Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 296 Leviathan goes south

With Ixichel's communication, Lu Chen and others visited the houses of residents in the village.

"What's this?"

Lu Chen picked up a wooden sculpture placed on the table in the room. Its image was quite special. It had a long and pointed nose like that of Pinocchio, the fairy tale character from Andersen's story. It had long curved fangs sticking out one after another. The headdress was Knotted hoops.

He found that almost everyone had a wooden sculpture like this in their home.

"It looks a little scary."

Lu Mingfei answered.

Ixichel nodded in agreement, "I think so too, but this is the rain god representing a good harvest. Everyone believes that the rain god can bless the village with good weather. Although everyone no longer farms, they still maintain this habit."

"I thought you were going to worship Izamna."

Zero said looking at the wooden sculpture.

The dragon-shaped Izamna is the head of the gods in Mayan mythology, and is also the direct factor behind the secret party's earliest speculation that the Mayans are related to the dragon tribe, because the Mayans obviously have prototypes for their gods.

According to the secret party's speculation, Izamna should be a dragon king.

"Izamna? Mother-in-law Keya said that the gods are too high to care about the life and death of mortals. It is more practical for us to worship the gods below."

Ixichel spread his hands, "As for the wood carvings of Izamna, we also have them here. Granny Keya has a lot of them, and they are all sold. Westerners like dragons very much. It feels very homely when I put it home.”

"So do you still hold sacrificial activities now?"

Lu Chen tentatively said.

"Sacrifice? Yes, Granny Keya will host it once a year. This is a tradition."

Ixichel felt that everyone looked a little serious and explained: "It's not what you think. We all use chickens and ducks now."

Around afternoon, everyone basically conducted a blanket search of the village, but no trace of dragons was found.

At this moment, Lu Chen's cell phone rang, and it was actually the principal calling.

He walked out of the door and connected where no one was.

"How was the investigation of the Mayan village?"

the principal asked.

"There has been some progress. It turns out that a step-by-step investigation is so time-consuming. I already want to clean up the situation."

Lu Chen stretched and replied.

"Haha, in the past, the execution department specialists would investigate and then let you solve the target, but this time the risk is too high and ordinary people can't investigate."

Ange said, his voice becoming heavier again, "You can investigate for another day. If there are no results, the matter over there can be put on hold for the time being. There are things that need to be solved by you."

Lu Chen perked up: "What's going on? Is there a Dragon King?"

At this time, Angers was staying with Schneider in the general command room of the execution department, looking at the 3D projection of the earth, which was full of red from the sea near Greenland.

"There is something strange in Greenland. Probably since yesterday, the local commissioner discovered that the temperature dropped abnormally. In just ten minutes, it dropped by nearly 20 degrees to minus 40 degrees. The local people did not dare to go out. .”

Angers and Schneider both had solemn expressions on their faces.

"Elemental turbulence?"

Lu Chen now also knows some knowledge about the dragon clan.

"Well, something passed through that ice sea, and all the sea surfaces were frozen. You know it's the end of summer, and now it's colder than any previous winter. The cold has spread from the ocean to the land. , large-scale cooling, you can imagine what kind of extreme cold it is in the ice sea."

Angers sent the information to Lu Chen's mobile phone, "Let your instructor tell you, he should have more say."

"Is it the monster you saw in the ice sea before, mentor?"

Lu Chen heard the sound and knew that someone had changed on the other side of the communication line.

"It should be, and this time we finally captured the true face of that guy. The God of Death under the ice sea... is actually a white whale."

Schneider's deep and hoarse voice was trembling. He was not afraid, but the old murderer was excited.

"Whale? The dragon clan seems to be getting weirder and weirder."

Lu Chen complained that it was not that he had never seen dragons of different species, such as Hydra, but according to the descriptions of his mentor and principal, that guy might be a first-generation species, and the first-generation species he had seen looked quite serious.

"The form of the dragons is also related to their own will. We don't know why he is a whale, but the tenured professors have analyzed the history of the dragons and combined with the information you got in the Jinlunga Corridor last time, they think he may be a myth. The Leviathan in the world can affect the environment on such a large scale, which is definitely the power of the first generation species."

Schneider explained.

Lu Chen looked at the information sent to him, and it showed that marine life was also migrating over a large area, making way for the Supreme's travel.

"Can I locate Him now?"

He was more interested in cutting down the first-generation species than leading the new students to do activities. However, he found it a bit troublesome to target targets in the sea, and he couldn't perform some of them well.

"Currently, the Russian military satellite has only accidentally photographed him emerging from the water once. There is no trace of him at other times. He must have dived very deep, and technology cannot accurately track it."

Schneider paused, "But we can judge his approximate location through the trajectory of the elemental turbulence. We currently infer that he is heading southwest."

Lu Chen thought for a moment, "Can you think of a way to bring Leviathan to land to fight?"

"This cannot be guaranteed, but the academy is discussing countermeasures and trying its best to create a good battlefield environment for you."

Schneider has asked tenured professors and A-level and above students in the college to gather separately for meetings in order to come up with reasonable countermeasures.

Opponents in the sea are very troublesome. Humans can go to space, but they are still unable to explore the deepest parts of the sea. If Leviathan avoids fighting and dives into the deep sea, humans will have nothing to do with it.

We can't let Lu Chen go down in the submarine again. Even if Lu Chen can withstand the water pressure, he is still weak in the deep sea.

"I understand, and I will end things here as soon as possible."

After Lu Chen replied, he cut off the communication. Their team might be able to test the results of the special training.

It was another day of investigation. After everyone gathered in the evening, Lu Chen felt that if nothing unusual happened tonight, he would ask the execution department to drive away the Mayans here, and then he would wash the ground. Regardless of whether there was any result, he would Go snipe Leviathan.

Lu Chen didn't go out at night, and sometimes he wondered if he had scared those dragons.

At about two o'clock in the night, Lu Mingfei was suddenly woken up.

He rubbed his eyes drowsily and sat up, only to find that everyone in the room was already awake, and Senior Brother Lu was standing by the window, looking out.

Lu Chen looked at the scene outside the window, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and finally let him wait.

At this time, the village was still eerily quiet, with only the lit candlesticks flickering, and the night wind whistling, like an evil ghost whispering.

The candles on both sides of the narrow road did not glow orange, but a strange blue. The villagers walked quietly on the road, which was reminiscent of the ancient Huangquan Road.

Lu Chen led the freshmen out of the door, carefully met the girls, and observed the villagers in the shadows.

It was as if they were in a sleepwalking state, their eyes were dull and they didn't know what they were doing.

"Godzilla, I think I hear singing."

Eriki whispered.


Lu Chen was a little confused, and the other students were also at a loss. They didn't hear any singing.

"What exactly is the sound?"

Lu Chen asked. He knew that Eryi's dragon bloodline was much higher than his own, and he could hear some sounds that ordinary people could not hear.

"It's ugly, sharp, weird, and a little scary."

Eriki thought for a while and concluded that if she were alone in this situation, she would definitely feel a little scared, but at this time everyone was around, including Godzilla.

"Have a look."

Lu Chen said, walking into the road without any scruples, passing by villagers one by one, and carefully examining their physical conditions.

Their breathing was steady, as if they were asleep, but looking closer, everyone had a peaceful smile on their face.

There is nothing wrong with the smile itself, just like a person having a sweet dream, but in such a weird and eerie environment, it looks a bit scary.

Lu Chen stretched out his hand and shook a villager, but the other person had no reaction. He stopped in front of him, but the other person was like a broken robot, bumping into him again and again.

Other freshmen also walked into the road to check on the villagers.

"It should be the effect of some kind of word spirit, like a dream tapir, but the source of the word spirit cannot be sensed."

After looking around, Ling returned to Lu Chen to report.

Eriki glanced at the villagers on the road and asked doubtfully: "Where is Ixichel?"

a few minutes ago……

In the dim room, the girl turned over and kicked her legs a little irritably. She felt something pressing against her.

The thing seemed to be driven away, and she gained a moment of peace, but then something started to push her arm and face again.

"Dudu... don't make trouble."

Ixichel murmured.


Dudu screamed a little anxiously, and when he saw that his master was still asleep, he used a trick and lightly bit the girl's arm.


Ixichel sat up in shock, "Dudu, what are you doing, why are you biting me?"

"Meow, meow~"

She bit the string of Ixichel's underwear and pulled it down. She didn't have the spare money to buy beautiful pajamas and nightdresses.

"Go, go, little perverted cat."

Ixichel yawned, held Dudu aside, and said in confusion: "Dudu, your mouth stinks."

Dudu rolled around on the bed anxiously, jumped on the window sill, and turned around and called Ixichel twice.

Ixichel finally regained consciousness and was a little confused, "What's going on outside?"

Dudu is very sensible at night and never affects his rest. Could it be that there is a thief in the village?

She got up and got out of bed, walked carefully to the window, opened the gap in the curtain, took a look outside, and was stunned for a moment.

What are you doing! ?

Staying up most of the night and marching together?

No, everyone is walking in a strange way, as if they are sleepwalking.

As if he noticed the girl's gaze, a villager suddenly turned his head and looked directly at Ixichel.

His pace did not stop. As the angle changed, his head twisted more than ninety degrees. The flesh on his neck seemed to be twisting, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

Ixichel was so frightened that she covered her mouth. She knew that man, it was Uncle Guge. What happened to him?

Crunch - crunch -

Suddenly Ixichel heard the creaking sound coming from the beams again, like something heavy was crawling on the wooden house, or maybe... it was in her house, hanging from the ceiling?

She hugged Dudu tightly, trembling all over, leaned against the wall, and boldly glanced up.


She screamed, and there was an upside-down black shadow hanging on the beam, which seemed to be dripping blood, and there was a putrid smell in the air.

She finally realized that it was not the stinky mouth that just made a pout, but a monster hanging upside down in her room.

The monster seemed to be rotting all over, like a carrion that had been soaked in sea water for several months. The flesh and skin on its face was gradually peeling off, and its eyes were protruding, spinning around, and then suddenly stopped and stared at him.

A mouth that seemed to be glued was opened, and Ixichel could hear the sound of carrion tearing. The corners of the mouth were cracked to the ears, and there were pieces of meat hanging between the teeth, showing a "smile"

In an instant, Ixichel connected the events of the past two days together. She thought of those strange archeology students and often asked herself if there was anything going on in the village.

Now something strange was happening before her eyes, but she was so scared that she couldn't even move her feet.

She let go of her hand, ""

The girl's voice was filled with tears. It was obvious that she might have seen something scary, but she was also trembling with fear.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard, and the rotten corpse fell to the ground, staggering towards Ixichel, blocking the girl's escape route.

Ixichel was frightened, but he still kicked Dudu. Why didn't this stupid cat run away?

However, Dudu stood next to Ixichel, just meowing and rubbing against Ixichel's leg, as if he wasn't afraid at all, as if he didn't see the rotting corpse walking towards them.


The wooden wall shattered and sawdust flew in the bedroom. Ixichel was so scared that he closed his eyes.


After waiting for a few seconds, death did not come. Instead, she heard a familiar voice. She opened her eyes and saw clearly that it was Mr. Lu in the dim light of the moonlit night.

Looking at the room again, there were no rotting corpses anywhere, only the messy pieces of wood, and there was no smell of rotting flesh in the air.

"what's your name?"

Lu Chen was a little confused. Just when Eriyi mentioned Ixichel, he remembered to come over and take a look. As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Ixichel's scream, which was full of panic.

"Lu, Lu, Mr. Lu, there was a monster here just now."

Ixichel walked quickly to Lu Chen and felt a little safer, pointing to the beam.


Lu Chen raised his head and glanced at the roof. There was nothing there, and there were no traces of fighting or the smell of other creatures in the room.

"There really is. There was a corpse that looked like it had been soaked in sea water. It could move. If you don't believe it, look at my sheets..."

Ixichel said, and was stunned. He had clearly seen rotten flesh and blood dripping on it just now, but when she looked at it now, there was nothing else except sawdust.

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