came down. They didn't take any pictures. After they came down, they all communicated in obscure Chinese, which made her very stressed.

It’s not like I went up to take a look, felt dissatisfied, and wanted my money back! ?

"It's okay. Let's come and have a look during the day. In fact, we haven't found a good place to stay yet. We also want to experience the folk customs of the Mayans. Can we stay in your village for one night?"

Lu Chen asked, since there were no effective clues elsewhere, they would stay there in person to see if anything would happen at night.

To the surprise of several people, Ixichel, a money-obsessed girl, actually shook her head, "I can't make a decision on this. I have to get Granny Keya's permission."

She looked at these rich brothers and sisters with some confusion, wondering if college students nowadays are so serious about archaeology. You must know that the living conditions in the village are very poor, far worse than the hotels in the city.

To experience folk customs? So do you want to stay one night...

"Of course we won't stay in vain. The archaeological funds provided by Xiang Academy this time are sufficient. How about paying you 10,000 US dollars for each night the eight of us stay?"

Lu Chen discussed.

The little girl who was still new to the world was immediately stunned, "One, one, ten thousand US dollars?"

How many days does she have to work diligently to save 10,000 US dollars?

And as long as these people stay for one night, she can get 10,000 yuan, which is enough for her three-year tuition!

If she lets the other person sleep a few more nights, she can even save enough money to go to college!

"Then... you guys come with me and go see Grandma Keya and see if she agrees."

Ixichel hesitated, praying in his heart that Granny Keya would not be an old lady today, as the money for her schooling was right in front of her.

In the village, there are ancient stone candlesticks with glass covers placed on them. Every night, someone will light these candlesticks to guide people.

But Lu Mingfei thought it was good if they had flashlights. It was just as long as the candlesticks were not lit. After they were lit, he felt even more eerie and eerie.

I followed Ixichel to the largest wooden house at the end of the village, which seemed to be the oldest.

"Grandma Keya, are you still sleeping?"

Ixichel knocked on the door and shouted loudly. The penetrating voice was so powerful that Lu Mingfei covered his ears, thinking that it was no wonder he had a good singing voice.

"Little Chuck, come in."

An old voice came from inside the house, speaking Mayan. Ixichel opened the door. People in the village didn't lock the door very often. At the same time, he turned back to the others and said, "Grandma Keya said we can go in. First, we can go in." Turn off the flashlight, Grandma Keya doesn’t like it.”

Thinking that the girl named Zero seemed to be able to understand Mayan, he explained: "Chuck is my nickname."

Zero looked at Ixichel thoughtfully, but they had already entered the house and it was not suitable for communication.

Ixichel lit candles in the room. In fact, the village has electricity and Internet access. Some villagers have TVs and computers at home. She also has a mobile phone, but Granny Keya is very traditional and will never use these modern things in her residence.

The candlesticks in the village were also kept with the opinion of Granny Keya, otherwise they could have replaced them with street lamps.

Under the illumination of candlelight, everyone could clearly see the interior of this room. The walls were engraved with ancient Mayan inscriptions, various strips of cloth were hung, and various odd-shaped wood carvings were placed on several shelves. In the dim atmosphere, It looked extremely terrifying.

Sitting on the mat in the center of the room was an old woman. Her figure had shrunk due to old age, and her face was covered with wrinkles and age spots. She looked to be at least eighty years old.

"Little Chuck, who are they?"

Grandma Keya spoke slowly, as if speaking was very laborious.

"Mother-in-law, they came to us for archeology. They said they wanted to experience traditional Mayan culture and wanted to stay here for one night."

Ixichel knelt down next to Granny Keya and held her cold hand.

"One night?"

Grandma Keya looked at the young people in the room. There were eight of them, which was quite a lot.

Ixichel looked at Granny Keya expectantly, hoping that she would agree.


But the old and cold voice ruthlessly shattered Ixichel's hope. Granny Keya's deep-set eyes looked a little penetrating. She looked at Lu Chen at the front: "We don't accept outsiders to stay here. Go to the city." Stay here."

"Mother-in-law, they are here for archeology, and they are paying for accommodation."

Ixichel repeated in a low voice in Granny Keya's ear.

"Give me money?"

Grandma Keya waved her hand, "How much can you give?"

Ixichel lay next to Grandma Keya’s ear and whispered: “Ten thousand dollars a day.”

Lu Mingfei looked at this seeping old woman nervously, wondering if the other party would agree. If not...

Oh, he wasn't worried that they would be driven away, he was a little worried about the old lady.

Senior Brother Lu... doesn't look like a good gentleman who always negotiates peacefully.

Granny Keya raised her hand and hit Ixichel on the head with a sharp voice, "Money, money, money, you know money! Ten thousand US dollars will take away your soul!?"

Grandma Keya seemed to be furious. She stood up shakily on crutches and pointed at Ixichel, "You know, this is the rule in the village, the rule!"

Ixichel lowered his head after being scolded and stood aside aggrievedly.

Grandma Keya looked up at the outsiders who were whispering in Chinese, and said in less fluent English: "Our village has never accepted outsiders to stay overnight for thousands of years. This is our rule that has not been broken for thousands of years. The Mayan people's original rule Belief!"

Lu Chen looked at Granny Keya, wondering whether to change the way of negotiation.

But at this moment, the crutch in Granny Keya’s hand was bumping on the ground, and she walked up to Lu Chen and said, “…I need more money!”

Lu Chen:......

Ixichel was also stunned for a moment. She originally thought that Granny Keya would make money when she deceived the tourists into buying cursed wood carvings. She said that Lu Chen and the others would pay high prices for accommodation, but Granny Keya disagreed and she still had some Wondering.

It turned out to be waiting for her, Gao!

Mother-in-law, you are still the tallest!

It's because I'm too small.


Lu Chen did not expect such a dramatic reversal, but since he could solve the problem with money, he naturally did not want to conflict with the Mayans, which would not be conducive to their subsequent search for clues.

Ling took out a wad of bills from her bag, which looked like fifteen thousand US dollars, but she didn't check it carefully.

Through the candlelight, Granny Keya's old eyes saw the stacks of banknotes in the small bag, bursting with the vitality of a young person, and her old face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

After taking the banknote, his attitude changed 180 degrees, "Hey, young people are so generous, Ixichel, go and arrange two rooms for them, just the two big ones next door, clean them, don't neglect the guests. .”

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Ixichel ran out happily and even forgot to say hello to Lu Chen and the others.

Grandma Keya looked at Ixichel running out and sighed secretly in her heart, silly girl, do you think it is easy to go to school and live in the city? You need to save more money.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at these young people again, "Old lady, there is nothing to entertain here. Everyone, please sit down first."

As she spoke, she took down a stack of cushions from the pile on one side, and a female freshman who was nearby took it wisely and distributed it to everyone to spread out.

"Zero, why don't you sit down?"

Lu Mingfei reminded in a low voice, everyone sat down, except Ling who was still standing in front of the cushion.

After being informed by Lu Mingfei, Ling sat down hesitantly.

"You are just a visitor. I don't have anything good here. I'm just good at divination. Do you want to try it?"

Grandma Keya said with a smile, but her smile was eerie and scary under the candlelight.

Lu Mingfei felt that the other party was like an old witch in a fairy tale. He asked hesitantly: "Do you want money?"

"Of course not. Divination is just a small game. The guests are so generous. Of course I won't charge any more money, old lady. Little Chuck is going to prepare dinner. It can be used as entertainment before the meal."

Granny Keya explained, taking a wooden basin from behind, filled with corn seeds, looking at the girls, and whispered: "You can predict the future."

The freshmen looked at Lu Chen one after another. They thought this was a mission process and they had to ask the executive officer for any behavior.

Seeing Lu Chen nod, a girl named Grace took action. She had always been curious about Mayan divination.

Rather, every girl would be interested in this kind of thing.

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