Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 42 Afternoon Tea (please vote for recommendation)

The afternoon sun shines through the blinds on the desk. A squirrel happily runs and jumps on the century-old sunken wood bookshelf. Under its feet are secret books of knowledge and Bibles in various fields.

The squirrel didn't stop jumping until he reached the large desk. He raised the tip of his nose and sniffed, his big eyes rolled, and then he held a finger smeared with peanut butter and began to lick it.

The owner of that finger is an old man in a suit. In this leisurely afternoon, the old man rarely showed a sense of laziness. He was half-leaning on the chair. Behind the academic single-lens lenses, he looked at the wise man. The boy across the long table.

"Compared with the clear and fresh spring tea, the slightly bitter summer tea, and the strong-smelling winter tea, I actually prefer autumn tea. The tea fragrance is gentle and pure, long and leisurely. When drinking tea, it always reminds people of the past."

The old man raised his hand to invite you, "I'm new to West Lake Longjing. My tea skills probably haven't been mastered yet."

Lu Chen raised his glass respectfully and took a sip. The aroma of the tea was calm and moderate, with a delicate fragrance and a light aftertaste. It was indeed good tea. In fact, he knew that there were also very complicated etiquette for using tea.

He knew how to catch the cup, transfer the cup, turn around, expose the bottom, etc. There was once a girl among his comrades who was very good at this, but the tea she made was always a bad drink when he drank it.

I'm so thirsty just after the battle, why should I play all these fancy tricks with you?

The principal obviously didn't seem like someone who would care about this. He just seemed to want to chat.

The day after he returned to the college, he was notified that he had the chance to have afternoon tea with the principal, and this was how he ended up.


Lu Chen commented frankly.

"As long as you like it."

Angers wiped his fingers clean, patted the little squirrel on the head, and motioned it to go play.

"Your performance in this mission is very good. You are worthy of your S-class title. I believe there will be no doubts in the academy from now on, and the same will be true of the Lion Heart Club."

Ange picked up the tea set and stood up, walked to Lu Chen and gave him more tea. In a dazed moment in Lu Chen's eyes, the stool the principal was sitting on also came next to him.

"Is this time zero?"

Lu Chen was curious. Even with his dynamic vision, he could only see slightly blurred shadows. It was a weird feeling. It seemed that the old man was not getting faster, but that he was getting slower.

The movement of the chair is silent, as if the moving process has been pinched out of the timeline. This is the difference between time zero and the pure acceleration of an instant.

If Lu Chen did this, he could also complete this move in 0.1 second, but it would definitely bring strong wind, and even break the floor when his feet exert force.

The principal did it in an understatement. He just moved a chair in his own time.

“The desk is too long and it really tends to distance people.”

Ange sat down with a smile, "Time Zero is indeed magical, but Setsuna is also an amazing word spirit. Although the sequence is lower than Time Zero, it has the same potential as Time Zero, at least for you. of."

Lu Chen sat up straight, like a good student who was listening carefully to the class.

"What's the highest level you can climb in an instant?"

Angers asked casually.

"Level 4, sixteen times acceleration."

Lu Chen replied that this was the result of his thinking in advance.

At that time, in order to reach Hongshan Park in time, the distance of ten kilometers only took 57 seconds. According to his physical test results, it seemed to be a little more than eight times, but in fact it cannot be calculated like this, because the city is not a runway.

Taking into account various obstacles, temporary detours and other factors, his actual speed is about 13-14 times.

Since he decided to pretend to be the Setsuna Word Spirit, Lu Chen also did a lot of research and looked up a lot of information in the Lion Heart Society, and now he knows a lot about this Word Spirit.

This Yanling's so-called speed of climbing up the ranks is doubled, which is not an absolute value. It is said to be doubled sixteen times, but in the actual environment, it cannot reach that speed at all.

Because in the real world, the high-speed movement of the body is also affected by factors such as air resistance and ground friction coefficient. These effects become more obvious as the level of the moment increases.

The shrinkage of Setsuna below Level 6 is not serious. According to the inference, if Setsuna climbs to Level 9, it will not be able to reach 512 times the divine speed. It would be good to be able to survive by 200 times, and that would require the user to have extremely strong physical functions. , otherwise if you keep that speed for a few seconds, your body will be unable to bear it first.

External friction and high heat can also burn people's skin, just like meteorites falling into the earth or satellites returning to the earth.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Time Zero to be ranked above Setsuna. The former is like a king who tampered with the rules, while the latter is a reckless man who relies on brute force.

"You can reach this level soon after awakening. It seems that you are indeed very talented. Like I said, this Yanling is very suitable for you, because your muzzle speed is very fast, and you will be faster when swinging the sword. .”

Ange took a sip of Longjing and looked at Lu Chen with eyes full of appreciation.

"I heard that Charlotte, Viscount Silverwing, the most famous instant user in the history of the Secret Party, uses a revolver. But from what you are saying, principal, it seems that you are encouraging me to use a sword?"

Lu Chen was confused. Although he did like to use cold weapons, he thought the principal would suggest him to use hot weapons.

"Viscount Charlotte is one of my mentors. There is no doubt about his strength."

Ange's eyes followed the leaping squirrel on the bookshelf, "But even so, I have to admit that in the face of king-level enemies, bullets are too weak. If he had held It's an alchemy sword..."

Ange said, shaking his head and smiling, "I'm off topic, people always love to reminisce when they get old."

Lu Chen didn't mind, he just sat upright and waited for the principal's next words.

"When the body is strong enough to withstand the speed increase, it is obvious that the speed of cold weapons can far exceed that of bullets. The difference in mass also determines the huge difference in kinetic energy. Bullets cannot break through the hard keel, but alchemical knives carrying huge kinetic energy can Yes, but in my opinion, you have no shortage of strength, so using cold weapons is the best choice."

Angers made a simple comment. With a flick of his hand, a Pad appeared in his hand. After clicking twice, he placed it on the table.

Lu Chen looked at it and saw that there was a photo on it. The person in the photo was very familiar to him. He was the rickety man he killed when he first came to this world.

Lu Chen was silent. At first, he didn't know what he would face after the mission was completed. He shouldn't have killed the rickety man in that way, which indirectly exposed his abnormal power. He worried about this for a long time, but The college did not ask him about this matter. Today it seems that the college did not know and did not care, but the old man in front of him suppressed the matter.

"Don't worry, no one knows about this except me and your mentor, and the commissioners related to that mission have also signed confidentiality agreements."

Ange took a sip of hot tea and raised his hand to tell Lu Chen not to be nervous and relax.

Thank you [book friend 20200618123001891] for the 100-point reward, thank [book friend 20170911130435499] for the 100-point reward, thank [book friend 20180203200806563] for the 100-point reward For the 100-point reward, thank you [book friend 20190902164652329] for the 100-point reward, thank you [20180203200806563] for the 100-point reward, thank you [Lu Zefu] for the 100-point reward, and thank you [ASSASSSIN Sang] for the reward. 100 points, thank you [Magic Juice King] for the 100 points reward

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