Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 541: Helping the local dog renew their relationship?

Lu Chen looked at this scene and thought that he didn't want to run away.

During the day, he is well-educated and sensible in front of everyone, but he is still a tomboy at heart. Coupled with this silly and cute image of a country dog, who else can be in this pair!

Before Lu Chen could speak, Xiao Yaya had already taken action. The ice mist surged, and the room was instantly plunged into a severe cold. In an instant, the native dog's body was enveloped.

But the miraculous thing is that the earth dog was not frozen. He activated his magic power and dispersed the ice mist. He stood on Li Xueyang and growled fiercely at Lu Chen and Xiao Yaya, like a protector. The Lord’s loyal dog.

However, the next second, sand and dust rose up from the dog's back, and a pair of scissors penetrated his indescribable position.

The native dog didn't care at all, and turned around with a "Don't worry, I will protect you" smile, which he thought was very handsome.

Little did they know that Lu Chen and Xiao Yaya looked extremely stupid, but in Li Xueyang's eyes, they looked like a monster with a ferocious and cruel smile. Was this because his sneak attack failed and he was going to kill him?

"You're not afraid of my ice."

Xiao Yaya was a little surprised, then she rushed up and kicked the dog away, and landed on the ground. "It's strange, sand foxes should be restrained by water."

Ice is also one of the forms of water, so it should be able to freeze the sand fox tightly.

The native dog, Fan Yunfei, looked at the man and the monster wearing funny masks in front of him, and his mind changed.

Seeing that the two people had no intention of harming Li Xueyang, they figured out the situation and found out that they were actually experts from the Li family who had invited to protect Li Xueyang.

But I clearly didn't mean to hurt her, I just wanted to convey my feelings, just like back then. Today is the 100th day.

Moreover, these two are too strong. Can the Li family invite such masters?

Of course, Xiao Yaya didn't know what Fan Yunfei was thinking. She rushed forward and pressed down, exhaling loudly, "Exorcism style!"

Since the effect of the ice demonic power was not obvious, she directly attacked the soul body, using a force-controlling technique that her sister had developed in the past two years.

Fan Yunfei judged that this move could not be taken forcefully. Their sand fox was not afraid of slashing or blunt blows. He was originally most afraid of water, but by chance he swallowed the thousand-year water-bending bead and turned into a sand demon who was not afraid of water. However, Of course, he still can't resist attacks that attack the origin of his soul.

Alas, there is no other way. I have been saving up my magic power for a long time. I just want to turn into a human form for a while when I confess my love today, so I can only use it now.

The quicksand surged, and the powerful demon power flashed away, knocking Xiao Yaya away.

Xiao Yaya was very surprised. She originally thought it was an ordinary sand fox, but she didn't expect it to be so strong.

Although she is young, she is considered a very powerful monster compared to the Demon King. The opponent deflected her attacks with ease.

The quicksand dispersed, and the moonlight from the window filtered in, illuminating the scene inside the house. A handsome black-haired man wearing a fur coat stood there, with a pair of short and thick fox ears that were very conspicuous.

"Two, two, two, I, I don't have any malice, I just want to express my feelings to Xueyang."

Fan Yunfei stammered, very shy.

At this moment, a figure jumped up from the bed, not caring that he was still wearing pajamas, and kicked Fan Yunfei in the face, "My cousin! You perverted stalker!"

Lu Chen watched this scene from the side, unable to complain. Should he say that Li Xueyang has a good heart, or that there is something wrong with her brain, or that she instinctively knows deep down in her heart that the local dog will not hurt her. In short... she is used to domestic violence.

Fortunately, she was just a local dog. If it had been a bad monster who was planning evil things against her, I'm afraid that this kick would have wiped her out.

"Sister Xueyang is so powerful! She even beat him so hard that he didn't dare to fight back!"

Xiao Yaya was very surprised at the side, watching Fan Yunfei skillfully squatting with his head in his hands while Li Xueyang dealt him a violent blow.

"Miss Yaya...what's going on?"

King Satsuma of the Far North jumped in from the back window and was puzzled when he saw this scene.


Li Xueyang beat him for a while and found that the pervert seemed to be fine. He was almost exhausted. He took a few steps back and said to Lu Chen and Xiao Yaya: "Punish evil and promote good. Please get rid of him."

Lu Chen and Ya Ya stepped forward, and Fan Yunfei immediately stood up. Powerful demonic power surged, and the earth began to tremble. All the sand and dust on the border of the Western Region and Wangxi City rose into the sky.

It was night at this time, otherwise countless people would have seen such a wonder of heaven and earth.

"Miss Yaya, this is the top powerhouse of the Sand Fox Clan, no... I seem to have an impression of this face..."

King Satsuma of the Far North felt the surging power in the world and the surging demonic power on the opponent, his face turned livid, "It's over, it's over, this seems to be the strongest man in the Western Region, Fan Yunfei!"

Yaya felt the demon power in Fan Yunfei's body, and her expression behind the mask froze, "Sunset...should"

When Li Xueyang heard what King Satsuma said, his face was full of shock, and he took a few steps back in fear, "This, is this the legendary Great Demon King?"

She said it all in her heart, her parents were superior and her daughter was unfilial and had caused great trouble to our family.

Alas, it’s all my fault for my beautiful appearance that led to this misfortune.

Lu Chen didn't know Li Xueyang's mental activities, so he glanced at the Extreme Northern Satsuma King, "Brother Guyi, what kind of eyesight do you have? Does this demon power look like the Demon King?"

At this time, Fan Yunfei is at most a stronger Demon King, far away from the Demon King. Moreover, he is probably just bluffing people. This move of Ten Thousand Sands Returning to the Sect may not be finished before it is released. Turned back into a bitch.

"Guys, guys, please don't, don't embarrass me, I, I just want to have a few words with Xueyang."

Fan Yunfei stammered.

"Who are you? I don't know you. Why are you always pestering me?"

Li Xueyang mustered up his courage and said angrily.

Lu Chen smiled and looked at Fan Yunfei, "What if we don't retreat?"

Fan Yunfei was a little anxious, "No, if you don't leave, I, I, may, will, hurt you."

He continued: "My, my, Wansha..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, there was a bang, sand and dust flashed by, and he fell from the air and turned into a local dog again.

A figure rushed in from the window and caught the native dog before he landed. It was a fox demon girl with blue-purple hair and eyes. She held Fan Yunfei in her arms and said, "Your Highness, you can only have half a day now." If you use such a powerful move with an hour of mana, it will turn back directly. What if you are taken away as a local dog?"

She looked at Li Xueyang with an unkind look, "You woman, why are you so ungrateful? Our Highness pursues you so sincerely, and yet you beat him up."

She snorted in her heart, it was exactly the same as...three hundred years ago.

"Is he really the prince of the Western Region, the rumored top master, the Great Demon Emperor?"

Lu Chen asked knowingly.

Xiaoli, Fan Yunfei's childhood sweetheart and secretary, said proudly: "It's our Highness, are you scared?"

Xiao Yaya pointed at Fan Yunfei in Xiao Li's arms, holding her stomach and laughing: "Hahaha, look at the sunset, the number one master in the Western Region is just a local dog, so weak, hahaha!"

"You! How dare you interfere in the affairs of our Western Region royal family!"

Xiaoli said angrily.

Lu Chen sighed and took off his mask, "Sister Yaya, you forgot, it's time to call me to punish the evil envoy."

I make my own rules, but I always forget them.

Xiao Yaya's laughter suddenly stopped. She realized that they were exposed and took off her mask. "It's all your fault. You didn't pose with me during the day. I lost the sense of agency!"

Lu Chen:......

Can you blame me for this?

Xiaoli saw the two of them taking off their masks, and then saw Xiaoyaya's folded ears, " demon?"

Xiao Yaya said proudly: "Exactly, and you don't have the right to say that we are children, you obviously are too!"

Yaya is right, Xiaoli has not grown up yet, and her height is about the same as Yaya.

Xiaoli didn't refute this time. After being stunned for a while, she bent down and saluted: "You guys with great magic power, can you help our Highness to complete the reincarnation and renew the relationship? Once the job is done, I will give you a big thank you!"

This time it was Xiao Yaya's turn to be stunned. She didn't expect that the other party was actually their Tushan client.

Xiaoli looked at Li Xueyang and said, "This lady is actually the reincarnation of our prince's concubine. Our Highness has been pursuing her for a long time without success."

"Huh? That's inexplicable."

Li Xueyang was a little confused about the situation.

Lu Chen asked: "Why don't you go to Tushan to apply for the assistance of the Red Thread Immortal instead of pursuing it yourself?"

This is what he has always wondered about. In fact, the task of renewing the relationship between the military girl Li Xueyang and Fan Yunfei is very simple, but he has waited for a thousand years and failed to renew their relationship. Tushan's business ability is too bad, right?


"Xue Yang! Are you okay?"

Just when Xiaoli was about to explain, the door was pushed open, and Li Wanwan arrived. He was so arrogant before that he actually fell asleep. He was awakened by the movement just now and hurried over.

He looked at the scene in the room and was stunned for a moment. What's going on?

There are two sand foxes, and the other one is a female?

Who is coveting my daughter?

Ten minutes later, everyone was sitting in the teahouse. After Xiaoli explained, Li Wanwan's attitude actually changed.

When I heard that the person pursuing my daughter was the legendary Prince Fan Yunfei, the number one master in the Western Region, I immediately felt that... it wouldn't be a bad idea to marry my daughter off.

Although his family has some money, they are just ordinary people in the world. Everyone in Wangxi City will remember the legend of Fan Yunfei. He is a star-level monster.

Xiao Yaya gnawed on the melon produced in the Xixi Region, leaned close to Lu Chen and asked in a low voice: "Are you humans so quick to change your face?"

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed. He wanted to say no, but the reality was that few people could escape the temptation of power and money.

If it was an ordinary little sand fox harassing him, Li Wanwan certainly didn't want his daughter to be seduced by monsters, but Fan Yunfei was the prince of the Western Region, a noble among monsters, and someone who would become emperor in the future was also one of the best in the world. Master, such a golden son-in-law is hard to find even with a lantern.

"Dad, what are you talking about!? You want me to marry this bitch!? Even if I hang myself here today, there is no way I can do it!"

Li Xueyang is essentially a woman with a strong personality, and she is extremely disgusted with Fan Yunfei's behavior in the past few days.

Fan Yunfei, who was held in Xiaoli's arms, struggled with tears in his eyes. He had failed for many lives.

Lu Chen and Xiao Yaya also understood what was going on with the relationship renewal through Xiao Li's explanation.

The thing is, this is Li Xueyang's fourth reincarnation. In his first life, Tu Shan tried to pull the strings, but the red thread fairy was not very good at business and messed up.

The next few lives were very embarrassing, because Fan Yunfei was expelled from the royal family and said that he could not inherit the throne unless he abandoned the thousand-year water-controlling pearl and married Li Xueyang, so he was actually... penniless.

Tushan is not a philanthropist. There is no charge to come to the Misery Tree to make a wish, but hiring the Red Thread Fairy to help you renew your relationship does cost money.

Otherwise, with so many mouths open in Tushan, it is impossible to grow up drinking the northwest wind.

Tushan is pretty good now, but when Xiao Rongrong grows up and becomes the second boss, it will be the real "black-hearted company"

Fan Yunfei and Xiaoli have no money and cannot afford to hire the Red Thread Fairy. In addition, their first failure has weakened their confidence in the Red Thread Fairy. This stupid young man is ready to find his true love on his own.

But with the way he chases women, and he is still a local dog, it is strange that he can catch her.

Of course, Xiaoli and Fan Yunfei were now penniless and expelled from the royal family. They secretly told Lu Chen and Xiao Yaya. They did not dare to tell Li Wanwan, otherwise "father-in-law" might change his face again. .

"Sister Yaya, Tushan's business skills are not good. He failed last time."

Lu Chen smiled.

Xiao Yaya was a little dissatisfied and explained: "Sister said, renewing the relationship is just a chance, and the rest still depends on the fate. If it doesn't work, you can't blame others, so the monsters who renew the relationship in Tushan heard the most common sentence It's, 'Infatuated monster, please wait another life.'"

Xiaoli knelt on the ground and said, "Please help my Highness renew our relationship. As long as the relationship is successful, the Western Region will be grateful!"

Xiao Yaya enjoyed the feeling of others asking her to do things. She pretended to be reserved and said: "Well, I, Tushan Yaya, have taken this order!"

Lu Chen complained at the side: "Sister Yaya, apart from the fact that you just obtained the Red Thread Heavenly Book, you haven't performed any Red Thread Immortal mission yet..."

Xiaoli, who was kneeling on the ground, was instantly petrified. This sounded much more unreliable than the red thread fairy last time!

Xiao Yaya glared at Lu Chen dissatisfied, "Sunset, why do you always make trouble! Don't forget that you still have your share!"

Lu Chen knew that the other party was referring to revenge, but Xixiyu... wasn't very rich.

And he knows that even if Fan Yunfei succeeds in renewing his relationship, he will not be able to get back all the demon power for a while, and his rights after inheriting the throne will be hard to say. If he wants to be rewarded... he must refer to the miserable Bai Yue.

"Okay, I'll just... help a little bit."

Lu Chen said helplessly that helping Fan Yunfei renew their relationship was not within the scope of his main mission, because Eryi felt that the relationship between the couple was quite satisfactory, and there was no sadomasochistic relationship, so there was nothing wrong with it.

But since he encountered it, he just took care of it.

Moreover, he suddenly remembered something. Helping Fan Yunfei renew his relationship would be of great significance to one of his plans.

"Thank you so much, Great Immortal!"

Xiaoli thanked her. She felt that this human being looked much more reliable than Yaya.

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