Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 40 Return, doubts

"Which one is it? This one? Or this one?"

Lu Chen's eyes wandered, and his fingers clamped the card on the left for a while, then the card on the right for a while, but his opponent was not moved at all, with a paralyzed face, which was a perfect example of poker.

In the end, Lu Chen had no choice but to gamble on his luck. When he pulled it back, he saw it was a ghost card and was immediately discouraged.

"Junior brother, you lose again."

Lutitia laughed at the side, and Chu Zihang calmly took back the cards and shuffled them again.

They are now on their way back. Due to boredom, Lu Chen, Chu Zihang, Su Qian, Miranla, and Lutitia are playing cards. As for Lancelot, he is too injured to be transferred. He received treatment at a local hospital and was transferred back to the college after his condition stabilized.

Drawing ghost cards is a simple game. You take turns to draw cards in order and make up pairs. The pairs can be thrown away. Once they are drawn, they will "run away". Whoever has the ghost card in the end is the loser.

The weird thing is that Lu Chen has never won a single game since he started playing this game.

Not to mention Chu Zihang, who has a natural poker face, Lutishia and the other girls played the game very seriously, as if they were in a spy training class, leaving no flaws in their expressions.

Moreover, Lu Chen was very unlucky and always dealt a bad hand, while Miranla would often throw away most of the cards after dividing them, which made people compare to each other, which made people angry.


The pads in front of everyone lit up. Lu Chen glanced at them and called out to the college for their smooth handling of the aftermath.

The above is the follow-up to their mission. The fire in Hongshan Park was determined to be caused by dry weather. Some tourists smoked and threw cigarette butts into the maple forest, causing a tragedy.

And because of the origin of this incident, the five young masters from wealthy families who died, as well as Milisa, were defined as housebreaking and accidental murder, and the culprits have been captured.

The parents of those people only learned of their children's deaths in the past two days. Lu Chen originally thought that these parents were caring enough, as they had been missing for several weeks.

But later I learned that these boys and girls did not live at home on weekdays and often went out to fool around. They had been missing for two months. No one expected that this time they disappeared within less than a month.

Of course, those parents did not accept this hasty statement. It was suspicious enough that the "police" did not show them the body, so the college later intervened and gave those people a "psychological counseling"

After switching quickly, Lu Chen finally turned to the information of those boys and girls, as well as the details of the cause of the incident, and even the messy things that happened before. Lu Chen closed the Pad screen.

"You're really good at playing."

He scoffed.

Everyone else knew what Lu Chen was referring to.

"Western countries really need to be more open."

Chu Zihang's simple comment aroused dissatisfaction from the two women opposite him, who glared at him.

"Who said that a real lady is very self-loving!"

Lutitia complained that the details of the matter were too exciting for a girl like her who had received aristocratic education since she was a child. The same was true for Miranla, who turned off the Pad halfway through reading, which was really dirty.

But Su Qian silently nodded to Chu Zihang, agreeing with him.

"After returning to school this time, junior brother, will you take over the throne soon?"

Luticia changed the subject.

"Succession? Why does it sound like you are going to be the emperor?"

Lu Chen couldn't laugh or cry, but after this mission, he was indeed one step closer to becoming the president of the Lionheart Club. His first mission was AA level, and he turned the tide. It is said that in the mission report, Executive Officer Philemon not only stated his dereliction of duty, It's a huge compliment to him.

He even said, "I don't think we should just put aside this peerless sword just because Lu Chen is just a freshman." It was clear that he wanted him to join the executive department and be more active.

Of course Lu Chen had no problem with it. Rather than attending lectures in the academy, it would be more interesting to kill some high-risk hybrids.

"Actually, there are still many doubts and unreasonable aspects about this mission."

Luticia frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Miranla asked doubtfully.

"For example, I don't know if it's because of the awakening of Abel's bloodline. He actually looks pretty good, but I don't think he can charm beautiful girls and take them to their residence in a very short period of time."

"Also, in some places, such as trails or Hongshan Park late at night, what kind of charm would make those girls go to these obviously unsafe places with a boy they have only known for a day?"

At this time, Lu Chen interrupted: "Senior, you went, it was you who took him there."

Lutitia rolled her eyes and said, "Your senior sister did it for the mission, can it be the same? Don't interrupt me, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Lu Chen shrugged and motioned to his senior sister to continue.

"Think about it carefully. Those women who were victimized were all beautiful and had countless suitors. They were all veterans in love. How could they be won over by a little puppy in a day? Of course, Abel was wearing the skin of a little puppy. Big bad wolf.”

Lutitia's words were thought-provoking, and Miranla raised her hand to speak: "What the senior sister said does make sense. Does he have any special hybrid methods that can confuse those women?"

Susie shook her head, "Abel's speech spirit is the Bronze Throne. It is known that except for pure-blood dragons, no one can have two speech spirits. No matter how deep he becomes a dragon, he cannot do this."


Chu Zihang raised his hand, but received several strange looks.

However, Chu Zihang still had a paralyzed face, making people completely believe that he only proposed this point of view from the perspective of academic discussion.

"Forensics from the Department of Enforcement have previously examined the victim's remains and there were no traces of drugs."

Luticia ruled out this possibility.

"Senior sister, do you want to say...that there are other people helping Abel in this matter?"

Lu Chen raised his head and said something shocking, and everyone else was also horrified.

"I don't know, but there are indeed many things in this series of things that don't make sense. This is why I didn't doubt Abel much. If there are other people behind this helping Abel... then I'm afraid..."

Luticia didn't finish her sentence, but everyone else understood what she meant.

Then this matter may be very complicated, far from the level of AA level, and even Abel's bloodline awakening has tricks.

It is not normal for an ordinary boy to go from being furious and awakening his bloodline to being able to deeply transform into a dragon when fighting against the Executive Department.

If his bloodline was so outstanding but unstable, the clues should have been evident in the previous seventeen years of his life. Abel's current result is like...some external force pushed him.

Chu Zihang also fell into deep thought. Originally, he approved of the awakening of bloodline through stimulation, because he was the best example.

But if you think about it carefully, before he awakened his bloodline, his physical fitness was already extraordinary than ordinary people, but it was only after that that it improved significantly.

"So, junior brother, you should have kept him alive."

Luticia said with a smile.

"It's my fault."

Lu Chen shrugged helplessly, thinking that if I don't chop him, he will eat you.

"Forget it, I've written it in the report anyway, so that the execution department will have a headache. Our mission this time is to hunt down Slaughter. The mission is over, and the follow-up has nothing to do with us."

Lutitia stretched her body, her beautiful curves undulating, and looked at the clouds outside the window.

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