"This is team A, No. 3. A local little girl broke in. I'm going to drive her away. The commissioner outside will take her out."

Bob put down the walkie-talkie and said to the little girl in Khoikhoi language: "Go home quickly, or the monster will come out and eat you soon!"

Sarah was driven away by the "vicious" look of her well-dressed uncle, and she was so frightened that she ran away towards the village.

Bob shook his head and smiled when he saw this, and sent a message to the commissioner outside: "She ran out, please pay attention."


This was just an hour in a boring night of exploration. Bob was once again focused on operating the instrument. This instrument was a life detector modified by the college's equipment department using UWB technology.

The high-power instrument can scan for signs of life within a fifty-meter radius and ten meters underground.

This kind of instrument is usually used to search and rescue people after earthquakes. It is obviously inappropriate to use it for geological exploration, but they are not here for geological exploration. They are here to find a certain creature, and the purpose is not to rescue that creature from the ground. , but to eliminate it.

Bob was very careful when operating the instrument. After all, it was produced by the Equipment Department. Every time he used something from the Equipment Department, he had to read the manual carefully. This time, as expected, he found a red skull logo on it. warning.

Well, this instrument contains a bomb function, and its yield is not small. It is more than enough to blow him to death.

He looked at the slightly undulating lines on the instrument, like horizontal lines, and reported on the public screen, "The A76 area has been checked, and there are no signs."


Sarah ran all the way out in one breath, took a breath after stopping, and showed a sly smile on her face.

She just pretended to be scared, because she knew that the uncle looked fierce, but he was actually a good person. They also bought the family's cattle and sheep. Her parents were very happy these days, saying they were going to send her to school.

She looked at this beautiful sea of ​​flowers and listened quietly to the sounds of nature. She wanted to hear if there was any beautiful singing tonight.

This is a secret of hers that is not a secret. These days, when she travels in the sea of ​​flowers at night, she can always hear strange singing, hidden in the waves brought by the evening breeze. She thinks that it is the voice of the God of Nature. She might He has the talent of a wizard.

But after she told the story to her friends in the tribe, they all laughed at her and said that she was lying. No matter how magical she was, it was still a lie. She just wanted to become a wizard in the tribe.

They also laughed at her, saying that she danced so poorly, like a stupid duck, how could she become a wizard in the future.

The Khoikhoi maintain animistic beliefs, worship natural forces and ancestors, and believe in witchcraft. Wizards are regarded as the most magical people. Their magic power is very great and cannot be compared with ordinary people. They have special magic power. They can not only exercise magic in the human world, but also go to the underworld to communicate with ghosts and gods.

The wizard has been Sarah's most fascinating identity since she was a child. She once met a wizard from a large tribe. He was really impressive. Everyone respected the wizard. During the sacrifices, the wizard performed dances to communicate with the gods, and they grazed animals in the coming year. Life will be much easier, everyone thinks so.

The friends didn't believe that Sara was very angry. She didn't lie. She did hear it and shouted into the sea of ​​flowers. The owner of the singing voice responded to her.

She believed that she had the talent to become a wizard, otherwise how could she hear the song of the God of Nature?

The God of Nature responded to her. Does that mean that the God of Nature also thinks highly of her?

So Sarah didn’t want to leave. Her father and mother said they would send her to school, but she heard that the children at school looked down on herding tribesmen. She wanted to stay with her father more than go to school and be ignored. Mom ran around on the grassland and grew up to become a respected wizard.

But she could not change what her parents decided, and the people in the tribe agreed to the outsiders' requests, happily sold their cattle and sheep, and prepared to leave the land.

She is leaving tomorrow, and she wants to say goodbye to the God of Nature, but she did not hear the God of Nature singing tonight.

Is it because the god of nature knew that the tribe abandoned this place and was sad? Is it because the arrival of outsiders disturbs the tranquility of the God of Nature? Is it because their exploration of this land makes the gods of nature angry?

Sarah didn't know, but she was disappointed. She had wanted to communicate with the God of Nature again.


"Anomaly found, abnormal found! This is area C78!"

A commissioner announced on the public screen, and all the commissioners, whether they were exploring or "standing guard" outside, immediately became energetic.

Executive Officer Putel, who was in charge of this mission, stood up in the command room and said, "Send the waveform frequency band over and let Norma conduct a comparative analysis!"

At the same time, he also mobilized most of the A-level elites to the C78 area to prevent possible sudden battles.

Norma's analysis was very fast. The combat specialists in the execution department had just picked up their guns and had not walked a hundred meters before they came to a conclusion.

Putel held his forehead in the command room and said, "Come back, everyone. It's a desert hare. There should be its cave down there."

The aggressive combat specialists froze when they heard the voice coming from the earphones.

Putel also sighed secretly. He was too nervous. He had some experience in using instruments and should have been able to draw conclusions directly after seeing the waveform.

He sat down and lit a cigarette. Originally, according to the style of their execution department, there was no need to take risks and explore slowly. After the local tribes moved tomorrow, they would directly penetrate the ground missiles to clean the ground. He did not believe that the one that was still sleeping The third generation species can still jump.

But this time the academy actually said it wanted to study the samples, and what was outrageous was that it also asked for them to be captured alive!

Capture a third-generation pure-blood dragon alive? Is it because the secret party's power has grown in recent years that they have inflated themselves, or are they too confident in the new S-class ace commissioner?

He has never performed a mission with an S-class, but he has heard about the other party's deeds. He is indeed an outstanding young man. He has no doubt that he can defeat the third generation species with the cooperation of the commissioners.

Do you want to capture him alive? Then we have to rely on pure hand-to-hand combat! In a battle of this level, ordinary hybrids cannot intervene at all. In other words, they are just here to fight as an outpost. A large number of A-level elite commissioners are said to be safe in this mission, but it depends on what the school directors mean. They are used as foils, they are just the exploration team.

This made Putel a little unhappy, but he always obeyed orders, and he also understood how significant a third-generation pure-blood dragon sample was to the academy's research, assuming that the S-class ace commissioner could really suppress the third-generation dragon.

"This is Area A81. An abnormality has been discovered. An abnormality has been discovered!"

A thunderous sound suddenly sounded from the public screen. Putel looked at the wavelength band that came from it. It was obviously not a small thing like a rabbit.

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