Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 321 Yuan Zhisheng killed someone! (2-in-1)

Mentioning this, Yuan Zhisheng sighed, shook his head and said: "There is nothing we can do for the time being. Surgery to split the pons is irreversible. Our body has a strong ability to heal itself, but this should be done during the fetal period. When we grow up, The body judges this to be normal, so it cannot heal itself.”

Strictly speaking, it was just a small wound, not worth mentioning to people of their bloodline, but the body considered that place normal.

Yuan Zhisheng has a strong self-healing ability, but he heals instinctively in the body. If he wants to control the bloodline to heal a specific point in the body, it is simply impossible.

Uesugoshi looked sad after hearing this.

You must know that there is no threshold for banging. He cannot stay by his children's side for the rest of his life. Besides, his physical condition cannot live for five or six years.

The old guy in Angers was right. His desires were extinguished and he lacked exercise, so his body aged quickly. Even A-level hybrids would not suffer from many diseases, but he, a pure royal blood owner, had a lot of diseases. sick.

Lu Chen frowned slightly and thought, this is the disadvantage of dragon blood, or the disadvantage of "instant" strong men like Yuan Zhisheng. They have high dragon blood, but they don't understand the true meaning of their own blood.

For example, Yuan Zhisheng's bloodline is actually close to the second-generation species, and his healing control of the body is not even as good as the third-generation species he fought against in Namaqualand.

But he is different. He has a thorough understanding of the secret blood of God, and his control is also very precise. He is so precise that he can usually control his body, bones and even internal organs. When injured, he can choose the parts to be healed first.

"Brother Yuan, I think your family needs to learn some new knowledge and understand your bloodline on a deeper level."

Lu Chen thought for a while and said.

Yuan Zhisheng was a little confused, "New knowledge?"

"The secret party's bloodline refining technology, violent blood, you should know that I will be in several states when fighting. In a way that is easy for you to understand, it is similar to your dragon bone form, but it is not the same. "

Lu Chen was very familiar with Yuan Zhisheng's family, and of course he also understood each other's various fighting states.

At first, he thought that the dragon bone form was some kind of bloodline refining technology similar to that of violent blood, but later he and Eri had a careful chat and found that this was not the case.

The keel state of the owner of royal blood does not refine and improve his bloodline, but brings out the full potential of his original bloodline.

To put it simply, it is like the dragon transformation of a pure-blooded dragon in human form. It is their own strength, not an improvement and refinement of their bloodline.

Of course, Eriyi also had the shape of a dragon bone, but Lu Chen curiously asked Eriyi and wanted Eriyi to show it, but Eriyi always shook his head, so he stopped exploring.

The violent blood is different. It is truly improving the bloodline. In this process, if the user's spirit is strong enough, he can also deepen his control over the dragon's blood. After reaching a certain level, I believe he can complete the control of the brain. repair.

"The secret party's technical side story, is it suitable?"

Yuan Zhisheng was a little hesitant, but he was not opposed to learning new techniques. This incident also made him reflect on the fact that he had been too leisurely in the six months since Herzog's death.

Lu Chen smiled and waved his hand, "To be precise, it's the technology of the Lion Heart Club. I'm the president now, so I'm in charge."

"But I seem to have heard that old guy from Angers say that violent bloodshed is very dangerous and can easily turn you into a deadpool."

Uesugi was a little suspicious.

Lu Chen explained: "The principal gave me a detailed introduction to violent blood last time. Using violent blood will turn you into a deadpool. That is for ordinary mixed-race species. Uncle Uesugi, as the heirs of the royal blood of the White King, The mental power is superior to other hybrids. If we go by the critical blood limit, you have already crossed the limit. As long as this technology is used step by step, there is no risk to you."

"I studied."

Yuan Zhisheng nodded firmly and said with a smile: "We can't bother Brother Lu to come over every time."

As the head of the eight Sheqi families, he wanted to protect the peace of Japan. After ups and downs in his life, he finally found his original intention. He just wanted to be a true and righteous partner and protect the people here. everything.

"By the way, brother Yuan, didn't you say you wanted to sell sunscreen oil before, but now you don't want to go?"

Lu Chen joked that he was deeply impressed by Yuan Zhisheng's dream.

"Why don't you want to go? It's just that the eight Sheqi families have a great business, and the world is so chaotic now. I can't let the 'Tai Shang Huang' come back to power."

Minamoto looked at Uesugoshi with a smile, "You are already an old man."

After all, he is still a person with a strong sense of responsibility and cannot let go of everyone in the Sheqi family. Moreover, he is living a good life now. His younger brother has returned and he is about to get married.

"I haven't been to a nudist beach in France yet. I'll come back to you and come and play with you."

Lu Chen saw through it without saying anything. Yuan Zhisheng wanted to escape before, but now he just has a pure... beautiful vision for the nudist beach.

"Brother Lu, you may have to wait for a long time. I am going to train the successors of the Sheqi family and then go to France to retire."

Yuan Zhisheng said, sitting up from the bed. He has strong recovery power. Now he can endure some pain and can basically get out of bed and walk.

Just when Lu Chen was about to ask the successor what was going on, Sakura and Eriki pushed the cart in. Outside the door, there was Sakurai Kogure supporting Minamoto Girl.

Yuan Zhennu was not injured. Lu Chen always felt that the other party was actually able to move, but she looked weak.

"Eat, eat."

Uesugoshi stood up, walked to the big table in the center of the room, pulled out a chair and sat down.

At the dinner table, Eriki was sitting on Lu Chen's right hand, and Yuan Zhisheng was sitting on his left. He quietly approached him and asked in a low voice: "What's going on with the successor?"

Yuan Zhisheng glanced at Sakura secretly and said quietly: "Accidentally... I killed someone."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, "...Brother Yuan, you were led astray by Uncle Uesugi."

He didn't expect that Yuan Zhisheng could say the same thing as the old gangster from the principal, but he understood it instantly.

"Boy, I'm listening!"

Uesugi slapped the table angrily, "What do you mean by learning from me? You are already a child. At my age, I..."

He suddenly got stuck in the middle of speaking, because he couldn't give birth to a child, even though there were so many women.

But every old man has a heart that wants to be a grandfather, and Uesugoshi is no exception. Thanks to his ideological work, Minamoto has finally come to his senses recently.

"A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue."

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed, and Ying Ying's face at the dinner table also showed a rare blush.

He asked again: "Is it time for Brother Yuan to get married soon?"

Now that everything has been laid out, Yuan Zhi has nothing to be embarrassed about giving birth to a grown man, "Originally, I wanted to tell Brother Lu that we were going to hold a wedding on December 20th, and we would have a wedding banquet then."

"Did my brother kill someone? Why did he get married after killing someone?"

Eriki tilted her head and asked innocently and doubtfully.

Her brother is the leader of the underworld, and he chases assassins and so on. Now she also knows that, and she firmly believes that her brother kills all the bad guys in the cholera world, but why does she have to get married after "taking human lives"?

Eriki's words silenced everyone at the table. No one could answer this innocent girl's question.

Seeing that no one answered her, Eriki's face swelled slightly and she looked at Sakura, "Miss Sakura, do you know?"


Sakura didn't expect that Eriki would call her in the end. This paralyzed ninja girl was at a loss and didn't know how to respond appropriately.

Finally, she thought about it and hesitated: "What your brother meant was not to kill people, but to create... new lives."

"New life?"

Eriyi is still a little puzzled.

"It's, it's just...your brother is going to have a baby."

Sakura probably blushed the most in her life.

Eriki finally understood, with a look of surprise on her face, "Then my brother is going to be a father!"

Sakura nodded shyly.

"That means...I'm going to be an aunt."

There was a different look in Eriki's eyes. It turned out that she was finally no longer the youngest in her family, she was about to become the elder!

Just like she likes to be called senior sister, she always feels like she is growing up.

But after the surprise, she had new doubts and asked curiously: "How can I have a baby?"

Sakura was completely embarrassed. It wasn't until Uesugi coughed that she came back to her senses and said quickly: "Let's eat first. After the wedding, I will talk to Eriki on her birthday."

Eriki was a little disappointed, but seeing Sakura looking very embarrassed, she compromised, "Then it's agreed. On my birthday, Miss Sakura will tell me how to have a baby."

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, and Lu Chen was extremely embarrassed, mainly because Uesugoshi's gaze almost killed him.

"Oh, I remembered that I haven't told the young girl about violent blood yet. You should come and learn together tomorrow."

Seeing that the atmosphere was dull, Lu Chen quickly changed the subject. In order to distinguish himself from Yuan Zhisheng, he called him by his name.

Yuan Zhennu reacted. Although he didn't know what violent blood was yet, he nodded repeatedly, "Thank you, Mr. Lu, I will work hard tomorrow."

Uesugi glanced at Minamoto Girl and said meaningfully: "You should work hard."

Then he looked at Lu Chen and said, "Stop trying so hard."

It was just an ordinary family dinner, but Uesugoshi felt that his life was complete.

He never dreamed a year ago that he would have two sons and a daughter, and he never imagined that he would have the opportunity to become a grandfather.


Early the next morning, Lu Chen and Eriki stayed up all night... After reading, they finished all the Naruto manga, and Eriki also finished reading the latest volume of Natsume's Book of Friends.

Young and high-blooded people are resistant to torment. Anyway, they don't feel tired after staying up all night.

After having breakfast in the hotel, they went to the hospital in Sheqi Bajia.

The Genji brothers are worthy of being the emperors (pseudo?) of the mixed race, and their recovery ability is not bad. Today, Genji's wounds have healed, and there is no problem in taking care of himself.

As for Yuan Jingnu, he seems to be in good condition today, but he will occasionally say that he still has a headache.

Bloodshed is not a physical job that requires physical exertion. On the contrary, if the blood is refined, it can speed up the healing of the injury, so Lu Chen is not prepared to wait for the two of them to recover from their injuries before starting teaching.

Teaching violent blood is still very simple. This family is very smart. Yuan Zhisheng is the top student at Kassel College and understands this technology very quickly.

It was easy for Uesugoshi to learn it, and he successfully used it on the same day.

Only when I came to Yuan Zhinu, I had the same problem as Lu Mingfei. This guy had a weak personality.

But with Lu Mingfei's experience, Lu Chen had some experience and asked Yuan Zhisheng to recall what Wang Jiang had done, especially how Wang General abused the "commatose" Yuan Zhisheng before he took action.

The result...the effect is outstanding!

"This technology is indeed wonderful. I can feel that the purity of my bloodline is slowly improving. If I study it carefully, I may be able to control my bloodline in more detail."

Yuan Zhisheng said with emotion that according to this progress, it is estimated that in a few months, he will be able to control the bloodline to repair hidden dangers in the brain.

"Zhisheng, the investigation results are out."

Sakura came to the room to report. Because of what happened yesterday, she stopped being secretive.

According to what Yuan Zhisheng told her in private, we will all be a family from now on, no more acting like a "parent" in front of Brother Lu, just call him by his name.

Minamoto took the tablet, looked at it and said to Lu Chen: "The model and technology of the bomb on Fujiwara Shinnosuke are different from that of that organization, but there is still doubt whether they are two forces."

It's difficult to draw a conclusion based on this bit of information alone.

After turning the page, he continued: "The woman's name came out. She is Ruan Qiu Mo. She is Vietnamese. However, I couldn't find any information about the organization. Her mental resistance was particularly strong in this regard."

Lu Chen thought for a moment and asked, "Have you tried using medicine to coordinate the spirit?"

Yuan Zhisheng nodded helplessly, "I used truth serum, but it is of no use to people of this blood. We can only use the most primitive method to kill her spirit. Let us try for a few more days. Brother Lu can be with Hui Li Yi will play here for a while, but if it doesn't work anymore, he will be sent to the academy."

They have a very good relationship with the academy now. It's not that they don't want to make friends, but they can't get anything done, and it seems that their Japanese branch is too incompetent.

"What did Princess Kaguya say?"

Lu Chen confirmed that he could not guard there for a fake mixed-race monarch, but he also had to prevent the other party from coming to save people or silence him.

"The underlying code has been re-modified. It is in the first-level combat readiness state. The entire territory of Japan is monitored. The defense in the prison is also the tightest. Maybe our people can't stop it, but the other party can't even think of taking people away quietly."

His and Minamoto's injuries have not recovered, and their brains have not yet recovered. Staying with Lu Chen or Uesugi is the right solution, and they are not suitable to guard prisons.

"Continue to track down Fujiwara Shinnosuke. I always feel that this person is even more extraordinary. I previously suspected that they were not in the same group, not because of the bomb, but because of Kaguya."

Since Chu Zihang was no longer with him, he had spent more time thinking recently, "If that organization could control Kaguya from the beginning, it would be easy for the two people to evacuate, but it was only when they were desperate that Fujiwara Shinnosuke came out. Help them, and this person actually holds a black card that exceeds your authority."

He looked at Yuan Zhisheng's increasingly solemn expression and continued: "Brother Yuan, you have to think carefully. Those people were able to leave a back door when Kaguya was created. There are people who have been controlling your Sheqi family. It’s a powerful place for military strategists, but you never know about it.”

Yuan Zhisheng nodded heavily, "When I recover from the injury, I will check it myself."


Three days later, news came from the torture department of the eight Sheqi families, saying that they had tried their best.

If they continued, Ruan Qiu Mo would probably die, so they gave up and decided to hand it over to the academy.

Because the equipment department of the college has conducted drug experiments on pure-blood dragons and developed some new drugs, there may be a chance to ask some questions in cooperation with Professor Masashi Toyama.

Yuan Zhisheng and Eri Yi sent Lu Chen to the airport. The Half-blood Monarch must be escorted by a strong person, and Lu Chen didn't want to take the slow water route anymore.

After careful consideration, Lu Chen agreed to let Erika stay in Japan to play with her family for a few days.

The Genji brothers' heads won't heal for a while, and to be honest, Uesugoshi's fighting ability... is not enough to deal with various unexpected situations.

Lu Chen was very conflicted at first, but Eryi unexpectedly volunteered and said she would stay to protect her family.

Looking at the serious look in the girl's eyes, Lu Chen suddenly realized that Eri Yi had really grown up a lot and was no longer the girl who could only huddle behind him and be protected.

She also wants to protect her family, and she's...powerful now.

In the end, Lu Chen could only smile helplessly because he was overprotective.

Mr. Uesugi and Eriki join forces. Even if the first generation invades Japan, they will still have the strength to fight. Moreover, Minamoto is not without strength. His word spirit is one of the most dangerous that Lu Chen has ever seen.

After all, it was Yuan Zhisheng who pulled his hips and became the one who needed to be protected.

After coming to the conclusion, Yuan Zhisheng was always embarrassed. He never thought that one day, he would actually need his sister to protect him.

Lu Chen's only worry was that the possible real hybrid monarch, the man behind the organization, would personally take action.

He guessed that the other party had some restrictions, or had a reason not to show up in the world, otherwise he would have killed him back in France, and this time he would not send a few mixed-blood monarchs to carry out a mission that may not be successful.

In the end, it was Uesugoshi who noticed Lu Chen's confusion and asked Lu Chen to chat privately, teaching him: "Boy, it's a good thing that you care about my daughter very much, but she can't stay with you for the rest of her life. With our family here, Well, don’t worry.”

As he said that, Uesugoshi urged him like he was chasing someone away, "Hurry up and let us get together as a family."

Coupled with Eri Yi's persistence, Lu Chen didn't want to let Eri Yi get frustrated, so he agreed.

"Godzilla, remember to send me a message when you get back."

Before boarding the plane, Eriyi specifically reminded her that she actually couldn't bear to be separated from Godzilla. They had basically been together since May.

"Don't worry, come to Japan after you find out what happened, and Eri will be here to help your brother prepare for the wedding."

Lu Chen hugged Eri Yi and originally wanted to kiss him goodbye, but thought of Uesugi Yue still being there, so he gave up.

It's early November, and there's still more than a month before Minamoto's wedding. It's troublesome for wealthy families, and the procedures are cumbersome. Eri was even invited by Sakura to be a bridesmaid.

Oh, and by the way, the best man was himself.

After parting, Lu Chen spent half a day on Sleipnir returning to school.

Under his supervision, Nguyen Thu Mo was handed over to the Equipment Department, which Professor Masashi Toyama said was a new challenge.

On the way to the principal's office, Lu Chen didn't forget to send a message to Eri Yi, who even took photos of him inside the wedding dress shop.

Ange made tea, looked at Lu Chen who came in and said hello: "Your efficiency is as high as ever, and you still left us alive."

Lu Chen sat on the sofa nearby, "Her mouth was very harsh, as if she was afraid of something."

"Professor Masashi Toyama has rich experience. People in the equipment department also want to test new drugs, so they will ask."

Angers was not worried about this matter and entered Kassel College alive. Even if the Dragon King wanted to take people away from Kassel, it would be unrealistic.

"Although you have just come back, and you may want to rush back to see your little girlfriend, there is something that may require you to make a trip."

Angers changed the subject. The interrogation was not a temporary matter.

"News about the Dragon King?"

Lu Chen cheered up.

"The Equipment Department and the Yanliu Research Institute jointly cracked the communication devices of those people and found several marks in the map software inside."

Angers put the tablet in front of Lu Chen, "There are places that overlap with the places you have been to before. We infer that it is the Nibelungen."

"That group of people has more information than the Secret Party."

Lu Chen glanced at the White Emperor City, near the North Pole, and around Bermuda. There were landmarks there. This organization actually knew the location of the Nibelungs so clearly.

"Look here."

Angers pointed to a mark on the tablet, which was not far below the North Pole. "There is also a Nibelungen nearby, and it is consistent with the information that Chu Zihang investigated last time. Maybe they found it newly. location."

"Will it be the King of Sky and Wind?"

Lu Chen thought about it.

Angers shook his head and said: "Not sure, but it's worth investigating, and maybe we can get some clues about that organization."

Lu Chen thought for a while, "How is Chu Zihang doing now?"

Ange understood what Lu Chen meant, "His condition is stable and he is expected to wake up within the next two weeks. If you need someone to help you analyze, you can bring your junior sister, the girl named Ling, she is also very smart."

"Forget it, I'll go alone this time. I don't have to take care of other people. I'm just investigating nearby. If there are no results, I will return to Japan first."

Lu Chen had been through so many Nibelungs, so he had some experience. This time, neither Eli Yi nor Chu Zihang was with him.

If he takes Zero with him, no one can take care of him if he encounters a battle.

Ange said with a smile: "Are you so worried? If Eryi and her family join forces, they can even kill the first generation species. If you are worried, I can ask the secret party to go there, although it may be threatened by the school board." Impeach."

Lu Chen scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed, "It's the first time we've been apart after being together, so I'm a little concerned about gains and losses... But, principal, do you have a secret weapon here?"

He is not thin-skinned, so of course he will feel more at ease if someone has someone to help him, but he is a little strange. Is there anyone in the secret party who can do it?

Ange explained: "It's nothing to tell you. There is a group of monsters hidden at the bottom of the ice cellar. They are basically the same as Deadpool. They are all the aces of the Secret Party. They were voluntarily frozen after death and continued to contribute to the Secret Party. , are unconscious, but they are all very strong. They were originally back-up players preparing for the final battle, and were the secret party’s Hall of Valor.”

Lu Chen was a little emotional after hearing this, and also expressed his admiration for those seniors. This was really just a matter of dedication and hard work.

"Is it okay to take it out and use it in a place like this now?"

Lu Chen asked, it sounded like something like a trump card, but he went to protect his girlfriend who was actually already safe. This was no longer the level of public use.

"So the school director will definitely impeach me, but actually I think it's okay. Those people are very strong, but they are far behind compared to you. The ancestors always want to pave the way for the younger generations. You and Eri have this value. "

Angers' brush was very vague, but it actually meant that the monsters under the ice could be used as cannon fodder for Lu Chen and Eriki when necessary.

Warmth cannot slay the dragon. Those people had this realization long before they were frozen. It is what they hope to be able to pave the way for outstanding juniors and contribute to the great cause of slaying the dragon.

"Thank you, principal. If you are impeached, I will shut up those people. Besides, there is no need to activate those people. Japan is indeed safe now."

Lu Chen thanked them and said, except for the real mixed-blood monarch, no one can defeat the Japanese monster family.

And if that person can really take action, the first target will not be Eryi, but...himself.

He is self-aware that what the organization has always longed for most has always been himself, and his bloodline does indeed hide subversive secrets.

In fact, those people's judgment was correct, and he was similar to the original species in a sense.

That organization can cultivate leeches using the blood of the first-generation species to create a hybrid monarch. His blood also has the effect of a secret medicine. As long as it is used in excess of a certain amount in real time, there is a probability that a secret blood warrior can be screened out.

This is a subversive change. He himself is a good example. When both secret blood and dragon blood are available, super powerful monsters will be transformed.

He actually considered using secret blood to train some people, but the risk of secret blood was too great, and he didn't believe in the secret party deep down.

After the matter was finalized, Lu Chen did not return to the dormitory, but directly set off again.

Jean Ange teased him and said, "He looks like a social beast who is in a hurry to get home from get off work and meet his wife."


Time: November 8th.

Location: 72 degrees north latitude, Greenland Sea.

Under the dark night, a huge, monster-like red icebreaker broke through the broken ice, leaving a wide blue-black waterway on the sea.

YAMAL, the world's largest icebreaker, belongs to Russia. In this season in the Arctic Circle, only this monster-level icebreaker can sail freely here.

Except for a very small number of military-grade monsters, only the YAMAL has ever sailed to the North Pole.

Lu Chen's hot breath slowly rose, and he chatted with Eriyi for a few words on the mobile phone specially made by the equipment department, then kicked it in his pocket and returned to the cabin.

When I came to the Arctic last time, the executive department actually prepared a nuclear-powered icebreaker larger than the YAMAL, so there was no need to temporarily take a ride on someone else's ship.

The reason why he is here is because of some information found by the Executive Department. Someone on this ship may have some knowledge of the Nibelungs here.

He came to this ship just to meet the owner.

Entering the lobby of the cabin, there is a splendid casino. The air is filled with the smell of whiskey, cigars and high-end perfume. The tall Belarusian girl is wearing a short skirt, revealing her white thighs. She is really a sexy dealer, dealing cards online.

The real captain here never shows up. I heard that if you want to see the other party, you have to bet big enough to attract the captain's attention before you are qualified to see the other party, so Cassel Academy prepared sufficient capital for him.

He doesn't gamble, but he... cheats.

Going to the main line.

PS: There are still 40,000 points in the monthly ticket rebate activity pool. Family members, please remember to reply to the post before voting, so you can save money!

After voting, remember to draw a prize in the prologue post.

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