Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 32 Critical Blood Limit

"By the way, Senior Sister, I've always had a question about why those hybrids degenerated into Deadpools. I already knew the concept of critical blood limit in the course, but there's something about it that doesn't make sense."

Being bored on the road, Lu Chen transformed into a good student who was open-minded and eager to learn.

In the concept of hybrids, once the dragon's genetic blood ratio exceeds that limit, humanity will gradually lose its humanity and gradually become biased towards dragons, that is, the blood will get out of control and degenerate into a deadpool.

But the rickety man Lu Chen saw had only a B-level bloodline, and he heard from Fingel that the higher the purity of the bloodline, the higher the grade.

In theory, B-class hybrids are not very high-blooded and should be very safe. Shouldn't it be A-class and S-class hybrids that are prone to losing control?

"I know what you want to ask, junior brother. This aspect was not discussed in detail in my freshman year, so I understand your misunderstanding."

Luticia explained: "First of all, junior brother, you have to understand that bloodline purity and the proportion of human-dragon genes are two different concepts. Of course, usually the proportion of dragon genes in A-level and S-level is not low."

Chu Zihang also opened his eyes, obviously very interested in this topic.

"To put it simply, for the same two hybrids, their dragon genes account for 40%, but among the same share, one of them has a higher purity, so there is a difference. One of them is Grade A. One of them is Class B."

Considering that Lu Chen did not have a higher education, Luticia tried to be concise and concise, and even took out an orange and cut it in half.

"For example, there are so many of them. One is an orange, and the other is made of steel. The properties are of course different."

"Junior brother, people like you have a high proportion of blood and high purity, but they happen to fall into a safe and stable category. From a genetic point of view, the probability of giving birth to an offspring of S-class blood is extremely low. Yes, the probability of getting an SSR is even lower than when you draw a card. S-level is like a gift from the gods to humans."

Luticia consciously used an easy-to-understand expression.

"What is SSR? Isn't S-level the highest?"

Lu Chen was confused and shocked. SSR sounded much better than S.

He obviously didn't get Lutitia's clues.

"It is the highest rarity card in some kind of card drawing game. The probability of winning it is very small."

Chu Zihang was explaining on the side. He didn't play either, but he was always knowledgeable.

"So, whether you will degenerate into a deadpool has nothing to do with your original bloodline rating. However, it is usually those with higher bloodlines who are more likely to be corrupted, because those hybrids with very low bloodlines have low-blooded parents. Human genes account for a relatively large proportion, and it is difficult to produce a mutant, so those that usually go out of control are mostly A-level and B-level hybrids."

Luticia continued to explain, and Lu Chen understood it this time.

To put it simply, you were originally a weak person, and after the fall, you are still not much stronger. But if your original bloodline purity is high, the changes after the fall will be terrible.

"The target of our mission this time should originally be an A-level hybrid. When he crosses that line, his strength will definitely be stronger than the normal A-level hybrid, and even better than your peak state, junior brother, so junior brother You should be more careful."

Lutitia couldn't help but roll her eyes when she saw Lu Chen looking at the scenery and flowing clouds outside the window.

Lu Chen turned around and smiled and asked, "Senior sister, have you seen me in my peak state?"

Luticia was speechless for a moment, thinking that these words sounded extremely shameless, but she had indeed never seen her junior brother's speech spirit, at least not before.

"I heard that you are very good at profiling, senior sister. Why don't you guess what my word spirit is?"

There might be a fight soon, but Lu Chen was in a good mood and still had the heart to joke with his senior sister.

Chu Zihang was also curious on the side. He once asked Lu Chen about Yan Ling, but Lu Chen said he was still in the process of awakening and was not sure.

"Don't guess!"

Luticia turned her head away angrily.


Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can have a panoramic view of Birmingham.

The tall buildings in the distance tower upright into the dark and turbid sky, reminding people of the jagged peaks in landscape paintings, and of the breathtaking stone forests rising from the ground.

As night falls, the fog caused by industrial pollution becomes even thicker, making people feel like there is some beast hidden in the foggy darkness.

Lu Chen and others had just finished dinner in Birmingham. In order to pursue the efficiency of the task and not waste everyone's time, Lu Chen regretted that he only ate half full.

There are 20 main members of the team, and they are divided into two teams. Team A is responsible for protecting Miranla, and team B is responsible for protecting Lutitia.

Now is the impromptu meeting before the start of the mission. Mainly because Luticia, who is good at profiling, has browsed various information on the road and has come to a new conclusion, which she needs to inform everyone.

"After summarizing the characteristics of the victim, I judged that Slaughter has some kind of complex. Have you ever thought about why he insists on violating women with these characteristics?"

Lutitia pointed to the big screen, on which the nine victims were lined up.

"The nine victims have no social relations. Except for our commissioner, the others did not have any enemies in their lives. At least they would not have enemies who killed them in that way. This is the most important reason why we have no breakthrough now. .”

Yes, serial murders are one of the most difficult types of cases to detect, because this type of criminal often commits crimes randomly, not for vendetta or other purposes. He may find someone he likes and kill him at any time when he is interested. .

Therefore, it is difficult to identify the suspect from the victim's social network, but Slaughter is different. His purpose is too clear, and all the victims have the same characteristics, as if they have some kind of perverted obsession.

"Sister, are you trying to say that we haven't found the cause yet?"

Susie asked.

"Yes, everything happens for a reason. It would be difficult if he just killed people randomly, but his behavior only shows one thing. There is something that makes him obsessed with women with this kind of characteristics. We haven't discovered it yet. Victim number one!”

Luticia's words immediately cheered up the people in the conference room and found a breakthrough.

"And the first victim, the unknown woman, definitely has a social relationship with Slaughter. As long as she is found, it will be much easier to identify the murderer."

After speaking, Lutitia bowed, indicating that she had finished speaking, and stepped back. Executor Philemon stepped onto the stage.

"As Lutitia said, I have mobilized the local police through three parties to further collect information and inquire about missing women who meet the requirements. However, there are no women with reporting records who meet the above characteristics, so we can only wait for follow-up news from the police. In short, it’s a good thing to have an extra breakthrough. After repairs, we should proceed according to the original plan.”

There was a unanimous response from the audience, and the Night Owls from the execution department poured into the city.

Thanks to [Status of Book Abundance Every Year] for the 300-point reward, thank you to [Square and Paper] for the 100-point reward, thank you to [Ghost Face Qianjue] for the 100-point reward, and thank you to [Supreme Dharma Master] for the reward. 100 points coins

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