Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 780 Morning Embrace the Goddess


Lu Chen smiled, took the fish out of the pot, put it on a plate, and pulled down the folding table on the wall next to the bed.

"Goddess of Morning Embrace! How could you possibly be lucky enough to catch fish?"

Lu Lin was exclaiming. She swore that she had never seen her brother catch a fish when she was a child. Even in the fishing ground, if she hooked one by one, the other party would always catch nothing.

Lu Chen's face darkened for a moment, and he suddenly realized that there were similarities between himself and the original. They both seemed to be unlucky.

"Don't worry so much, maybe the goddess of morning embrace is taking care of us. To celebrate my recovery, she gave us a wonderful breakfast."

Lu Chen used the second-hand kitchen knife that Lu Lin bought to skillfully cut the fish into pieces and remove the bone spurs in the middle.

He actually didn't recognize this kind of fish, but he had observed it and found that it was not poisonous. It also had the advantage that, except for the bone spurs in the center, there were no longer any small spines inside the fish.

He picked up a bit of fish with a fork that he was not used to and put it into his mouth to taste it. It was indeed an epic quality ingredient. It tasted unusual even if you cooked it casually. "Sister, please use it."

He pushed the plate forward.

At this moment, Lu Lin looked at everything outside the window and finally realized that she was definitely not dreaming. Then she said with a sad face: "But I am late."

"Since you're late, don't go today."

Lu Chen smiled and said, although Brother Chu said that money obtained through normal channels in this world can be used for certification, how much money can Lu Lin make?

Although he will not rob a bank, he believes that after understanding the world, he can always find a way to obtain funds quickly.

If you can't think of it yourself, then go consult Brother Chu.

"How can that be done? If we are fired, we will have no source of income. After paying the rent this week, we will be kicked out by the stingy Pugins next week."

Lu Lin said with a frown on her face. It was difficult to explain why she had been absent from work for three days. If she didn't go today, she would probably find out that she had been fired if she went there tomorrow.

In this era of the Sistine Empire, there were no employee-friendly labor contracts. It was a paradise for capitalists.

"What's your salary?"

Lu Chen asked with interest, because the original owner was in a state of madness, and his clear memory was only before the age of ten, and everything thereafter was hazy, and he did not know the details of his sister's salary.

"Five shillings a week..."

As a clerical worker, Lu Lin handles paperwork and her salary is not high.

Lu Chen made a slight estimate, and found that his monthly salary was about two thousand. In the slums, he could definitely be considered an "elite"

But after excluding the eight shillings monthly rent, there was only twelve shillings left.

If Lu Lin were alone, this income would make her life much better, but with two mouths to eat at home, plus all kinds of daily necessities, and after she saved money to help her brother with medical treatment, she was very short on funds.

Every week in the past, Lu Lin would take her younger brother to an acupuncture shop in Shangcheng District, where an experienced doctor of the same race as herself would help with acupuncture, hoping to improve her younger brother's "brain disease."

Each acupuncture costs one shilling. Although his brother failed to transform from a madman to a normal person, he would sleep peacefully that night after each acupuncture, which convinced Lu Lin that it was useful.

Even now she is wondering whether it was the old doctor's miraculous medical skills that made her brother recover?

"I will also find a job. Sister, don't worry about money. Let's eat first and take a rest."

Lu Chen said with relief, "If you don't eat it, it will get cold."

Lu Lin looked at the attractive golden fish on the plate, swallowed, and pushed it out, "You can eat it first. I'm not too hungry. I'll wait until you finish."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Half for each person."

He separated the fish because it was a large fish, enough to fill the stomachs of two normal adults.

Lu Lin saw that the bone spurs had been removed from half of the fish in front of her. The aroma became more and more tempting. She couldn't bear it any longer. She carefully picked up a small piece with a fork and put it into her mouth. Savor.

Charred on the outside and tender on the inside, the natural fish meat is almost astonishing in the mouth, but there is still a hint of chewiness in the depths, accompanied by the aroma of salt and pepper, plus the abundant aroma of oil...


Lu Lin suddenly quit her intoxicated state and looked at Lu Chen, "How much oil did you use!?"

Lu Chen pointed to the empty oil drum next to him, "There isn't much left, so I used it all."

Originally, only the basics were left, and Lu Chen thought the fried fish was not enough.

Lu Lin's expression changed, "Brother, the fish is delicious, but please leave it to my sister next time..."

"It's almost cold."

Lu Chen pointed to the fish on the plate and opened the window to get some air.

Lu Lin struggled internally, but in the end she felt that it would be a big loss if she didn't eat now, so she immediately began to eliminate the Chinese food on her plate.

Although the food is delicious and tempting, she still pays great attention to the way she eats and swallows slowly. It is obvious that she had a good upbringing when she was young.

Lu Chen could understand Lu Lin's mentality. Once upon a time, he also had a difficult time, and he couldn't bear to use the food, rice, oil and salt.

After finishing the meal, Lu Chen washed the dishes and asked: "Sister, I feel like I have been in a daze for many years and I don't know much about today's world. You are a top student who graduated from the seminary. Can you tell me a little bit about it?"

Lu Lin wanted to step forward to wash the dishes, but seeing that Lu Chen had no intention of moving away, she caressed her belly and leaned back to stretch her body.

If you're late, just be late. I won't go today.

Once you think about some things, you will feel inexplicably relieved.

Lu Lin's mood was surprisingly good at the moment. She didn't know whether it was because of her brother's improved brain or because of the delicious breakfast. She looked at the world as if it was cast in a faint light.

"Well... Let's start with our Sistine Empire. After all, this is where we live. You need to have some common sense."

Lu Lin thought for a while and began to tell.

She asked her brother about these things, and she felt happy inside. This meant that the other person had really returned to normal and had a heart to face life bravely.

"The Sistine Empire was established at the beginning of the Third Era. It has a history of more than 1,300 years. The empire has a vast territory, with about 24 million people... Oh, brother, you haven't graduated from elementary school yet, I Let’s put it this way, there are about 2,400, 10,000 square miles.”

At this point, Lu Lin was a little worried, fearing that her brother would not be able to understand, so she asked again: "It's two thousand four hundred, ten thousand."

Lu Chen felt that the other person was like a kindergarten teacher guiding a child, and said helplessly: "I'm very good at arithmetic."

This is a lie!

But in this world, Lu Chen still considered himself to have advanced mathematical skills.

"One mile, how far is it approximately?"

Lu Chen asked.

"Probably, it's about ten miles from our place to the Jinkelan Church in the city."

Lu Lin stood up and pointed out the window.

Lu Chen made a rough estimate. One sili was roughly equal to 1.3 kilometers. If calculated this way, the area of ​​the Sistine Empire would be as large as three Europes, equivalent to most of Asia.

The overall density of this world is high, so the territory of the empire is not as outrageous as he imagined, but if you think about it carefully, it is indeed huge enough.

Because the current state of civilization of the Sistine Empire is probably similar to that of Europe in the Middle Ages on earth. It has not entered the industrial age. Transportation still relies on horse-drawn carriages and even the No. 11 bus.

It is really intriguing that the empire controls such a large territory without any problems.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't interrupt, Lu Lin continued: "The Sistine Empire has a total of eighty-seven provinces. Our Noah province is located in the southwest. It is not a very wealthy province. Each province is governed by a king. The designated nobles are responsible for the management and are awarded the position of governor, and their tenure is rotated every eight years. During their tenure, all matters, large and small, should be handled and reported to the royal capital every year."

"The various cities, counties, and towns in the province are dispatched by the governor for unified management. These people are awarded the position of consul, usually of noble origin, and they are also rotated every eight years."

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt that the royal family of the Sistine Empire was quite management-savvy, but as the saying goes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so they must have some special means to stabilize their monarchy.

"Does the Sistine Empire have an army?"

Lu Chen asked.

"Of course there is. It is said that there was a large-scale disarmament two hundred years ago. The royal family believed that it was enough to have an army to defend the royal capital. A large number of troops was a burden to the country, and because of the vast territory, the troops were stationed in remote areas for a long time. It was prone to problems, but a hundred and fifty years ago, the policy of disarmament stopped and turned to large-scale conscription."

Lu Lin explained.

"Is it because of the land of steam and machinery?"

Lu Chen thought about it and noticed the time point.

Lu Lin nodded, "Yes, the sudden rise of the country of steam and machinery has sounded the alarm for the Sistine Empire. Those heretics actually abandoned the gift of the Goddess of Morning Embrace and lied that there is no god in the world, setting off a frenzy. What is ridiculous is that in that barbarian land in the east, they actually stood firm and confronted our empire."

Lu Lin said, waving her little fist angrily, as if she was indignant that those people had abandoned the Goddess of Morning Embrace and abandoned their faith.

Lu Chen is really hard to judge on this matter. If it is a world without extraordinary power, then the country of steam and machinery in the East is obviously at the forefront of the times. It is undoubtedly carrying out a vigorous industrial revolution, and science and technology are constantly advancing. development, but the Sistine Empire is still "closed to the outside world", and it is estimated that it will be severely beaten in less than two hundred years.

This is the lesson of the times that Lu Chen experienced in his previous life. Their secret blood warriors are relics of the previous era, crushed by the mighty power of the new era.

But the Land Abandoned by God is not an ordinary world. Lu Chen is sure that the Sistine Empire possesses mysterious power and is very powerful, otherwise it would not be able to remain standing for many years.

"So how are the people of the land of steam and machinery doing now?"

Lu Chen continued to ask.

"It is said that the people are in dire straits, the air is polluted, the sky is gray, and the land is full of factories spewing thick smoke. A large number of people there get sick and die every day. Even if they take a few breaths of air, they will die. They must take care of themselves. You have to wear a special mask to go out.”

Lu Lin said seriously.

Lu Chen looked at this sister, "It is said?"

Lu Lin looked embarrassed for a moment, "That's what the textbook says. That country is too far away from us. How could I possibly have visited it, but I think there should be no difference."

Lu Chen was thoughtful and felt that most of the things in the textbook were not true. At least Chu Zihang said that steam had initial contact with the country of machinery, which felt good.

"Does the Goddess of Morning Embrace really exist?"

Lu Chen asked.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Lin's face changed drastically, and she quickly covered Lu Chen's mouth. She looked horrified, and stretched out her fingers and said: "Brother, you can't say this nonsense, of course the goddess exists, otherwise how would we be like today?" What about us?"

As she spoke, she took back her hand, crossed her fingers, closed her eyes and recited the prayer verse, asking the Goddess of the Morning Embrace to forgive her stupid brother.

Lu Chen looked at this scene without saying anything, but he was deeply aware of the influence of the church on the people in the Sistine Empire.

People like Lu Lin, who live in such hardships, still hold on to their faith and regard the suffering as a trial given by the goddess, and regard the improvement of their brother as a gift from the goddess. One can imagine how thorough the brainwashing is.

But maybe it's not just brainwashing. The church in this world should have extraordinary power.

When I was selecting the identity interface, I had seen the term "Night Watch", and this organization also appeared many times in the original owner's vague memory. They should be the church's team responsible for handling extraordinary events.

"Okay, here comes the goddess of morning embrace..."

Lu Chen said perfunctorily, and wondered a little disrespectfully if the Goddess of Morning Embrace really existed, how much progress could it add to the God Eater and Regicide?

"Sister, what is the position of the Church of Morning Embrace in the Sistine Empire?"

he asked again.

Lu Lin calmed down and explained: "The Church of Morning Embrace is the only divine religion in the Sistine Empire. It is officially because of the blessing of the Goddess Morning Embrace to the world that mankind has been able to live to the third era. Of course, everyone respects the faith. Even the coronation of a king must be approved by the pope."

After hearing this, Lu Chen understood the true inside story of this country. The king may not be the supreme power holder. The power of kings is divinely delegated. The pope who supports the Holy See is mostly the supreme power holder.

The Pope may not only be a powerful person, but also a powerful transcendent person in order to deal with the erosion of the world by the old gods.

From the details of Lanis, he learned part of the truth hidden behind this world. If the old gods are still alive and infiltrating the world secretly, how will the country of steam and machinery deal with it?

He wrote down this detail and prepared to let Chu Zihang investigate.

"I see. Sister, didn't you study in a seminary before? Then why didn't you become a nun after graduation?"

Lu Chen asked back. He knew from the memory of the original owner that Lu Lin studied in the theology department.

Lu Lin shook her head, "It's not that simple. To become a nun or monk, if you are not from a noble family, you must at least graduate from a seminary such as Wang Lite's. You must also pass the final examination, be recommended by three official priests, and obtain the Only with the signature of the regional bishop can one become a clergyman.”

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