Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 327 Lu Chen: I guess He is the King of Earth and Mountains

With his current physical fitness, when fighting against enemies of this level, he does not need to be fully active. A little use of King Kong is enough to make these "heroic spirits" follow him and eat ashes.

The battle may end a little slower, but since he has Regicide, his physical fitness will always keep up.

Odin didn't want to let anyone attack him, and he didn't want to finish it all at once, which was just right.

Of course, he did not relax his vigilance. If the myths were not exaggerated, there should be extremely powerful heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor.

Lu Chen also observed the masks worn by those people and found that everyone wore them differently. He felt that the powers given by Odin were different depending on the material. He didn't know what the upper limit of Odin's powers was.

But according to the row of masked men and women statues he saw when he first arrived on the island, masks were divided into multiple levels. If they were arranged in order, he inferred from the low-level masks he had seen. , the strongest mask bearer, comparable to ordinary first-generation species, and even as powerful as the first-generation species with dragon bodies!

At this point, he associated the knowledge he had learned, as well as the information he saw in the Golden Lunga Corridor and the Atlantis Historical Dome, and analyzed some key points from the perspective of power.

First of all, Odin is just a name he and Chu Zihang decided based on each other's image, and the other person's true identity is not yet certain.

Secondly, Odin is really strong, at least the strength level of the Dragon King after merging.

In the end, the opponent can collect "heroic spirits" from the past and present to fight for them, and depending on the situation, they can easily shuttle between multiple Nibelungs...

If "Odin" is really one of the four great monarchs, then Lu Chen believes that he is the complete body of the King of Earth and Mountains - Hela, the God of Death!

Of course, Lu Chen didn't think this was definitely the final answer.

Because there is another possibility, that is, this is really just the Hall of Valor, and Odin is really Odin, not one of the four great monarchs, but the real god of the mythical age.

There was a sizzling sound in the air. The meat on the lower side of the giant python had been roasted to produce grease. The meat was golden in color and sizzling with oil. A rich aroma of meat floated into Lu Chen's nose, making people feel uncomfortable. Big move.

He took off the bag he made from clothes and grabbed a handful of sea salt that had been dried this morning. He turned the barbecue and sprinkled it with condiments.

Now he is also a person who knows how to enjoy life. Even if he is temporarily trapped, he must also know how to pursue the quality of life.

The meat looks very delicious, but without salt, it would probably be much less delicious.

After about ten minutes, the meat on the outside was already roasted. Lu Chen cut it piece by piece with a knife and placed it on the huge cypress leaves he had picked, just like a plate with meat.

Lu Chen grabbed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The oil had a rich aroma, and it was paired with pure natural sea salt. It was extremely delicious, but it had a slightly fishy smell, but when I was out, I wasn't so picky.

After finishing the meal, Lu Chen put out the fire and left the shelf in place.

He does have a big appetite, but such a giant python can feed him for many days.

Next, it’s time for exercise after dinner. We run to the arena to play the coffin-opening game and draw out a few lucky “heroic spirits.”

He guessed that these "heroic spirits" should have been selected by Odin and placed here. The coffin had some kind of isolation effect, making them sleep.

After all, the heroic spirits are all humans originally, many of them are "foreigners" and cannot understand Chinese, and even those who understand English are only a few.

Before Lu Chen went under the knife, he would always chat with the other person. It wasn't that he felt lonely after only two days, but he just wanted to ask if anyone knew any clues to leaving here.

But he seems to be unlucky. A dozen lucky spectators have been selected, and none of them can speak English. They can only be hacked to death and become a progress bar for regicide.

After completing the post-meal exercise that kept him physically and mentally happy, Lu Chen started his regular routine again, going for a "swim" in the sea.

He tried more than a dozen times in the deep sea yesterday, carefully recording the approximate depth at which he would start to "float", looking for patterns in the Nibelungs.

But he was busy all day yesterday and couldn't find any clues. Today he decided not to go down, but ran a little way to see if he could come back.

About three hours later, Lu Chen was sitting on the beach with his head heavy. He had already run back and forth N times. It seemed that just running out was useless.

If he wanted to find a way out, he would probably have to start with some buildings on the island. He felt that a gladiatorial arena was the most suspicious and the easiest place to get clues.

When he is preparing to open the coffin in the future, he should find someone who can understand human speech, teach him, and see if he can provide him with some useful information.

He couldn't wait for Chu Zihang Hui Liyi and the others to save him, that would be too embarrassing.


In dormitory 1303, Lu Mingfei and others had just finished their meal.

When Chu Zihang was about to continue asking questions, there was suddenly a knock on the door of the dormitory.

Because he had melted the lock core with Junyan before, the door could not be locked at all now. The visitor seemed to be in a hurry and pushed open after knocking on the door.

The executive department commissioner wearing a black windbreaker saluted Chu Zihang respectfully, "If you dare to disturb the president's meal, we need to urgently recruit Xialu Mingfei."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that the other party was looking for Chu Zihang. Why was he looking for him?

The commissioner explained: "The principal's vital signs are declining. I heard that Mr. Lu has returned to school, so I need your Yanling for treatment."

When Chu Zihang came back to his senses, he remembered that Lu Mingfei had just returned from field work and didn't know what happened in the college. "Go ahead and talk about it when you get back."

Lu Mingfei nodded, "Then I'll find Senior Brother Chu when I come back."

After that, he left with the commissioner. There was a car waiting for him downstairs, and the driver was very respectful to him.

Lu Mingfei didn't expect that one day he would be treated so well. It turned out that "nanny" also had human rights.

When he came to the VIP ward of the school hospital, he saw the old man lying in the life-sustaining cabin with his body covered with tubes and monitoring patches, and he was also frightened.

The principal is also an old ruthless man. He has lived for more than 130 years and has never heard of any defeats. However, he did not expect that he was chopped half to death at the hands of the unknown intruder and was completely defeated in the duel between the speedsters.

".(do not die)."

Lu Mingfei used the word spirit on Anger. Maybe he had too many distracting thoughts in his mind and the effect was not obvious.

He could only calm down, lie down on top of the life-support cabin, and look at the principal's handsome old face seriously and intently, "Principal, (don't die)!"

Under the surprised eyes of the attending doctor, the wound on Angers chest began to squirm visibly, and the internal organs inside were also healing at an accelerated pace.

In just one minute, the horrific wounds on this 130-year-old man disappeared, leaving only a faint red mark.

"As expected of S-class, I didn't expect this word spirit to be so powerful. Are you interested in working in the school hospital in your spare time? The salary is paid daily."

The dean looked at Lu Mingfei excitedly. This was simply a medical miracle. With Lu Mingfei's presence, some specialists who might not have been able to be saved were able to be saved.

Lu Mingfei subconsciously wanted to shake his head and refuse, but when he heard the last sentence about daily wages, he hesitated and asked: "How much per day?"

"Based on the number of patients, you won't be needed for minor injuries. If it's serious, how about ten thousand dollars per person?"

Lu Mingfei was stunned as soon as the dean opened his mouth.

His annual scholarship is only 36,000 yuan. So his speaking skills...are they so effective?

But in the end, he reluctantly shook his head and said, "Let's talk about it later. I'll think about it for a while."

Making money is tempting, but the most urgent task is to first figure out what is going on in this world and where Senior Brother Lu has been.

The dean looked at the data on various monitoring instruments and praised repeatedly, "The principal's condition has stabilized... No, he has basically recovered. It's just that he has lost energy and blood, so he hasn't woken up yet. Look at it like this. It's hard to sleep today." Late, I should be back to normal when I wake up tomorrow."

Lu Mingfei actually wanted to wake up the principal now. He didn't know why he still remembered Senior Brother Lu. He could only guess that it was because he was S-level and the principal was also S-level. He wanted to ask the principal what was going on.

But in front of a doctor who cares about his patients, it is a bit unreasonable to forcefully wake up a centenarian patient.

The analysis between him and Senior Brother Chu is not over yet, so they can wait until tomorrow to ask the principal.

After getting rid of the dean's attempts to stay, Lu Mingfei quickly returned to the dormitory. Seeing that Senior Brother Chu was still asking questions, he felt relieved. He was a little afraid that Senior Brother Chu would also suddenly disappear.

"Something's wrong, Brother Fingel, there's something wrong with your answer."

Chu Zihang analyzed calmly, and when he saw Lu Mingfei coming back, he nodded and Lu Mingfei still sat in the seat where he had just been.

"for example?"

Fingel is also patient. As the saying goes, cannibals are short-tongued. Even if he thinks Junior Brother Chu is a little nervous today, he will accompany him to check.

"For example, senior brother, why do you call Lu Mingfei Junior Brother Xiaolu?"

Chu Zihang stared into Fengel's eyes, "Don't you think this title is strange? You call me Junior Brother Chu. If there were only two of us, you would directly call me Junior Brother and use the prefix in order to show off how many people there are. The distinction is made in a human context...and you are already used to using this title for Lu Mingfei."

After hearing Chu Zihang's words, Fingel was also stunned for a moment. He looked at Lu Mingfei with doubts in his heart.

Yes, why do I needlessly add the word "small"?

There are usually only Lu Mingfei and I in the dormitory. I just call each other Junior Brother. But with Chu Zihang here, I should also call Junior Brother Lu. Why do I need to add the word "小"?

"That's right, that's right, Senior Brother Fingel, think about it, you called me that because Senior Brother Lu Chen was here, and our last names have the same pronunciation, so you made the distinction like this."

Lu Mingfei also quickly reminded him, thinking that Senior Brother Chu was really amazing. He had never noticed such details before.

Fingel looked at Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei suspiciously and frowned, "Junior Brother Chu is right."

He changed his careless demeanor and became slightly serious, "Originally, I thought you two were brainwashed by the intruders, but there is something that really doesn't make sense to me. I can't remember why you call me Junior Brother Xiaolu like that."

He stood up and took the laptop over, "Then this matter is a bit serious. If there is something wrong with me, or something is wrong with everyone in the college, or even the whole world, who modified our memory and erased Lu Chen this person?"

As he spoke, he began to search for information about Lu Chen in the college's internal database.

After more than ten seconds, he shook his head, "No such person. If you are right, then not only our memories have been tampered with, but also the electronic data has been modified. This is definitely the power of the Dragon King, even... Completely possess the power of the Dragon King."

"Can the Dragon King do this?"

Lu Mingfei was a little confused. He had only seen the Dragon King once. Egil was also evolving to the complete form, which looked quite powerful. However, Senior Brother Lu killed Egil easily, so he did not feel that the Dragon King was any kind of god. The presence.

Fingel's voice was low, "Do you think the Dragon Kings can only change the future? No... they can even change the past!"

Lu Mingfei was horrified. If what Senior Brother Fingel said was of any reference, wouldn't it mean that it wasn't that everyone's memories of Senior Brother Lu had been erased, but that those things might... have really been modified?

He and Chu Zihang were like lonely travelers who traveled to a world where Senior Brother Lu didn't exist?

"It's probably not that he has changed the past. Just like what you called Lu Mingfei, senior brother, when he did it, it wasn't perfect."

Chu Zihang pondered: "And if you think about it carefully, many things don't make sense. For example, I am a hybrid of the lineage of the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire. Even if I can release Rhine, Norton will easily cancel it. How can I fight?" Win, let alone Constantine who has mastered the power and has the body of a dragon. Taking a step back, the most intuitive thing to say is that He has not modified my strength at all."

Fingel looked at Chu Zihang and said, "Junior Brother Chu, let's be serious, can you beat the first generation?"

Chu Zihang shook his head, "I can be very sure that I have not carried out the strengthening of the Nibelung Plan, let alone the first generation species. The one who defeated the Dragon King was Brother Lu... Lu Chen, he is the ultimate dragon slayer of the academy, bronze The Dragon King of Fire and the King of Ocean and Water were all killed by him, so even when facing the first generation species, Lu Chen now has a complete advantage."

This is the most basic proof method. The academy should still have records on the strength of the first generation species, and he can't beat the first generation species at all.

An obvious logical loophole has appeared. As long as the principal wakes up tomorrow and has a chat with the principal, I believe that the wise old man will also notice the problem.

Lu Mingfei nodded repeatedly, "In Atlantis, the King of Ocean and Water wanted to merge and evolve into the complete Dragon King, but he was tortured to death by Brother Lu with his bare hands."

Fingel was a little confused after hearing this, "Are you kidding me? Can such an outrageous person exist? Can he kill the nearly complete Dragon King with his bare hands?"

Originally, he somewhat believed that there really was a person named Lu Chen, but he had forgotten it, but now he began to doubt it again.

How could there be such an outrageous hybrid in this world?

"You two...couldn't you be suffering from hysteria due to the dream?"

Fingal felt unrealistic.

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, "Brother Lu's combat prowess is not mentioned for now, but he does exist. I suspect that he should have performed some mission about the Dragon King, but was trapped. The Dragon King used his power to erase us. Regarding his memory, in order to prevent us from going to support him."

He didn't say that Brother Lu was killed by the Dragon King. This was easy to judge. If Brother Lu was already dead, there was no need for the murderer to go to all the trouble of erasing everyone's memory of Lu Chen.

Even if the Dragon King has this kind of power, he feels that the power to affect the cause and effect of memory in the world will not be without cost, and it will definitely not be used casually.

It is easy to guess in this way. Brother Lu is indeed very powerful, but Brother Lu is not very good at dealing with the Nibelung Maze.

The monarch who erased Brother Lu's existence probably didn't want to fight Brother Lu, so he trapped Brother Lu and wanted to defeat Brother Lu with time.

But the prerequisite for his success was that no one would support Brother Lu in cracking the Nibelung roots, so he used his power to erase everyone's memory of Lu Chen.

"Okay, okay, there is indeed something wrong with me. You are two people again, so I believe it for the time being."

Fingel reluctantly accepted Lu Chen's existence. If Chu Zihang was the only one who insisted, he might not think it was his problem, but Lu Mingfei also insisted.

He is Lu Mingfei's nanny, so he naturally knows some of Lu Mingfei's secrets. If Lu Mingfei's memory is like this, then it is most likely that his own memory has been tampered with.

"Junior Brother Chu, please go back first. I will check the information carefully and we will discuss it tomorrow."

Fingel felt his head was a little confused and he needed to investigate further.

Chu Zihang did not continue to ask questions. Fingel asked the same question here. At least he temporarily convinced the other party. This is the advantage of having Lu Mingfei. At least it can prove that he is not the only one who is crazy.

After leaving 1303, he knocked on the door next door again to see if Eriki had returned to school.

It was Zero who opened the door. He looked in and didn't see Eriki, but he heard the girl's scream.

Xia Mi was currently wearing a goose-yellow nightgown, with the shoulder straps on both sides pulled down slightly. From her swan-like neck down, the lower half of her white bra wrapped in bra was exposed. She was holding some medicine in her hand and gently wiping it. When Chu Zihang screamed in surprise, he quickly pulled on his shoulder strap.

Chu Zihang turned around consciously, "Sorry."


The girl's voice was filled with a hint of shame and anger.

"You're wearing clothes."

Zero said calmly, referring to the underwear, and then returned to his seat to continue writing the report.

Xia Mi arranged his clothes, turned his head slightly, not looking directly at Chu Zihang, and said angrily: "Okay, what are you doing here?"

He didn’t even call me senior brother anymore.

Chu Zihang turned around in embarrassment. He came to see if Eri Yi was there, but he didn't expect to see such a beautiful scene.

He saw the bruise on Xia Mi's shoulder, thought of something, and apologized again: "I'm sorry."

Those were the traces he grabbed when he was excited during the day, but now he found that Xia Mi was not playing tricks on him at all, but that everyone was abnormal, but he was angry with his ignorant junior sister without her knowledge.

And hearing Lu Mingfei say that Xia Mi had taken care of him for nearly a month made him feel a little guilty.

If it were normal, he would definitely treat the other party to a meal, or treat the other party to a movie, amusement park, aquarium, etc. as a thank you, but now he is not in the mood.

"Okay, I know that senior brother didn't mean it. After all, he doesn't have a clear mind, but please don't ask me about 'Brother Lu' anymore. I really don't know him."

Xia Mi waved his hand, looking like an adult.

In fact, she really didn't want to be involved in this matter. In her opinion, it was good that someone was gone. At least she didn't have to worry about it every night when she went to sleep.

But she was also a little confused and surprised. She originally thought that only Chu Zihang was missed during the sweep modification because of Odin's mark, leaving Chu Zihang alone crazy for a while, and the matter was over.

But through the cubicle, she heard several people talking and found that Lu Mingfei also remembered Lu Chen, so this matter became troublesome...

After Chu Zihang got over the initial panic, he still behaved very steadily. In addition, his prestige in the college is now at its peak. He has a strong voice. If he calms down and gives feedback to the college, it will cause discussion.

If Lu Mingfei is added as a "witness", the academy can completely convince the academy of Lu Chen's existence. Even if it is just to give Chu Zihang face, it will conduct an investigation.

And Eri...that girl's bloodline is too high, the memory modification may not be firm, and she may remember it one day.

Once they work together to find Lu Chen, it seems that they will still return to the fearful days before.

Xia Mi was a little confused and didn't know how to make a decision...

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