Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 503 Regicide Xiangnan

Seeing the silence between the two, the Elf Queen said: "You don't have to accept the inheritance of the secret method, but you have to wait until Dakosi becomes stronger before you can go out. I will not let my daughter accompany you to the battlefield when she is not strong enough."

She could see very clearly that this Duke Godzilla was born on the battlefield and died on the battlefield. This kind of man not only protects all living beings, he just likes to fight.

It was impossible for the other party to stay in the Aisir Forest and live a life of seclusion. If his daughter agreed with him, people on the mainland would not agree. After all, he had just killed the soul-crossing body of the Lord of the Abyss, which was the focus of hope. .

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The creatures on the Aika continent will look forward to Duke Godzilla more and more, but the pressure will also be placed on him, and he will be kidnapped by the general trend to the commanding heights.

This kind of outlet will definitely encounter endless wars in the future, and she also knows the character of her daughter very well. She will definitely follow in the footsteps of the other party. No matter how dangerous the place is, she will dare to go together.

Lu Chen was still thinking, but Eryi had already spoken, even for the first time, without discussing it with Lu Chen.

"I accept the inheritance."

Eriki's pretty face showed determination. She didn't want to be held back anymore, she wanted to become a strong person and fight alongside her husband.

Lu Chen wanted to open his mouth to persuade, but when he saw Eriki's eyes that he had never seen before, he opened his mouth and closed it again.

Unknowingly, Erika is no longer the ignorant girl she once was. She has grown up and has her own thoughts and determinations.

"Godzilla, wait for me."

Eliyi showed Lu Chen a gentle smile, saying nothing.

The Elf Queen stood up and looked at Lu Chen, "The inheritance takes twenty-one days. You can stay with the Moon Wolf clan in the Elf clan for a while, or you can go back and do what you should do."

Lu Chen was a little confused. Although he knew that he couldn't help with this kind of thing, he still wanted to wait.

But what the other party said is right. The Great Wall has been finalized, the people in the north are not at peace, and he still has many things to do, as well as... what Alex said.

"I'll pick you up in three weeks."

Lu Chen thought for a while and said.

A mischievous smile appeared on the corner of Eriki's mouth, and she said in the team channel, "I'm going to take her away today. I'll see who dares to stop me."

Lu Chen's face turned red...

Okay, I dare to tease my husband, just wait!

He turned around and hugged Anarius, preparing to go back to the north first.

"Ah... are you leaving now? I haven't... um... not... eaten enough yet."

Anarius's cheeks were bulging, and there were still fruits that he had not swallowed. He still had one in each hand.

"If the Moon Wolf King likes it, you can take some away."

The Elf Queen smiled and said that the spirit fruits of the elves are very treasured in the outside world, but there are many in the Ahir Forest.

Anarius reluctantly followed Lu Chen and said as he walked, "It's really delicious. If you don't believe me, try it..."

Lu Chen took a piece of fruit and checked it. It turned out to be a purple-quality prop, which had the effect of restoring soul source and physical strength.

So I encouraged Anarius to be "shameless" and ask for more. Well, it was just that my mount wanted to eat.

Lu Chen led the Moon Wolf Clan army to the west in a mighty manner and left the Aisir Forest.

No one noticed that deep in the forest, in the pool of water, a trace of invisible red mist completely dissipated.

Eryi followed the Elf Queen to the place of inheritance, and was still lamenting that the difficulty of the mission in the Origin Space was not set to a standard, as it was clearly quite difficult.


Five days later, in the northern border, Linbeicheng.

After the abyssal creatures were cleared away, many residents of the city were resettled one after another because there were still many intact buildings.

Hundreds of wastes are waiting to be renovated, and the young and middle-aged people are divided into two groups. One group is repairing the buildings in the city, and the other group is working hard to farm the land, which is the basis of their survival.

After a tiring day, these people who have some spare money will also come to the city's taverns for a drink. Although it is bad wine and the concentration is very low, what they drink is not to make them drunk, but to relieve their fatigue.

"But Duke Godzilla, facing the Lord of the Abyss, let out a disdainful laugh and said: 'I have killed many abyss creatures in my life, so why not kill another one today?'"

Inside the tavern, an old man spoke passionately.

There are many bards in the continent of Aika, but the bards' speech is often too obscure and difficult to understand, requiring a certain cultural level to interpret. Therefore, there are other bards who can tell some easy-to-understand stories. Performing arts in big taverns and teahouses.

This old man just got a new story. His legs and feet are weak and he can't do heavy work, but by reciting books, he has been able to make ends meet in Linbei City recently.

"The blood moon hung high, darkness shrouded the earth, and clouds filled the air. But Duke Godzilla struck out with his sword and saw the blue sky. The Lord of the Abyss shouted: 'Impossible!'..."

When the old man recited the book, he would also play two roles, switching his expression and tone, as if he had really witnessed the battle.

The people in the tavern also listened with interest, and if they were interested, they would even give a grain coin.

Grain coins are a newly issued currency in the north. In order to ensure that the people in the north can have equal access to food after the disaster, as long as they work according to official instructions, such as farming and repairing cities, they can get grain coins. Fifty grain coins It can be exchanged for a bucket of rice, and a grain coin is enough for the old man to have a meal.

"Come on, tell me, what happened next? Did the Duke win?"

Someone asked impatiently.

The person sitting not far away from him smiled and said: "Why are you anxious? Dawn has come again, and the Duke has returned to the north to guard. Naturally, the Duke won that battle."

The old man who chanted the book didn't mind "spoilers" from the audience. After all, this was something that many people knew, but everyone liked the process he told.

When the old man finished narrating the thrilling battle, he also sighed with emotion, "The Duke is really a great hero who has not been seen in a thousand years. Not only is he well-deserved for the title of Guardian of Humanity, but he is also worthy of being called the Guardian of the Continent. It’s too much.”

Many in the audience followed the discussion and echoed:

"That's right, I heard some time ago that some people in the mainland scolded the Duke, saying that he ignored the overall situation to save foreign women, but our Lord Duke is so powerful that he even killed the Lord of the Abyss, and all prophecies were broken by him. This is a real man.”

"I heard that even the giant dragons in Dragon Nest were convinced this time. They didn't even dare to let out a single fart and just withdrew. I guess they doubted the prophecy, haha."

"However, it is not impossible to understand the thoughts of people from the mainland. I am ashamed. I have complained to the Duke in my heart before. After all, we are afraid. The sky is always dark, and the red moon is always hanging and penetrating."

"Brother, don't blame yourself too much. Just don't make noises. I've been afraid too. Who wouldn't be afraid? The Duke probably went there under huge pressure from public opinion. This is true love, and it still has strength. True love silences everyone."

"It's a pity that I heard that the Elf Princess still didn't go with our Lord Duke this time. What a good match, alas."

"Old Sith, I remember you said before that the Elf Princess is a foreign woman and not worthy of the Duke?"

"Go away, why did I say that? You remembered it wrong."

"But to be honest, Your Majesty the Duke is really kind. The former commander of the Great Wall, whose name was Gil, didn't care about the life and death of our civilians. When I fled to Carlos City, I was not allowed to enter, so I could only hide in with my wife and children. In the mountains, I was lucky enough not to be discovered by the creatures of the abyss, but it’s a pity... my daughter was too young and couldn’t bear it, so she starved to death, alas.”

"My condolences, brother, it's better for the Duke. Not only did he use his troops like a god, he recaptured the northern territory in a month and drove out those abyssal creatures. He also somehow created new seeds and kept everyone fed."

"I heard that the old man Moon God chose the Duke to walk the world on his behalf and benefit the people. Only with this new divine species can we have enough to eat."

"What about the Moon God? Although the Duke has passed the Moon God test, we humans don't believe in that. I heard that our Duke, when he commanded the Great Wall in his early years, discovered the bitter cold in the north. Since then, he has been researching new ones. He is a god. Twenty years. Do you know what the Duke has been doing in prison for twenty years?"

"do what?"

"Not only has the Duke not slackened on his fighting spirit and military skills, he is also constantly researching new seeds. He has always been thinking about the people in the world who don't have enough to eat."

"Hiss—twenty years, even if you are imprisoned with a bad name, you still don't forget our people who don't have enough to eat. How magnanimous is this?"

"No, if you ask me, the Duke is just being dragged down. If it weren't for his brother's mischief, our northern border would have been recovered faster."

"Be careful what you say."

"What is there to say? The royal capital has given up on us in the northern border, but we are still not allowed to curse? The situation in the northern border is obviously so dangerous, but it still does not give the Duke absolute military power. If the Duke hadn't decisively executed him That Gil, I don’t know how long the chaos will last.”

"Yes, that is a foolish king. We are all starving to death, and the tax burden has been increased. Even if the abyss does not come, we will have a hard time for a few years. If you ask me, the Duke is also the biological son of the late king, and he is also the eldest son. How can he not be regarded as such? king?"

"Yes, and it was the Duke who helped his younger brother secure the throne back then, but now his younger brother is ungrateful and has done evil things to our Lord Duke several times."

"Well, our Lord Duke is too trustworthy. A word from the late king has made him keep his word for the rest of his life. But you can't be too pedantic. It's really unreasonable for you to not resist even if a knife is put on your neck."

"It would be great if the king were our Lord Duke. The world would be a lot more peaceful. I don't know much. I just think that our Lord Duke is a good person if he is capable and broad-minded, and can also keep me fed."

"Despite the catastrophe, life is getting better and better. No more chatting. I will work overtime at night to repair the house I am responsible for."

“New seeds grow so fast, I don’t have to go hungry anymore~”


The people in the tavern were talking to each other, but the guest wearing a cloak sitting in the corner remained silent.

Just take the bad wine and drink it slowly.

After Lu Chen returned, he settled the Moon Wolf Clan's legions at the Great Wall and traveled by himself to secretly inspect the current living conditions of the people in the north.

The results made him quite satisfied. Everything was ready for improvement. Just after the catastrophe, there was no situation where the local rulers he assigned were exploiting the civilians. Although these civilians were still in poverty, everything was getting better and they were very satisfied with their lives.

The new seeds have now been planted all over the territory. The food grown earlier in the north and south will be enough to support the people of the whole territory this month due to the drastic population reduction in the north. When the food matures next month, everyone will be completely out of the food crisis.

Even now, people who work hard are well fed and clothed, and they even have enough food to relax after get off work.

The northern border has been decided, but the Great Wall is not safe.

A million defenders are not enough to deal with the massive attack of the Abyss. That is to say, the Abyss has been surprisingly calm recently, but the Abyss cannot be calm forever.

He needs to recruit troops again, but the northern border is too damaged, so he needs to focus on restoring construction, starting from the entire Keya Empire.

But he did not have the right to recruit troops at all. This matter had to be ordered by the king of the Keya Empire and approved by all ministers.

If there was a smarter king, there would be no need to mention the Northern Territory. The recruitment would have started when the Abyss entered the Northern Territory. However, the official recruitment plan had not started until the Northern Territory was recovered.

Apparently the one on the throne had ulterior motives and couldn't bear to see more soldiers under his command.

Lu Chen didn't want to wait anymore, and he didn't want to play these political games with his stupid brother.

Today is different from the past. He is sitting in the northern border, with a million troops under his command, as well as 30,000 Dawn Swords from the Moon Wolf Clan, and his reputation has skyrocketed.

I never looked at your face before, and I don’t need to anymore.

Just as Alex said, and as the people in the north thought at this time, if he wanted to lead the army, stabilize the Great Wall, and repel the abyss, he must make certain decisions.

Lu Chen stood up, threw a bag containing a hundred grain coins at the front desk of the tavern, and walked out the door.

"Huh? I thought I saw the man in the cloak just now. His face looked a bit like the Duke."

A middle-aged man sitting near the door said.

"Haha, have you drunk too much? Your Excellency, the Duke, has so many things to do, how can he have time to come to our place or drink in a tavern like this?"

Someone retorted with a smile.

"Haha, yes, but I just had one drink. This wine is too expensive, so I have to save my food coins, otherwise my wife will scold me again when I go back."

The middle-aged man scratched his head, but he felt that the man just now really looked like the Duke, a man he had met once on the streets of Linbei City.

Lu Chen walked out of the tavern and walked on the street against the winter wind, looking at the people who were still working hard even after sunset.

Their bodies are very tired, but their spirits are high. As long as people have hope and can run towards a better life, they have strong resilience.

When Lu Chen came out from the south of the city, it was completely dark. It was overcast today and there was no moon.

But above the wilderness, like fireflies emerging, like thousands of moons shining.

Under the light of the Moon Wolf tribe's eyes, each other's figures were illuminated. They were already covered with the best magic light armor, and the new armor of the knights on their backs reflected the glimmer of the Moon's eyes.

Silence, solemnity, dawning in the darkness.

Lu Chen jumped on Anarius's back, regicide and headed south.

"Set off."

Oh, when I say it’s late, I mean the later stages of the plot. There are still many chapters before the world is complete (`ω)

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