Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 361 Lu Mingfei: Shall I meet my father too?

"The doomsday sect was derived from this plan. When those people were preparing to organize these shelters, they gradually became pessimistic."

Chu Tianjiao continued to narrate: "They began to feel that mankind was destined to fail and be destroyed by the dragons. Instead of thinking of ways to fight them, they should think of how to continue the fire of mankind. This idea became stronger and stronger as time went by. , people who agreed with this view gathered together, and gradually developed a sense of separation from the Secret Party. They were keen to think of ways to survive, but did not think about how to fight against the Dragon Clan. Finally one day they parted ways with the Secret Party, which is now the Doomsday Sect. "

Lu Chen laughed after hearing this and said, "Isn't this just a deserter?"

He was half-joking, because it is difficult to judge right from wrong in this kind of thing. What if humans really can't win?

The doomsday faction that kept the fire was right, but as a soldier who was born on the battlefield, Lu Chen still looked down upon this kind of behavior.

In his opinion, Principal Ange is still a good person. Even though he is a lot older, when the critical moment comes, the old man can definitely rush to the front.

Chu Tianjiao also smiled, "This understanding is not wrong, but although it is just a difference in philosophy, the people of the secret party hate the doomsday sect very much now. After all, the most hated thing for any organization besides its own enemies is the traitor."

His words were also a bit extreme, but the doomsday faction was considered a traitor in the eyes of most people in the secret party, because there were many outstanding talents among them. If those people dedicated themselves to slaying dragons, the pressure on the execution department would be much less.

"Uncle Chu means that the Nibelungen might have been built by doomsday sects?"

Lu Chen understood what Chu Tianjiao meant and suddenly felt that things had become clearer.

"It's hard to say. I used to have a good relationship with two people from the doomsday sect when I was in school, but then I graduated and joined the executive department. We haven't contacted each other for many years. I personally have never cared about the doomsday sect. I just heard that they have something in the Arctic. I don’t know if the base is Nibelungen or not.”

Chu Tianjiao changed his tone, "But you can ask the principal, he will definitely know."

Lu Chen did not hesitate and directly picked up the phone and dialed. As the saying goes, an elder in a family is like a treasure. The principal knew too many secrets.

Fortunately, Uncle Chu didn't hack the principal to death or knock him unconscious, otherwise there would be too many mysteries that they couldn't solve.

"This position is... the North Pole? Are you going back to find Avalon again?"

After Angers picked up the phone, he saw Lu Chen's location and obviously had some misunderstanding.

He hoped that Lu Chen and others would come back to renovate, strengthen their equipment, and even bring frogmen troops to attack the Dragon Clan.

"The principal misunderstood. We came to the North Pole to save Uncle Chu. Oh, he is Chu Zihang's father. You should also know him."

Lu Chen explained.

"Chu Tianjiao? That child is really still alive!?"

Ange was a little shocked. He had talked with Lu Chen on the phone about time zero before, but he felt that the possibility of Chu Tianjiao regaining consciousness was very low, and it would be too difficult to capture Chu Tianjiao alive in the battle between the speedsters.

But hearing Lu Chen's relaxed tone now, it sounded like... he had been rescued?

Chu Tianjiao took the phone from Lu Chen, "Old guy, do you still remember my voice?"

Ange was not dissatisfied with Chu Tianjiao's disrespect. It was normal for the other party to be resentful. He smiled and said, "Of course, welcome back to this beautiful world."

"We'll talk about old times later. I would like to ask the principal if there are doomsday Nibelungs in the North Pole?"

Chu Tianjiao asked directly. He also hoped to go back and see Su Xiaoyan after all the matters were dealt with.

The principal was silent for a while, "...Do you have anything to do with the doomsday faction?"

Angers personally does not like the ideas of the doomsday faction. He is a man who is burning with fire but wants to bite a piece of dragon flesh before he burns out. Of course, he is not so pessimistic.

But he also believes that the existence of doomsday sects is necessary. He personally can leave no escape route, but mankind needs a retreat.

Lu Chen answered the phone and said, "You're here, let's go visit. Don't worry, I won't cause trouble."

Of course he is telling the truth. He is not planning to cause any trouble. After all, this is human territory. The most he can do is take Gangnir and leave. If the doomsday faction is not willing...then he cannot be considered as causing trouble. Bar?

"Just go take a look and come back as soon as possible."

Angers sent a coordinate to Lu Chen's mobile phone. As for how to enter the Nibelungen, he didn't say. He felt that there were too many people in the team with marks, and Chu Zihang would figure out a way.

The reason why he didn't want Chu Zihang and others to go to the Doomsday Sect was partly because he couldn't understand that place now, and partly because Lu Mingfei, he didn't want his good S-class student to be The parents brainwashed them to stay there.

Lu Chen hung up the phone and looked at the location sent by the principal. It was about 150 kilometers away from them, northeast.

He pulled up the rope, dragged the two sleds and started running on the snow.

"I feel like Senior Brother Lu is such a supermodel. Is this a load of three thousand kilograms and a fuel consumption of one kilogram per 100 kilometers?"

Lu Mingfei sat in the car and complained in game terms.

He is really not talking nonsense. Senior Brother Lu can only eat ten kilograms in one meal, but it is super long-lasting.

"Uncle Chu, you just said that there are people you know in the doomsday sect. Did the people there also go to school together?"

Lu Mingfei was sandwiched between Chu Zihang and Chu Tianjiao, with Fingel sitting on the edge. In fact, based on the weight distribution, he should have sat in the girls' car.

But he felt like he had been kicked out of the biological classification of men and women. He was not that thick-skinned yet, so he reluctantly squeezed in with everyone.

"Of course, the people of the Doomsday Sect were originally members of the Secret Party, and naturally they also attended Kassel College."

Chu Tianjiao said and recalled: "Although I was not as outrageous as you two when I was in school, it was still a glorious period for the college. In addition to me, there were two S-class hybrids. At that time, the principal also said that the school was founded. The number of S-class students in school has been the highest in the past century, but this record has been broken by you."

He was not surprised when he learned that Lu Mingfei was S-level. The other party's healing ability was extremely effective on the battlefield, and his son's bloodline was definitely S-level after being strengthened.

The red-haired girl named Eri Uesugi was probably the hybrid with the highest dragon bloodline he had ever seen. What surprised him was that he didn't feel the outrageous dragon bloodline in Lu Chen. He insisted that it was just a dragon bloodline. He and Zihang seemed to be in the middle, but they were inexplicably powerful.

But no matter what, these are four more S-level students, indeed more than he had at that time.

"There are two more? It seems that the S-class is not worth as much as I thought."

Lu Chen was pulling the cart in front and sighed with a smile when he heard Chu Tianjiao's words.

"Of course not. Normally, it takes more than ten years for a student with S-class blood to appear. But as the saying goes, heroes emerge from troubled times. It may be that towards the end of the Solar Era, there were more and more people with S-class blood. When I was in school , is the rarest situation.”

Chu Tianjiao said that S-levels are still very rare.

Lu Mingfei asked curiously: "Uncle Chu is the super ace of the executive department. Did you join a club when you were in school?"

Mentioning this, Chu Zihang's interest was also aroused. It was extremely fun to discover eight things about his parents' past.

In addition, he was also a little surprised that his father was really a student of Cassel College, but he had not seen his father's name in the historical directory of the Lionheart Club.

It is said that people like Dad belong to the "martial arts sect", and the Lion Heart Club was stronger in the past. It is not surprising that he should have a name left behind, and even be the president.

"Yes, I joined the student union at that time and served as the student union president for two years."

Chu Tianjiao didn't seem proud when he mentioned the past. Obviously he also felt that Lion Heart would be better.

"I thought Uncle Chu would join the Lion Heart Club."

Lu Mingfei said with emotion.

Chu Zihang was not surprised. After seeing his father's underground hut, he knew how arrogant his father was. This kind of person was different from the serious style of the Lion Heart Society, but more like the one from Brother Caesar. The vibe is similar.

"Why didn't Dad join Lionheart?"

Chu Zihang still couldn't help but gossip curiously. Before Brother Caesar led the student union, it had always been overshadowed by the Lion Heart Society. There was no comparison with the Lion Heart Society. How could a proud man like his father choose a second-class place?

"'s all in the past."

Chu Tianjiao looked a little embarrassed and didn't want to mention this matter.

But the less he said anything, the stronger Chu Zihang's curiosity became. Even the girls with good hearing looked at Chu Tianjiao with burning eyes. No one could refuse the gossip of their elders.

"Okay, actually it's nothing, just don't mind Zihang."

Chu Tianjiao's face is not ordinary. He dares to say as long as he makes up his mind: "I fell in love with a beautiful senior sister at that time, so I joined the student union. I am young and ignorant. Who knows that they just want to coax me to join the pirate ship. In fact, I have already joined the student union." Boyfriend."

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but laugh a little, thinking that this was okay?

He had never imagined that an S-class hybrid would have such an aggrieved past.

Joining the student union when you like a certain senior sister is so funny, so embarrassing!

Chu Zihang also showed a stiff smile. Don't get me wrong, he really smiled knowingly.

It turns out that my father also had ridiculous things when he was young. He wanted to fall in love at the college, but he failed to catch up with the senior sister. He met his mother many years later.

"Although I didn't succeed, Dad, Zihang, I think it's still important for you to find a good goal in the academy and know how to enjoy your youth."

Chu Tianjiao taught him that he felt that regardless of whether the world would be destroyed or not, his son could not remain a human being before his death...

You can't just think about slaying the dragon, you have to know how to indulge your youth.

Chu Zihang was a little embarrassed, but it didn't show on his face, "Just be like dad..."

His original intention was to put it off and not talk about it until he graduated.

But Chu Tianjiao suddenly put on a melancholy expression, "You can't imitate me and find the best one in the academy. There are many rich young women in Kassel, and they all look exquisite. The most important thing is..."

At this point, Chu Tianjiao stopped and was speechless for a long time.

The most important thing is that everyone is a mixed race and a person from the same world.

He didn't want his son to find true love like him, only to find that there was a chasm between them.

He thought for a while, and in order to continue what he just said, he whispered in Chu Zihang's ear, covered by the sound of the wind: "I think that little girl named Xia Mi is good."

Chu Zihang felt that he was almost brainwashed. He had recently experienced the feeling that Brother Lu had before.

Before Brother Lu realized his feelings, many people often mentioned the matter between him and Eriki. One night, he and Brother Lu were having supper in the cafeteria together, and he heard Brother Lu say, "I don't know why I feel like everything around me is..." Everyone is matching up.”

This is how he feels now. His mother said and his father said that Eriki seems to be stirring up trouble with Xia Mi. Even Brother Lu occasionally hints to him that Xia Mi is actually pretty good.

Well, Chu Zihang himself felt that Xia Mi was really good.

But the problem is...

I suspect not human!

More than an hour later, Lu Chen stopped. He had arrived at the location given by the principal.

The wind and snow suddenly became stronger, and Lu Chen vaguely heard something coming from a distance.

Xia Mi sat on the sled, opened her eyes that were closed to meditate, and looked around. She felt it.

And as she sensed it, shock gradually appeared in her heart. This was the first time she had seen the Nibelungs in this form.

"Godzilla, I seem to hear a dog barking."

Huiliyi got off the sled and walked to Lu Chen's side.

"I heard it too, but there was no shadow, the sound was vague, and the direction was different every time."

Lu Chen frowned slightly. The visibility under the wind and snow was very low, but the sound transmission should not be disturbed. There was no signal failure on his mobile phone, which meant that he had not been involved in the Nibelungs yet.

Because they might be approaching their destination, everyone got out of the car and walked beside Lu Chen.

The previous burst of barking was not only heard by Lu Chen and Eryi, but also by everyone else except Fingel and Zero.

According to the principal, they should have arrived at the doomsday sect's territory, but not only were there no Nibelungs, they didn't even see any buildings.

Is it underground?

But this is the Arctic permafrost, not the Antarctic. Even if it is thicker, it is only a dozen meters, and it is impossible to accommodate a large shelter.

After walking about three kilometers, Lu Mingfei suddenly pointed to the left and exclaimed, "There is a building!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction that Lu Mingfei pointed. It was a five-story Khrushchev Building. This kind of small simple residential building made of cement was very thick. In the Soviet Union in the 1950s, It has solved the housing problems of a large number of Moscow residents, allowing them to move into new homes from basements, work sheds, dilapidated buildings and overcrowded shared housing.

However, with the development of the economy and people's pursuit of a comfortable life, a large number of demolitions have begun at the end of the last century, and they are rarely seen in Russia today.

If you see this kind of building in a remote area in the north of Russia, you won't be too surprised. After all, although this kind of building is not beautiful and comfortable, it is absolutely warm and very sturdy.

But here is the desolate frozen soil of the Arctic Circle. On this ice layer, stands the Khrushchev Building, which is far weirder than a gas station or something.

The gas station can also be understood as a sentry post for the former scientific expedition team to promote in-depth construction, but what the hell is the Khrushchev Building? Want to live in the Arctic permanently?

The weirdest thing is that there is only one building, which is not the building complex that everyone thinks of. Can this be called a shelter?

Lu Chen looked at the Khrushchev Building suspiciously. After all, it was only the talented person who was bold, "Go over and have a look."

After that, he walked at the front and arrived in front of the door of the floor. The door was covered with a layer of ice, as if no one had touched it since it had been in the ice and snow for a long time.

He tried knocking on the door, but there was no response, so he just "pushed the door open"

The others followed him, and Chu Zihang, who was capable of fighting, was alert to the surroundings.

Everyone walked around the Khrushchev Building and found that the door of every room was open. There were furniture and beds inside, but there was no smell of anyone living there.

They seemed to have suddenly discovered a ghost building in the Arctic Circle, which made people feel chilled.

"Senior brother, why do I feel that something is not right about this place?"

Lu Mingfei rubbed his hands. He didn't know if it was because the building had been in the wind and snow for a long time. It was also chilly inside, not much better than outside.

"There is indeed a problem. There is a building here, and it should be photographed by satellites in summer."

Chu Zihang analyzed that the main reason was that the existence of this building was too abrupt. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. His mobile phone was also specially made by the equipment department. It still had signals in the polar regions. Although the signal was weak at this time, it could still make calls. It shows that they did not enter the Nibelungen.

So what's going on with this building?

The Khrushchev Building was not big, and within half an hour it was turned upside down by everyone, but nothing special was found.

"It's not like there's nothing gained. Let's take a rest and prepare lunch."

Lu Chen asked everyone to take a rest for a while. He was a little hungry after pulling the car for so long.

Everyone gathered in a small room. The room gradually became warmer. Chu Zihang turned on the steam heating machine on the first floor. The temperature inside the building slowly returned to above zero.

Halfway through the meal, Lu Chen suddenly put down his bowls and chopsticks and looked at the surroundings with a smile on his face.

"Interesting, Eriyi feels it too, right?"

He first reached out and grabbed Eri Yi beside him.

Eriki nodded obediently, "It seems that the world has become unreal, very strange."

Chu Zihang and Chu Tianjiao's eyes were solemn. They all felt the abnormality more or less. This abnormality came so fast and violently, and was as silent as boiling a frog in warm water.

Lu Mingfei felt a little dizzy and wanted to go to the window and look outside, but when he saw what was outside, his eyes widened, he raised one hand and pointed outside, and turned around and said: "Senior Brother Lu, we... It seems to have come in."

Several people walked to the window. At this time, the scenery outside looked like Moscow in the 1980s, with numerous Khrushchev Buildings. Near noon, some smoke could be seen floating from the windows.

From far to near, there are large spruce trees, which absorb the heat emitted by the buildings and shield the people here from the wind and snow.

There is also a basketball court downstairs, where the boys attack and defend in a controlled manner. After one round, the heat on their heads slowly rises.

In the distance, there are girls dancing on the playground, and people in decent suits are walking on the road discussing academic issues with colleagues.

When Lu Chen led everyone downstairs, after walking out of the Khrushchev Building, a handsome man wearing a brown windbreaker stood in front of them.

Lu Mingfei looked shocked and opened his mouth blankly, "Dad, daddy?"

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