Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 58 Awakening (Please recommend a ticket)

It is difficult for anyone to enter this sea of ​​flowers, let alone a young girl?

But these flowers did not stop her. Wherever she passed, the group of flowers changed, as if welcoming a king.

Could it be that the third-generation species had already awakened and turned into a little girl from Khoikhoi, hiding in the tribe?

Bob was terrified, standing in front of him might be a noble three-generation pure-blooded dragon!

But the next moment, he overturned his thoughts again, but the panic on his face did not recede, because the ground under his feet was trembling!

Accompanied by his struggle and the little girl's exclamation, the ground cracked and churned, and a bronze coffin rose from the ground.

At this moment, thunder roared in the sky, and the sea of ​​flowers fluttered and danced, as if playing a grand song for the coming of the king!

In just a short while, thunderclouds were densely covered, and heavy rain poured down. The sea of ​​flowers was nourished by the rain and grew wildly. The cut flowers on the other side also began to regenerate. The existence in the world came and cheered, and it was like a sinner in hell reaching out to grab the door of heaven!

And before Bob was rolled up by the branches and lifted into the air, he subconsciously hugged the little girl. The owner of the bronze coffin is the third generation, so what is this little girl?

He had learned in the course of the college that certain noble pure-blooded dragons need sacrifices when they wake up, special sacrifices, which are the bloodlines they have arranged long ago, and have been passed down in hidden tribes for thousands of years. And the bloodlines of these sacrifices are often admired and revered by the people in the tribe, revered as wizards, and worshiped as witches!

Wizards or witches organize sacrifices in the long years before the dragons wake up, praying to the gods to bring them good weather and accept people's respect and cheers. During this time, they will forget their original mission...until the noble existence wakes up.

They will incarnate as the most devout believers of the gods and perform the grand sacrifice, and the sacrifice is themselves.

Bob understood why the little girl was not blocked by the sea of ​​flowers. She ran to the God of Nature she believed in, but she didn't know that she was falling into the arms of the God of Death.

She thought those flowers respected her like a princess to make way for her, but she didn't know that the guards were sending the sacrifices to the altar. The swaying branches were indeed rejoicing and jumping for joy, but it was not for the girl, but for the sacrifices Sent, and saluted for the imminent recovery of their king!

"We were wrong, very wrong."

Bob said in a low voice, he didn't know whether to tell his companions in the public channel or to himself.

In recent years, the secret party has attacked several third-generation species, and he was fortunate enough to observe it once from a distance. He believed that the power of hybrids combined with technology has become stronger, and the third-generation species is not a concern.

But he forgot that the crusade he had seen was a three-generation species who had been sealed for thousands of years. The coffin was like an iron virgin in a torture tool, and thousands of steel thorns pierced through that once noble body. Far from being in a perfect state, the weak ones are less than one-tenth of their strength at their peak!

And what they are going to crusade now is a third-generation species that is normally cocooned. After thousands of years, or even thousands of years of sleeping, its power may have returned to its peak!

Now that noble existence just needs a grand ceremony to announce his return to the world.

And the song of the ceremony will be played with the wail of life, and the fireworks of praise will be the blood mist floating under the moon.

The bronze coffin was slowly opened, and Bob stared at it with wide-eyed eyes, not daring to shift his eyes a little bit. He might die today, but he still needs to see clearly in what hands he died!

As the coffin lid was opened, he finally heard the singing voice of the little girl. It was a singing voice that seemed to come from the ancient times. It was melodious and full of endless loneliness.

The being in the bronze coffin sat up, the sky was thunderous, the rain was falling, and the sea of ​​flowers was like a witch in troubled times, dancing gracefully to welcome him.

In the command room, Putel looked gloomy, turned on the communication, and initiated a call to the headquarters of the executive department on the other side of the ocean: "This third-generation species is beyond imagination. Start a backup plan first, just in case."

The executive department never fights unprepared, even if they are just an investigation team, they have emergency plans!

At the nearest US garrison base here, there are two F-35 stealth joint fighter jets, which have already taken off with Alchemy missiles.

At the same time, he repeatedly urged to ask where their S-rank ace commissioner was.

If this matter cannot be resolved by the S-level, then the secret party will let the dragons see the power of technology! This is the desert of South Africa, there are no civilians in the target area, they are unscrupulous!

On Bob's side, he was holding a "civilian" in his arms. A series of mutations made him forget to report to his superiors, but it didn't matter anymore. Soon he and the little girl would die in the hands of the third generation.

Inside the bronze coffin, three thousand black silks were scattered and scattered on the blue silk made of unknown material. The silk has not faded even after thousands of years, outlining the enchanting figure of a woman like a flower branch.

Thousands of years have not left a mark on the woman's face. The polished skin is illuminated by the fluorescence of the sea of ​​flowers, like the best jade, and the near-perfect facial features are amazing. No, She is one of the gods!

Bob saw the golden pupils he had never seen before, the dazzling light seemed to be the only one in the world, the wind was howling, and the sea of ​​flowers was boiling. If this is a tribute, the prelude to the climax has come to an end.

The woman's vermilion lips parted slightly, and the melodious and immemorial singing came from her mouth. Her eyes looked at Bob and the girl who were entangled in the air by the flowers and branches. For a moment, Bob felt the overwhelming majesty, that was Mount Tai. , is frenzy!

He couldn't look at this noble existence at all, and the other party didn't look at him, but at the girl in his arms.

Sara finally noticed something. The blood in her body was pulling her, but she was panicked in her heart. She watched the beautiful sister want to kneel and kowtow, and the unstoppable sense of admiration in her heart washed her brain. But a stronger emotion overwhelmed the feeling—it was fear.


Sarah couldn't help crying at last. At this moment, she didn't want to see the God of Nature, and she didn't want to be a wizard anymore.

Bob also smiled wryly, thinking that you know you're crying at this moment, it's useless!

Fortunately, he saw hope, and the commissioners arrived, and the weapons of the cold light split open the flowers, and the golden pupils lit up, looking at the noble woman.

For a moment, everyone felt the sense of surrender brought about by the suppression of the blood in their bodies. If they were not all A-level elites, they might not be able to hold the sword at this time!

The woman lowered her head slightly, glanced at these mixed races, and frowned slightly. How noble she is, and at this moment, some untouchables raised their swords against her!

These lowly fire stealers should kowtow in front of her!

The vermilion lips parted lightly, and the invisible realm opened.

The commissioners froze in place before they launched the attack, and their weak knees began to bend. As the field strengthened, some people finally couldn't bear it and fell to their knees.

Word Ling. King Power!

Thanks to [Aixinjueluo] for the reward of 7000 coins! Thanks to [Capricorn Sheep] for the reward of 600 points! Thanks to [Beloved TSY] for the reward of 1000 points, thanks to [This life must be a white prostitute] for the reward of 600 points, thanks to [Shangcheng Yeyu] for the reward of 500 points, and thanks to [Mr. Lulululu] ] 300 coins for the reward, thanks to [Wu Xiaoshuang QAQ] for the 100 coins rewarded, thanks to [book friend 20200408142123042] for the 100 coins rewarded, thanks to [passing by and confused] for the 100 coins rewarded, thanks to [Executive] 】The 100 coins rewarded, thanks to [Where is the eternal enemy] for the 100 coins rewarded, thank you [Please call me male god brother] for the 100 coins rewarded, thank you [book friend 20170130183740092] for the 100 coins rewarded Count coins, thanks to [Three Drumsticks a Day] for tipping 200 coins, thank [Talking Eraser] for tipping 200 coins, thank [Chu Mo nono] for tipping 100 coins, thank [X Zhi] for playing Thank you [Zero 13] for the reward of 100 coins, thank you [book friend 20200208162555405] for the reward of 100 coins, thank you [Hell Sniper 1] for the reward of 100 coins, thank you [Chasing the Boundless] Twilight] for the reward of 100 coins, thanks to [Fenghua Peerless Tingting] for the reward of 100 coins, thanks to [Book Friends 20190619162116520] for the reward of 100 coins, thanks to [Tiger Sniffing the Rose] for the reward of 200 coins

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