Lu Chen didn't know or care why he heard the singing of whales in the Nibelungs of the deep sea. He just felt that the melody was vaguely familiar.

The majestic sound penetrated and echoed throughout the entire hall. The earth was shaking. Dudu, who was held in Ixichel's arms, growled uneasily, and his hair stood on end.

Lu Chen held Regicide in his hand and his eyes followed the place where the sound source was strongest.

The Nibelungs did not collapse, and unknown opponents did not come in, but the walls of the entire hall gradually became transparent.

Eriyi stretched out her hand to test carefully, it seemed like water, she could pass through it.

"Godzilla, it seems we can make it through."

Eriyi reminded.

"It seems we don't need to continue looking for clues. The owner has opened the door for us."

Lu Chen smiled and held Eriyi's hand, while Eriyi held Ixichel's hand, and Ling stood behind.

Passing through the water-like wall, the vision suddenly opened up. The melodious and majestic whale song echoed, but there was no sign of any creature.

"Oh my god——"

Ixichel was amazed, and even Lu Chen was stunned for a second by the spectacular sight in front of him.

Looking up to the sky, there is an endless ocean, with a sun emitting white light at the top, illuminating this endless space.

The seawater was suspended in the air, as if separated by an invisible cover. With Lu Chen's excellent eyesight, he could even clearly see the fish and other creatures in the seawater.

Below is a magnificent city. It is different from what everyone imagined. There are no sky-high bronze pillars and temples, and no retro buildings engraved with dragon inscriptions. Instead, there are many high-rise buildings, wide roads on the ground, and many translucent buildings in the air, which are very interesting. Technological tunnels and bridges connect this ancient city.

In the central square of the city, there was a huge statue, engraved with a man wearing a battle armor. Judging from the appearance of the battle armor, Lu Chen felt that it was similar to the armor style of Uracan he had seen before.

They are located in the south of the city, and to the east of the city is an endless labyrinth of ice crystals, to the west is a frozen white forest, and to the north is a wide divine bridge that extends to the sea.

"This doesn't look like a place where dragons live."

Lu Chen felt a little strange. The dragon buildings he had seen were all very grand. A door was often tens of meters high, and the steps were also several meters high. This was to facilitate the lives of dragons with dragon bodies.

But although the city in front of us is grand, it is more like a city of future technology. It can be seen from the spacing between the floors of the buildings that this place is for human habitation.

"This place was indeed not built by the Dragon Clan, but the Dragon Clan set its Nibelung roots here."

Zero walked down the steps for a few steps. When they came out, they stood on a high platform, and the steps were designed to fit human heights.

"Can this still happen?"

Lu Chen was a little puzzled. He had seen the Nibelungen several times. Whether it was the Golden Lunga Corridor, the depths of the Japanese Trench, the Arctic Ice Sheet, or the White Emperor City, they were all built by the Dragon Clan themselves.

"The King of Ocean and Water has many Nibelungs. He is more like enclosing land. He may not be focusing on building his own city. This city should have been sunk to the bottom of the sea and was destroyed by the Nibelungs." It’s been brought in.”

Zero said analytically.

“What a beautiful city.”

Eriki looked at the fish swimming in the sky. This was completely incomparable to the Kassel College Aquarium. It was endless as far as the eye could see. They were really at the bottom of the sea.

"What... exactly is this place?"

Ixichel often studied in private, but she had never heard of any country in history whose architecture and technology could reach such a level.

Several people walked to the road and looked at the buildings on both sides. There were dim fonts on the upper floors. They should have been able to light up at night, but no one could understand them.

Even Zero looked confused. The text here was somewhat similar to simplified Chinese, but more concise.

Judging from the writing, this civilization should have gone through the same history as the development of Chinese culture, from hieroglyphics to complex traditional Chinese, and finally to simplification and simplification, all in the pursuit of higher efficiency.

Lu Chen walked to the door of a building and put his hand lightly on the glass door, but it failed to break. The material of this glass was stronger than the special glass used by the equipment department to close the third generation species.

He pulled his hand back an inch and punched it again. The door burst into pieces, with debris all over the floor. It seemed that the people here were also very particular about safety. As long as it was broken open a little, the whole thing would be shattered and there would be no damage. Large pieces of glass can cut people, which is similar to the design of some modern bathroom glass.

"Maybe I can guess where this place is."

Zero spoke from behind Lu Chen, looking at the city full of futuristic technology, "The lost empire, Atlantis."


Ixichel was a little surprised. Many people had heard of this country, especially the people in their area, who were living around the Bermuda Sea. Of course, they had heard about Atlantis and the Devil's Sea, but most of them thought it was just a myth. s legend.

"It seems that the principal is not kidding me. The legend is true. Atlantis was destroyed by floods and sank to the bottom of the sea. The sinking was caused by the return of the spirit of speech."

Because Lu Chen was taking care of Ixichel, he communicated in English, so Eriki didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Is this the effect of the ultimate word spirit..."

Lu Chen looked at the land with some emotion. From a high place just now, he could only see the Divine Bridge on the northern skyline, but he couldn't see clearly further away. According to preliminary estimates, the city is at least hundreds of kilometers long and wide. , larger than any large city in the world.

Or we can’t summarize this place as a city, this is a country!

And such a large area of ​​land was completely sunk into the sea. Judging from the power, it was much stronger than the first emperors in Japanese mythology.

It seems that even if it is the same word spirit, the power of the user is different, and the power is very different.

“What does He mean when the whale’s song is gone?”

Lu Chen thought that the first-generation species opened the door to receive guests because they wanted to fight him, but when he arrived at Atlantis, he did not see a shadow that looked like a whale.

He could probably tell the identity of the other party. It should be the Leviathan that his mentor mentioned when he called him yesterday. Leviathan rushed to this area so quickly, and it seemed that he had traveled from other Nibelungs.

Zero analyzed: "The thoughts of the King of Ocean and Water are difficult to figure out. He may have other purposes."

Lu Chen and others were walking on the road and saw a five-meter-long oval object, which looked a bit like a flying saucer. The lower half was made of black metal and the top was a streamlined dark translucent film.

He curiously walked over to check, groping around on it, but couldn't find anything resembling an entrance.

Eriyi also felt it was very novel. She didn't expect to see all kinds of high-tech things that she had never seen in anime today.

When Lu Chen's hand touched a certain part of the aqua film, the machine suddenly moved. The originally dark film cooled down, and a grid appeared where Lu Chen's hand touched, encircling his palm. It looks a bit like a touch screen fingerprint verification system.

What surprised everyone even more was that this machine actually made a sound, and Ixichel could roughly understand it. It was basically the same as their ancient Mayan pronunciation!

[A superior citizen has been detected and is being unlocked for you. 】

It was a soft and pleasant female voice. It was obviously a synthetic voice, but it sounded exceptionally smooth.

[...Unlocking completed, please pay attention to passing vehicles while driving. It is recommended to set the destination and let me drive automatically for you. 】

Ixichel, Lu Chen and others translated the content, still amazed in their hearts.

Zero is also a little strange. She has learned the pronunciation of modern Mayan, and she can generally understand the ancient Mayan.

Lu Chen looked at what should be transportation in front of him and looked at Zero, "What's going on? According to what we saw in the historical exhibition hall before, aren't the Mayans descendants of the Yin merchants? Nayat Why does the pronunciation of Landis’ language match that of ancient Maya?”

Ixichel murmured: "...It's...Izamna."

Zero pondered for a few seconds, "...Perhaps the original Yin merchants followed the Oracle and continued the pronunciation of Atlantis under the guidance of Izamna."

Everything is connected. Everything of the Mayans is inherited from the culture of their ancestors. They inherited the writing from China and the pronunciation from Atlantis. Suddenly they have their own language.

"Sit down and take a look."

Lu Chen felt a little fresh, this seemed to be more advanced than Brother Caesar's big toy.

This vehicle, tentatively called a small flying saucer, had exactly four seats inside. Lu Chen and Eriki sat in the front, and Ixichel sat in the back holding the cute Dudu and Ling.

"What does it mean to be a superior citizen?"

Lu Chen thought of what Ixichel had just translated. He was not from Atlantis. Even if his palmprint could be used as an ID card, he would not be entered into the system.

"I speculate that this vehicle has the function of sensing blood. In the ancient Atlantis Empire, most of them were probably mixed races. Classes were distinguished based on blood. In a highly developed society, these vehicles are more suitable for the upper class. For citizens, it may be used casually.”

Zero analyzed and pointed to a raised black square in front of Lu Chen, "President, put your hand on it like before and try it."

Lu Chen put his hand up, and the black square lit up like a touch screen. Sure enough, ergonomics, people's habits and convenience are the same no matter what era.

From the black square in Lu Chen's palm, a glistening blue light path extended outward, like a circuit board being lit up. A strange feeling arose in Lu Chen's heart, as if he was connected to this machine. As if.

No one felt any vibration. The small flying saucer rose from the ground very smoothly, about twenty centimeters above the ground.

[Starting...Starting completed, please control it independently, or choose navigation. 】

Ichichel tried his best to translate the words into something that everyone could easily understand.

But in fact, Lu Chen knew what to do without Ixichel's translation. He felt that the small flying saucer under him... it should be said to be a hover car, and it was at his disposal.

With a thought, the membrane above the head rose again to cover everyone, and the hover car flew forward, with an acceleration far exceeding any supercar in the human world.

Lu Chen controlled the hover car to turn left and right, very dexterously and quickly, which could not be compared with a car.

"Godzilla, I want to play too."

Eliyi felt it was interesting, so she pulled Lu Chen's arm.

Lu Chen stabilized the car and Hui Liyi put his hand on it.

[Special class citizen detected, distinguished special class citizen, we are honored to serve you. 】

Ixichel translated with some surprise and glanced at Lu Chen. She always thought that Mr. Lu was more powerful. After all, the legendary God of War Hurakan was defeated in a few blows.

But judging from the claims of the intelligent system of this floating car, it seems that the bloodline of Sister Eriyi is better?

Zero also looked at Lu Chen in surprise. They had always thought that Lu Chen had a monster-level bloodline, but wasn't it true that the dragon bloodline was not as high as Eri Yi?

"Run so fast!"

Eriyi got started immediately. As a game master, she felt that it was much easier than driving Mario Kart.

If she hadn't known that she was currently on a mission in the Nibelungs, she would have wanted to drive this thing home.

"It's a pity that after the collapse of the Nibelungs, these things cannot be taken away, otherwise Minister Akadulla might kneel on the ground and kiss my feet."

Lu Chen also felt a little emotional, this is completely a technology that transcends the times.

He did not see anything similar to an "energy bar" on any touch control system of this car, but there was a similar speed detection template. After exceeding a certain speed, the system would also sound a reminder, "You are speeding."

With such smart technology, it is impossible to ignore display functions such as "remaining power/fuel level". If not, it can only mean that this hover car uses energy technology that modern humans do not understand.

It is manufactured, runs until it is scrapped, and there is no need to consider energy issues.

"It is indeed an amazing level of technology. If the academy can master it, it should be of great help in slaying dragons."

After Zero agreed, he added: "But even Atlantis, which was so technologically advanced, was destroyed and sank to the bottom of the sea."

Facts have once again proved that humans should not underestimate the Dragon Clan due to the development of technology. Atlantis back then was definitely more powerful than the Secret Party today, but it still disappeared from the world.

Eriki drove the car until she reached the tallest building near the center of the city and stopped.

This is zero advice, and I think they should search the city for any Atlantis technology products that can help.

Leviathan would not take the initiative to enter this space to fight, and Lu Chen could not go into the sea to fight Leviathan. After seeing the technology of Atlantis, Ling was wondering if there was any equipment that could allow Lu Chen to survive underwater. freedom of movement.

The boss's arrangement must have deep meaning. Since he dared to let Lu Chen and Lu Mingfei come to slay the dragon and chose this "strategy" route, there must be something useful here.

Several people got out of the car. Lu Chen did not break in violently this time. Instead, he walked to the side of the door and pressed his palm on the black touch panel.

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