Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 334 Warning, explorer violates the rules!

Lu Chen opened dozens more golden coffins, but his luck seemed to have run out today, and they were all empty.

Just when he was about to call it a day and find an open place to practice his sword skills, the last coffin was shipped.

This time it turned out to be an oriental man. After seeing him, without saying a word, thunder flashed all over his body and he rushed towards him. He used the regicide blade to slap the opponent against the wall with a horizontal stroke.

Regicide is equivalent to an alchemical weapon forged by the Dragon King. The elements are naturally formed and will not conduct electricity. Even if he is electrocuted, nothing will happen to him. This person cannot.

He didn't directly chop the opponent to death, mainly because he suddenly remembered something.

If these people were collected by Odin based on the principle of collecting outstanding talents, then maybe... Chu Zihang's father was not killed.

So if what he sees when he opens the coffin is an Oriental, he has to be careful, in case Chu Zihang's father is really here and he is hacked to death by his carelessness...

Wouldn't that be the end?

The man was slapped against the wall by Lu Chen. Before he could recover and adjust his posture, Lu Chen took off his mask, and he turned out to be an ugly old man.

Regardless of age or appearance...this is definitely not Chu Zihang's father.

Chu Zihang still roughly described to him what his father looked like.

Lu Chen was originally thinking about whether to put the mask back on the other party, but he always thought it was quite inhumane. If the other party was irrational, he might also be captured.

But after the old man came to his senses, he still rushed towards him with murderous eyes, leaving Lu Chen confused for a moment what was going on with the heroic spirits here.

The old man said that the spirit thunder pool was activated. Judging from the pace and starting position, he must know some kind of ancient martial arts. He made a loud noise in the cave, rushed to Lu Chen, and then... stopped suddenly.

His face was held down by the boy in front of him, and the boy held a mask in his hand.

Then he saw the boy grinning, and then he lost consciousness.

Lu Chen checked the Origin Coin account in the space. Fifty thousand was indeed the income he deserved after wearing a mask.

He suddenly felt that... he might have discovered a great way to get rich.

He looked at the string of masks hanging on his waist and wondered if he would give hospice care to enemies before finishing them off, put on the mask and then hack them to death when he fought against enemies who were not good at fighting.

There are not many S-class hybrids, but if he can find the home of the hybrid monarch organization, there should be a lot of hybrids in general, right?

If each person wears it once, even if their strength is far inferior to these advanced hybrids, it can at least increase the opponent's original "worth" several times, right?

Also, can only people carry this thing?

Lu Chen's eyes lit up, he left the cave and jumped to the center of the arena.

Lancelot, who was leaning on the pile of rocks and looking up at the sky, was a little confused when he saw Lu Chen. He didn't know why the young man looked so excited at this time.

Lu Chen didn't mean to say hello to his defeated general, and rushed out of the arena and ran to Stonehenge.

Sure enough, not long after he left, the black giant pythons came back, and he found that these giant pythons liked to bask in the sun.

When the black pythons saw Lu Chen, they all ran away, but how could their speed compare to Lu Chen?

Lu Chen, who was shaped like the wind, randomly selected a lucky black snake, grabbed a small one, and knocked a black python more than ten meters long to the ground with the blade of his knife.

The black python still wanted to run away, but Lu Chen struck him with two knives, "If you run away again, I will chop you to death."

The black python looked at the young man's red-gold eyes and did not dare to move.

Lu Chen casually took out a mask from his waist and stretched out his hand to put it on the black python's head. Suddenly he paused. This was something someone brought with him. The black python was too big and couldn't be attached to it.

Lu Chen thought for a while, "Wait for me here."

He took two steps and turned back, "Don't run!"

The black python seemed to be frightened by the pressure of the high-blooded person. Coupled with the repeated ravages, it crawled forward a little. It felt that the python's body was weak and it was a little unable to walk.

Lu Chen moved very quickly. He ran into the jungle to find some vines, and ran back with a strong wind in less than five seconds.

He patiently used Regicide to make the vines thinner and made them into slender ropes, which he passed through the two holes at the eyes of the mask. Then he walked up to the black python with a kind smile on his face.

"Don't move."

Lu Chen wanted to tie the mask to the black python's head, but the guy was very dishonest and kept struggling. In a fit of anger, he hammered the black python's head, knocking him unconscious.

It was also inconvenient to tie it up. The black python's scales were very slippery and it couldn't be tied tightly even after tying it twice. In the end, he tied it again outside the mask to create the "mask version" of the black python.

Lu Chen felt very satisfied with his masterpiece and stood there waiting to see if there were any changes.

After waiting for a moment, there was no reaction from the black python's body. He muttered to himself: "Does this thing have to be worn by a human being? But looking at the introduction on the mask, it doesn't say it has to be a human being?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black python fluttered on the ground. The python's body began to swell visibly to the naked eye, its scales peeled off and regenerated, and the muscles on its trunk continued to bulge like small packages.

This change happened very quickly. In about half a minute, the black python, which was originally only a dozen meters long, transformed into a behemoth of more than forty meters.

The black python opened a pair of dazzling golden eyes and looked down at the boy who was very small compared to it. The expansion of power gave it confidence, and its originally low IQ was also driven crazy by the mask master. It was obsessed with the boy below. A ferocious roar.

If anyone else were here and saw a majestic black python more than 40 meters tall with a petite mask on its head, they would only feel mysterious and scary.

But Lu Chen only felt a little funny. The mask was too small and didn't match it at all.

He jumped up lightly, and the regicide drew a black arc in the air, red blood rose into the sky, and the huge snake head crashed to the ground.

Lu Chen quickly opened the space menu to check the income status, 20,000!

He had to know that based on his experience, a black python of this size would probably only be able to survive by a thousand points. Putting on the mask, his worth would increase twenty times!

What kind of magical "business opportunity" is this!

Excited, Lu Chen took off his mask and immediately rushed into the woods to find the black python that had just escaped. This time he wanted to catch a big one.

A few minutes later, on the beach along the coast, a black python more than thirty meters long was lying on the ground struggling. This was the lucky black python that Lu Chen had newly selected. It should be regarded as the largest among the black pythons.

"Don't move around, I'm helping you improve your worth!"

Unfortunately, the black python was still uncooperative. Lu Chen had no choice but to knock the opponent unconscious again, and then put Lancelot's best mask on the opponent.

Well, it's still the same change just now, except that this black python has become more exaggerated, not to mention growing to a hundred meters long, and there are several big bumps on the upper body, as if it is about to grow a new head and become the same as before. Same as the Hydra I've seen.

The newly born Hydera looked down at the tiny boy, feeling confused and intoxicated in his consciousness, and then... nothing more.

Lu Chen took off the mask from the pool of blood and looked at the Origin Coin he had received, 70,000!

This is about to be posted!

He feels like he encountered a bug while playing a game, but this bug is good for him. Why don't he max it out quickly before it is fixed?

Ten minutes later, there was another black python lying in front of Lu Chen, which was about thirty meters long. He followed the same method and put a mask on the other person, preparing to help it increase its worth.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response.

He was a little strange, so he took off the mask and checked it.

I found that the durability column of the mask became 0/100.

Only then did he remember that the black python's body shape had changed after putting on the mask. This was obviously because the mask directly strengthened the black python's body.

He was a little surprised. The Lancelot he had fought against before had no obvious changes in his body when he wore the mask, and he didn't "shrink" after he took it off.

What is the principle of this thing?

He looked at the black python on the ground and thought for a long time before making some assumptions.

He guessed that those heroic spirits themselves were very strong and could withstand the power of the mask, indirectly improving their bodies.

But the bloodline of these black pythons is too weak. In terms of bloodline, it is not enough to withstand the enhancement of attributes by 20, so the original power is separated from the mask to help the black pythons improve their bloodline and directly strengthen the black pythons. The body will change, it's just the effect of bloodline strengthening.

Only when the bloodline is strengthened to a certain level can the blessing effect of the 20 attributes be triggered, because if the bloodline is low, a large amount of improvement may cause the wearer's physical body to collapse.

If you want to put it this way, this mask has additional benefits for the weak and can truly enhance the dragon bloodline.

Thinking about it carefully, after the knight took off the mask, it seemed that his body was not much weaker. He must have worn the mask for many years, and his own bloodline and body had also been transformed.

Of course, this kind of transformation is not without cost. These masks are made from the corpses of gods, and the power and power inside are limited. If the power is used to transform the user's body, the durability will be consumed.

Odin probably never thought of using the mask in such a wasteful manner. He wanted to build excellent warriors into powerful heroes, rather than strengthen the waste into something barely usable.

But in fact, Lu Chen felt that the characteristics of the masks were actually very strong. It was not that he planned to collect more and bring them back to the academy for use by the weaker members of the Lion Heart Society. That would not make much sense.

He felt that the value of this mask was that it could directly strengthen some of the attribute points of very weak people. It was considered an excellent lineage, but he didn't know if there were weak chickens in the space with less than 20 main attribute points.

He clicked on the mask details to check the certification related information, and was told that only five pieces could be certified at most, which was similar to the one in Atlantis. The restriction was really stingy!

"This is not durable either..."

Lu Chen complained that the knight's original mask had just been strengthened by a black python, which meant that it had been damaged to the point of being a second-generation mask.

Alas, this thing was originally mainly used by outstanding hybrids. People like knights would probably wear the mask for thousands of years without running out of durability.

But it's okay. Anyway, there are quite a lot of masks here, enough for him to farm for a long time. Next time, he is not going to wait for the opponent to strengthen to the highest level. That will consume a lot of durability and kill him halfway. Maybe he will compromise and the comprehensive origin coins will be More.

He took out another new mask from his body and prepared to put it on the black python in front of him.

Likewise, the python's body began to expand. When Lu Chen felt that it was almost done, he ended the life of the black python with a knife.

The Origin Coin was credited to his account, but he also heard a nice female voice that he hadn't heard for a long time, and this time her tone was quite stern.

[Explorer No. 63570591, it has been detected that you have violated regulations, and you will be given a warning! 】

[Warning, similar violations in the future are strictly prohibited. Three warnings are invalid, and space will send judges to punish the explorers! 】

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. He was not stupid if he shared the space and refused to give him unlimited brushes.


He complained silently, and at the same time he was a little curious about what Space's last warning meant.

He had seen descriptions of various types of tasks in the novice guide in space before. The failure penalty for some tasks was to directly obliterate them, proving that this mysterious origin space has the ability to directly obliterate explorers.

But if he violates the rules, why can't space just wipe him out? What kind of "arbiter" will be sent to punish him?

Could it be... In fact, the mechanism of space is not as perfect as he imagined. If space is something like Norma artificial intelligence, the act of brushing points itself does not actually touch the point where it wants to wipe out explorers?

It's like the underlying command is missing the core code and requires external coordination?

Does that mean... He actually keeps brushing, and the space cannot directly erase him, but he may have to deal with that "arbiter"

Lu Chen looked at the mask in his hand, pondered for a while, and looked towards the jungle where the black python was hidden.

Warned three times... can I still swipe it again?

But in the end, he thought about it and gave up. He now has no shortage of Origin Coins. After clearing the Heroic Spirits here, exchanging the Seven Deadly Sins and Regicide is just a waste of money. There is no need to be so greedy.

The main reason is that he doesn't know what the "Judge" is all about. He has no clue about the final boss in the dragon world, so he'd better stop making extraneous matters.

It doesn't matter if he is alone, but if he loses his temper, he can't bear to let Eriki and the others get hurt.

The space is quite interesting to me, so I’d better be a good citizen.

Time passed, and at night, Lu Chen set up a huge barbecue grill in the center of the arena and continued to grill the black python he captured on the first day.

He didn't waste the other ones he chopped to death today. He put them on the beach to be salted and used as food reserves.

Grease dripped onto the campfire, making a sizzling sound, and the aroma of barbecue filled the air.

Seeing that it was almost done, Lu Chen waved Regicide and started slicing for today's dinner.

"What are you looking at?"

Lu Chen was halfway through eating and said to the person behind him.

The person who came over was Lancelot. He looked at the oriental boy with curiosity and said, "You look very relaxed."

Lu Chen tore off a large piece of snake meat in one gulp, "What's the point of being anxious? I can't get out either."


He heard a voice that surprised him, and turned to look at the knight man, who saw a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"You still need to eat?"

Lu Chen was a little puzzled.

Lancelot nodded, "This is an eternal kingdom. If there were masks, we would sleep for tens of thousands of years without replenishing energy. But now I don't have a mask, I'm just a stronger hybrid."

"In your era, were the descendants of humans and dragons also called hybrids?"

Lu Chen was willing to chat with him when he had nothing to do, so as to learn more about the secrets of the world.

Lancelot nodded and said: "This statement has been around for a long time. In our era, the number and strength of mixed-bloods determined the strength of the war. Each of the Knights of the Round Table is a strong one among the mixed-races."

Lu Chen swallowed a piece of snake meat that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and threw another piece wrapped in leaves to the other party, "By the way, I haven't asked your name yet."

"Lancelot, leader of the Knights of the Round Table."

There was no trace of pride in Lancelot's self-introduction, just some emotion.

"Oh? I have a classmate with the same name as you. He is also French. Maybe he is your descendant. By the way, don't you want to die now?"

Lu Chen smiled and said that during the day, he saw that the desire for life had disappeared from the knight's eyes, and he thought that even if he didn't kill him, as a dignified knight, he would kill himself.

He was not surprised that the other party was a historical figure. The heroes here should all be famous in history.

He was indeed familiar with the other party's identity. It wasn't that he had become a good student who loved going to history classes, but that he and Eriki later reviewed the FATE anime together, and he also read up on the FATE Zero novel.

In the novel, the person in front of him is also a "heroic spirit", but he was summoned as a madman. Thinking that the other person may have gone crazy wearing a mask, he thought that the author really seemed to have "met".

Lancelot was silent for a moment, "My best friend once told me that suicide is a way to escape death, and knights should die on the battlefield."

"What your friend said is to my liking."

Lu Chen continued to cut meat from the grill, "In related legends, it is said that King Arthur came to Avalon in a small boat. Now it seems that this is true?"

Lancelot looked at the barbecue in his hand. He didn't come here to eat. He could also kill the black python. Besides, as a knight, he should not accept charity from his enemies.

He sighed, "It's true, he did come to Avalon."

Lu Chen's interest was aroused, "I have always had a question, King Arthur... is he a boy or a girl?"

Lancelot was a little confused and didn't understand why the boy would ask himself such a ridiculous question, "Of course he is a man."

Lu Chen clicked his tongue and said, "It seems that Eri Yi's fantasy is about to be shattered."

Eri likes Saber in FSN very much, and after watching it, she firmly believes that "she" is a handsome girl.

"Disillusioned? Eri?"

Lancelot was a little uneasy. As a person who lived two thousand years ago, he suddenly found that he was not so disillusioned with the world of mortals. At least now he wanted to know how future generations arranged for him.

"Oh, Eriki is my lover. You're talking about fantasy... Nowadays, people have made animations about you. What's amazing is that in the theme, you are also summoned as heroic spirits."

Even when he was idle, Lu Chen felt that it was quite magical to see people in anime.

"Anime? What is that?"

This noble knight suddenly found that he seemed to have become a country bumpkin.

Lu Chen pondered for a moment, "Hmm... It's probably similar to an opera. You can understand it that way. It's just a story teller anyway. You can understand it as a collection of moving stories."

Lancelot has a strong ability to understand, "I see, then am I... strong inside?"

Sure enough, no matter who he is, he will care more or less about his posthumous name.

"Whether it's strong or not, I didn't feel it when I read the novel, but you died pretty quickly..."

At this point, Lu Chen suddenly asked curiously: "By the way, are you really having an affair with King Arthur's wife?"

It's not that he is gossiping, he is just asking Eri Yi for help.

Mentioning this, Lancelot fell silent and looked up at the eternal daytime sky. "So this is what later generations described..."

The wood in the campfire made a crackling sound while burning. Lu Chen didn't care whether the other party answered or not and continued eating.

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