Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 300 The contradictory myth, the legend of the first generation species

"Is that what happened just now?"

Eriki also asked curiously.

Grandma Keya nodded, "...Originally, we might have died, thank you little girl."

Eriki waved her hand and said softly: "Godzilla is more powerful."

"Mother-in-law, why is there a day of judgment? Is God sick? Come to kill humans?"

Ixichel was puzzled. She didn’t believe in God before, but now she even hated it.

What's more, except for Ulakan who looked like a god when he appeared, the other one looked like a ghost at all.

Grandma Keya was silent for a moment, "I don't know."

Qinano said: "Grandma Keya, it's now, if you want to survive and protect everyone in the village, what else can you hide?"

Granny Keya sighed and shook her head, "Old lady, I really don't know. The prophecies are very general. They are passed down orally from generation to generation, so there may be discrepancies. And my grandma only said this and didn't say why. It will be like this.”

The freshmen looked at each other, and Zero analyzed: "Although the dragons are cruel and look down on humans and hybrids, they will not deliberately kill humans."

The freshmen nodded in agreement with Zero's point of view. Just like people would not deliberately step on bugs, dragons often have an indifferent attitude towards humans and hybrids.

When necessary, they will be summoned to be used as slaves. If there is no need, they will not deliberately kill them. It all depends on their mood.

If it is something prophetic, then it should not be said that it is because the two next-generation species happened to be in a bad mood today and came to the village to kill people for fun.

"They have a special purpose."

Kotono thought.

"The question is, what do they want to do? Is someone in the village offending them, or are they trying to kill a specific target, and the villagers are just incidental?"

Feng Mo and Si also followed the analysis.

At this time, Lu Chen came back.

"Godzilla, how's it going?"

When Eryi saw that Lu Chen had returned safely, her worries dissipated.

"I can't get out. It's better to say that this place doesn't feel like I'm in the Yucatan Peninsula anymore. When I got to the village, I found that it was also endless blue outside, and I couldn't see the beach. If I walked straight, I would circle back."

Lu Chen was not impatient. He had seen this situation several times.

Zero analyzed: "Strictly speaking, we may not have fully entered the Nibelungs. This is only a part of the Nibelungs, and the core door has not been opened to us."

Lu Chen mentioned regicide, "That means I have no choice. Let's chop him to death first and see if the Nibelungs will collapse."

This is the most direct solution. Once the Nibelungs lose the support of the dragons that built it, they will collapse and disappear. If Lu Mingfei is still in this area, he should be able to find it later.

With the knife in hand, Lu Chen looked at Regicide's growth progress.

Real food.

He suspected that this little devil was not a survival from the mythical era at all, but was created by the first generation species in recent thousands of years. It was a bit "rough"

After Lu Chen took action, everyone looked at the sky nervously, waiting for changes to cope with the collapse of the Nibelungs.

But after half a minute, nothing happened.

"This is not the Nibelung created by the next generation, at least not by them."

Zero glanced at the remains of the two second-generation species on the ground, and said with words: "...Perhaps, this Nibelung root was built by the first-generation species."

Yes, of course she understood the current situation, and it was no accident that she was placed in this war practice class.

So she won't worry about Lu Mingfei's safety, everything is according to the boss's plan.

According to their in-depth investigation, the disappearances here did not just start recently, but have lasted for at least fifteen years.

But why hasn't anyone noticed it before?

The information received by the Executive Department is certainly not a coincidence.

It’s just that the boss feels that the time is ripe for action.

"Is it the first generation..."

Lu Chen smiled unconsciously and said: "It's a pity that Brother Chu is not here at the moment, otherwise we can test the results of the special training."

Without Chu Zihang, he lacked a master of anthropomorphic encyclopedia analysis, but fortunately Junior Sister Ling was also quite knowledgeable.

Lu Chen looked around, and finally focused on the cracked pyramid, "Let's investigate it again."

Lu Chen personally led the freshmen up to the tower, while Hui Liyi was responsible for providing support below to prevent any new dragons from sneaking up on them.

Of course, they must protect the villagers if their strength allows.

Since the pyramid was enlarged dozens of times, the steps became like tall buildings. It was difficult for the freshmen to climb without the help of tools. Lu Chen had no choice but to give a lift to anyone in need.

About an hour later, everyone gathered together again to analyze the situation.

"This pyramid is not the same as the previous one. It looks like it has been enlarged dozens of times. But it is just our visual illusion. It should be the pyramid that existed in the Nibelungs, covering the original area. .”

Zero's tone did not fluctuate, as if she was a robot no matter what the situation was.

"Zero is right. The text here is different from what we looked at before, not only in terms of content, but also in language."

Kotano added.

Lu Chen leaned over and looked at the many large characters carved on the pyramid, "Isn't it Mayan?"

Ling shook his head and said: "It's Mayan, but it's not the Mayan we know. From the perspective of philology, it should be the more ancient and primitive Mayan, closer to the hieroglyphs of the president's hometown. It's also very rare. Maybe it's only for sacrifices." Special characters that are only used in .”

Lu Chen looked at Ling, "Can you translate?"

"If you can't do it, you can only understand less than 5% of it. The meaning is still inferred from the original pictographic analysis."

Zero is not omnipotent. She has learned the spoken language of the Mayans, but the ancient writing seems very difficult, let alone the rare writing of these more ancient prototypes.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring little Norma specially provided by the Equipment Department this time."

Lu Chen regretted a little, but this was just hindsight. No one expected to encounter the Dragon King's Nibelung in a war practice class.

The working principle of the mobile phones they used was still ordinary. It couldn't be used in the Nibelungen's magnetic field. They had to use the special small Norma he had last time in the Three Gorges.

"Someone might understand."

Zero walked to the edge of the stage and looked down, "Grandma Keya is the witch in the village. The cultural education she received should include these."

Lu Chen jumped down after hearing this, "Grandma Keya, we need your help to translate the words on the pyramid. Without information, everyone will be trapped here and die."

Grandma Keya leaned on crutches and looked up at the majestic pyramid, "What a miracle... Oh - let me see it with you, old lady."

Lu Chen said, lifting up Granny Keya's back collar and preparing to jump on it as "gently" as possible, but was stopped by Ixichel.

"No, Mr. Lu, my mother-in-law can't stand your torment like this."

Ixichel stopped Lu Chen in horror, not to mention that the way you lead people is too rude, even if you are a princess, you can't withstand a jump of tens of meters, and Granny Keya will fall apart.

"But we need a translator."

Lu Chen let go of his hand.

Grandma Keya rubbed her neck, her old face smiling like a chrysanthemum, "Actually, my body is still strong, so I can still hold her up gently."

When Lu Chen heard this... although he thought it was a bit rude, he still felt... a bit uncomfortable.

"I'll go up with Mr. Lu. Grandma Keya taught me when I was a child, and I can understand it. Remember, I'm an top student. Although I don't use it all the time, I remember it very clearly."

Ixichel assured that in fact she was very naughty when she was a child, and she only learned about it roughly, so she was not very confident, but she didn't want Granny Keya to be tortured even at her old age.

She said that most Mayans could not understand ancient Mayan script, but that did not include her who was raised by her mother-in-law.

"That's okay too."

After Lu Chen said that, amid Ixichel's exclamations, he held the other person between his right arms, like a roll of quilt.

After a moment of spinning, Ixichel stood firm on the pyramid and glanced at Lu Chen with lingering fear, "Mr. Lu... can't you... be gentle?"

She suddenly felt that Sister Eriyi was so pitiful, and Mr. Lu was too straight! ?

"Time is urgent, and I'm afraid you might think I have ulterior motives."

Lu Chen was able to counterattack Ixichel's precautions during the day.

Ixichel murmured in a low voice and stopped caring. She concentrated on reading the sacrificial texts on the pyramid. She found that she could read surprisingly smoothly.

"The sun...the moon..."

After a few levels of translation, Ixichel felt a little sleepy and said, "Mr. Lu, what are you looking for? Can you give me some direction?"

Lu Chen thought for a moment. He actually didn't know exactly what to look for. "... Just look for any hints about this space, how to get out, or... how to get in."

Ixichel was helpless, feeling that it was more like saying something than not saying it. "Let's start from the top. Orderly translation will be better."

After reaching the top floor, Ixichel began to translate the text, "...the world has a beginning and an end. After a world is created, it goes through great catastrophes and changes, and finally it is destroyed. As the god of creation, Izam Na is also the god of destruction. When a certain world is about to end, he will transform into a giant dragon in the sky and pour floods from his mouth to destroy the world..."

Lu Chen thought thoughtfully, "It sounds familiar. It has something in common with Nordic mythology."

"Myths from all over the world, if they are not made up randomly, are all related to the dragon clan. The Mayan civilization can be determined to have originated from the dragon clan, and the inscriptions on this pyramid should not have been left by the dragon clan."

Ling, as a little think tank, followed Lu Chen and analyzed in real time.

"Why do you think so? This is a building in the Nibelungs."

Lu Chen was puzzled. In terms of manpower, even if they were all hybrids, it would be impossible to build such a huge pyramid. It was impossible for the workers to be as powerful as when he first came to this world, right?

"Because the Dragon Clan will not call the Supreme Being Izamna. This is the name of the god believed in by Mayan humans or hybrids."

Then, in order to let Lu Chen know more, she continued: "Izamna has multiple images in Mayan mythology. Sometimes he is an older man. He is said to be the inventor of Mayan writing, especially the inventor of Mayan writing. The highest priest who names and divides the regions of Catan, in this image he is close to the people.”

"The first generation lost its memory when it first woke up?"

Lu Chen thought about it and thought of Old Tang.

"Logically, it should be like this. It is not an exaggeration to say that Izamna created the Mayan civilization. He is the wise man worshiped by all the Mayans. Because he often deals with famines and diseases, he is also called the God of Medicine. He He was very kind to people, and the Mayans regarded him as a loving father."

Lu Chen was a little surprised, he thought he was a tyrant.

Zero continued: "There are always buts in everything. The last image of Izamna is the so-called dragon. Among the gods believed by the Mayans, the dragon-shaped Izamna has the highest status. He is the head of the Mayan gods. At this time, Izamna was cruel, cruel, and ruthless."

If ordinary people heard this kind of story, they would only sigh at the complexity of the Mayan god system and wonder whether Izamna had intermittent neurosis.

They are obviously the same being, so why do they have a loving side and a cruel and ruthless side?

But when Lu Chen and the freshmen not far away heard it, they all felt it was normal.

Without him, the first generation species just awakened their memories.

Just like before Old Tang awakened his memory, he was a harmless otaku who occasionally took on errands as a hunter.

But once he awakened his memory, he instantly became a tyrannical king.

Thinking back to that period of history, Izamna first woke up, walked alone on the earth, and met the ignorant Mayans.

Because of his loneliness, He became friends with the Mayans. Taking advantage of the innate wisdom of the first generation, He helped the Mayans create writing and taught the Mayans farming. He was respected and worshiped by everyone, and He also enjoyed the happiness of getting along with people.

But when his memory recovered, he felt disgusted by his behavior and spurned himself who once lived with humble humans, so he was furious and wanted to destroy everything.

Lu Chen led Ixichel down one level. While Ixichel was translating, he was also thinking.

"Mr. Lu, do you think the entrance will be on the pyramid?"

Suddenly, Ixichel stood up and asked.

"That seems most likely at the moment."

Lu Chen also asked Qilan and Grace to search in the village, but the entrance was most likely to be in a landmark building.

It was not that he had never thought of violently demolishing the pyramid, but he was dissuaded by Zero. The reason was the same as what Zeng Yuan had advised him to do. The Nibelung entrance and exit did not require strength. They needed to pass through a special noodle.

If he demolished the pyramid, even if there was an entrance, they wouldn't be able to find it.

Ixichel recited a sentence softly, "When the blue moon comes, the destiny in reincarnation finally appears, the stars change, and the door to the God Realm opens... I may have guessed where the door you are looking for, Mr. Lu, is."

"I'm not good at charades."

Lu Chen shrugged, meaning you should learn well.

"In our Mayan culture, the construction of pyramids is very particular and is in line with astronomy."

Ixichel pointed to the pyramid at his feet, "There are ninety-one steps on all sides of the pyramid. The total is three hundred and sixty-four. Counting the only one on the top, it is exactly three hundred and sixty-five, which is exactly one year. The number of days, and in our ancient calendar system, fifty-two years is a cycle of years."

She pointed at the sky, "Blue Moon, reincarnation, everything is there, plus 'the door is open', I think the door you are looking for is hidden in this sentence."

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