Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 574 Perfect Reincarnation Plan

Honghong's expression changed when she saw this, she took a step forward, then paused.

She felt that it was impossible for Lu Chen to hurt Feng Xi, and he should be trying to cut off the soul born of negative emotions.

Lu Chen was not using any force to kill the king at this time, but the invisible sword intention invaded Feng Xi's body.

He once had a swordsmanship called Soul-Severing, and he realized life and death again when he fought with Nidhogg.

The original artistic conception of the life-and-death sword technique is to sacrifice one's life and forget about death, and seek life from death. The soul-breaking sword technique originally had only an empty name, it was a vertical sword technique.

After his two reincarnations and realizing the five declines of heaven and human beings as secret blood warriors, he gained some new insights into the cycle of life and death and the soul.

The new artistic conception of swordsmanship is only in its infancy, and it means killing souls.

His regicide was originally capable of killing souls. According to this characteristic, he worked hard every day and gradually made this sword intention complete.

Today, he just wanted to try to see if he could really divide the soul with the sword's power and cut it without destroying it.

In Lu Chen's consciousness, he sensed the soul composed of the negative emotions of the Bitter Tree in Feng Xi's body, looking at him ferociously.

In reality, Feng Xi's face also became ferocious, as if he was suffering from great pain.

Finally, she seemed unable to control her body and let out a piercing scream, which was chilling.

Lu Chen remained unmoved, and the sword intent continued to approach deeper, until he stopped where the two souls met.

The so-called soul is an intangible thing. In his induction, two souls of different natures blend together and are indistinguishable from each other.

His knife intention cut a gap in the soul, but it couldn't "cut" it perfectly.

He had thought of things a little too simply before. What he was facing was not a situation like conjoined twins. All he had to do was cut off the connection points. Feng Xi's two souls were mixed together like a ball of mud. , he couldn't do it at all.

Sure enough...can't you try to take advantage of it?

Lu Chen withdrew the regicide, and Feng Xi's screams stopped. After recovering, she was trapped on the vines, breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

Lu Chen's knife intention not only hurt the part of the bitterness tree where negative emotions were born, but also hurt her original self.

"Sunset, how about it?"

Honghong asked with concern, hoping for a good answer.

Lu Chen shook his head, "My level is not high enough. If I cut it open by force, I'm afraid Aunt Fengxi's original soul will be basically killed."

Feng Xi raised her head tiredly and looked at Lu Chen, "Little Sunset... don't worry, I can still withstand it, and I can wait for the next life."

Lu Chen sighed in his heart, "I feel sorry for Aunt Fengxi to wait a few more years. I believe you have felt it just now. I have the ability to kill without killing, but now I am not in a good state to separate skillfully. Remember, you must have hope."

Feng Xi nodded and smiled reluctantly, "Little Sunset, don't push yourself too hard. If you focus all your time on practice, you will miss a lot. Your life is short, so stay with Yiyi more."

"Well, I will. Take care, aunt."

Lu Chen jumped down from the vine. Feng Xi's original soul was really that of a very gentle elder. He had received a lot of care in his previous life and would not let the other person be swallowed up by negative emotions like this.

Honghong took Lu Chen out of the cave, and when she saw Lu Chen leaving, she asked, "Where are you going at sunset?"

"Meditation, I didn't succeed just now, but I got some ideas."

Lu Chen waved his hand without turning around.

On the way to the sea of ​​flowers, he passed by the bitter tree and saw Xiao Rongrong who was meditating with her eyes closed.

Xiao Rongrong sensed someone coming, opened her eyes slightly and saw it was Lu Chen, and said hello: "Luo...Brother Luo."

Lu Chen:......

What the hell is Brother Luo? Do you want to show that you omitted the Japanese character?

You obviously want to call me a lolicon! ?

Xiao Rongrong squinted her eyes, and Lu Chen couldn't see her eyes clearly, but he suspected that this was definitely intentional.

"Sister Rong Rong, do you often practice under the bitterness tree recently?"

Lu Chen asked, everyone talks about their own issues.

"Hmm... I haven't practiced enough on the Forgetting Appointment Palm."

Rong Rong's words were a little vague.

Lu Chen looked at Rong Rong thoughtfully. The older Rong Rong was probably the one with the deepest thoughts among the three sisters. She probably already knew about Feng Xi, but she just didn't show it.

Sister Honghong didn't say anything, so she was considerate of her sister and said that she didn't know, and she didn't tell Yaya at the same time.

She has been practicing the Forgetting Pact Palm all these years, and she may have the same purpose as herself.

Forgetting Palm, when practiced to the extreme, can shoot things like people's souls out of the body. In the original work, Rong Rong used this move to shoot Jin Chenxi out of the body.

If you think about it carefully, in the original book, Rong Rong said that she only practiced this set of palm skills throughout her life, which is why there was such a qualitative change.

It turns out that the motivation is here.

It's a pity that by the time Zhongrong Rongzhang mastered his skills in the original work, everything was already too late.

"Master! Master!"

While the two were talking, a child's voice suddenly came from down the hill. Lu Chen turned around and saw a child with red lips and white teeth.

"Yan Ruyu, didn't you tell me not to come to me at this time?"

Rong Rong squinted her eyes and looked at the running child, "Yelling, how did I teach you?"

The visitor was Yan Ruyu, who had lived in Tushan for eight years. He was teleported back to Tushan by Lu Chen and Yaya, and was taken care of by Rong Rong. He became a disciple a few years ago.

Now that he has mastered the art of transforming thousands of faces, he can run very diligently in Tushan. When he meets people, he always asks if he is handsome.

"Master, I was wrong."

Xiaoyan Ruyu lowered her head to admit her mistake. When she saw Lu Chen beside her, she said happily: "Brother Sunset, you are back!"

Lu Chen touched Yan Ruyu's head. Yan Ruyu looked like a ten-year-old child now. With the growth rate of a cow ghost, she would be fully adult in about a hundred years.

"Did you listen carefully to your master?"

Lu Chen asked with a smile.

"I have practiced well and have become very proficient in the Thousand Faces Transformation Technique. Brother Sunset, do you think I look good?"

Xiaoyan Ruyu has a very lively temperament and is no longer as gloomy as before.

But Lu Chen knew that this was just an appearance, because Yan Ruyu still had low self-esteem in her heart, and once she returned to her ugly appearance, she would not dare to see anyone.

"I won't say that appearance is not important, but you also need to learn some serious magical powers from your master. Have you practiced the Moon Moon Palm well?"

Lu Chen asked, "Moon-Watching Palm" is another name Rong Rong uses for this magical power, because it sounds more beautiful.

Yan Ruyu's expression suddenly became stiff, "I also...have practiced."

Rong Rong looked helpless on the side, "Now that you have mastered the Qianyan Transformation Technique, you should pay more attention to your own cultivation, otherwise you will be bullied in the future."

Yan Ruyu asked doubtfully: "You will be bullied even if you are good-looking?"

"When you go out and meet the enemy, won't they kill you just because you look good?"

Rong Rong asked rhetorically.

Lu Chen watched this scene with great interest. Rong Rong looked like a girl of eleven or twelve years old, but when she spoke, she really sounded like a little master.

"Master, I understand. I will practice well. I will go back and practice Moon Watching Palm now."

Yan Ruyu nodded obediently and said that he respected the master who changed him.

Seeing Yan Ruyu slip away, Lu Chen said to Rong Rong: "Don't just teach him how to practice, how to be a human being or a demon, he should also learn the principles of life, otherwise he will suffer a loss if he goes out for a walk one day."

Rong Rong pondered for a moment, squinted her eyes and smiled, "I can't tell, brother Sunset, you do care about him."

"After all, I picked it up. I don't want to see him go astray."

Lu Chen smiled and said, it was like getting a vaccination in advance.

Although he didn't know if Yan Ruyu would not break the law or meet his lover after coming down the mountain, he had no reason to let Yan Ruyu grow crooked in order not to change the plot.

As for whether he can still meet Lu Jianwen, it depends on their fate.

"Well, I will teach him, but..."

Rong Rong said, shaking her head, "It's nothing."

She wanted to say that she didn't quite understand the outside world, after all, she hadn't been out much.

When Lu Chen saw that Rong Rong was ready to continue practicing, he stopped disturbing her and headed to the sea of ​​flowers.

When the little flower demons saw Lu Chen, they all hid far away, leaving Lu Chen speechless.

I won’t exploit you now, why are you still so afraid?

He sat in the sea of ​​flowers, listening to the rhythm of nature, and his heart gradually calmed down.

His sword intention entered the country, and he couldn't rush it. While he was delayed, he needed to solve a big matter.

That is my next reincarnation.

He had already suffered enough losses last time and wasted hundreds of years. This time he would not be like that again in this reincarnation.

In the main mission, ensure that all members of the masked group survive after leaving the circle. This mission does not require that he and Eriki are both present.

In other words, if Lu Chen can train the mask group to be impeccable and tell them everything they need to pay attention to when going outside the circle, even if he doesn't follow, the people in the mask group will not die after going out, and the main mission will be completed.

Of course, to be on the safe side, he would follow him out, while Eriyi stayed in the circle to provide support. There was an "artifact" between them to ensure safety.

The missions of Dongfang Yuechu and Tushan Honghong are different. The missions clearly state that they need to "witness"

The so-called witnessing definitely means someone who is watching from the sidelines, and at least has experienced important events together.

If he died and remained silent for a hundred years, Eri's mission might be completed, but he would definitely fail.

Therefore, he must find a way to reincarnate perfectly before his life span runs out.

In his last reincarnation, he figured out the method of reincarnation in the Red Immortal Heavenly Book. After thinking about it carefully, he found three key points.

First, the reincarnated parents originally wanted to name their child "Sunset"

Secondly, he also needs to be able to perfectly replace that identity, such as Nangong Sunset, who was accidentally thrown to death by the housekeeper, and he replaced the civet cat with the prince.

In the end, he didn't die at all. After the five declines of heaven and man, the anti-young poison he experienced was exactly the same as the anti-young poison in the southern country that he had studied before!

In other words, when he died, he was poisoned by space or the Red Immortal Heavenly Book with a super-potent anti-young poison, and when he began to "reincarnate", he never detoxified himself.

The whole process seems to outsiders to be a mysterious reincarnation, but after a thorough analysis, it is found that it is basically a "simulation"

If this process is not random luck in space, but only needs to meet some conditions, and the Red Immortal Book will "detoxify" him, he will be able to complete the control of his reincarnation!

At present, these are just some conjectures. If he wants to complete a controllable reincarnation, among the three points, the first two points are the most important, and he needs to plan in advance.

He already had a rough plan in mind, but he still needed to do another verification and discuss it with Eriyi when he came back.


While he was thinking, the girl's voice came, and the next moment, Lu Chen felt that the world was freezing to the bone.

He sat cross-legged on the ground without getting up, waving his arms sideways, the strong wind surged, the sea of ​​flowers swayed, and countless ice crystals and flowers flew.

"Sister Yaya, why are you still playing sneak attacks?"

Lu Chen smiled.

Yaya, who had just come out of seclusion, held her waist with one hand and pointed at Lu Chen, "I obviously called your name, how can it be considered a sneak attack!"

Lu Chen looked at Yaya. If Eryi was here, he might secretly complain about being unscientific again. Well, it is indeed unscientific.

"You seem very confident today. Did you gain anything from seclusion?"

Lu Chen looked calm.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't even get up, Yaya felt inexplicably annoyed, "Today I will beat you to a pulp and remind you of your childhood!"

Lu Chen stood up helplessly, holding one hand on the hilt of the regicide knife, "Okay, okay, I'll also help Sister Yaya recall the past."

Thirty seconds later, Yaya squatted on the ground covering her head, "Damn it... why did you become so strong when you grew up!"

She felt ashamed and angry, why do you always hit me on the head? What if I don't grow taller? ?

Sure enough, I couldn't beat him again. If I had known that I would have found more opportunities to beat him when Sunset was a child!

Without asking, Lu Chen could probably guess what Yaya was thinking. He looked at the messy sea of ​​flowers and felt sorry for the flower demon for a second.

"What are you thinking about? Why are you so distracted today?"

Yaya asked doubtfully.

"No, I'm just going to go out for a walk and confirm some things."

Lu Chen looked to the west.

Yaya cheered up, "I haven't been out for a long time, how about we come together?"

Lu Chen thought for a while, "Baye and the others also said last time that they haven't seen eldest sister for a long time. It just so happens that we can come together."


The full moon was high and stars were dotted. In the forest outside the backyard of Yang Mansion, a small figure sat cross-legged on a big stone and breathed out.

On weekdays, this place is a place where the Yang family competes, but at night it is deserted and the most secluded place. Yang Mi likes to practice here very much.

The most important thing is that sometimes when my brother comes back, he will meet me here and secretly teach me two moves.

Little Yang Mi admired his brother very much. He was handsome, smart and gentle, and he was also the number one genius in the Yang family.

He has been thinking, if he practices hard, will he be like his brother when he grows up?

"Your breath is messed up, so you need to meditate when practicing."

While Xiao Yang Mi was thinking, he suddenly heard a gentle male voice and opened his eyes in surprise.

On a branch under the moon, a figure stood there, wearing a green and white Taoist robe, long white hair dancing gently in the night wind, a gentle smile on his face, and a deep and charming purple eye on his forehead.

"Brother Yitan!"

Xiao Yang Mi stood up. Just now he was thinking that his brother hadn't been here for a long time, but he didn't expect to see him today.

Yang Yitan drifted down, "I won't see you for a long time. Let me check your physical condition and see if you have slacked off in your practice."

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