Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 74 Tamamo-mae (please vote for recommendation)

In the end, Yuan Zhisheng spoke, "Although I won't arrange a nightclub in Takamagahara for you, the place hosting you tonight can be considered to have enough 'Japanese style'."

Speaking of the last few words, Yuan Zhisheng gritted his teeth. This was also part of their planned plan.

If the arrogance of the headquarters delegation cannot be suppressed at the airport, then find another place.

"Oh? I'm starting to look forward to it."

Caesar smiled. It didn't matter whether he went to Gao Tianyuan or not. As long as it was local and top-notch, he liked it.

Lu Chen was thinking, this Japanese branch seems to have a big business, so it should have enough food for dinner, right?

Chu Zihang was simple. He hugged Murasame, closed his eyes and calmed down without saying a word. He seemed to be the anchor of the team.

"Speaking of which, you just pick up the plane and engage in such a big fight, it's like a terrorist attack. People who don't know better would think you are gangsters."

Lu Chen glanced at the long motorcade through the rearview mirror.

However, Yuan Zhisheng's words shocked everyone in the back seat. Even Chu Zihang opened his eyes, "We are the underworld."

Lu Chen and the others looked at each other, obviously not expecting that the Japanese branch of Kassel Academy, which was packaged as elegantly as an aristocrat, would actually be composed of the underworld... This is really to do as the Romans do, but this "doing as the Romans" is too much!

One side is an educational institution, and the other side becomes an evil force?

No wonder all the seniors in the college who have been on missions to the Japanese branch always talk about him when it comes to Japan. Lu Chen thought of the principal saying that the Japanese branch has become arrogant in recent years and is very unfriendly to the executive commissioner of the headquarters. This is obviously This is the territory of old bastards!

When Yuan Zhisheng saw the silence of the people behind him, he thought he had shocked the other party, and couldn't help but feel a little satisfied. However, this satisfaction was interrupted before it lasted ten seconds.

"Can I go see the scene of your underworld fighting? I've only seen it in movies before. I think the actual scene will be more interesting, right?"

Caesar spoke, with an expectant look that didn't seem to be fake.

Lu Chen was also interested. As for the fear of the underworld? How could something like this scare him?

In his mind, the underworld is a gang, and in his previous life in the great Eastern country, there were many Jianghu sects. After the war started, they were all recruited, and those who refused to obey and started troubles were destroyed. He personally visited a few of them to "visit" them.

But he has never seen the underworld in Japan's modern society, and it sounds like he is quite interested in it.

Chu Zihang didn't express an opinion. In his opinion, it would be the same wherever he went. But he had time and wanted to visit Chidori Deep. He heard that there was a long row of cherry trees there.

"Then I guess there won't be such a project tonight."

The corner of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth twitched, thinking to himself, what do you think of the Japanese underworld? Also the movie, are you watching High School?

If there were fights every day, there would be no need for the Sheqi Eight Family to exist.


Sakura parked the car and they arrived.

Along the way, Caesar and Lu Chen had a lot of exchanges with Yuan Zhisheng. When they heard that the Japanese underworld was managed by the Japanese branch, Lu Chen and Caesar lamented that the Japanese branch was really a "dark and evil force."

When he learned that Yuan Zhisheng was actually the head of the mafia family, Caesar even teased: "I can't believe that you are the leader of the mafia at such a young age."

This made Yuan Zhisheng's face darker and darker, even though he was indeed one of the underworld leaders.

Before he came, his father told him not to reveal too much information about the Sheqi Eight Families, so he only said that the Japanese branch was managed by several mixed-race families.

Lu Chen raised his head and glanced at the giant neon sign hanging in the night sky - Tamamo Mae Club.

He also had some knowledge of Japanese culture in his previous life. Tamamo Mae was a legendary beauty in Japan who transformed from a white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox. Because of her broad knowledge and stunning beauty, she was called the most talented woman in Japan.

From this name, it’s easy to guess where this place is.

When Yuan Zhisheng led the way, he introduced: "This is the most luxurious club under the family. If you say you like the top, the family will of course bring the top to entertain you. Tonight is a welcome reception for you, so don't be restrained."

Pushing open the door, you will see another world.

The ground is made of seamless crystal glass, and the colorful lights change like flowing clouds under the feet. Looking up, you can see the quaint wooden pillars and red tooth cornices. The vermilion stairs spiral along the four walls like dragons and snakes, as if to lead people to the place. The kingdom of heaven is like seducing people into falling into the abyss.

Girls wearing half-revealed kimonos of various colors lined up on the dance floor. Their bodies were smeared with gold powder, just like the golden-skinned Tamamo Mae in myths and legends. When the door opened, dance music played, and dozens of pairs of golden long legs were stretched. Dance tightly, the hem is flying, and the intoxicating fragrance floats in the hall.

The band on the second floor is much cleaner, wearing traditional kimonos and playing various musical instruments dignifiedly. Each girl's performance level is a master level, but any master will say "immoral" when seeing the performance in front of him, and then ...keep watching.

Caesar boasts that he has reached the pinnacle of luxury and enjoyment. He even owns an entire lace maiden dance troupe. Compared to this scene, the scene in front of him is undoubtedly vulgar to the extreme, but vulgarity is elegance.

What's more, if the scene in front of you is a secondary painting, then it seems to be made of the best ink and painted by a top master. Even if the content is extremely extravagant and luxurious, it still shows the elegance of an immortal.

If Caesar hadn't just had his heart set on something, and thought he wasn't the kind of person that stud stud is, he might have rushed in and been crowned with bliss in a short while.

The reactions of Lu Chen and Chu Zihang were relatively dull. Chu Zihang's face was paralyzed and he would not show any surprise even if he was surprised. Lu Chen was not interested in such bells and whistles and had no level of appreciation for music and dance.

Yuan Zhisheng seemed a little impatient. After raising his hand, the dance stopped early, and the dancers bowed together, "Welcome to the visiting delegation from Kassel."

Caesar nodded. People in the student union told him that the Japanese nation is very ingenious and it seems true.

Following Yuan Zhisheng's footsteps, they went up to the second floor and passed through the area where the railings were. It was a traditional Japanese living room. The plain space was in sharp contrast to the luxury outside.

The floor is covered with tatami mats, and on the tatami mat is a long table, which is filled with all kinds of seafood. Judging from the color and luster, they are all freshly caught. The top chefs prepare the platters and present them to the distinguished guests.

There is a plain white vase in the center of the long table, with a winter plum inserted in it, bringing a refreshing atmosphere to the space.

The two rows of girls sitting on their knees are completely different from the ones outside. The homogeneous characteristics of coquettishness and purity are inferior to them. They are like blooming flowers in their respective fields, which makes people unable to help but Want to explore its inner beauty.

The old man in black feathers at the end of the long table must be the owner of this place. Lu Chen looked across the long table and through the winter plum to look at the old man. He saw the fire hidden in the old man's eyes.


This Saturday, Sanjiang is the only one who will be promoted. Please support me with your recommendation and votes. In addition, you can invest and get lucky bags as soon as possible.

Note: The little monster will come out within the next three days

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