Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 337 Brother, you don’t like men, do you?

Lu Mingfei had a bad dream, woke up and decided to get up for the night.

Fingel didn't look like he spent all night playing games in the academy. After arriving at the North Pole, he turned into a good boy and fell asleep early. He was still snoring slightly.

In order to cope with various emergencies and protect these "civilian staff" who have no combat effectiveness, although there are many rooms in YAMAL, the six of them still sleep in two rooms.

Hui Liyi takes care of the two girls, and Chu Zihang takes care of the two boys.

Lu Mingfei used the dim light of his mobile phone to glance vaguely at the bed opposite. It seemed that Senior Brother Chu hadn't come back yet, and it was already past twelve o'clock.

He finished draining the water in the toilet, shook himself, and sighed.

They have been drifting on the ice sea for a day. This sea area is nothing but ice. It is dark most of the time and nothing can be seen clearly.

He originally thought there would be some arctic scenery, but now they are not so much on board a ship, but more like entering a prison on the sea.

After a boring day of sailing, Lu Mingfei realized that it was easy to save people by patting his chest, but in fact it seemed... of no use.

There won't be any fighting, and no one will be hurt. As for the think tank?

Except for Senior Brother Fingel, no one on this ship is smarter than him... It's hard to say. From what Senior Brother Chu said, Senior Brother Fingel seems to be pretty good at calculations.

It seems that at the end of the count, he is useless.

After realizing this, Lu Mingfei felt a little disappointed, and he also wanted to help find Senior Brother Lu.

"Brother, why don't you put it away?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Lu Mingfei was so frightened that he hurriedly picked up his pants, "Who!?"


With a snap of fingers, the room lights up.

And the boy wearing a down jacket and a thick velvet hat was standing next to him.

"Fuck, Lu Mingze, are you a pervert? You peeked at me peeing."

Lu Mingfei cursed angrily.

"I've just arrived, and I'm not interested in watching my brother's defecation process."

Lu Mingze was speechless and waved his hand. Lu Mingfei felt that the scene in front of him changed, from the bedroom to the roof of the YAMAL cabin.

Lu Mingfei subconsciously wanted to hug his body to resist the cold wind, but the next moment he realized that it was not cold at all. It should be an environment of minus 20 degrees, but it was about the same temperature as the previous indoor temperature. There was no wind and everything was still. of.

He also used the lights on the boat to clearly see Senior Brother Chu standing alone on the bow, and said to himself that Senior Brother Chu looked very capable even at this time.

"What are you doing here? How many times have I told you, no deal!"

Lu Mingfei said angrily. He had met Lu Mingze twice after the last mission to Atlantis, and now he felt like he was facing an annoying salesman.

A few days ago, he performed an A-level mission alone and successfully killed Deadpool with one shot using the sniper rifle given by Senior Brother Lu. However, he did not expect that there was more than one Deadpool in the mountain, and another one had already touched behind him.

Not only was the sniper rifle knocked to the ground when he was caught off guard, a large gash was opened on his back, forcing him to engage in close combat.

Then Lu Mingze came out to persuade him to trade, but he didn't listen. He saw the opportunity to distance himself, took out the vanity mirror and said "Don't die," and pulled out the small sword to be reckless. In the end, he really won the fight.

Lu Mingze looked worried, "It's not easy for us salesmen. We have given you so many customer benefits, but you have not yet placed an order. If this continues, I will be demoted and transferred." "

"Will there be any job transfers for you devils? Hurry up and give me a beautiful sister next time. Is there a succubus like the one in the anime?"

For some reason, Lu Mingfei's conversation with Lu Mingze was not formal, as if they had known each other for many years, and they just talked nonsense.

Lu Mingze smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes. If brother wants, I can mention it to the above before being transferred. Understanding the personal sexual interests of customers is also our specialty."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, "Really?"

Lu Mingze looked sad, "Brother, are you really willing to let me be transferred away like this? If I were transferred to the Antarctic, I might not be able to meet anyone even if I walk thousands of miles. Without customers, I would die." "

Lu Mingfei wanted to say that your life and death had nothing to do with me, but when he saw the little devil looking like he was crying, he felt soft-hearted inexplicably.

Finally, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, I'm just joking. Now that you're out, I'll ask you something."

Lu Mingze smiled and said: "Brother, you want to ask if Lu Chen really exists? Of course he does exist. You three all remember it, how could he not exist?"

Lu Mingfei felt relieved after hearing this, "Actually, what I want to ask more is where is Senior Brother Lu and how can we find him back?"

He didn't know where his "younger brother" came from, but the other party was so clever that he let him out after giving him a StarCraft secret book in the maze.

He thinks finding someone should also fall into this category, right? For example, let him use the secret book from last time, open the map fully, and mark something.

But who knew that Lu Mingze shook his head, "I know where he is, but I won't help you find him."


Lu Mingfei also noticed that the little devil's wording was "can't", which did not mean that he was incapable, that is, the other party might be able to get Senior Brother Lu back.

"Brother, you don't know how powerful your Senior Brother Lu is. Who can trap him? We devils can't afford to offend him."

Lu Mingze had a smile on his face and said he couldn't afford to offend, but he didn't look afraid.

The devil is never afraid of offending people, he just wants to see if you can afford the price.

"I told you last time in Atlantis, you are so cool."

Lu Mingfei complained that Lu Mingze failed to pin down Egil and Senior Brother Lu last time.

Lu Mingze was not embarrassed, "Our devil's business capabilities are also limited. If customers don't pay the bill, how can we have the money to increase our strength?"

He asked back: "Brother, why do you want to get Senior Brother Lu back? Isn't the world good now? There is no big monster that dominates the world, and the red-haired girl is not interested in power. When Senior Brother Chu abdicates, you As an S-level person, you are the new Lionheart Guild President. Will you be able to pick and choose from all the junior sisters in the school?"

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment, "I'm not not interested in being the president of the Lion Heart Association..."

His voice changed, "But, I still want to find Senior Brother Lu."

Without Senior Brother Lu, he didn't know how embarrassing that day would be.

Without Senior Brother Lu, he would not have known himself again and given him a chance to work hard.

"Brother, don't you often complain that Senior Brother Lu doesn't treat you as a human being during training? After he comes back, you must have special training from hell."

Lu Mingze said bewilderedly.

Lu Mingfei shook his head, "The training given to me by Senior Brother Lu was very hard, but you know, no one was willing to spend time on me before. Besides, as the strongest person in the academy, Senior Brother Lu's time is very precious. When he trains me, it means he has high expectations for me.”

This is the first time that he is needed by others. Whether a person treats him well or not depends on the other person's purpose and whether he is willing to spend time for himself.

Only after he tried hard again did he realize that his former self was too degenerate. It was not that he had no potential and ability, but no one was willing to supervise him and force him.

Facts have proved that after several months of training, he can reach the A-level level. Even in Kassel, he is still in the upper reaches.

"Tsk tsk...Brother, you don't like men, do you?"

Lu Mingze said with a smile.

Before Lu Mingfei could get angry, he continued: "Well, since it is your brother's wish, I can also help you find Lu Chen back..."


Lu Mingfei said in surprise.

Lu Mingze stretched out a finger, "In one transaction, for only a quarter, I can help you get him back."

He does not need to fight Odin, but opening Avalon is not an easy task for him now. He must promote the progress of the transaction.

Lu Mingfei hesitated again. If they couldn't find Senior Brother Lu even when they were at the end of their rope, he might consider it, but it was still only the first day.

Moreover, every time Lu Mingze mentioned trading, he was always wary in his heart. There was a voice telling him that he must not trade.

"This deal is waiting for you at any time. When brother figures it out, you can call my name."

Lu Mingze said, snapped his fingers, and the two returned to the bedroom.

Before disappearing, he glanced in another direction in the cabin. From an angle that Lu Mingfei couldn't see, he looked gloomy.

He was a little unsure...what did it mean for Jormungandr to follow him.


Pouring down strong alcohol was a way for ordinary people to drink to death, but for Chu Zihang's current physique, he could not even feel a trace of drunkenness from such a ferocious drinking.

Eriki believed in him, and everyone believed in him, so they were willing to assist them in this operation.

He can't tell everyone that there is no hope, and he himself has a firm will not to hit the wall and never look back... no, even if he hits the wall, he will never look back.

But...who can I talk to about the pressure and annoyance in my heart?

"Senior brother, why are you drinking alone here?"

The cold wind sent a pleasant female voice into his ears, which seemed to have a hint of coolness.

Chu Zihang turned his head slightly, it was Xia Mi.

Xia Mi was not overly dressed at this time, because he was wearing a tights specially made by the Equipment Department. The material was special, and it not only kept the inside warm and resistant to severe cold, but also the outside could withstand high temperatures and had a certain bulletproof ability.

After wearing it, she wouldn't feel very cold even in an environment of minus 20 degrees, so she wore simple autumn clothes and a light brown windbreaker, which made the girl look a little more mature.

"Aren't you and Eriki sleeping yet?"

Chu Zihang asked, it was already early morning.

"Eri tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, so she got up and took a bath again. I felt a little stuffy in the room, so I came out to take a look."

Xia Mi lay on the railing and turned to look at Chu Zihang, "Who would have thought that as soon as I came out, I would see my senior brother drinking alone at night."

Chu Zihang was speechless.

Xia Mi looked convinced, "Please, this is the ice sea in the Arctic Circle. It's extremely cold in the middle of the night. I'm drinking vodka or something on the bow of the ship in the freezing wind. Brother, can you be colder and lonelier?" ?"

"This is what the captain left for me."

Chu Zihang said calmly.

"Are you going to drink it when the captain gives it to you? Are you stupid? Is this how you drink vodka?"

Xia Mi said as he couldn't help but take it from Chu Zihang's hand. Only less than one-sixth of the 700 ml bottle of wine was left.

Chu Zihang felt a little ridiculous. He was clearly scolding him despite being his junior sister. What was even more strange was that he didn't feel angry.

"I have a high pedigree and alcohol has no effect on me."

Chu Zihang's face was expressionless, and he still looked like a cold vice president, but he himself felt that his defense was a bit weak.

"It's amazing to have a high bloodline. Even S-class people can get drunk. If, senior brother, you get drunk and go crazy and want to jump in for a swim, I won't be able to catch you."

Xia Mi put the tip of his nose to the mouth of the wine bottle and smelled the strong smell of strong liquor, which seemed to be overpowering. He distanced himself from the bottle in disgust.

Seeing that Chu Zihang didn't speak and just looked at the black sea, Xia Mi said helplessly: "Senior brother, although you have a facial paralysis... But at this moment, everyone can see that you are very upset. You are so anxious to find Lu Chen." ?”

Chu Zihang did not directly answer Xia Mi's question, "Brother Lu is imprisoned in the Nibelungs, and he should be very anxious now. He is a very simple person, and may make irrational decisions in urgent situations."

Xia Mi smiled playfully: "Suddenly, I feel like you are looking for your son's father. You are worried about Eriki and Lu Chen. Do you think you are the savior who wants to save the world? It's all on you." "

Chu Zihang shook his head, "If there is really a savior in this world, it is Brother Lu, but now the only ones who have the ability to find him... are me and Eriki."

"Good guy, if senior brother wants to say that he is the savior of the savior, then he is still the savior."

Xia Mi looked at Chu Zihang's profile and asked, "Senior brother, why are you so obsessed with Lu Chen? He is very important to you?"

This time Chu Zihang didn't think much about it, "It's very important."

"Is it so important that you risk your life to save him?"

Xia Mi continued to ask.

Chu Zihang turned and looked at Xia Mi, "Junior sister has only carried out that one mission with me, right?"

"Of course. I just entered school this year. Who would have thought that I would meet the next generation in my first war practice class? Seeing my senior brother's heroic fight, I still have lingering fears."

Xia Mi patted his chest, looking scared.

Chu Zihang said: "But junior sister, you have not actually experienced a real battlefield. You just watched. In other words, I was almost the same as junior sister..."

He paused, "Brother Lu and I went to the Dragon Clan battlefield together. We have a life-long friendship."

Xia Mi clicked his tongue in surprise, with a gossipy look on his face, "Is this comradeship?"

In this cold and dark night, Chu Zihang seemed to open up his chatterbox: "I have said that there were times when I was very weak. Once in the Jin Lunga Corridor, I was blocked by a bronze block, and the ghost-toothed dragon viper rushed towards me. , Yuan Zhisheng... who is now the head of the eight Sheqi families, wants to cut off my rope..."

"Then he is nothing!"

Xia Mi clenched her pink fists, grinning with her little fangs showing, looking a little fierce.

"It's not to blame Yuan Zhisheng. From his point of view, from a rational perspective, his judgment was correct. I didn't think they should save me at that moment. Oxygen and time are limited..."

Chu Zihang's eyes were full of memories, "...But Brother Lu and Brother Caesar were unwilling. He punched the bronze block open with one punch and saved me at the critical moment."

He spoke no more, but recalled the past.

When he and Lu Chen first met, he felt that the other person was a strange person. Later, he found out that they lived in the opposite dormitory. After the physical test, he even enthusiastically gave the other person a set of sportswear.

They go to the free window in the cafeteria together and perform everyone's first task...

Brother Lu also cared about him and taught him the technique of violent bloodshed.

He never regretted learning Bleeding Blood, not only because he wanted to pursue the power of revenge, but without Bleeding Blood, he would have died in that solo mission.

Brother Lu drove a car for two days in the far north ice field to find serum for himself, and finally gave him the precious bloodline item.

Even if Brother Lu didn't tell him, he would have guessed that the other party secretly left that thing, probably because he wanted to leave it to Eriki, but he gave it to him in the end.

He was reborn, and together they slayed the dragon and triumphed together.

He also heard Lu Mingfei say how furious Brother Lu was towards the organization when he learned that he was in a coma.

He also made an agreement with Brother Lu, who said he would go with him to find Odin.

But now...why did you run away and disappear?

"It sounds like Senior Brother Lu is indeed very reliable. He is your good comrade-in-arms, Senior Brother."

Xia Mi asked curiously.

Chu Zihang looked at the black glacier and felt that his junior sister did not understand what he meant, so he changed a metaphor and said, "Have you ever heard of small animals and big animals?"

Xia Mi nodded and said that he was very knowledgeable, "In interpersonal communication, those powerful guys are big animals and leaders, and big animals are surrounded by small animals and look up to big animals."

"When I was a little animal, there was a big animal that was very kind to me and helped me bite people. Now that the big animal has been bitten and disappeared, I will kill whoever bites him!"

At the end of the sentence, Chu Zihang's dazzling golden eyes lit up, showing extra ferocity, "Even Odin is the same."

Xia Mi looked at Chu Zihang silent for a long time, and she suddenly wondered if selling her lust would be useless at all?

But in the end, she sighed, moved closer to Chu Zihang, tapped her toes, made a somewhat transgressive move, and touched Chu Zihang's head, as if she were comforting a cat with fried fur.

You can be cruel, but many times in this world being useless.

But this is what she said: "Senior brother, you are so powerful that not even a god can stop you..."

Chu Zihang was caught off guard by the girl's sudden behavior. He never expected that this junior sister, who was two years younger than him, would do such a thing to him.

Xia Mi suddenly raised the bottle of vodka that was all but empty, "I wish we can successfully find Senior Brother Lu!"

Then he drank heavily under Chu Zihang's shocked eyes, and his pretty face was immediately stained with a seductive blush.

"Ah - so spicy, this stuff tastes really bad."

Xia Mi opened his mouth and sighed, frowning. Vodka is usually used for mixing drinks. The only ones who can drink it directly are Russian fur bears.

Chu Zihang was not shocked by Junior Sister's boldness and declaration of victory, "Junior Sister, you are underage..." (Please do not imitate!)

But Xia Mi playfully stuck out his sweet tongue, as if he wanted to use the cold air to dispel the heat, "This is the high seas, senior brother, don't be so rigid."

She retracted her tongue, seeming to realize her gaffe, and smiled, "I will help senior brother and Eriki find the truth."

Chu Zihang looked at Xia Mi. At this moment, the cold wind surged, and the goddess's skirt fell from the sky, illuminating the girl's flawless face like a sculpture, and seemed to put a mysterious veil on her.

The moment she looked back at herself, the smoke was flowing, just like the flowers in midsummer in her memory turning in the wind, and her long hair filled the air.

Chu Zihang couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

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