Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 311 Before the dream, returning to school (three-in-one)

In the gradually ascending aircraft, Lu Chen and Eriki were sitting in the back row. Regicide was lying across the hatch and he was looking at the world outside the window.

They will definitely come down again. They will definitely not be able to take away the remains of the two first-generation species this time. The time given to Ixichel and Dudu to get along will be his last...

His consciousness gradually blurred, and he could only hear Eryi's exclamations and Lu Mingfei's "Don't die"


On the dry land, a boy who looked to be five or six years old was dragging a wooden board with wheels forward.

Sweat gradually fell from his young face and flowed to the corners of his dry mouth.

At the border of the empire, the war has begun, and the people are in dire straits. Withered civilians can be seen everywhere on the road.

When people see withered weeds on the roadside, they will jump on them eagerly. In order to satisfy their hunger, people will not give in.

The strong ones knock the weak ones to the ground, swallow the weeds directly into their mouths, and when they feel they are not enough, they plunder the weak ones, but who will have anything to eat?

There were the sounds of men arguing, children crying, and mothers comforting themselves.

No matter how powerful a country once was, when it declines and war breaks out, the people on the border will always be the first to suffer.

On a July day, the sun was so strong that it not only evaporated the earth, but also seemed to want to evaporate the last lives of these poor people.

The boy turned a deaf ear to the pedestrians on the road, and just slowly pulled the board forward step by step.

His eyes were blank, he didn't know where he was going or where the future was.

Due to his trance, a stone on the ground tripped him, and the boy finally fell to the ground.

The ground was so hot, but he couldn't get up.

But the heat stimulated his nerves, making him struggle to stay awake.

He couldn't sleep. If he slept here, he would never wake up again.

He couldn't fall down, he had to go to the next river, he had to find food, and he had his mother.

He hadn't eaten for two days, and neither had his mother. He was afraid that one morning he would wake up and find that his mother would never breathe again.

In the two weeks since he left the village, he had begged, but no one would give him food. People came to pity him, but who would pity them?

Three days after escaping from the village, he saw the hungry people fleeing. From the conversations of the refugees on the road, he knew...the country was at war.

It was the Westerners who came over. I heard that there were also terrifying divine thunders, flying iron birds, and tireless steel behemoths that ran on the ground.

The boy didn't believe it at first. He was very precocious and could still clearly remember the stories his mother told him when he was three years old.

Mom said that the Empire is the most powerful country in the world because they have the blessing of gods and a legion of secret blood warriors.

Every secret blood warrior is powerful. Their strength generally exceeds a thousand kilograms and can open monuments and break stones.

With this power, they ruled the east of the sea for five thousand years. All countries must bow to them and pay tribute every year.

With strong military power, the country is naturally prosperous and peaceful. They are a kingdom in heaven and no one can invade it.

He once innocently told his mother that he also wanted to become a secret blood warrior when he grew up.

But his mother touched his head, held him in her arms, and said softly: "Xiao Chenchen, please don't do those things. The country is very peaceful. If you go to school when you grow up, you won't be able to pass the exam." It doesn’t matter if you have fame or not, you can also be a teacher in the village.”

He was a little angry because when his father was still alive, he remembered that he once praised him for being very strong and that he might be a good candidate for a secret blood warrior.

But he also vaguely remembered that after his father said those words, his mother seemed to have a big fight with his father.

Now the Westerners are coming. They ride on the steel giants on the sea, roar like thunder, and blast open the door to their country.

The iron bird in the sky was angry like a god of fire, and the divine thunder dropped causing heavy casualties to the secret blood warriors.

Seeing more and more refugees along the way, the boy finally realized the reality. It turned out that the empire's secret blood warrior army had really been defeated.

At least in the first battle, he was caught off guard.

When he was young, he was wondering, what is the iron bird that can fly in the sky like?

Is there really a steel behemoth that can run wildly on land without eating feed?

Are the divine thunders falling from the sky a new divine power that Westerners have mastered?

He didn't know why he was thinking this. Maybe it was because there was no one to talk to, and he had to think of something to keep himself awake.

He climbed up from the ground with difficulty, only to see a pair of dry and skinny feet.

"There seems to be a thin-skinned boy here, and no one else."

A skinny man with dark skin looked at the boy who got up from the ground, his eyes shining green.

After he spoke, a shorter, thin man came over and looked at the boy with a look of joy on his face.

The boy didn't say anything. After he got up, he held on to the wooden board and wanted to continue walking forward, but was stopped by someone.

At the same time, the small cloth tent he had built on the wooden board was also lifted.

"Hey, Lao Jiu, you're lucky. There's a girl here. She looks like she has fine skin and tender flesh, enough to last for several days."

The short man's eyes showed surprise, and when he took a closer look, his eyes shone with desire, "You are so good-looking, please make me happy before eating..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a young figure rushing towards him. He subconsciously waved his hand to ward off the boy.

The boy got up from the ground, his eyes as fierce as a lion cub, "Don't touch my mother!"

Lao Jiu stepped forward and kicked the boy, causing him to lie down. However, the boy quickly got up, ran to the wooden cart, jumped up, grabbed the short man, and bit his shoulder.

"Ah - this brat bit me, let go! Let go!"

The short man swung wildly, but the boy held him tightly.

When pedestrians on the roadside saw this scene, they lowered their heads numbly and walked by without having the strength or the inclination to mind their own business.

"Baby, you are such a waste, you can't even handle a child."

Lao Jiu came over and punched the boy in the face. The boy was so painful that he subconsciously let go of his mouth and rolled down on the wooden board.

He quickly sat up, stretched out his short arms to protect his mother behind him, and at the same time groped with his hands on the wooden board.

"Little turtle grandson, let's see if I don't beat you to death!"

Lao Ba felt that he had lost face and walked towards the boy with a sinister smile.

When he raised his hand, he was stunned for a moment because he saw the boy holding a dagger in both hands, facing him.

"Don't come over, or else...or I, I'll stab you to death!"

The boy pretended to be fierce, but in fact his hands were shaking slightly.

His mother said that good children can't fight, so he was very patient in the village, but he didn't listen in the end.

My mother even said that good children cannot kill people, and it is always difficult for people with blood on their hands to be happy.

But these are two adults in front of him, and he is just a five-year-old child. No one will help him. To protect himself and his mother, he has to rely on himself.

"Fuck, you're so fierce, you have a knife, it's amazing, it'll be mine soon."

Lao Ba wanted to retreat a little bit, but Lao Jiu was looking at him. If he couldn't even handle a child of several years old, how could he still mess around?

After all, he was slapped away. He was still a child after all. He was too scared to react and was slapped to the ground.

The boy was even more frightened, and the hand holding the knife was shaking.

what to do?

Are my mother and I going to be eaten today?

He knew what the two men were talking about. The day before yesterday, he had seen people who had lost their children due to famine.

He tried his best to straighten his body and stared up at "Lao Ba". The hand holding the knife was still shaking. He hadn't eaten for two days and he had no strength at this time.

He mustered up the courage to rush forward and stab Lao Ba, but as soon as he took a step forward, his hand hurt, and the dagger fell to the ground. Lao Jiu hit him with a stone. He was too nervous and forgot that there was something else. Another theatergoer.

He quickly squatted down to pick up the knife. As soon as the knife touched the ground, his hand was stepped on by a dry and dirty foot.

"Old man, you are such a waste, what's the ink stain on you!?"

Lao Jiu stepped on the boy's hand and wanted to spit out the habit, but he swallowed it halfway. Water is also a precious resource.

At this moment, there was a sudden tremor on the road, and a thunderous sound was heard in the distance.

Refugees at the border these days are all familiar with this sound. It’s the sound of horse hooves!

Lao Ba and Lao Jiu raised their heads in panic and looked at the other side of the road. Smoke and dust were flying, and there were hundreds of horses galloping.

Those are not ordinary horses. They are trained by the military through special technology. Each horse is nearly six feet tall (from feet to neck/horseback), with muscles all over the body, and a steel mask on the face. It is not as gentle as It is a herbivore, but it looks like a bloodthirsty beast.

At the front is the tallest black horse, and riding it is a young man wearing a black military uniform. He looks only thirteen or fourteen years old, but judging from his attire, he is already a captain!

Seeing the army, refugees lined the streets to greet them, some cheering, and some begging for food.

The people are not afraid of the empire's army. The empire's secret blood warriors are of high quality and rarely bully civilians. Under the five thousand years of "secret blood culture", the secret blood warriors are idols worshiped by the public.

Lao Jiu felt the surging momentum, and was stunned for a moment. It was only after Lao Ba pulled him down that he realized that they were standing in the middle of the road!

But this army of secret blood warriors seemed to have no intention of slowing down, and the horses galloped extremely fast.

When he reacted, he let go of his feet and wanted to run to the side with Lao Ba. As for the brat and the woman in the middle of the road, they had nothing to do with them.

But he still underestimated the speed of the secret blood warriors' march, especially when the young man riding the black horse broke out of the team and rushed over at the lead.

Whether it was an illusion or not, he actually felt that this young man seemed to have locked onto him. When he was stared at by those red eyes, his whole body felt like he had fallen into an ice cave, and he couldn't even move.


Lao Ba pulled Lao Jiu twice, and when he saw that the other man was not moving, he wanted to run away, but when he turned around, he saw that the black horse had already rushed in front of them.

The young man pulled the reins, and the black horse's front hooves lifted up, almost grazing their faces. The sound of the black horse's footsteps on the ground was like stepping on their hearts.

The young man turned over and dismounted, looked at the scene, glanced at the two frightened refugees, and then looked at the little boy who tremblingly picked up the dagger. He probably understood what happened here.

He frowned and felt sick. It was their soldiers' fault that they lost the war, but such behavior still disgusted him.

He looked at the boy, "What do you want to do?"

"They want to eat me and my mother. I have to protect myself."

The boy lowered his head and said.


The young man's voice was cold, "You can't even hold a knife tightly, and you still want to protect your mother?"

At this time, the army of secret blood warriors arrived and surrounded the place. They lined up neatly, all young people no more than twenty years old, looking respectfully at the young man standing on the ground.

"S-Sir, the younger one is just a refugee. If, if nothing happens... can we leave now?"

Lao Jiu nodded with a guilty conscience, not daring to ask for food like other hungry people.

In the empire, murder is not a capital crime depending on the circumstances, but cannibalism... you will be punished!

They are eating a lot of kids these days.

"I can only do my best."

The boy answered the boy's question. For him, there was nothing to miss. He was the last relative left with his mother. He would rather fight to the death than be eaten.

"Then do your best."

The young man glanced at the woman lying on the wooden board, a hint of invisible shock flashed in his eyes, and walked back to the team. He was not prepared to punish the two cannibals.

He returned to the team and said to the two cannibals: "You continue, if you win, you can take the people away."

Lao Ba asked suspiciously: "Really?"

The boy didn't answer, and it seemed like they had no choice.

Then he looked at the boy fiercely and took steps.

The boy nervously clenched the dagger and rushed towards Lao Ba, but was kicked and beaten by the two men in turn.

The young man standing in the team had an expressionless face. A girl next to him looked a little unbearable and said, "Is this really what you're looking at?"


The young man said indifferently, but his eyes were always locked on the situation in the field, ready to take action at any time.

Three minutes later, the boy suddenly let out a menacing roar, his eyes were red, he lifted himself up from the ground, pushed against Lao Jiu's feet, and overturned him.

He found that feeling again, just like the last time he knocked down the boy who was four years older than him. The blood in his body seemed to heat up, and strength continued to pour in.

The moment he overturned the opponent, he grabbed the dagger that he had previously pinned under his body, turned around, jumped up, and stabbed the man's throat with the knife.

Then, when Lao Ba was in fright, he stepped on Lao Jiu's chest with his legs, pulled out a dagger, jumped up in the air, and stabbed Lao Ba's chest again.

The battle between the ogre and the boy came to an end. The boy's bruised and swollen face was covered with blood, both his and the two ogres'.

He sat on the ground panting violently, his strength dissipated like a flood, and he fell into weakness. At this time, a water bag appeared in front of him. He almost didn't have time to think about it. He took it and started drinking.

But halfway through the drink, it was snatched away again. The young man stood beside the boy and said, "You can't drink too much water at this time."

He pulled the boy up and asked, "What's your name?"

The boy was silent for a moment and said, "Lu Chen."

He looked at the boy as if he wanted to know his name.

But the young man walked aside, stood in front of the wooden board, and gave a military salute, "Commander Lin Jiang, I have met Commander Xue!"

The surrounding secret blood warriors dismounted one after another and saluted: "I have seen Commander Xue!"

Little Lu Chen was confused for a moment, not understanding what was going on.

This big brother...does he know his mother?

"Brother Lin Jiang, do you know my mother?"

Xiao Lu Chen asked his doubts.

Lin Jiang touched little Lu Chen's head and looked at the redness in his eyes gradually receding, "Commander Xue was once my instructor, and your father was once... the strongest secret blood warrior I have ever seen. "

When the surrounding Secret Blood warriors heard this, they looked at little Lu Chen in surprise. Didn't they expect that the two of them had given birth to a child after they defected from the military camp? ?

"Mom and dad are... secret blood warriors?"

Little Lu Chen finally understood why his mother knew the secret blood warrior so well and told him a story. His father looked so healthy, but suddenly died of a "serious illness".

But what about mom... mom is still alive! ?

"Yes, it's amazing that you were able to carry your mother for so long, but I must tell you that Commander Xue will not wake up."

After Lin Jiang finished speaking, the girl next to him pulled off his sleeve.

He shook his head, "I never lie about this kind of thing."

He leaned down and stared into little Lu Chen's eyes, "Do you want to follow me back to the military camp? You are a natural adaptor and can become a powerful secret blood warrior."

Little Lu Chen hesitated, "But mother said she won't let me become a secret blood warrior."

Lin Jiang glanced at Commander Xue and sighed in his heart, it really seemed like something she would say.

If it were in peaceful times, no female secret blood warrior would want their children to take this path... Although this was the first time he had seen a secret blood warrior giving birth to a child.

Using the secret medicine means sacrificing one's lifespan and future. As far as he knows, even if there are secret blood warriors who successfully retire at the age of eighteen, none of them will be able to have children.

This is God's gift to the Mystical Blood Warrior, and it is also a curse.

Out of personal love, if it was in a peaceful era, he might secretly raise little Lu Chen and let him live a normal life.

But now that the war is tense and the war is chaotic, he himself cannot protect himself. Instead of watching this child die on the way to escape, it is better to give him the right to choose.

"Do you know why I didn't take action just now?"

Lin Jiang walked to the dark horse.

"You should solve your own problems by yourself."

Xiao Lu Chen silently replied that he had always been here like this.

Lin Jiang looked back at little Lu Chen. He didn't expect that he would already have this ideological consciousness at such a young age. Even in the military camp, the children who were sent there were crying for the secret medicine during the training. leave.

He shook his head, "I just want to tell you that now is a... cannibalistic world."

He got on his horse and said, "If you don't have the strength, why do you protect your mother?"

Little Lu Chen held the dagger. The fear after killing gradually came over him, and his body trembled slightly. "Being a secret blood you have to kill a lot of people?"

"You'll have blood on your hands."

Lin Jiang recounted the facts, not caring that there was only a five-year-old child below him.

Little Lu Chen lowered his head. His mother said that people with blood on their hands will not be happy.

But even if his mother couldn't wake up, he could still fall asleep peacefully while listening to her breathing. He wanted to protect her and wait for the so-called miracle.

After a long time, little Lu Chen raised his head and said, "I'm going with Brother Lin."

"Even if it gets your hands dirty?"

Lin Jiang asked rhetorically.

"I am the only man left in my family. If getting my hands dirty can protect my mother and survive in a world of cannibalism, then I am willing..."

A forced smile appeared on his little face, and he looked at his blood-stained hand holding the dagger, "Besides, I'm not clean anymore."

Lin Jiang nodded, "Yingying, take him on the horse."

As he spoke, he looked at the woman on the board and sighed in his heart, "Zhiwei, take Commander Xue with you."

The girl named Zhiwei dismounted happily after hearing this, carried Commander Xue on her back, and whispered as she passed by Lin Jiang: "You're obviously not that cruel."

"Let's go to the nearest camp first, then to the front line."

Lin Jiang gave orders, and it was impossible for him to take little Lu Chen to the battlefield.

Little Lu Chen hugged the waist of the sister in front of him, his consciousness a little distracted, feeling the breeze blowing on his face, looking at his mother who was being carried by another sister not far away, and slowly closed his eyes.

Sorry mom...I didn't listen to you.

In a daze, he seemed to feel his mother's warm embrace again.

"no problem, no problem……"

He seemed to hear his mother's voice, soothing his heart.

Tears could no longer be held back and fell from the corners of his eyes. He stretched out his hands and wanted to hug tightly, "Mom!"

He opened his eyes, stood up subconsciously, and hugged the soft body tightly.

One Rouyi gently stroked his short hair, while the other gently patted his back, as if to soothe his inner uneasiness.

"It's okay, it's okay."

That sweet and beautiful voice brought him into reality. The person he was holding was not his mother. The smooth burgundy hair brushed his cheek, and her warm face was pressed against his. It was Eri Yi.

He woke up.

"Godzilla, it's okay."

Eliyi was still patting Lu Chen's back.

Lu Chen's first reaction was that he had fainted and had been sleeping for an unknown period of time.

The second reaction's so embarrassing!

But under the girl's soft comfort, he opened his mouth, and finally closed it again. He relaxed and hugged the girl in his arms, looking up at the solid wood ceiling at the top, "I'm fine."

After a long time, the boy and girl separated, but the warmth of each other still remained.

"Godzilla...had a nightmare?"

Erika was wearing a pink nightgown and sitting at the head of the bed.

Lu Chen leaned on the head of the bed, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and exhaled slowly, "I remembered some things from the past. They are all in the past."

He turned to look at Eriyi, and then turned his gaze slightly. Maybe it was because the hug just now was too hard. The girl's pajamas were a bit messy, and the shoulder strap on one side slipped slightly, revealing the flawless white butterfly bones and the lower part. Deep valleys obscured by shadows.

My consciousness gradually woke up, but I couldn't recall the feeling I had when I wasn't quite awake just now.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Lu Chen changed the topic.

"Three days, I thought... I thought..."

Eli Yi's voice became smaller and smaller. Lu Chen put his big hand on Eli Yi's head, "It's okay. I promised Eli Yi that I won't die."


Eriki stared into Lu Chen's eyes and confirmed.

Lu Chen nodded seriously, "I promise Eryi that no matter what happens, I will try my best to survive."

Eriki's eyes turned slightly, and she asked suspiciously: "Even if you meet a super powerful opponent, you will have fun fighting and not run away?"


Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, and finally nodded with difficulty, "...If I find that I can't beat him, I will run away."

"Is Godzilla really okay?"

Eliyi was still a little worried, so she raised her hand and placed it on Lu Chen Chiguo's chest, as if she wanted to feel the boy's heartbeat.

Lu Chen's heart beat unexpectedly faster and became more powerful, "It's okay... I'm just a little hungry."

"Zero arranges for someone to do it every day. It should be ready right now. Godzilla, let's go out to eat together."

After Eri got up, she walked to the next door. She was going to change clothes. Senior sister Miranla said that girls should not change clothes for boys to see.

Lu Chen got up and took a shower first, then put on a new shirt. When he and Eri went out, they found themselves in a folk-style building.

"Where is this?"

Lu Chen looked at the long corridor and felt that it didn't look like a Mayan village, let alone a college.

Eriki tried hard to think of the name, "Zero said it was the Ocean Magic Hot Spring Hotel. We are still in the Yucatan Peninsula."

Arriving at the hall, sumptuous food was already prepared on the central table. Ling and Lu Mingfei stood up to greet Lu Chen.

"President, you're awake."

After Zero said hello, he took out his mobile phone and replied to the execution department, so that the medical team that was going to come for review today would not have to come.

"Has anyone checked me out?"

Lu Chen chewed up half of the lobster and swallowed it. He frowned and guessed something when he looked at Zero's movements.

"After we landed, the executive department immediately sent a top medical team to check the president's condition."

Zero explained.

"They didn't do any tests on me, right?"

Lu Chen was a little wary.

Zero shook his head and looked at Eri Yi, "Eri Yi only asked them to inject you with energy and other nutritional medicine. After all, the wounds on your body, President, have basically healed on their own."

Eriki said: "Godzilla doesn't like others drawing his blood."

The medical team wanted to draw blood tests and prescribe the right medicine, but Eri Yi stopped her. Lu Chen was just unconscious and breathing steadily. With her naturally sharp intuition, she felt that the person with gold and blue eyes in the medical team had evil intentions.

For this reason, she stayed by Godzilla's side for the next few days, never leaving him, fearing that someone would hurt Godzilla while he was unconscious.

"Eriyi did a great job!"

Lu Chen gave a thumbs up, feeling a little scared. He should be careful to prevent himself from falling into a coma in the future.

The fourth degree of violent blood is a forbidden skill for him. If it was not Eryi who ran towards him at that time, but Lu Mingfei or Ling, he might have already killed him.

As a large amount of high-calorie food entered his body, he felt that the weakness gradually disappeared, as if he was resurrected.

"Senior Brother Lu..."

Seeing that Lu Chen had almost eaten, Lu Mingfei spoke hesitantly.

"What's wrong, hesitating?"

Lu Chen was a little confused and looked at Ling and Eriyi again. Ling was fine, but Eriyi was slightly depressed.

"Senior Brother Chu, he...he..."

Lu Mingfei found it difficult to speak.

Lu Chen's expression became serious, "Brother Chu, what's wrong with him?"

"The vice-president led the war practice class, and something happened."

Seeing that Lu Mingfei couldn't hold it in, Ling answered.

Lu Chen stood up suddenly, with intimidating anger in his eyes, "What's wrong with him!"

Eryi carefully pulled off the corner of Lu Chen's clothes, "'s not what you think. Senior Brother Chu was seriously injured and is unconscious."

Lu Chen was slightly relieved in his heart. It was good that he was not dead. Then he looked sulky again and asked, "What hurt Brother Chu?"

Ling said: "It is a second-generation species with a dragon body. It has been killed by the vice-president."

"Next generation?"

Lu Chen was slightly surprised. It wasn't that he looked down on Brother Chu, but the next generation with a dragon body was a very difficult opponent for Chu Zihang to defeat.

"The vice president used Rhine. The trauma is actually nothing, but his spirit was traumatized, so he fell asleep."

Zero explained.

"Where are the freshmen he leads?"

Lu Chen frowned. He couldn't blame Chu Zihang for not listening to his advice and forcibly using Rhine. After all, facing the next generation with a dragon body, Chu Zihang had no choice.

"The freshmen are fine. Xia Mi performed very well. Not only did he allow the freshmen to evacuate in advance, but when Rhine was about to devour Chu Zihang, he used the spirit of words to evacuate together with the help of the explosive wind."

When Ling was narrating, she felt very strange in her heart. She couldn't figure out why Xia Mi wanted to save Chu Zihang.

"It's her..."

Lu Chen thought of the girl who was very skilled in exerting force, "I must thank her properly when I go back."

"No one in the academy wants to cause trouble, right?"

Lu Chen asked again.

Zero shook his head, "Rhine is indeed a super-high-risk word spirit. One of the school directors mentioned it, but the principal simply dismissed it. After all, everyone knows the origin of the name of Kassel College. The first Lionheart President Mene The spirit of Kcasel’s words is Rhine.”

It's ridiculous to say that under the academy's system in previous years, Yanlings like Jun Yan, who had just reached the high-risk level, would be subject to strict scrutiny, and the safety of their bloodline would even be questioned.

But when it was revealed that Chu Zihang's speaking spirit was Rhine, who was in the highest-risk category, everyone didn't think it was a big deal. Because of Meineke Cassel, this speaking spirit seemed to give the user a halo.

If you question the owner of this word spirit, you are questioning the first Lionheart President, and you are questioning the Cassel Academy itself.

In addition, everyone knows that Chu Zihang has a good relationship with Lu Chen, and no one wants to get into trouble with this. After all, there is already a trial of No. 111 in the academy, and now there are multiple Lahines with No. 112, it seems... is it not unacceptable?

Facing the biggest and most powerful monster, it seemed that Rhine... was just that.

"Does the Academy want us to stay here?"

Lu Chen originally thought he would be sent back to the academy.

"The principal said that the matter in Atlantis is not over yet, and since we have learned from the past, everyone will feel relieved that the president is here."

Zero explained that the lesson she was talking about was, of course, "someone" stealing the Dragon Bone Cross.

As long as Lu Chen is still nearby, even if he is in a coma, "someone" will not dare to act rashly.

Of course, they were not entirely sure, so the nanny group had been keeping an eye on them day and night these past few days.

"Dragon bone cross..."

Lu Chen sighed.

"President, don't you... don't want to go get it?"

Zero asked tentatively. She felt empathy in Lu Chen just after the battle a few days ago.

Lu Chen swallowed another piece of steak, "Take, someone said that any killing without the purpose of eating is a cruel massacre. If I don't use the Dragon Bone Cross to continue to become stronger, then this battle will be meaningless."

He glanced at Eriki and thought about everything he had in this world.

Just like the dream he had today, what the instructor once said to himself, if he can't even hold the sword tightly, why should he protect the one he loves?

If he cannot continue to grow stronger and kill the Black King Nidhogg, then everything he holds dear will be destroyed.

He will also have sympathy, but it is only for Ixichel and Dudu, not for Egil.

When the craze of war is about to hit, if he gives up on becoming stronger because he is soft-hearted and pretentious, which will eventually lead to the end of everything, that would be an irreparable mistake.

Ichichel's death would also be meaningless.

He had made up his mind many years ago that in order to protect the people he cherished, he could get his hands... dirty.

"Senior Brother Lu...the execution department is waiting for your report and summary."

After finishing the meal, Lu Mingfei reminded.

"In the evening, I want to go out for a walk."

Lu Chen waved his hand and walked out of the hotel with Eli Yi.

The sun is still dazzling, the sea breeze is still gentle, and it seems that the storm has never come.

He and Eriki walked on the beach, and finally came to the rock again. There was only the sound of the waves crashing, and the girl who sang so beautifully was no longer there.

"Commissioner Lu, we have completed the psychological counseling for the villagers. Is there anything else we need to give you?"

A specialist from the executive department walked up behind Lu Chen and Eriki in a puzzled manner. He had just come out of the Mayan village.

Lu Chen shook his head, "Where is Granny Keya?"

The Executive Department Commissioner reported: "The old woman fell asleep yesterday morning and passed away."

"What did you tell your mother-in-law?"

Lu Chen was referring to Ixichel.

"We said Ichichel was injured and was taken to a hospital in the United States for treatment."

the commissioner replied.

"What was your mother-in-law's reaction?"

The commissioner thought for a while, "She nodded, didn't say anything, and went back to the house."

"I understand, why don't you go and do your work first?"

Lu Chen waved his hand.


Eliyi held Lu Chen's hand, and she knew that Granny Keya should understand.

The two of them walked through the Mayan village without speaking, and the people in the village were holding funerals for Granny Keya.

At this time, a courier walked into the village and saw Lu Chen and Eriki. He felt that they were two easy-to-communicate people, so he stepped forward and asked, "Are you two regular visitors to the village? The Mayan people ignored me. I thought Let me ask you, do you know someone named Ixichel? Here is an admission notice sent to her."

Lu Chen looked at the courier, who also took out the mailing document and pointed to the full name on it.

He nodded, "Give it to me, I'll put it at her house."

The courier was a little embarrassed, "This needs to be signed in person. The notification letter is very important."

"The sending location is Cornell University in the United States. The sender is President Choms. The contact number is XXXXXX. The recipient's phone number is XXXXX. I asked you to send it."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, the courier looked at the Mayans who were attending funerals and ignored him, and then confirmed various information before handing the notice to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen silently put away the notice and walked out of the Mayan village with Eryi.

The girl who wanted to go to Cornell University still couldn't wait for this piece of paper.


At night, in Lu Chen's room, the projector was turned on and connected to the college headquarters.

As soon as the video was connected, he saw a bearded Arab man squeezing in front of the camera, his face full of flattery.

"Lu Chen, oh, no, Commissioner Lu, oh, that's not right either... School Director Lu!"

Minister Akadulla smiled and said, "It's great that you're awake. When can you come back? You are really the father of the Equipment Department! We can't wait to study Atlantis' technology! "

Minister Akadulla was more respectful than ever before. If it weren't for the screen, he might even lean down and kiss Lu Chen's feet.


It actually really exists, and there is such advanced high technology that is different from the development line of modern science and technology.

If they can be brought back and studied by the Equipment Department, their technology and alchemy skills will be greatly improved.

It may not be realistic to develop weapons against the Dragon King, but the research point can deal with weapons of the third generation species...or even the second generation species, isn't that too much?

Moreover, what Minister Akadulla is most interested in is not the alchemy weapons and armors, but the hover vehicles and aircraft. He is very curious about the energy sources of these things and wishes he could have one in front of him right away to dismantle and study them.

Minister Akadulla wanted to continue talking, but was kicked away by a foot. It was the vice principal. He walked to the camera with a beer belly and said, "Lu Chen, you didn't mess around this time, did you?"

Lu Chen understood what the vice-principal meant, "No, I followed the vice-principal's instructions this time. The remains of the first-generation species are all intact."

The night watchman breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as it's intact."

He is not doing it for aesthetic reasons, because to completely refine the Dragon King's spirit, he needs to connect his alchemy matrix from the Dragon Spine Center. After the extraction, the dragon bone will not disappear, but will become a fragile body, so Every time he has to put it together first, otherwise the refining will be incomplete.

"You don't have to worry about that boy Chu Zihang. He's just mentally traumatized. I gave him some 'tonic medicine'. He can sleep for a few months at most. Maybe he'll be stronger when he wakes up."

The vice principal knew what Lu Chen was mainly concerned about.

"Can this still happen?"

Lu Chenxin asked what kind of 'tonic' it was. If it could be effective for the spirit, he would also like to take some.

"Forget it, kid. The Nibelungen Plan is much better than my little things. The 'tonic' is of no use to you now. Don't think that Chu Zihang has suffered. He is enjoying it now."

The night watchman said with admiration, "It's great to be young."


Lu Chen was even more puzzled. He thought that he was half-dead by his own words and spirits, and he still had to rely on 'tonics' to survive. How could this be enjoyment?

"Like you, he has a beautiful junior sister to take care of him after he is in a coma. He is very considerate. They say a friend in need is a friend indeed. I feel like your vice-president and junior sister had sparks during the battle."

The vice-principal whispered to himself, "Why didn't I have such good things when I was young?"

But he seems to have forgotten what a bull he was when he was young.

"Brother Chu, just be fine."

Lu Chen silently mourned for the junior sister for a few seconds in his heart. Based on his understanding of Chu Zihang, he was a more stupid person than himself. Before the revenge was completed, he basically rejected all feelings between men and women.

Even if Luo Hua has feelings, Flowing Water has no intention either.

"The old guy in Angers seems to want to say something to you, but he probably has a lot to say. Let's wait until you return to the academy to talk. Now, hurry up and search for the inheritance of Atlantis, and then bring the Dragon Bone Cross back to save you a lot of sleepless nights. .”

The night watchman used the word "search" without scruple, making it clear that he wanted to bring back everything that Atlantis could bring.

As for the long nights and many dreams, everyone knows what it means. It seems that some thieves are always thinking about the dragon bone cross planted in the first generation.

After nightfall, Lu Chen adjusted his condition and went into the sea with the people from the execution department.

The body of the monarch with the body of a dragon was too big. Even with Atlantis's aircraft, it would be difficult to pull it up, so Lu Chen, a senior laborer, could only be used.

He has the Poseidon's Armor, and by borrowing strength from the sea, he can slowly "carry up" the giant dragon.

By now, the academy was no longer surprised by Lu Chen's power.

Many people think that he absorbed the power of the two first-generation species, and that the Nibelungen Plan was successfully implemented, which is why he has the power he has today.

After all, he was the first person in history to successfully execute the Nibelungen Plan, and no one could predict how far it would improve.

After diving into the deep sea, he found Egil's Dragon Bone Cross and also found Dudu. After the vice-principal extracted the power from the Dragon Bone Cross, he planned to bury them in his hometown and wish them an afterlife and a happy family. .

Atlantis withstood the impact of high-pressure seawater, and many buildings were destroyed. It slowly sank, which is not the same as the impact of being dropped by seawater five thousand meters below.

He cooperated with the specialists flying the aircraft to collect a large number of technological and alchemical items, making several trips back and forth.

In the end, he fought the dragon and sent it to Hovalpnir, which had been parked on the sea. The subsequent search could be left to the commissioners of the execution department.

This area of ​​the sea will be continuously salvaged for several months until there is no more valuable items left in Atlantis.

A week later, Lu Chen and others returned to Kassel College.

The World Python stopped in front of the school gate, and dozens of heavy transport planes carrying giant dragons flew through the air.

The young man in a black trench coat took the red-haired girl's hand and got out of the car. The red maples falling from the mountain fell across the two people's eyes.

"It's autumn."

Lu Chen sighed slightly, turned to Eri Yi and said, "Eri Yi and Ling will go to the dormitory first. I'll go to the ice cellar first."

Eriki nodded obediently and got into Miranla's car with Zero.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, walked to the side of the carriage. The door of the carriage opened sideways and a huge silver box was pulled out from inside.

As he walked around the campus, the ground was obscured by shadows because of the shadow of a dragon in the sky.

He walked all the way to the back of a building, where the vice-principal was waiting for him.

"Is this newly opened?"

Lu Chen looked at the huge lifting platform.

"Isn't that right? The dragon body this time is too big and complete. When the ice cellar transport elevator was designed, it was not considered to pass such a large object. It is not difficult to put the numbers back together after the pyramid is disassembled, but the dragon body is dismantled. It’s very troublesome to open and recombine, and if you don’t do it properly, it will also affect the extraction efficiency.”

The night watchman hinted wildly, meaning that Lu Chen did a good job this time and please do the same next time.

"The efficiency of the college is quite high."

Lu Chen praised, the diameter of this newly opened lift platform exceeds 100 meters. It seems that the college wants to get it right at the first step to avoid insufficient use in the future.

Such a building was completed in just a dozen days. I have to say that the people in the equipment department and engineering department are still very capable.

"Is this the Dragon King who evolved to perfection?"

The night watchman looked curiously at the box pulled behind Lu Chen.

Lu Chen nodded, "According to Nordic mythology, he should be Egil, but he has not fully absorbed it, so he is not a true complete dragon king."

If Egil had been given another five minutes, he might have been able to completely drain his brother with the help of the alchemical matrix, but he didn't have five minutes left.

Lu Chen is eager to fight against the strong, but he will not wait for his opponent to become stronger like Vegeta in Dragon Ball.

"Are you planning to strengthen your skills in the next two days?"

The night watchman looked at Lu Chen, "Why don't you rest for a few days first?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "You have rested enough. I will assist you and strengthen it as soon as possible after refining it. After it is over..."

He glanced at the box behind him and said, "...I'm going to send her back to her hometown. This is what Eri means."

The night watchman sighed, "It seems that you have become familiar with that girl a few days ago."

He waved his hand and said, "This is not my area of ​​expertise. Let the old guy from Angers talk to you in two days."

After that, he activated the lifting platform, and the two of them sank down to the ice cellar.

First, let Lu Chen place the dragon body of the Power Lord, and then the two of them went directly to the Night Watchman's workshop to refine Egil's spirit and strength.

Because Egil used his power to quickly regenerate his limbs in the later stages of the battle, his dragon body was intact.

This is why the vice-principal is obsessed with "completeness", because once it is chopped into pieces, he cannot judge whether the core of Dragon King's power is incomplete.

The same limbs of the Dragon King were torn off by Lu Chen and dropped to the ground. If they were brought back, even the Philosopher's Stone would not be able to refine them, so they would be ineffective.

The power refining of the complete dragon body went smoothly, and by the end of the night, five injections that Lu Chen had used before were refined.

Although a lot of the power of the Power Lord has been absorbed, Lu Chen feels that two more can be extracted from the withered dragon body, which is more than the previous bronze and fire dragon kings combined.

"No need to be surprised. I read the report. The power of the King of Ocean and Water has no judgment. The chains that bind you are the mythical Gleipnir. They were used when executing the White King. These twins are obviously The guards stole the White King's power, and they are stronger than ordinary first-generation species."

The night watchman explained, looking at Lu Chen, "As for how you broke free from that chain, I won't ask."

Their previous speculations were partially confirmed. Lu Chen was indeed not a pure dragon hybrid, but the speculation that Lu Chen was a descendant of the gods was untenable.

Because this chain can also trap the gods, but Lu Chen broke free and used another kind of power hidden in his body.

"Aren't you afraid that I am some other monster?"

Lu Chen smiled.

After finishing his work, the night watchman stretched and rolled his eyes, "I don't care what kind of little monster you are, anyway, we are on the same team now."

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