Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 77 Heads of the Eight Sheqi Families

At this time, Chu Zihang and Caesar also came back, but the two beautiful girls were not together, so the outcome of the battle was clear at a glance.

After they sat down again, several girls carried Kotono and Sejinko back. There were no scars on Kotono's body. The original red fingerprints on the back of Bai Jiu's neck told the way of her defeat.

As for Shi Jinzi, there was a deep red long mark on his forehead. Judging from the width and style, it should have been cut with a scabbard. No wonder when the two of them went up the stairs, Lu Chen heard Caesar's teasing voice saying that Chu Zihang "doesn't know how to show mercy to women."

Of course, the noble prince in Italy knows how to show love and cherish the jade, but if he hadn't caught the flaw, Kotono's fate would not have been much better. Loving the girl and cherishing the jade is his noble demeanor, and going all out in the battle is his respect for the enemy.

These two genius girls with A bloodline are very good, but they met the two most capable people in the academy besides Lu Chen.

"The Sheqi Eight Family did not provide good hospitality today, but we have prepared a place for you to stay."

Yuan Zhisheng stood up. It was obvious that this banquet could not continue. No matter how fast the sushi chef was, he could not prepare a new table immediately, not to mention that the place was already in a mess.

Today the Japanese branch suffered a complete defeat against the visiting delegation from the headquarters... in every sense.

"Why don't you try two moves?"

But at this moment, the young man who was sitting upright suddenly turned to look at Yuan Zhisheng, with a smile on his face, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was obviously not joking.

Seeing that Yuan Zhisheng did not answer, Lu Chen put his hand on the red maple on the table, "The branch sent you as a representative to pick up the plane, which means you should be the strongest at present. No need to refute, I can see it."

Yuan Zhisheng raised his hand to stop Sakura, who was tense, and said with a smile: "Today is not the time, but if you are interested, you can come to the Executive Bureau to find me."

In his opinion, his strength should not be used in such a meaningless victory, and the face of the family may not be that important. Since these people in the headquarters are here to demonstrate, it is good to let them think that they have succeeded.

With the previous rounds of "extraordinary moves", even if he defeated Lu Chen now, it would be of no avail, and it would also expose the fact that Japan has super hybrids.

The boy in front of him can no longer be classified as a simple S-level. Just like Principal Angers, they are aliens.

The strange boy is currently working for the academy and is their new sharp sword. Of course, the secret party can rest assured, but if he defeats this alien, it will attract further attention from the secret party. In his opinion, this is not a good thing.

Moreover, even if the dragon bone state is turned on, he is a little unsure of defeating this boy who is faster than him. And judging from the boy's strength, it is difficult to say whether Wang Quan can completely suppress the opponent.

What happens next depends on how dad arranges it. He has never been very fond of these machinations and intrigues.

"Although I'm here to observe..." Lu Chen paused and changed his words: "It's for investigation, but if the Executive Directorate has any interesting work, you can also call me. Of course, if you need a salary, you are welcome to pay with alchemical weapons."

Yuan Zhisheng had a dark face and thought to himself, you just wanted to say that you were here for "sightseeing"!


At this moment, in the mountains outside Tokyo, the howling cold wind blows through the charred torii gates and the roof of the shrine. The bare centuries-old cherry blossom branches in the garden are beating, telling the ruthlessness of the severe cold.

White lanterns were hung around the small pavilion in the courtyard, and the candlelight emitted a dense light through the white paper, illuminating the small space.

There is a charcoal stove on the wooden table, and on the stove is a Kansai iron pot. Water mist rises slowly from the spout to the beam on the pavilion. The white-haired old man in white linen clothes looks at the spout, his eyes drifting with the mist. .

Sitting opposite him was a relatively young man, who was handsome and upright, wearing old-fashioned tortoise-rimmed glasses, and his hair was neatly combed. He looked like a young teacher from a certain college. He was respectfully waiting for the old man's question. talk.

"Zhixiong, what are the results of the geological survey? Have you located the source of the anomaly in the past few days?"

The old man spoke and broke the silence in the pavilion.

"We changed our exploration methods and turned to study deeper underground rivers, and found a branch of an underground river flowing under Mount Fuji. The abnormal frequency is roughly within this range, but further investigation is needed."

Miyamoto Shio, the head of the Miyamoto family of the Eight Sheqi families, is also the director of the Yanliu Research Institute, and is currently the highest technical person in charge of the Eight Sheqi families.

"The college sent a visiting delegation, and they obviously caught some secrets. We don't have much time."

The water boiled, but the old man did not touch the iron kettle on the stove.

"I will definitely speed up the progress, please rest assured."

Shio Miyamoto looked serious and determined.

The old man stretched out his hand to lift up the iron kettle, but at this moment, a sharp cold wind blew by. The water mist that seemed to be rising up to the blue clouds was suddenly blown away. The white lanterns around the pavilion also shook for a while, and even most of them were extinguished. The light in the pavilion was It suddenly dimmed.

Miyamoto Shio couldn't help but shiver, not because of the biting cold wind, but because of this weird celestial phenomenon. What just happened was obviously very unlucky, as if there were hungry ghosts in the darkness devouring the light, chewing their Hope gave him a mocking laugh.

However, the old man paused, then smiled, picked up the iron kettle, and rinsed the tea bowl.

"The weather is a bit cold, but it will get warmer in a few months. If I come here to drink tea then, there will be cherry blossom snow floating in the courtyard, and the soft spring breeze will bring the fragrance of tea. It will be very pleasant."

The old man was talking while making tea, and his spring-breeze-like tone diverted Miyamoto's thoughts away, as if he had seen the season when all things revived and grew, and even his body felt a little warmer.

He also understood what the old man meant. As long as the eight Sheqi families survive this harsh winter, a hopeful spring is just around the corner.

The old man pushed the tea to Miyamoto Shizuo: "You are the most talented in scientific research among the younger generation. The revival of the Sheqi Eight Families will ultimately fall on you. I am old, and I have recently been considering giving up my seat to a young boy in advance."

Miyamoto Shio took it respectfully and should have drank the cup of tea according to etiquette, but when he heard the old man's words, he was so shocked that he froze in place for a moment.

"Master, do you want to abdicate!? But the young master is still very young, and you have always been in good health."

He respected the old man in front of him who had led the Sheqi family to a firm footing twenty years ago. He really couldn't imagine what the Sheqi family would be like without everyone.

Yuan Zhisheng is very good, but he is still too immature when it comes to managing the family.

"I'm just thinking about it. Don't panic. Children also need time to adapt."

The old man held the tea bowl in his hand, took a slow sip, exhaled a breath of hot breath, and looked up at the incomplete bright moon. For a moment, Miyamoto Shio couldn't figure out what the old man was thinking.

"What about the college delegation?"

Finally, Miyamoto Shio asked for advice.

"Just leave it to the naive people. There will be more topics for young people to talk about."

From an angle that Shio Miyamoto couldn't see, the old man's eyes were even more difficult to read.

Thanks to [You Can Call Me Lao Ba] for the 5,000-point reward, thank you to [Invisible Future] for the 1,500-point reward, thank you to [Capricorn Sheep] for the 500-point reward, and thank you to [No Good Name] Thank you to [Tianya \u0026 Die Wu] for the 500 point reward, thank you to [Wu Xiaoshuang QAQ] for the 100 point reward, and thank you to [It Doesn’t Matter Good or Bad] for the 100 reward. Point coins, thank you to [Beichen Xintai] for the 200 point coins, thank you to [Ren Xuan] for the 100 points, and thank [Yin] for the 100 points.

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